19 resultados para Repetitive appeal

em Greenwich Academic Literature Archive - UK


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In this paper, we address the use of CBR in collaboration with numerical engineering models. This collaborative combination has a particular application in engineering domains where numerical models are used. We term this domain “Case Based Engineering” (CBE), and present the general architecture of a CBE system. We define and discuss the general characteristics of CBE and the special problems which arise. These are: the handling of engineering constraints of both continuous and nominal kind; interpolation over both continuous and nominal variables, and conformability for interpolation. In order to illustrate the utility of the method proposed, and to provide practical examples of the general theory, the paper describes a practical application of the CBE architecture, known as CBE-CONVEYOR, which has been implemented by the authors.Pneumatic conveying is an important transportation technology in the solid bulks conveying industry. One of the major industry concerns is the attrition of powders and granules during pneumatic conveying. To minimize the fraction of particles during pneumatic conveying, engineers want to know what design parameters they should use in building a conveyor system. To do this, engineers often run simulations in a repetitive manner to find appropriate input parameters. CBE-Conveyor is shown to speed up conventional methods for searching for solutions, and to solve problems directly that would otherwise require considerable intervention from the engineer.


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An intriguing question, which until recently had not been directly explored by the courts, is the extent to which English law recognises body parts and products of the human body as property capable of ownership. Although the common law currently recognises no general property in a dead body (and only limited possessory rights in respect of it), this apparent “no-property rule” provides no justification, it is submitted, for denying proprietary status to parts or products of a living human body. The recent decision of the Court of Appeal in Yearworth v. North Bristol NHS Trust ([2009] EWCA Civ 37) lends strong support to the view that genetic material (as the product of a living human body) is capable of ownership, at least in the context of a claim in the tort of negligence and bailment. This article examines the various issues by reference to both English and Commonwealth authority.


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Reviews case law on the meaning of the phrase "residing with" as used in the Housing Act 1985 s.87 to identify one of the qualifying requirements for the right to succeed to a secure tenancy. Focuses on the Court of Appeal decision in Freeman v Islington LBC on whether a daughter intended to have her settled home with her father where, in the year preceding her father's death she lived with him full time in order to care for him whilst retaining her own flat and using it as her correspondence address for everything but her credit card. Lists conclusions that can be drawn from the case law.


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Outlines the ways by which personal property can be acquired through the gift of chattels, referring to case law including the Court of Appeal rulings in Re Cole (A Bankrupt) and Re Kirkland, and through the declaration of trust, with reference to the Chancery Division ruling in Rowe v Prance. Compares this to the use of constructive trusts or proprietary estoppel to secure assets and considers the need to prove detrimental reliance.


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Reflects on the scope of a shop owner's duty of care under the Occupiers' Liability Act 1957 to keep floors clear of spillages. Reviews the principles formulated by the Court of Appeal in Ward v Tesco Stores Ltd, including the evidential burden to show the discharge of the duty, and the approach adopted in subsequent cases. Discusses the High Court ruling in Piccolo v Larkstock Ltd (t/a Chiltern Flowers) on whether a small florist on Marylebone Station concourse was obliged to keep the floor dry and petal-free at all times and notes the importance of a proper system to safeguard customers.


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Discusses by reference to case law, including Commonwealth authorities, the rights and duties of landlords where demised premises are abandoned by a tenant who has defaulted on the rent, including the remedies available to the landlord, the limitations on his right to sue for loss of rent due between abandonment and expiration of the term, and the applicability of the contractual doctrine of mitigation of damages in leasehold law. Examines the Court of Appeal decision in Reichman v Beveridge on the duty of mitigate loss in an action merely seeking recovery of rent as it accrues due.


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Discusses the Court of Appeal decision in Graves v Graves on determination of a tenancy by reason of common mistake and frustration. Reviews earlier case law regarding the effects on a contract of a common mistake or frustrating event. Considers the effect of the common mistaken belief held by the parties in Graves when executing a tenancy agreement that the tenant would be entitled to housing benefit, in particular whether by reason of it a condition was implied into the tenancy that the contract would be terminated if housing benefit was unavailable.


