16 resultados para Mathematical Model

em Greenwich Academic Literature Archive - UK


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This paper describes hybrid mathematical model which couples the mechanics of the mass/spring model to the acoustic wave propagation model for use in generating the acoustic signal emitted by complex structures of paper fibres under strain. A discussion of the coupling method is presented including remarks on the errors encountered intrinsic to the discretisation scheme. The numerical results of a vibrating rubber band and a vibrating paper fibre are compared to their experimental counterparts. The fundamental frequencies of the acoustic signals are compared showing a close agreement between the experimental and numerical results


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It is well known that during alloy solidification, convection currents close to the so-lidification front have an influence on the structure of dendrites, the local solute concentration, the pattern of solid segregation, and eventually the microstructure of the casting and hence its mechanical properties. Controlled stirring of the melt in continuous casting or in ingot solidification is thought to have a beneficial effect. Free convection currents occur naturally due to temperature differences in the melt and for any given configuration, their strength is a function of the degree of superheat present. A more controlled forced convection current can be induced using electro-magnetic stirring. The authors have applied their Control-Volume based MHD method [1, 2] to the problem of tin solidification in an annular crucible with a water-cooled inner wall and a resistance heated outer one, for both free and forced convection situations and for various degrees of superheat. This problem was studied experimentally by Vives and Perry [3] who obtained temperature measurements, front positions and maps of electro-magnetic body force for a range of superheat values. The results of the mathematical model are compared critically against the experimental ones, in order to validate the model and also to demonstrate the usefulness of the coupled solution technique followed, as a predictive tool and a design aid. Figs 6, refs 19.


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As part of a comprehensive effort to predict the development of caking in granular materials, a mathematical model is introduced to model simultaneous heat and moisture transfer with phase change in porous media when undergoing temperature oscillations/cycling. The resulting model partial differential equations were solved using finite-volume procedures in the context of the PHYSICA framework and then applied to the analysis of sugar in storage. The influence of temperature on absorption/desorption and diffusion coefficients is coupled into the transport equations. The temperature profile, the depth of penetration of the temperature oscillation into the bulk solid, and the solids moisture content distribution were first calculated, and these proved to be in good agreement with experimental data. Then, the influence of temperature oscillation on absolute humidity, moisture concentration, and moisture migration for different parameters and boundary conditions was examined. As expected, the results show that moisture near boundary regions responds faster than farther away from them with surface temperature changes. The moisture absorption and desorption in materials occurs mainly near boundary regions (where interactions with the environment are more pronounced). Small amounts of solids moisture content, driven by both temperature and vapour concentration gradients, migrate between boundary and center with oscillating temperature.


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In this paper, a couple mechanical-acoustic system of equations is solved to determine the relationship between emitted sound and damage mechanisims in paper under controlled stress conditions. The simple classical expression describing the frequency of a plucked string to its material properties is used to generate a numberical representation of the microscopic structue of the paper, and the resulting numerical model is then used to simulate the vibration of a range of simple fibre structures when undergoing two distinct types of damange mechanisms: (a)fibre/fibre bond failure, (b) fibre failure. The numercial results are analysed to determine whether there is any detectable systematic difference between the resulting acoustic emissions of the two damage processes. Fourier techniques are then used to compare th computeed results against experimental measurements. Distinct frequency components identifying each type of damage are shown to exist, and in this respect theory and experiments show good correspondece. Hence, it is shown, that althrough the mathematical model represents a grossly-simplified view of the complex structure of the paper, it nevertheless provides a good understanding of the underlying micro-mechanisms characterising its proeperties as a stress-resisting structure. Use of the model and acoompanying software will enable operators to identify approaching failure conditions in the continuous production of paper from emitted sound signals and take preventative action.


