11 resultados para perturbation

em Greenwich Academic Literature Archive - UK


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This work is concerned with the development of a numerical scheme capable of producing accurate simulations of sound propagation in the presence of a mean flow field. The method is based on the concept of variable decomposition, which leads to two separate sets of equations. These equations are the linearised Euler equations and the Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes equations. This paper concentrates on the development of numerical schemes for the linearised Euler equations that leads to a computational aeroacoustics (CAA) code. The resulting CAA code is a non-diffusive, time- and space-staggered finite volume code for the acoustic perturbation, and it is validated against analytic results for pure 1D sound propagation and 2D benchmark problems involving sound scattering from a cylindrical obstacle. Predictions are also given for the case of prescribed source sound propagation in a laminar boundary layer as an illustration of the effects of mean convection. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The use of computational modelling in examining process engineering issues is very powerful. It has been used in the development of the HIsmelt process from its concept. It is desirable to further water-cool the HIsmelt vessel to reduce downtime for replacing refractory. Water-cooled elements close to a metal bath run the risk of failure. This generally occurs when a process perturbation causes the freeze and refractory layers to come away from the water-cooled element, which is then exposed to liquid metal. The element fails as they are unable to remove all the heat. Modelling of the water-cooled element involves modelling the heat transfer, fluid flow, stress and solidification for a localised section of the reaction vessel. The complex interaction between the liquid slag and the refractory applied to the outside of thewater-cooled element is also being examined to model the wear of this layer. The model is being constructed in Physica, a CFD code developed at the University of Greenwich. Modelling of this system has commenced with modelling solidification test cases. These test cases have been used to validate the CFD code’s capability to model the solidification in this system. A model to track the penetration of slag into refractory has also been developed and tested.


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An industrial electrolysis cell used to produce primary aluminium is sensitive to waves at the interface of liquid aluminium and electrolyte. The interface waves are similar to stratified sea layers [1], but the penetrating electric current and the associated magnetic field are intricately involved in the oscillation process, and the observed wave frequencies are shifted from the purely hydrodynamic ones [2]. The interface stability problem is of great practical importance because the electrolytic aluminium production is a major electrical energy consumer, and it is related to environmental pollution rate. The stability analysis was started in [3] and a short summary of the main developments is given in [2]. Important aspects of the multiple mode interaction have been introduced in [4], and a widely used linear friction law first applied in [5]. In [6] a systematic perturbation expansion is developed for the fluid dynamics and electric current problems permitting reduction of the three-dimensional problem to a two dimensional one. The procedure is more generally known as “shallow water approximation” which can be extended for the case of weakly non-linear and dispersive waves. The Boussinesq formulation permits to generalise the problem for non-unidirectionally propagating waves accounting for side walls and for a two fluid layer interface [1]. Attempts to extend the electrolytic cell wave modelling to the weakly nonlinear case have started in [7] where the basic equations are derived, including the nonlinearity and linear dispersion terms. An alternative approach for the nonlinear numerical simulation for an electrolysis cell wave evolution is attempted in [8 and references there], yet, omitting the dispersion terms and without a proper account for the dissipation, the model can predict unstable waves growth only. The present paper contains a generalisation of the previous non linear wave equations [7] by accounting for the turbulent horizontal circulation flows in the two fluid layers. The inclusion of the turbulence model is essential in order to explain the small amplitude self-sustained oscillations of the liquid metal surface observed in real cells, known as “MHD noise”. The fluid dynamic model is coupled to the extended electromagnetic simulation including not only the fluid layers, but the whole bus bar circuit and the ferromagnetic effects [9].


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The waves in commercial cells for electrolytic aluminium production originate at the interface between the liquid aluminium and electrolyte, but their effect can spread into the surrounding busbar network as electric current perturbation, and the total magnetic field acquires a time dependent component. The presented model for the wave development accounts for the nonuniform electric current distribution at the cathode and the whole network of the surrounding busbars. The magnetic field is computed for the continuous current in the fluid zones, all busbars and the ferromagnetic construction elements. When the electric current and the associated magnetic field are computed according to the actual electrical circuit and updated for all times, the instability growth rate is significantly affected. The presented numerical model for the wave and electromagnetic interaction demonstrates how different physical coupling factors are affecting the wave development in the electrolysis cells. These small amplitude self-sustained interface oscillations are damped in the presence of intense turbulent viscosity created by the horizontal circulation velocity field. Additionally, the horizontal circulation vortices create a pressure gradient contributing to the deformation of the interface. Instructive examples for the 500 kA demonstration cell are presented.