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Examines the Cambridge County Court ruling in Volkswagen Financial Services (UK) Ltd v Ramage on whether a clause in a car hire contract which allowed the finance company, upon repudiation of the contract after the hirer fell into arrears, to claim compensation equivalent to the lost future rental payments was unenforceable as a penalty clause, rather than being a reasonable pre-estimate of actual loss. Refers to case law including the Court of Appeal ruling in Anglo Auto Finance Co v James in considering the differing losses which would occur during the course of the hire term according to the natural depreciation of the value of the car. Notes the reasoning of the Court on: (1) contracts of hire compared with hire purchase agreements; (2) the comparative position of the parties and the freedom to contract elsewhere; and (3) the reasonable prediction of future losses.


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Analyses the Court of Appeal decision in Powell v Benney on whether in a claim of proprietary estoppel the expectation of a couple that they would receive two properties owned, and promised to them, by a deceased friend was out of proportion to the detriment suffered by them in looking after the friend and improving his properties for their own use. Considers: (1) the approach to be taken to the requirement of a causal link between the assurance given and the conduct constituting the detriment relied on; and (2) consensual arrangements and estoppel equity.


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Considers the Court of Appeal ruling in Forsyth-Grant v Allen on the principles to be applied in assessing damages for the loss of light. Outlines the method for calculating damages for loss of right to light, the type of amenity which will be included in calculations for loss of amenity and the process applied in this case for assessing damages arising from the loss of profits that would have been made by the owner of the right to light if they had negotiated to relax the covenant, with reference to case law. Notes the limits to damages available for hypothetical loss and the difference between this award of profits and an account of profits.


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Examines the Court of Appeal ruling in Midill (97PL) Ltd v Park Lane Estates Ltd on whether the court should exercise its discretion to return a deposit paid under a contract for the sale of a property where, despite the claimant having defaulted on its purchase, the owner obtained a higher price than would have been paid by the claimant when it subsequently sold the property to a third party. Considers the need for special or exceptional circumstances to be present to override the rule that deposits were to be forfeited upon the purchaser's default.


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Comments on the Court of Appeal ruling in Thorner v Curtis on whether, where the owner of a farm died intestate, the claimant, who had worked on the farm for years and had come to believe that he would inherit the farm, could rely on proprietary estoppel based on hints and remarks made over the years by the deceased, even though the deceased had made no express promise. Reviews case law on proprietary estoppel.


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Comments on the Court of Appeal judgment in Abou-Rahmah v Abacha on liability for dishonest assistance to a breach of trust. Discusses whether an objective standard should apply to determine whether the accessory acted dishonestly. Reviews case law, examining whether the combined test proposed in the House of Lords judgment in Twinsectra Ltd v Yardley is still good law.


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Discusses the approach of the courts to the quantification of beneficial interests in the family home in the event of a relationship breakdown. Assesses the clarification provided by the Court of Appeal ruling in Fowler v Barron on whether the respondent was the sole beneficial owner of a property purchased with his former partner, by means of a significant cash contribution from him and a mortgage in both their names, focusing on whether he could rebut the presumption that they held the property as joint tenants in equity where it was registered in joint names. [From Legal Journals Index]


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Discusses the implications of the Court of Appeal ruling in Ashe v National Westminster Bank Plc on whether a mortgagee's right to possession ran from the date that the legal charge was made over property, meaning that attempts to enforce possession 12 years after the mortgage was agreed were statute barred. Considers the reasons for banks to delay possession, the application of adverse possession rules in this context and the issue of public interest. Advises mortgagees on the benefits of limiting rights to possession to only become actionable when mortgagors are in default to avoid claims becoming statue barred. [From Legal Journals Index]