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Fire is a form of uncontrolled combustion which generates heat, smoke, toxic and irritant gases. All of these products are harmful to man and account for the heavy annual cost of 800 lives and £1,000,000,000 worth of property damage in Britain alone. The new discipline of Fire Safety Engineering has developed as a means of reducing these unacceptable losses. One of the main tools of Fire Safety Engineering is the mathematical model and over the past 15 years a number of mathematical models have emerged to cater for the needs of this discipline. Part of the difficulty faced by the Fire Safety Engineer is the selection of the most appropriate modelling tool to use for the job. To make an informed choice it is essential to have a good understanding of the various modelling approaches, their capabilities and limitations. In this paper some of the fundamental modelling tools used to predict fire and evacuation are investigated as are the issues associated with their use and recent developments in modelling technology.


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The mathematical simulation of the evacuation process has a wide and largely untapped scope of application within the aircraft industry. The function of the mathematical model is to provide insight into complex behaviour by allowing designers, legislators, and investigators to ask ‘what if’ questions. Such a model, EXODUS, is currently under development, and this paper describes its evolution and potential applications. EXODUS is an egress model designed to simulate the evacuation of large numbers of individuals from an enclosure, such as an aircraft. The model tracks the trajectory of each individual as they make their way out of the enclosure or are overcome by fire hazards, such as heat and toxic gases. The software is expert system-based, the progressive motion and behaviour of each individual being determined by a set of heuristics or rules. EXODUS comprises five core interacting components: (i) the Movement Submodel — controls the physical movement of individual passengers from their current position to the most suitable neighbouring location; (ii) the Behaviour Submodel — determines an individual's response to the current prevailing situation; (iii) the Passenger Submodel — describes an individual as a collection of 22 defining attributes and variables; (iv) the Hazard Submodel — controls the atmospheric and physical environment; and (v) the Toxicity Submodel — determines the effects on an individual exposed to the fire products, heat, and narcotic gases through the Fractional Effective Dose calculations. These components are briefly described and their capabilities and limitations are demonstrated through comparison with experimental data and several hypothetical evacuation scenarios.


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This paper presents a comparison of fire field model predictions with experiment for the case of a fire within a compartment which is vented (buoyancydriven) to the outside by a single horizontal ceiling vent. Unlike previous work, the mathematical model does not employ a mixing ratio to represent vent temperatures but allows the model to predict vent temperatures a priori. The experiment suggests that the flow through the vent produces oscillatory behaviour in vent temperatures with puffs of smoke emerging from the fire compartment. This type of flow is also predicted by the fire field model. While the numerical predictions are in good qualitative agreement with observations, they overpredict the amplitudes of the temperature oscillations within the vent and also the compartment temperatures. The discrepancies are thought to be due to three-dimensional effects not accounted for in this model as well as using standard ‘practices’ normally used by the community with regards to discretization and turbulence models. Furthermore, it is important to note that the use of the k–ε turbulence model in a transient mode, as is used here, may have a significant effect on the results. The numerical results also suggest that a linear relationship exists between the frequency of vent temperature oscillation (n) and the heat release rate (Q0) of the type n∝Q0.290, similar to that observed for compartments with two horizontal vents. This relationship is predicted to occur only for heat release rates below a critical value. Furthermore, the vent discharge coefficient is found to vary in an oscillatory fashion with a mean value of 0.58. Below the critical heat release rate the mean discharge coefficient is found to be insensitive to fire size.


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A mathematical model and a numerical scheme for the inverse determination of heat sources generated by means of a welding process is presented in this paper. The accuracy of the heat source retrieval is discussed.


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The aim of this paper is to develop a mathematical model with the ability to predict particle degradation during dilute phase pneumatic conveying. A numerical procedure, based on a matrix representation of degradation processes, is presented to determine the particle impact degradation propensity from a small number of particle single impact tests carried out in a new designed laboratory scale degradation tester. A complete model of particle degradation during dilute phase pneumatic conveying is then described, where the calculation of degradation propensity is coupled with a flow model of the solids and gas phases in the pipeline. Numerical results are presented for degradation of granulated sugar in an industrial scale pneumatic conveyor.


