21 resultados para Reuters

em Greenwich Academic Literature Archive - UK


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Analyses the Family Division decision in Q v Q on the competing claims of a father and son to beneficial ownership of a house in which the father sought to on a secret agreement entered into with his sons when transferring the property into their joint names, intended to subvert the inheritance tax rules on lifetime gifts by retaining the right to have the property transferred back to him, and the son relied on a later agreement with his brother to transfer the house into his sole name, in reliance on which he and his wife had acted to their detriment by paying for its upkeep and renovation.


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This, the first part of a three-part article on contractual termination of leases, considers the extent to which determination of a lease in accordance with the contract law principles of frustration and acceptance of a repudiatory breach has been accepted by Commonwealth courts. Reviews the approaches adopted by the courts in Canada, the US and Australia to the application of contractual principles to landlord and tenant disputes.


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Argues that England should follow the example of Australia and New Zealand and give the courts statutory power to grant a tenant relief against forfeiture of the right to exercise an option to renew a lease by reason of the tenant being in breach of covenant. Suggests the legislative provision introducing this power should adopt wording mirroring that in the Law of Property Act 1925 s.146(2).


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Reviews case law on the meaning of the phrase "residing with" as used in the Housing Act 1985 s.87 to identify one of the qualifying requirements for the right to succeed to a secure tenancy. Focuses on the Court of Appeal decision in Freeman v Islington LBC on whether a daughter intended to have her settled home with her father where, in the year preceding her father's death she lived with him full time in order to care for him whilst retaining her own flat and using it as her correspondence address for everything but her credit card. Lists conclusions that can be drawn from the case law.


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Comments on the Chancery Division decision in Clarence House Ltd v National Westminster Bank Plc on whether the alienation covenant in a lease of commercial premises had been breached by the tenant effecting a virtual assignment of it, under which all the economic benefits and burdens of the lease were transferred to a third party without there being any actually assignment of the leasehold interest or change in occupancy.


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This, the second part of a three-part article on contractual termination of leases, considers the extent to which English courts have allowed the contract law principles of frustration and acceptance of a repudiatory breach to be applied to leaseholds. Distinguishes cases involving a repudiatory breach by a landlord from those where the tenant is the one in breach.


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This, the third part of a three-part article on the contractual termination of leases, examines, with reference to UK and Commonwealth case law, the connection between contractual termination and the provisions of legislation including the the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 Pt II relating to forfeiture and termination of business tenancies. Considers why contractual termination by acceptance of a repudiatory breach is a necessary development to protect tenants in the event of a landlord's significant default.


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Discusses the House of Lords ruling in Stack v Dowden on the size of each legal owner's share of the equity in the family home in the event of the relationship breakdown of an unmarried couple. Considers whether the parties intended their beneficial interests to be different to their legal interests in the property. Comments on the court's primary concern of establishing, from the parties' conduct, their intention as regards beneficial ownership. Looks at whether indirect financial contributions give rise to a beneficial interest under a constructive trust and notes the relevance of the doctrine of proprietary estoppel.


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Discusses by reference to case law, including Commonwealth authorities, the rights and duties of landlords where demised premises are abandoned by a tenant who has defaulted on the rent, including the remedies available to the landlord, the limitations on his right to sue for loss of rent due between abandonment and expiration of the term, and the applicability of the contractual doctrine of mitigation of damages in leasehold law. Examines the Court of Appeal decision in Reichman v Beveridge on the duty of mitigate loss in an action merely seeking recovery of rent as it accrues due.


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Discusses the Court of Appeal decision in Graves v Graves on determination of a tenancy by reason of common mistake and frustration. Reviews earlier case law regarding the effects on a contract of a common mistake or frustrating event. Considers the effect of the common mistaken belief held by the parties in Graves when executing a tenancy agreement that the tenant would be entitled to housing benefit, in particular whether by reason of it a condition was implied into the tenancy that the contract would be terminated if housing benefit was unavailable.


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Argues for the introduction of statutory reform to enable valid private purpose trusts to be created by those wishing to make testamentary gifts for non-charitable purposes, with no human beneficiary. Examines the rationale employed in cases where the validity of a private purpose trust has been upheld despite the absence of a human beneficiary. Considers the approaches adopted by five offshore jurisdictions when introducing purpose trust legislation. Identifies key features to be included in any new purpose trust legislation introduced in the UK.


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Explains the equitable doctrine of subrogation as it applies to tenants, assignees and landlords. Outlines the basic principle of subrogation and examines how the principle affects the legal position of the original tenant, the tenant's assignee, the tenant's surety and the original landlord.


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Reviews key proposals of a draft Bill set out in Command Paper: The Law Commission: Termination of Tenancies for Tenant Default (Cm.6946), aimed at replacing the existing law on forfeiture of tenancies. Summarises the main elements of the proposed termination action by landlords, the events justifying such an action, the time limits for serving default notices, the revised range of court orders available and the considerations influencing which type of order to make. Examines the position of qualifying interest holders and the circumstances in which summary termination notices are prohibited.


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Reviews case law which has provided guidance on the law relating to without prejudice communications in landlord and tenant disputes. Considers: (1) the extent to which without prejudice communications are inadmissible in subsequent litigation; (2) exceptions to the without prejudice rule; (3) the specific context in which the rule applies; (4) the need for a dispute or negotiation to have arisen; (5) the prohibition on using "without prejudice" as an opening shot; and (6) the effect of changing the negotiating basis.


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Analyses the Court of Appeal decision in Powell v Benney on whether in a claim of proprietary estoppel the expectation of a couple that they would receive two properties owned, and promised to them, by a deceased friend was out of proportion to the detriment suffered by them in looking after the friend and improving his properties for their own use. Considers: (1) the approach to be taken to the requirement of a causal link between the assurance given and the conduct constituting the detriment relied on; and (2) consensual arrangements and estoppel equity.