16 resultados para comments on texts

em Greenwich Academic Literature Archive - UK


80.00% 80.00%



Comments on the Chancery Division decision in Clarence House Ltd v National Westminster Bank Plc on whether the alienation covenant in a lease of commercial premises had been breached by the tenant effecting a virtual assignment of it, under which all the economic benefits and burdens of the lease were transferred to a third party without there being any actually assignment of the leasehold interest or change in occupancy.


80.00% 80.00%



Discusses the House of Lords ruling in Stack v Dowden on the size of each legal owner's share of the equity in the family home in the event of the relationship breakdown of an unmarried couple. Considers whether the parties intended their beneficial interests to be different to their legal interests in the property. Comments on the court's primary concern of establishing, from the parties' conduct, their intention as regards beneficial ownership. Looks at whether indirect financial contributions give rise to a beneficial interest under a constructive trust and notes the relevance of the doctrine of proprietary estoppel.


80.00% 80.00%



Considers the circumstances in which repair works may be more appropriate than replacement where a landlord is attempting to claim under a repair covenant. Examines case law on which method is more appropriate and on the standard of remedial work to be undertaken. Reflects on the situation where performance of remedial works would be futile. Comments on the Technology and Construction Court ruling in Carmel Southend Ltd v Strachan & Henshaw Ltd on whether a landlord had been correct to carry out overcladding works to a roof where surveyors had agreed that patch repairs would be adequate.


80.00% 80.00%



Comments on the Chancery Division decision in Jackson v JH Watson Property Investment Ltd on whether a landlord was liable in nuisance to a long leaseholder in respect of damage caused to the demised property by a building defect which pre-dated the grant of the lease or whether the principle of caveat lessee applied. Considers whether the defect amounted to "disrepair" within the meaning of the landlord's repairing covenant.


80.00% 80.00%



Traces the development of the law relating to the enforceability of pre-nuptial agreements, given the potential conflict between such an agreement and the jurisdiction of the court to determine financial provision on divorce. Sets out the 16 point checklist laid down by K v K (Ancillary Relief: Prenuptial Agreement) against which the enforceability of an agreement should be judged. Comments on the significance given to the pre-nuptial agreement in ancillary relief proceedings in Crossley (Susan) v Crossley (Stuart), where the parties were required to show why the agreement should, or should not, determine the outcome of the proceedings.


80.00% 80.00%



Comments on the Court of Appeal ruling in Thorner v Curtis on whether, where the owner of a farm died intestate, the claimant, who had worked on the farm for years and had come to believe that he would inherit the farm, could rely on proprietary estoppel based on hints and remarks made over the years by the deceased, even though the deceased had made no express promise. Reviews case law on proprietary estoppel.


80.00% 80.00%



Comments on the Chancery Division ruling in Nicholls v Lan on whether the interests of a bankrupt husband's creditors prevailed over those of the wife, despite her circumstances being exceptional within the meaning of the Insolvency Act 1986 s.335A on account of her suffering from chronic schizophrenia, where the wife was the joint owner of another property which could be realised to buy out the trustee in bankruptcy's half share in the equity of the matrimonial home.


80.00% 80.00%



Comments on the Chancery Division judgment in Jones v Kernott on the beneficial interests of former cohabiting partners in their family home. Considers whether the partners must have intended to vary their shares when the man stopped paying the mortgage, bought a house in his own name and went to live there. Discusses whether the court could take into account what was considered fair between the partners based on the whole course of dealing, including non-payment of maintenance for children.


80.00% 80.00%



Comments on the Court of Appeal judgment in Abou-Rahmah v Abacha on liability for dishonest assistance to a breach of trust. Discusses whether an objective standard should apply to determine whether the accessory acted dishonestly. Reviews case law, examining whether the combined test proposed in the House of Lords judgment in Twinsectra Ltd v Yardley is still good law.


80.00% 80.00%



Examines the Chancery Division ruling in London Development Agency v Nidai on whether a number of agreements providing for the construction of a bridge and shop premises on the retaining walls of a river resulted in a binding legal lease or a series of bare licences. Comments on the failure of the judgment to mention the House of Lords ruling in Bruton v London & Quadrant Housing Trust and discusses whether a Bruton tenancy is capable of binding third parties.


80.00% 80.00%



Discusses the theatrical treatment of human rights, by reference to three British productions: Guantanamo: "Honor Bound to Defend Freedom" (2004), My Name is Rachel Corrie (2005) and Called to Account (2007), noting the use of verbatim testimony in such plays. Reviews legal scholarship highlighting the limitations of human rights laws. Considers the theatrical context of each of the plays and the ways in which they represent the status of human rights laws. Comments on the extent of theatre's practical impact on the advancement of human rights.


80.00% 80.00%



Comments on the Chancery Division decision in Horsham Properties Group Ltd v Clark on whether a mortgagee's exercise of its contractual right, on the mortgagor falling into arrears, to appoint receivers such that the property could be sold and possession obtained without triggering the court's discretionary powers pursuant to the Administration of Justice Act 1970 s.36 infringed the mortgagor's rights under the European Convention on Human Rights 1950 Protocol 1 art.1. Considers the implications of proposed reforms recasting the mortgagee's right to possession as a discretionary remedy. [From Legal Journals Index]


80.00% 80.00%



Comments on the House of Lords decision in Thorner v Curtis, also referred to as Thorner v Major, on whether an unpaid farm labourer could rely on assurances made by the farmer that he would inherit the farm, to establish proprietary estoppel when the farmer died intestate. Considers whether the assurances had been clear and whether the property to be inherited could be specifically identified. Notes the Lords' consideration of the possible existence of a constructive trust. [From Legal Journals Index]


80.00% 80.00%



Reviews the guidance given by the House of Lords in Stack v Dowden on quantifying the beneficial interests of cohabiting parties in their former family home when one party seeks to rebut the presumption of joint beneficial ownership. Comments on the subsequent application of the principles by the county court in Adekunle v Ritchie and by the Privy Council in Abbott v Abbott, highlighting the approaches used to establish an equitable interest and to quantify the parties' shares in the properties. Considers whether statutory intervention is now needed to resolve the difficulties. [From Legal Journals Index]


80.00% 80.00%



Considers the reasons for the low rate of reported female rape. Examines statistics on reported rape and rape convictions. Reviews reasons for the low rate of reported rape progressing to trial and low conviction rates. Comments on substantive and evidential measures introduced to improve conviction rates and on measures to improve the level of reported rape and reported cases progressing to trial. Assesses the impact of the measures. [From Legal Journals Index]