17 resultados para liquid flow monitoring

em Greenwich Academic Literature Archive - UK


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Gas-solids two phase systems are widely employed within process plant in the form of pneumatic conveyors, dust extraction systems and solid fuel injection systems. The measurement of solids phase velocity therefore has wide potential application in flow monitoring and, in conjunction with density measurement instrumentation, solids mass flow rate measurement. Historically, a number of authors have detailed possible measurement techniques, and some have published limited test results. It is, however, apparent that none of these technologies have found wide application in industry. Solids phase velocity measurements were undertaken using real time cross correlation of signals from two electrostatic sensors spaced axially along a pipeline conveying pulverised coal (PF). Details of the measurement equipment, the pilot scale test rig and the test results are presented.


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The measurement of particle velocities in two-phase gas-solid systems has a wide application in flow monitoring in process plant, where two-phase gas-solids systems are frequently employed in the form of pneumatic conveyors and solid fuel injection systems. Such measurements have proved to be difficult to make reliably in industrial environments. This paper details particle velocity measurements made in a two phase gas-solid now utilising a laser Doppler velocimetry system. Tests were carried out using both wheat flour and pulverised coal as the solids phase, with air being used as the gaseous phase throughout. A pipeline of circular section, having a diameter of 53 mm was used for the test work, with air velocities ranging from 25 to 45 m/s and suspension densities ranging from 0.001 kg to 1 kg of solids per cubic meter of air. Details of both the test equipment used, and the results of the measurements are presented.


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The liquid metal flow in induction crucible models is known to be unstable, turbulent and difficult to predict in the regime of medium frequencies when the electromagnetic skin-layer is of considerable extent. We present long term turbulent flow measurements by a permanent magnet incorporated potential difference velocity probe in a cylindrical container filled with eutectic melt In-Ga-Sn. The parallel numerical simulation of the long time scale development of the turbulent average flow is presented. The numerical flow model uses an implicit pseudo-spectral code and k-w turbulence model, which was recently developed for the transitional flow modelling. The results compare reasonably to the experiment and demonstrate the time development of the turbulent flow field and the turbulence energy.


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The liquid metal flow in inducation crucible models is known to be higly unstable and turbutlen in the regim e of medium frequecies when the elctronmagnetic skin-layer is of considerable extent. We present long term turbulent flow measurements by a permanent magnet incorporated potential difference veolocity probe in a cylindirical container filled with eutecti mlt In-Ga-SN. The parallel numerical simulation of the long time scale development of the turbulen average flow is presented. The numerical lfow model uses a pseud-spectral code and k-w turbulence model, which was recently developed for the transitional flow modelling. The result compare reasonably to the experiment and demonstrate the time development of the turbulent flow field.


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This work comprises accurate computational analysis of levitated liquid droplet oscillations in AC and DC magnetic fields. The AC magnetic field interacting with the induced electric current within the liquid metal droplet generates intense fluid flow and the coupled free surface oscillations. The pseudo-spectral technique is used to solve the turbulent fluid flow equations for the continuously dynamically transformed axisymmetric fluid volume. The volume electromagnetic force distribution is updated with the shape and position change. We start with the ideal fluid test case for undamped Rayleigh frequency oscillations in the absence of gravity, and then add the viscous and the DC magnetic field damping. The oscillation frequency spectra are further analysed for droplets levitated against gravity in AC and DC magnetic fields at various combinations. In the extreme case electrically poorly conducting, diamagnetic droplet (water) levitation dynamics are simulated. Applications are aimed at pure electromagnetic material processing techniques and the material properties measurements in uncontaminated conditions.


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The presented numerical modelling for the magnetic levitation involves coupling of the electromagnetic field, liquid shape change, fluid velocities and the temperature field at every time step during the simulation in time evolution. Combination of the AC and DC magnetic fields can be used to achieve high temperature, stable levitation conditions. The oscillation frequency spectra are analysed for droplets levitated in AC and DC magnetic fields at various combinations. An electrically poorly conducting, diamagnetic droplet (e.g. water) can be stably levitated using the dia- and para-magnetic properties of the sample material in a high intensity, gradient DC field.


