45 resultados para time-dependent fluid flow

em Greenwich Academic Literature Archive - UK


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A number of two dimensional staggered unstructured discretisation schemes for the solution of fluid flow and heat transfer problems have been developed. All schemes store and solve velocity vector components at cell faces with scalar variables solved at cell centres. The velocity is resolved into face-normal and face-parallel components and the various schemes investigated differ in the treatment of the parallel component. Steady-state and time-dependent fluid flow and thermal energy equations are solved with the well known pressure correction scheme, SIMPLE, employed to couple continuity and momentum. The numerical methods developed are tested on well known benchmark cases: the Lid-Driven Cavity, Natural Convection in a Cavity and Melting of Gallium in a rectangular domain. The results obtained are shown to be comparable to benchmark, but with accuracy dependent on scheme selection.


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The pseudo-spectral solution method offers a flexible and fast alternative to the more usual finite element/volume/difference methods, particularly when the long-time transient behaviour of a system is of interest. Since the exact solution is obtained at the grid collocation points superior accuracy can be achieved on modest grid resolution. Furthermore, the grid can be freely adapted with time and in space, to particular flow conditions or geometric variations. This is especially advantageous where strongly coupled, time-dependent, multi-physics solutions are investigated. Examples include metallurgical applications involving the interaction of electromagnetic fields and conducting liquids with a free sutface. The electromagnetic field then determines the instantaneous liquid volume shape and the liquid shape affects in turn the electromagnetic field. In AC applications a thin "skin effect" region results on the free surface that dominates grid requirements. Infinitesimally thin boundary cells can be introduced using Chebyshev polynomial expansions without detriment to the numerical accuracy. This paper presents a general methodology of the pseudo-spectral approach and outlines the solution procedures used. Several instructive example applications are given: the aluminium electrolysis MHD problem, induction melting and stirring and the dynamics of magnetically levitated droplets in AC and DC fields. Comparisons to available analytical solutions and to experimental measurements will be discussed.


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The pseudo-spectral solution method offers a flexible and fast alternative to the more usual finite element and volume methods, particularly when the long-time transient behaviour of a system is of interest. The exact solution is obtained at grid collocation points leading to superior accuracy on modest grids. Furthermore, the grid can be freely adapted in time and space to particular flow conditions or geometric variations, especially useful where strongly coupled, time-dependent, multi-physics solutions are investigated. Examples include metallurgical applications involving the interaction of electromagnetic fields and conducting liquids with a free surface. The electromagnetic field determines the instantaneous liquid volume shape, which then affects the electromagnetic field. A general methodology of the pseudo-spectral approach is presented, with several instructive example applications: the aluminium electrolysis MHD problem, induction melting in a cold crucible and the dynamics of AC/DC magnetically levitated droplets. Finally, comparisons with available analytical solutions and to experimental measurements are discussed.


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The market for solder paste materials in the electronic manufacturing and assembly sector is very large and consists of material and equipment suppliers and end users. These materials are used to bond electronic components (such as flip-chip, CSP and BGA) to printed circuit boards (PCB's) across a range of dimensions where the solder interconnects can be in the order of 0.05mm to 5mm in size. The non-Newtonian flow properties exhibited by solder pastes during its manufacture and printing/deposition phases have been of practical concern to surface mount engineers and researchers for many years. The printing of paste materials through very small-sized stencil apertures is known to lead to increased stencil clogging and incomplete transfer of paste to the substrate pads. At these very narrow aperture sizes the paste rheology and particle-wall interactions become crucial for consistent paste withdrawal. These non-Newtonian effects must be understood so that the new paste formulations can be optimised for consistent printing. The focus of the study reported in this paper is the characterisation of the rheological properties of solder pastes and flux mediums, and the evaluation of the effect of these properties on the pastes' printing performance at the flip-chip assembly application level. Solder pastes are known to exhibit a thixotropic behaviour, which is recognised by the decrease in apparent viscosity of paste material with time when subjected to a constant shear rate. The proper characterisation of this time-dependent theological behaviour of solder pastes is crucial for establishing the relationships between the pastes' structure and flow behaviour; and for correlating the physical parameters with paste printing performance. In this paper, we present a number of methods which have been developed for characterising the time-dependent and non-Newtonian rheological behaviour of solder pastes and flux mediums as a function of shear rates. We also present results of the study of the rheology of the solder pastes and flux mediums using the structural kinetic modelling approach, which postulates that the network structure of solder pastes breaks down irreversibly under shear, leading to time and shear dependent changes in the flow properties. Our results show that for the solder pastes used in the study, the rate and extent of thixotropy was generally found to increase with increasing shear rate. The technique demonstrated in this study has wide utility for R&D personnel involved in new paste formulation, for implementing quality control procedures used in solder paste manufacture and packaging; and for qualifying new flip-chip assembly lines


