20 resultados para dynamic mesh

em Greenwich Academic Literature Archive - UK


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In this Chapter we discuss the load-balancing issues arising in parallel mesh based computational mechanics codes for which the processor loading changes during the run. We briefly touch on geometric repartitioning ideas and then focus on different ways of using a graph both to solve the load-balancing problem and the optimisation problem, both locally and globally. We also briefly discuss whether repartitioning is always valid. Sample illustrative results are presented and we conclude that repartitioning is an attractive option if the load changes are not too dramatic and that there is a certain trade-off between partition quality and volume of data that the underlying application needs to migrate.


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Fluid structure interaction, as applied to flexible structures, has wide application in diverse areas such as flutter in aircraft, wind response of buildings, flows in elastic pipes and blood vessels. Numerical modelling of dynamic fluid-structure interaction (DFSI) involves the coupling of fluid flow and structural mechanics, two fields that are conventionally modelled using two dissimilar methods, thus a single comprehensive computational model of both phenomena is a considerable challenge and until recently work in this area focused on one phenomenon and represented the behaviour of the other more simply. A single, finite volume unstructured mesh (FV-UM) spatial discretisation method has been employed on a single mesh for the entire domain. The Navier Stokes equations for fluid flow are solved using a SIMPLE type procedure and the Newmark b algorithm is employed for solving the dynamic equilibrium equations for linear elastic solid mechanics and mesh movement is achieved using a spring based mesh procedure for dynamic mesh movement. In the paper we describe a number of additional computation issues for the efficient and accurate modelling of three-dimensional, dynamic fluid-structure interaction problems.


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In many areas of simulation, a crucial component for efficient numerical computations is the use of solution-driven adaptive features: locally adapted meshing or re-meshing; dynamically changing computational tasks. The full advantages of high performance computing (HPC) technology will thus only be able to be exploited when efficient parallel adaptive solvers can be realised. The resulting requirement for HPC software is for dynamic load balancing, which for many mesh-based applications means dynamic mesh re-partitioning. The DRAMA project has been initiated to address this issue, with a particular focus being the requirements of industrial Finite Element codes, but codes using Finite Volume formulations will also be able to make use of the project results.


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Parallel computing is now widely used in numerical simulation, particularly for application codes based on finite difference and finite element methods. A popular and successful technique employed to parallelize such codes onto large distributed memory systems is to partition the mesh into sub-domains that are then allocated to processors. The code then executes in parallel, using the SPMD methodology, with message passing for inter-processor interactions. In order to improve the parallel efficiency of an imbalanced structured mesh CFD code, a new dynamic load balancing (DLB) strategy has been developed in which the processor partition range limits of just one of the partitioned dimensions uses non-coincidental limits, as opposed to coincidental limits. The ‘local’ partition limit change allows greater flexibility in obtaining a balanced load distribution, as the workload increase, or decrease, on a processor is no longer restricted by the ‘global’ (coincidental) limit change. The automatic implementation of this generic DLB strategy within an existing parallel code is presented in this chapter, along with some preliminary results.


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A three-dimensional finite volume, unstructured mesh (FV-UM) method for dynamic fluid–structure interaction (DFSI) is described. Fluid structure interaction, as applied to flexible structures, has wide application in diverse areas such as flutter in aircraft, wind response of buildings, flows in elastic pipes and blood vessels. It involves the coupling of fluid flow and structural mechanics, two fields that are conventionally modelled using two dissimilar methods, thus a single comprehensive computational model of both phenomena is a considerable challenge. Until recently work in this area focused on one phenomenon and represented the behaviour of the other more simply. More recently, strategies for solving the full coupling between the fluid and solid mechanics behaviour have been developed. A key contribution has been made by Farhat et al. [Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids 21 (1995) 807] employing FV-UM methods for solving the Euler flow equations and a conventional finite element method for the elastic solid mechanics and the spring based mesh procedure of Batina [AIAA paper 0115, 1989] for mesh movement. In this paper, we describe an approach which broadly exploits the three field strategy described by Farhat for fluid flow, structural dynamics and mesh movement but, in the context of DFSI, contains a number of novel features: • a single mesh covering the entire domain, • a Navier–Stokes flow, • a single FV-UM discretisation approach for both the flow and solid mechanics procedures, • an implicit predictor–corrector version of the Newmark algorithm, • a single code embedding the whole strategy.