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The pseudo-spectral solution method offers a flexible and fast alternative to the more usual finite element/volume/difference methods, particularly when the long-time transient behaviour of a system is of interest. Since the exact solution is obtained at the grid collocation points superior accuracy can be achieved on modest grid resolution. Furthermore, the grid can be freely adapted with time and in space, to particular flow conditions or geometric variations. This is especially advantageous where strongly coupled, time-dependent, multi-physics solutions are investigated. Examples include metallurgical applications involving the interaction of electromagnetic fields and conducting liquids with a free sutface. The electromagnetic field then determines the instantaneous liquid volume shape and the liquid shape affects in turn the electromagnetic field. In AC applications a thin "skin effect" region results on the free surface that dominates grid requirements. Infinitesimally thin boundary cells can be introduced using Chebyshev polynomial expansions without detriment to the numerical accuracy. This paper presents a general methodology of the pseudo-spectral approach and outlines the solution procedures used. Several instructive example applications are given: the aluminium electrolysis MHD problem, induction melting and stirring and the dynamics of magnetically levitated droplets in AC and DC fields. Comparisons to available analytical solutions and to experimental measurements will be discussed.


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Electromagnetic levitation of electrically conductive droplets by alternating magnetic fields is a technique used to measure the physical properties of liquid metallic alloys such as surface tension or viscosity. Experiments can be conducted under terrestrial conditions or in microgravity, to reduce electromagnetic stirring and shaping of the droplet. Under such conditions, the time-dependent behaviour of a point of the free surface is recorded. Then the signal is analysed considering the droplet as a harmonic damped oscillator. We use a spectral code, for fluid flow and free surface descriptions, to check the validity of this assumption for two cases. First when the motion inside the droplet is generated by its initial distortion only and second, when the droplet is located in a uniform magnetic field originating far from the droplet. It is found that some deviations exist which can lead to an overestimate of the value of viscosity.


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The pseudo-spectral solution method offers a flexible and fast alternative to the more usual finite element and volume methods, particularly when the long-time transient behaviour of a system is of interest. The exact solution is obtained at grid collocation points leading to superior accuracy on modest grids. Furthermore, the grid can be freely adapted in time and space to particular flow conditions or geometric variations, especially useful where strongly coupled, time-dependent, multi-physics solutions are investigated. Examples include metallurgical applications involving the interaction of electromagnetic fields and conducting liquids with a free surface. The electromagnetic field determines the instantaneous liquid volume shape, which then affects the electromagnetic field. A general methodology of the pseudo-spectral approach is presented, with several instructive example applications: the aluminium electrolysis MHD problem, induction melting in a cold crucible and the dynamics of AC/DC magnetically levitated droplets. Finally, comparisons with available analytical solutions and to experimental measurements are discussed.


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Electromagnetic Levitation (EML) is a valuable method for measuring the thermo-physical properties of metals - surface tensions, viscosity, thermal/electrical conductivity, specific heat, hemispherical emissivity, etc. – beyond their melting temperature. In EML, a small amount of the test specimen is melted by Joule heating in a suspended AC coil. Once in liquid state, a small perturbation causes the liquid envelope to oscillate and the frequency of oscillation is then used to compute its surface tension by the well know Rayleigh formula. Similarly, the rate at which the oscillation is dampened relates to the viscosity. To measure thermal conductivity, a sinusoidally varying laser source may be used to heat the polar axis of the droplet and the temperature response measured at the polar opposite – the resulting phase shift yields thermal conductivity. All these theoretical methods assume that convective effects due to flow within the droplet are negligible compared to conduction, and similarly that the flow conditions are laminar; a situation that can only be realised under microgravity conditions. Hence the EML experiment is the method favoured for Spacelab experiments (viz. TEMPUS). Under terrestrial conditions, the full gravity force has to be countered by a much larger induced magnetic field. The magnetic field generates strong flow within the droplet, which for droplets of practical size becomes irrotational and turbulent. At the same time the droplet oscillation envelope is no longer ellipsoidal. Both these conditions invalidate simple theoretical models and prevent widespread EML use in terrestrial laboratories. The authors have shown in earlier publications that it is possible to suppress most of the turbulent convection generated in the droplet skin layer, through use of a static magnetic field. Using a pseudo-spectral discretisation method it is possible compute very accurately the dynamic variation in the suspended fluid envelope and simultaneously compute the time-varying electromagnetic, flow and thermal fields. The use of a DC field as a dampening agent was also demonstrated in cold crucible melting, where suppression of turbulence was achieved in a much larger liquid metal volume and led to increased superheat in the melt and reduction of heat losses to the water-cooled walls. In this paper, the authors describe the pseudo-spectral technique as applied to EML to compute the combined effects of AC and DC fields, accounting for all the flow-induced forces acting on the liquid volume (Lorentz, Maragoni, surface tension, gravity) and show example simulations.