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The presented numerical modelling for the magnetic levitation involves coupling of the electromagnetic field, liquid shape change, fluid velocities and the temperature field at every time step during the simulation in time evolution. Combination of the AC and DC magnetic fields can be used to achieve high temperature, stable levitation conditions. The oscillation frequency spectra are analysed for droplets levitated in AC and DC magnetic fields at various combinations. An electrically poorly conducting, diamagnetic droplet (e.g. water) can be stably levitated using the dia- and para-magnetic properties of the sample material in a high intensity, gradient DC field.


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Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is gradually becoming a powerful and almost essential tool for the design, development and optimization of engineering applications. However the mathematical modelling of the erratic turbulent motion remains the key issue when tackling such flow phenomena. The reliability of CFD analysis depends heavily on the turbulence model employed together with the wall functions implemented. In order to resolve the abrupt changes in the turbulent energy and other parameters situated at near wall regions a particularly fine mesh is necessary which inevitably increases the computer storage and run-time requirements. Turbulence modelling can be considered to be one of the three key elements in CFD. Precise mathematical theories have evolved for the other two key elements, grid generation and algorithm development. The principal objective of turbulence modelling is to enhance computational procedures of efficient accuracy to reproduce the main structures of three dimensional fluid flows. The flow within an electronic system can be characterized as being in a transitional state due to the low velocities and relatively small dimensions encountered. This paper presents simulated CFD results for an investigation into the predictive capability of turbulence models when considering both fluid flow and heat transfer phenomena. Also a new two-layer hybrid kε / kl turbulence model for electronic application areas will be presented which holds the advantages of being cheap in terms of the computational mesh required and is also economical with regards to run-time.


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Heat is extracted away from an electronic package by convection, conduction, and/or radiation. The amount of heat extracted by forced convection using air is highly dependent on the characteristics of the airflow around the package which includes its velocity and direction. Turbulence in the air is also important and is required to be modeled accurately in thermal design codes that use computational fluid dynamics (CFD). During air cooling the flow can be classified as laminar, transitional, or turbulent. In electronics systems, the flow around the packages is usually in the transition region, which lies between laminar and turbulent flow. This requires a low-Reynolds number numerical model to fully capture the impact of turbulence on the fluid flow calculations. This paper provides comparisons between a number of turbulence models with experimental data. These models included the distance from the nearest wall and the local velocity (LVEL), Wolfshtein, Norris and Reynolds, k-ε, k-ω, shear-stress transport (SST), and kε/kl models. Results show that in terms of the fluid flow calculations most of the models capture the difficult wake recirculation region behind the package reasonably well, although for packages whose heights cause a high degree of recirculation behind the package the SST model appears to struggle. The paper also demonstrates the sensitivity of the models to changes in the mesh density; this study is aimed specifically at thermal design engineers as mesh independent simulations are rarely conducted in an industrial environment.


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The waves in commercial cells for electrolytic aluminium production originate at the interface between the liquid aluminium and electrolyte, but their effect can spread into the surrounding busbar network as electric current perturbation, and the total magnetic field acquires a time dependent component. The presented model for the wave development accounts for the nonuniform electric current distribution at the cathode and the whole network of the surrounding busbars. The magnetic field is computed for the continuous current in the fluid zones, all busbars and the ferromagnetic construction elements. When the electric current and the associated magnetic field are computed according to the actual electrical circuit and updated for all times, the instability growth rate is significantly affected. The presented numerical model for the wave and electromagnetic interaction demonstrates how different physical coupling factors are affecting the wave development in the electrolysis cells. These small amplitude self-sustained interface oscillations are damped in the presence of intense turbulent viscosity created by the horizontal circulation velocity field. Additionally, the horizontal circulation vortices create a pressure gradient contributing to the deformation of the interface. Instructive examples for the 500 kA demonstration cell are presented.