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The generation and near-field radiation of aerodynamic sound from a low-speed unsteady flow over a two-dimensional automobile door cavity is simulated by using a source-extraction-based coupling method. In the coupling procedure, the unsteady cavity flow field is first computed solving the Reynolds averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) equations. The radiated sound is then calculated by using a set of acoustic perturbation equations with acoustic source terms which are extracted from the time-dependent solutions of the unsteady flow. The aerodynamic and its resulting acoustic field are computed for the Reynolds number of 53,266 based on the base length of the cavity. The free stream flow velocity is taken to be 50.9m/s. As first stage of the numerical investigation of flow-induced cavity noise, laminar flow is assumed. The CFD solver is based on a cell-centered finite volume method. A dispersion-relation-preserving (DRP), optimized, fourth-order finite difference scheme with fully staggered-grid implementation is used in the acoustic solver


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Electromagnetic Levitation (EML) is a valuable method for measuring the thermo-physical properties of metals - surface tensions, viscosity, thermal/electrical conductivity, specific heat, hemispherical emissivity, etc. – beyond their melting temperature. In EML, a small amount of the test specimen is melted by Joule heating in a suspended AC coil. Once in liquid state, a small perturbation causes the liquid envelope to oscillate and the frequency of oscillation is then used to compute its surface tension by the well know Rayleigh formula. Similarly, the rate at which the oscillation is dampened relates to the viscosity. To measure thermal conductivity, a sinusoidally varying laser source may be used to heat the polar axis of the droplet and the temperature response measured at the polar opposite – the resulting phase shift yields thermal conductivity. All these theoretical methods assume that convective effects due to flow within the droplet are negligible compared to conduction, and similarly that the flow conditions are laminar; a situation that can only be realised under microgravity conditions. Hence the EML experiment is the method favoured for Spacelab experiments (viz. TEMPUS). Under terrestrial conditions, the full gravity force has to be countered by a much larger induced magnetic field. The magnetic field generates strong flow within the droplet, which for droplets of practical size becomes irrotational and turbulent. At the same time the droplet oscillation envelope is no longer ellipsoidal. Both these conditions invalidate simple theoretical models and prevent widespread EML use in terrestrial laboratories. The authors have shown in earlier publications that it is possible to suppress most of the turbulent convection generated in the droplet skin layer, through use of a static magnetic field. Using a pseudo-spectral discretisation method it is possible compute very accurately the dynamic variation in the suspended fluid envelope and simultaneously compute the time-varying electromagnetic, flow and thermal fields. The use of a DC field as a dampening agent was also demonstrated in cold crucible melting, where suppression of turbulence was achieved in a much larger liquid metal volume and led to increased superheat in the melt and reduction of heat losses to the water-cooled walls. In this paper, the authors describe the pseudo-spectral technique as applied to EML to compute the combined effects of AC and DC fields, accounting for all the flow-induced forces acting on the liquid volume (Lorentz, Maragoni, surface tension, gravity) and show example simulations.


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An aerodynamic sound source extraction from a general flow field is applied to a number of model problems and to a problem of engineering interest. The extraction technique is based on a variable decomposition, which results to an acoustic correction method, of each of the flow variables into a dominant flow component and a perturbation component. The dominant flow component is obtained with a general-purpose Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) code which uses a cell-centred finite volume method to solve the Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes equations. The perturbations are calculated from a set of acoustic perturbation equations with source terms extracted from unsteady CFD solutions at each time step via the use of a staggered dispersion-relation-preserving (DRP) finite-difference scheme. Numerical experiments include (1) propagation of a 1-D acoustic pulse without mean flow, (2) propagation of a 2-D acoustic pulse with/without mean flow, (3) reflection of an acoustic pulse from a flat plate with mean flow, and (4) flow-induced noise generated by the an unsteady laminar flow past a 2-D cavity. The computational results demonstrate the accuracy for model problems and illustrate the feasibility for more complex aeroacoustic problems of the source extraction technique.


