8 resultados para OPERATORS

em Greenwich Academic Literature Archive - UK


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In this paper, a knowledge-based approach is proposed for the management of temporal information in process control. A common-sense theory of temporal constraints over processes/events, allowing relative temporal knowledge, is employed here as the temporal basis for the system. This theory supports duration reasoning and consistency checking, and accepts relative temporal knowledge which is in a form normally used by human operators. An architecture for process control is proposed which centres on an historical database consisting of events and processes, together with the qualitative temporal relationships between their occurrences. The dynamics of the system is expressed by means of three types of rule: database updating rules, process control rules, and data deletion rules. An example is provided in the form of a life scheduler, to illustrate the database and the rule sets. The example demonstrates the transitions of the database over time, and identifies the procedure in terms of a state transition model for the application. The dividing instant problem for logical inference is discussed with reference to this process control example, and it is shown how the temporal theory employed can be used to deal with the problem.


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Logic-based models are thriving within artificial intelligence. A great number of new logics have been defined, and their theory investigated. Epistemic logics introduce modal operators for knowledge or belief; deontic logics are about norms, and introduce operators of deontic necessity and possibility (i.e., obligation or prohibition). And then we have a much investigated class—temporal logics—to whose application to engineering this special issue is devoted. This kind of formalism deserves increased widespread recognition and application in engineering, a domain where other kinds of temporal models (e.g., Petri nets) are by now a fairly standard part of the modelling toolbox.


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There are three main approaches to the representation of temporal information in AI literature: the so-called method of temporal arguments that simply extends functions and predicates of first-order language to include time as the additional argument; modal temporal logics which are extensions ofthe propositional or predicate calculus with modal temporal operators; and reified temporal logics which reify standard propositions of some initial language (e.g., the classical first-order or modal logic) as objects denoting propositional terms. The objective of this paper is to provide an overview onthe temporal reified approach by looking closely atsome representative existing systems featuring reified propositions, including those of Allen, McDermott, Shoham, Reichgelt, Galton, and Ma and Knight. We shall demonstrate that, although reified logics might be more complicated in expressing assertions about some given objects with respect to different times, they accord a special status to time and therefore have several distinct advantages in talking about some important issues which would be difficult (if not impossible) to express in other approaches.


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This paper describes new crossover operators and mutation strategies for the FUELGEN system, a genetic algorithm which designs fuel loading patterns for nuclear power reactors. The new components are applications of new ideas from recent research in genetic algorithms. They are designed to improve the performance of FUELGEN by using information in the problem as yet not made explicit in the genetic algorithm's representation. The paper introduces new developments in genetic algorithm design and explains how they motivate the proposed new components.


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Very Large Transport Aircraft (VLTA) pose considerable challenges to designers, operators and certification authorities. Questions concerning seating arrangement, nature and design of recreational space, the number, design and location of internal staircases, the number of cabin crew required and the nature of the cabin crew emergency procedures are just some of the issues that need to be addressed. Other more radical concepts such as blended wing body (BWB) design, involving one or two decks with possibly four or more aisles offer even greater challenges. Can the largest exits currently available cope with passenger flow arising from four or five aisles? Do we need to consider new concepts in exit design? Should the main aisles be made wider to accommodate more passengers? In this paper we demonstrate how computer based evacuation models can be used to investigate these issues through examination of staircase evacuation procedures for VLTA and aisle/exit configuration for BWB cabin layouts.


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Computer based mathematical models describing the aircraft evacuation process have a vital role to play in the design and development of safer aircraft, the implementation of safer and more rigorous certification criteria, in cabin crew training and post-mortem accident investigation. As the risk of personal injury and the costs involved in performing full-scale certification trials are high, the development and use of these evacuation modelling tools are essential. Furthermore, evacuation models provide insight into the evacuation process that is impossible to derive from a single certification trial. The airEXODUS evacuation model has been under development since 1989 with support from the UK CAA and the aviation industry. In addition to describing the capabilities of the airEXODUS evacuation model, this paper describes the findings of a recent CAA project aimed at investigating model accuracy in predicting past certification trials. Furthermore, airEXODUS is used to examine issues related to the Blended Wing Body (BWB) and Very Large Transport Aircraft (VLTA). These radical new aircraft concepts pose considerable challenges to designers, operators and certification authorities. BWB concepts involving one or two decks with possibly four or more aisles offer even greater challenges. Can the largest exits currently available cope with passenger flow arising from four or five aisles? Do we need to consider new concepts in exit design? Should the main aisle be made wider to accommodate more passengers? In this paper we discuss various issues evacuation related issues associated VLTA and BWB aircraft and demonstrate how computer based evacuation models can be used to investigage these issues through examination of aisle/exit configurations for BWB cabin layouts.


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In this paper, a couple mechanical-acoustic system of equations is solved to determine the relationship between emitted sound and damage mechanisims in paper under controlled stress conditions. The simple classical expression describing the frequency of a plucked string to its material properties is used to generate a numberical representation of the microscopic structue of the paper, and the resulting numerical model is then used to simulate the vibration of a range of simple fibre structures when undergoing two distinct types of damange mechanisms: (a)fibre/fibre bond failure, (b) fibre failure. The numercial results are analysed to determine whether there is any detectable systematic difference between the resulting acoustic emissions of the two damage processes. Fourier techniques are then used to compare th computeed results against experimental measurements. Distinct frequency components identifying each type of damage are shown to exist, and in this respect theory and experiments show good correspondece. Hence, it is shown, that althrough the mathematical model represents a grossly-simplified view of the complex structure of the paper, it nevertheless provides a good understanding of the underlying micro-mechanisms characterising its proeperties as a stress-resisting structure. Use of the model and acoompanying software will enable operators to identify approaching failure conditions in the continuous production of paper from emitted sound signals and take preventative action.


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Evaluating ship layout for human factors (HF) issues using simulation software such as maritimeEXODUS can be a long and complex process. The analysis requires the identification of relevant evaluation scenarios; encompassing evacuation and normal operations; the development of appropriate measures which can be used to gauge the performance of crew and vessel and finally; the interpretation of considerable simulation data. Currently, the only agreed guidelines for evaluating HFs performance of ship design relate to evacuation and so conclusions drawn concerning the overall suitability of a ship design by one naval architect can be quite different from those of another. The complexity of the task grows as the size and complexity of the vessel increases and as the number and type of evaluation scenarios considered increases. Equally, it can be extremely difficult for fleet operators to set HFs design objectives for new vessel concepts. The challenge for naval architects is to develop a procedure that allows both accurate and rapid assessment of HFs issues associated with vessel layout and crew operating procedures. In this paper we present a systematic and transparent methodology for assessing the HF performance of ship design which is both discriminating and diagnostic. The methodology is demonstrated using two variants of a hypothetical naval ship.