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Computational modelling of dynamic fluid-structure interaction (DFSI) is problematical since conventionally computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is solved using finite volume (FV) methods and computational structural mechanics (CSM) is based entirely on finite element (FE) methods. Hence, progress in modelling the emerging multi-physics problem of dynamic fluid-structure interaction in a consistent manner is frustrated and significant problems in computation convergence may be encountered in transferring and filtering data from one mesh and solution procedure to another, unless the fluid-structure coupling is either one way, very weak or both. This paper sets out the solution procedure for modelling the multi-physics dynamic fluid-structure interaction problem within a single software framework PHYSICA, using finite volume, unstructured mesh (FV-UM) procedures and will focus upon some of the problems and issues that have to be resolved for time accurate closely coupled dynamic fluid-structure flutter analysis.


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A three-dimensional finite volume, unstructured mesh (FV-UM) method for dynamic fluid–structure interaction (DFSI) is described. Fluid structure interaction, as applied to flexible structures, has wide application in diverse areas such as flutter in aircraft, wind response of buildings, flows in elastic pipes and blood vessels. It involves the coupling of fluid flow and structural mechanics, two fields that are conventionally modelled using two dissimilar methods, thus a single comprehensive computational model of both phenomena is a considerable challenge. Until recently work in this area focused on one phenomenon and represented the behaviour of the other more simply. More recently, strategies for solving the full coupling between the fluid and solid mechanics behaviour have been developed. A key contribution has been made by Farhat et al. [Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids 21 (1995) 807] employing FV-UM methods for solving the Euler flow equations and a conventional finite element method for the elastic solid mechanics and the spring based mesh procedure of Batina [AIAA paper 0115, 1989] for mesh movement. In this paper, we describe an approach which broadly exploits the three field strategy described by Farhat for fluid flow, structural dynamics and mesh movement but, in the context of DFSI, contains a number of novel features: a single mesh covering the entire domain, a Navier–Stokes flow, a single FV-UM discretisation approach for both the flow and solid mechanics procedures, an implicit predictor–corrector version of the Newmark algorithm, a single code embedding the whole strategy.


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A three dimensional finite volume, unstructured mesh method for dynamic fluid-structure interation is described. The broad approach is conventional in that the fluid and structure are solved sequentially. The pressure and viscous stresses from the flow algorithm provide load conditions for the solid algorithm, whilst at the fluid structure interface the deformed structure provides boundary condition from the structure to the fluid. The structure algorithm also provides the necessary mesh adaptation for the flow field, the effect of which is accounted for in the flow algorithm. The procedures described in this work have several novel features, namely: * a single mesh covering the entire domain. * a Navier Stokes flow. * a single FV-UM discretisation approach for both the flow and solid mechanics procedures. * an implicit predictor-corrector version of the Newmark algorithm. * a single code embedding the whole strategy. The procedure is illustrated for a three dimensional loaded cantilever in fluid flow.


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Computational modelling of dynamic fluid–structure interaction (DFSI) is a considerable challenge. Our approach to this class of problems involves the use of a single software framework for all the phenomena involved, employing finite volume methods on unstructured meshes in three dimensions. This method enables time and space accurate calculations in a consistent manner. One key application of DFSI simulation is the analysis of the onset of flutter in aircraft wings, where the work of Yates et al. [Measured and Calculated Subsonic and Transonic Flutter Characteristics of a 45° degree Sweptback Wing Planform in Air and Freon-12 in the Langley Transonic Dynamic Tunnel. NASA Technical Note D-1616, 1963] on the AGARD 445.6 wing planform still provides the most comprehensive benchmark data available. This paper presents the results of a significant effort to model the onset of flutter for the AGARD 445.6 wing planform geometry. A series of key issues needs to be addressed for this computational approach. • The advantage of using a single mesh, in order to eliminate numerical problems when applying boundary conditions at the fluid-structure interface, is counteracted by the challenge of generating a suitably high quality mesh in both the fluid and structural domains. • The computational effort for this DFSI procedure, in terms of run time and memory requirements, is very significant. Practical simulations require even finer meshes and shorter time steps, requiring parallel implementation for operation on large, high performance parallel systems. • The consistency and completeness of the AGARD data in the public domain is inadequate for use in the validation of DFSI codes when predicting the onset of flutter.