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Solder paste is the most widely used bonding material in the assembly of surface mount devices in electronic industries. It generally has a flocculated structure (show aggregation of solder particles), and hence are known to exhibit a thixotropic behavior. This is recognized by the decrease in apparent viscosity of paste material with time when subjected to a constant shear rate. The proper characterisation of this timedependent rheological behaviour of solder pastes is crucial for establishing the relationships between the pastes’ structure and flow behaviour; and for correlating the physical parameters with paste printing performance. In this paper, we present a novel method which has been developed for characterising the timedependent and non-Newtonian rheological behaviour of solder pastes as a function of shear rates. The objective of the study reported in this paper is to investigate the thixotropic build-up behaviour of solder pastes. The stretched exponential model(SEM) has been used to model the structural changes during the build-up process and to correlate model parameters with the paste printing process.


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Newly developed numerical modelling tools are described, which address the 3-dimensional (3D) time-dependent magnetohydrodynamic and thermal behaviour in the liquid pool zone in the adjacent ingot, electrode and crucible. The melting electrode film flow and the droplet detachment initiation are simulated separately by an axisymmetric transient model.


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Unstructured grid meshes used in most commercial CFD codes inevitably adopt collocated variable solution schemes. These schemes have several shortcomings, mainly due to the interpolation of the pressure gradient, that lead to slow convergence. In this publication we show how it is possible to use a much more stable staggered mesh arrangement in an unstructured code. Several alternative groupings of variables are investigated in a search for the optimum scheme.


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Vacuum arc remelting (VAR) aims at production of high quality, segregation-free alloys. The quality of the produced ingots depends on the operating conditions which could be monitored and analyzed using numerical modelling. The remelting process uniformity is controlled by critical medium scale time variations of the order 1-100 s, which are physically initiated by the droplet detachment and the large scale arc motion at the top of liquid pool [1,2]. The newly developed numerical modelling tools are addressing the 3-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic and thermal behaviour in the liquid zone and the adjacent ingot, electrode and crucible.


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A finite volume computer model of the continuous casting process for steel flat products has been developed. In this first stage, the model concentrates on the hydrodynamic aspects of the process and in particular the dynamic behavior of the metal/slag interface. The model was validated against experimental measurements obtained in a water model apparatus.


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Cold crucible furnace is widely used for melting reactive metals for high quality castings. Although the water cooled copper crucible avoids contamination, it produces a low superheat of the melt. Experimental and theoretical investigations of the process showed that the increase of the supplied power to the furnace leads to a saturation in the temperature rise of the melt, and no significant increase of the melt superheat can be obtained. The computer model of theprocess has been developed to simulate the time dependent turbulent flow, heat transfer with phase change, and AC and DC magnetohydrodynamics in a time varying liquid metal envelope. The model predicts that the supermimposition of a strong DC field on top of the normal AC field reduces the level of turbulience and stirring in the liquid metal, thereby reducing the heat loss through the base of the crucible and increasing the superheat. The direct measurements of the temperature in the commercial size cold crucbile has confirmed the computer redictions and showed that the addition of a DC field increased the superheat in molten TiAl from ~45C (AC field only) to ~81C (DC+AC fields). The present paper reports further predictions of the effect of a dDC field on top of the AC field and compares these with experimental data.


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In semilevitation melting, a cylindrical metal ingot is melted by a coaxial a.c. induction coil. A watercooled solid base supports the ingot, while the top and side free surface is confined by the magnetic forces as the melting front progresses. The dynamic interplay between gravity, hydrodynamic stress, and the Lorentz force in the fluid determines the instantaneous free surface shape. The coupled nonstationary equations for turbulent flow, heat with phase change, and high-frequency electromagnetic field are solved numerically for the axisymmetric time-dependent domain by a continuous mesh transformation, using a pseudospectral method. Results are obtained for the two actually existing coil configurations and several validation cases.