2 resultados para Giftedness
em Open University Netherlands
In dit artikel staat het onderpresteren van leerlingen in het basisonderwijs centraal. Onderpresteren is opgevat als de discrepantie tussen intelligentie en schools presteren op het gebied van taal en rekenen. Met behulp van secundaire analyse van longitudinale gegevens uit de grootschalige PRIMA-cohort:studie zijn drie vragen beantwoord: 1) Hoe groot is de groep onderpresteerders? 2) Op welk moment begint (en eventueel eindigt) het onderpresteren? 3) Met welke leerling-en klaskenmerken hangt het onderpresteren samen? De analyse heeft betrekking op bijna 5800 leerlingen die in de jaren 2000, 2002 en 2004 in de groepen 4, 6 en 8 zaten. De resultaten laten zien dat er qua taal bij circa 20% en wat betreft rekenen bij 16% van de leerlingen sprake is van onderpresteren. Met name hoogbegaafde leerlingen gaan in de loop van hun schoolloopbaan onderpresteren. Tevens is er een aantal relaties tussen onderpresteren en andere leerlingkenmerken vastgesteld. De bevindingen maken duidelijk dat er zich nog een reservoir aan verborgen talent bevindt in het basisonderwijs.
Background. In pre-school and primary education pupils differ in many abilities and competences (‘giftedness’). Yet mainstream educational practice seems rather homogeneous in providing age-based or grade-class subject matter approaches. Aims. To clarify whether pupils scoring initially at high ability level do develop and attain differently at school with respect to language and arithmetic compared with pupils displaying other initial ability levels. To investigate whether specific individual, family or educational variables co-vary with the attainment of these different types of pupils in school. Samples. Data from the large-scale PRIMA cohort study including a total of 8258 grade 2 and 4 pupils from 438 primary schools in The Netherlands. Methods. Secondary analyses were carried out to construct gain scores for both language and arithmetic proficiency and a number of behavioural, attitudinal, family and educational characteristics. The pupils were grouped into different ability categories (highly able; able; above average; average and below). Further analyses used Pearson correlations and analyses of variance both between and within ability categories. Cross-validation was done by introducing a cohort of younger pupils in pre-school and grouping both cohorts into decile groups based on initial ability in language and arithmetic. Results. Highly able pupils generally decreased in attainment in both language and arithmetic, whereas pupils in average and below average groups improved their language and arithmetic scores. Only with highly able pupils were some educational characteristics correlated with the pupils’ development in achievement, behaviour and attitudes. Conclusions. Pre-school and primary education should better match pupils’ differences in abilities and competences from their start in pre-school to improve their functioning, learning processes and outcomes. Recommendations for educational improvement strategies are presented in closing.