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A three-dimensional finite volume, unstructured mesh (FV-UM) method for dynamic fluid–structure interaction (DFSI) is described. Fluid structure interaction, as applied to flexible structures, has wide application in diverse areas such as flutter in aircraft, wind response of buildings, flows in elastic pipes and blood vessels. It involves the coupling of fluid flow and structural mechanics, two fields that are conventionally modelled using two dissimilar methods, thus a single comprehensive computational model of both phenomena is a considerable challenge. Until recently work in this area focused on one phenomenon and represented the behaviour of the other more simply. More recently, strategies for solving the full coupling between the fluid and solid mechanics behaviour have been developed. A key contribution has been made by Farhat et al. [Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids 21 (1995) 807] employing FV-UM methods for solving the Euler flow equations and a conventional finite element method for the elastic solid mechanics and the spring based mesh procedure of Batina [AIAA paper 0115, 1989] for mesh movement. In this paper, we describe an approach which broadly exploits the three field strategy described by Farhat for fluid flow, structural dynamics and mesh movement but, in the context of DFSI, contains a number of novel features: a single mesh covering the entire domain, a Navier–Stokes flow, a single FV-UM discretisation approach for both the flow and solid mechanics procedures, an implicit predictor–corrector version of the Newmark algorithm, a single code embedding the whole strategy.


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We present a dynamic distributed load balancing algorithm for parallel, adaptive Finite Element simulations in which we use preconditioned Conjugate Gradient solvers based on domain-decomposition. The load balancing is designed to maintain good partition aspect ratio and we show that cut size is not always the appropriate measure in load balancing. Furthermore, we attempt to answer the question why the aspect ratio of partitions plays an important role for certain solvers. We define and rate different kinds of aspect ratio and present a new center-based partitioning method of calculating the initial distribution which implicitly optimizes this measure. During the adaptive simulation, the load balancer calculates a balancing flow using different versions of the diffusion algorithm and a variant of breadth first search. Elements to be migrated are chosen according to a cost function aiming at the optimization of subdomain shapes. Experimental results for Bramble's preconditioner and comparisons to state-of-the-art load balancers show the benefits of the construction.


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The DRAMA library, developed within the European Commission funded (ESPRIT) project DRAMA, supports dynamic load-balancing for parallel (message-passing) mesh-based applications. The target applications are those with dynamic and solution-adaptive features. The focus within the DRAMA project was on finite element simulation codes for structural mechanics. An introduction to the DRAMA library will illustrate that the very general cost model and the interface designed specifically for application requirements provide simplified and effective access to a range of parallel partitioners. The main body of the paper will demonstrate the ability to provide dynamic load-balancing for parallel FEM problems that include: adaptive meshing, re-meshing, the need for multi-phase partitioning.


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The central product of the DRAMA (Dynamic Re-Allocation of Meshes for parallel Finite Element Applications) project is a library comprising a variety of tools for dynamic re-partitioning of unstructured Finite Element (FE) applications. The input to the DRAMA library is the computational mesh, and corresponding costs, partitioned into sub-domains. The core library functions then perform a parallel computation of a mesh re-allocation that will re-balance the costs based on the DRAMA cost model. We discuss the basic features of this cost model, which allows a general approach to load identification, modelling and imbalance minimisation. Results from crash simulations are presented which show the necessity for multi-phase/multi-constraint partitioning components


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A procedure for evaluating the dynamic structural response of elastic solid domains is presented. A prerequisite for the analysis of dynamic fluid–structure interaction is the use of a consistent set of finite volume (FV) methods on a single unstructured mesh. This paper describes a three-dimensional (3D) FV, vertex-based method for dynamic solid mechanics. A novel Newmark predictor–corrector implicit scheme was developed to provide time accurate solutions and the scheme was evaluated on a 3D cantilever problem. By employing a small amount of viscous damping, very accurate predictions of the fundamental natural frequency were obtained with respect to both the amplitude and period of oscillation. This scheme has been implemented into the multi-physics modelling software framework, PHYSICA, for later application to full dynamic fluid structure interaction.


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A large class of computational problems are characterised by frequent synchronisation, and computational requirements which change as a function of time. When such a problem is solved on a message passing multiprocessor machine [5], the combination of these characteristics leads to system performance which deteriorate in time. As the communication performance of parallel hardware steadily improves so load balance becomes a dominant factor in obtaining high parallel efficiency. Performance can be improved with periodic redistribution of computational load; however, redistribution can sometimes be very costly. We study the issue of deciding when to invoke a global load re-balancing mechanism. Such a decision policy must actively weigh the costs of remapping against the performance benefits, and should be general enough to apply automatically to a wide range of computations. This paper discusses a generic strategy for Dynamic Load Balancing (DLB) in unstructured mesh computational mechanics applications. The strategy is intended to handle varying levels of load changes throughout the run. The major issues involved in a generic dynamic load balancing scheme will be investigated together with techniques to automate the implementation of a dynamic load balancing mechanism within the Computer Aided Parallelisation Tools (CAPTools) environment, which is a semi-automatic tool for parallelisation of mesh based FORTRAN codes.