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The numerical model for electrically conducting liquid droplets levitated in AC magnetic field is extended to demonstrate various factors affecting the accuracy of material property value measurements. The effects included are the electromagnetic force induced stirring and the resulting turbulence, thermo-capillary convection, and the droplet rotation. The results are validated against available analytical solutions.


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Electromagnetic levitation of liquid metal droplets can be used to measure the properties of highly reactive liquid materials. Two independent numerical models, the commercial COMSOL and the spectral-collocation based free surface code SPHINX, have been applied to solve the transient electromagnetic, fluid flow and thermodynamic equations, which describe the levitated liquid motion and heating processes. The SPHINX model incorporates free surface deformation to accurately model the oscillations that result from the interaction between the electromagnetic and gravity forces, temperature dependent surface tension, magnetically controlled turbulent momentum transport. The models are adapted to incorporate periodic laser heating at the top of the droplet, which is used to measure the thermal conductivity of the material. Novel effects in the levitated droplet of magnetically damped turbulence and nonlinear growth of velocities in high DC magnetic field are analysed.


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The intense AC magnetic field required to produce levitation in terrestrial conditions, along with the buoyancy and thermo-capillary forces, results in turbulent convective flow within the droplet. The use of a homogenous DC magnetic field allows the convective flow to be damped. However the turbulence properties are affected at the same time, leading to a possibility that the effective turbulent damping is considerably reduced. The MHD modified K-Omega turbulence model allows the investigation of the effect of magnetic field on the turbulence. The model incorporates free surface deformation, the temperature dependent surface tension, turbulent momentum transport, electromagnetic and gravity forces. The model is adapted to incorporate a periodic laser heating at the top of the droplet, which have been used to measure the thermal conductivity of the material by calculating the phase lag between the frequency of the laser heating and the temperature response at the bottom. The numerical simulations show that with the gradual increase of the DC field the fluid flow within the droplet is initially increasing in intensity. Only after a certain threshold magnitude of the field the flow intensity starts to decrease. In order to achieve the flow conditions close to the ‘laminar’ a D.C. magnetic field >4 Tesla is required to measure the thermal conductivity accurately. The reduction in the AC field driven flow in the main body of the drop leads to a noticeable thermo-capillary convection at the edge of the droplet. The uniform vertical DC magnetic field does not stop a translational oscillation of the droplet along the field, which is caused by the variation in total levitation force due to the time-dependent surface deformation.


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The numerical model for electrically conducting liquid droplets levitated in AC magnetic field is applied to demonstrate various factors affecting the accuracy of material property value measurements in microgravity conditions. The included effects are the electromagnetic force induced stirring and the resulting turbulence, the thermo-capillary convection, and the droplet rotation. The results are validated against available analytical solutions.


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This paper concerns the use of a non-destructive ultrasonic technique for characterising the rheological properties of solder paste and specifically, the use of through-mode microsecond ultrasonic pulses for evaluation of viscoelastic properties of paste materials at the molecular level. Ultrasonic techniques are a widely used and a reliable form of non-destructive testing of materials. This is because techniques such as ultrasounds while used for testing or monitoring material properties, has offered immense benefits in applications where access to the sample is restricted or when handling the sample for testing could interfere with the monitoring or analysis process. Very often, this would mean that the measurements taken are not a true representation of the behaviour of the material (due to externally incorporated changes into the material's physical state during the removal or testing process). Ultrasonic based techniques are being increasingly used for quality control and production monitoring functions which requires evaluation of the changes in material properties over wide range of industrial applications such as cement paste quality, plastic/polymer extrusion process, dough, and even sugar content in beverage drinks. In addition, ultrasound techniques are of great interest for their capacity to take rapid measurements in systems which are optically opaque. The viscometer and rheometer are two of the most widely used rheological instruments used in industry for monitoring the quality of solder pastes, during the production and packaging stage. One of the potential limitations of viscometer and rheometer based measurements is that the collection and preparation of the solder paste samples can irreversibly alter the structure and flow behaviour of the sample. Hence the measurement may not represent the actual quality of the whole production batch. Secondly, rheological measurements and the interpretation of rheological data is a very technical and time consuming process, which requires professionally trained R&D personnel. It is for these reasons that materials suppliers (who formulate and produce solder pastes) and solder paste consumers (especially, contract electronics manufacturers) are keen to see the development of simple, easy to use and accurate techniques for the theological characterisation of solder pastes. The results from the work show that the technique can be used by R&D personnel involved in paste formulation and manufacture to monitor the batch-to-batch quality and consistency.