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A multiscale model for the Vacuum Arc Remelting process (VAR) was developed to simulate dendritic microstructures during solidification and investigate the onset of freckle formation. On the macroscale, a 3D multi-physics model of VAR was used to study complex physical phenomena, including liquid metal flow with turbulence, heat transfer, and magnetohydrodynamics. The results showed that unsteady fluid flow in the liquid pool caused significant thermal perturbation at the solidification front. These results were coupled into a micromodel to simulate dendritic growth controlled by solute diffusion, including local remelting. The changes in Rayleigh number as the microstructure remelts was quantified to provide an indicator of when fluid flow channels (i.e. freckles) will initiate in the mushy zone. By examining the simulated microstructures, it was found that the Rayleigh number increased more than 300 times during remelting, which suggests that thermal perturbation could be responsible for the onset of freckle formation.


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The values of material physical properties are vital for the successful use of numerical simulations for electromagnetic processing of materials. The surface tension of materials can be determined from the experimental measurement of the surface oscillation frequency of liquid droplets. In order for this technique to be used, a positioning field is required that results in a modification to the oscillation frequency. A number of previous analytical models have been developed that mainly focus on electrically conducting droplets positioned using an A.C. electromagnetic field, but due to the turbulent flow resulting from the high electromagnetic fields required to balance gravity, reliable measurements have largely been limited to microgravity. In this work axisymmetric analytical and numerical models are developed, which allow the surface tension of a diamagnetic droplet positioned in a high DC magnetic field to be determined from the surface oscillations. In the case of D.C. levitation there is no internal electric currents with resulting Joule heating, Marangoni flow and other effects that introduce additional physics that complicates the measurement process. The analytical solution uses the linearised Navier-Stokes equations in the inviscid case. The body force from a DC field is potential, in contrast to the AC case, and it can be derived from Maxwell equations giving a solution for the magnetic field in the form of a series expansion of Legendre polynomials. The first few terms in this expansion represent a constant and gradient magnetic field valid close to the origin, which can be used to position the droplet. Initially the mathematical model is verified in microgravity conditions using a numerical model developed to solve the transient electromagnetics, fluid flow and thermodynamic equations. In the numerical model (as in experiment) the magnetic field is obtained using electrical current carrying coils, which provides the confinement force for a liquid droplet. The model incorporates free surface deformation to accurately model the oscillations that result from the interaction between the droplet and the non-uniform external magnetic field. A comparison is made between the analytical perturbation theory and the numerical pseudo spectral approximation solutions for small amplitude oscillations.


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This paper presents an approach for detecting local damage in large scale frame structures by utilizing regularization methods for ill-posed problems. A direct relationship between the change in stiffness caused by local damage and the measured modal data for the damaged structure is developed, based on the perturbation method for structural dynamic systems. Thus, the measured incomplete modal data can be directly adopted in damage identification without requiring model reduction techniques, and common regularization methods could be effectively employed to solve the developed equations. Damage indicators are appropriately chosen to reflect both the location and severity of local damage in individual components of frame structures such as in brace members and at beam-column joints. The Truncated Singular Value Decomposition solution incorporating the Generalized Cross Validation method is introduced to evaluate the damage indicators for the cases when realistic errors exist in modal data measurements. Results for a 16-story building model structure show that structural damage can be correctly identified at detailed level using only limited information on the measured noisy modal data for the damaged structure.


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A new technique for mode shape expansion in structural dynamic applications is presented based on the perturbed force vector approach. The proposed technique can directly adopt the measured incomplete modal data and include the effect of the perturbation between the analytical and test models. The results show that the proposed technique can provide very accurate expanded mode shapes, especially in cases when significant modelling error exists in the analytical model and limited measurements are available.