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Most lead bullion is refined by pyrometallurgical methods - this involves a serics of processes that remove the antimony (softening) silver (Parkes process), zinc (vacuum dezincing) and if need be, bismuth (Betterton-Kroll process). The first step, softening, removes the antimony, arsenic and tin by air oxidation in a furnace or by the Harris process. Next, in the Parkes process, zinc is added to the melt to remove the silver and gold. Insoluble zinc, silver and gold compounds are skimmed off from the melt surface. Excess zinc added during desilvering is removed from lead bullion using one of ghree methods: * Vacuum dezincing; * Chlorine dezincing; or * Harris dezincing. The present study concentrates on the Vacuum dezincing process for lead refining. The main aims of the research are to develop mathematical model(s), using Computational Fluid Dyanmics (CFD) a Surface Averaged Model (SAM), to predict the process behaviour under various operating conditions, thus providing detailed information of the process - insight into its reaction to changes of key operating parameters. Finally, the model will be used to optimise the process in terms of initial feed concentration, temperature, vacuum height cooling rate, etc.


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Induction heating is an efficient method used to melt electrically conductive materials, particularly if melting takes place in a ceramic crucible. This form of melting is particularly good for alloys, as electromagnetic forces set up by the induction coil lead to vigorous stirring of the melt ensuring homogeneity and uniformity in temperature. However, for certain reactive alloys, or where high purity is required, ceramic crucibles cannot be used, but a water-cooled segmented copper crucible is employed instead. Water cooling prevents meltdown or distortion of the metal wall, but much of the energy goes into the coolant. To reduce this loss, the electromagnetic force generated by the coil is used to push the melt away from the walls and so minimise contact with water-cooled surfaces. Even then, heat is lost through the crucible base where contact is inevitable. In a collaborative programme between Greenwich and Birmingham Universities, computer modelling has been used in conjunction with experiments to improve the superheat attainable in the melt for a,number of alloys, especially for y-TiAl intermetallics to cast aeroengine turbine blades. The model solves the discretised form of the turbulent Navier-Stokes, thermal energy conservation and Maxwell equations using a Spectral Collocation technique. The time-varying melt envelope is followed explicitly during the computation using an adaptive mesh. This paper briefly describes the mathematical model used to represent the interaction between the magnetic field, fluid flow, heat transfer and change of phase in the crucible and identifies the proportions of energy used in the melt, lost in the crucible base and in the crucible walls. The role of turbulence is highlighted as important in controlling heat losses and turbulence damping is introduced as a means of improving superheat. Model validation is against experimental results and shows good agreement with measured temperatures and energy losses in the cooling fluid throughout the melting cycle.


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This paper investigates the use of the acoustic emission (AE) monitoring technique for use in identifying the damage mechanisms present in paper associated with its production process. The microscopic structure of paper consists of a random mesh of paper fibres connected by hydrogen bonds. This implies the existence of two damage mechanisms, the failure of a fibre-fibre bond and the failure of a fibre. This paper describes a hybrid mathematical model which couples the mechanics of the mass-spring model to the acoustic wave propagation model for use in generating the acoustic signal emitted by complex structures of paper fibres under strain. The derivation of the mass-spring model can be found in [1,2], with details of the acoustic wave equation found in [3,4]. The numerical implementation of the vibro-acoustic model is discussed in detail with particular emphasis on the damping present in the numerical model. The hybrid model uses an implicit solver which intrinsically introduces artificial damping to the solution. The artificial damping is shown to affect the frequency response of the mass-spring model, therefore certain restrictions on the simulation time step must be enforced so that the model produces physically accurate results. The hybrid mathematical model is used to simulate small fibre networks to provide information on the acoustic response of each damage mechanism. The simulated AEs are then analysed using a continuous wavelet transform (CWT), described in [5], which provides a two dimensional time-frequency representation of the signal. The AEs from the two damage mechanisms show different characteristics in the CWT so that it is possible to define a fibre-fibre bond failure by the criteria listed below. The dominant frequency components of the AE must be at approximately 250 kHz or 750 kHz. The strongest frequency component may be at either approximately 250 kHz or 750 kHz. The duration of the frequency component at approximately 250 kHz is longer than that of the frequency component at approximately 750 kHz. Similarly, the criteria for identifying a fibre failure are given below. The dominant frequency component of the AE must be greater than 800 kHz. The duration of the dominant frequency component must be less than 5.00E-06 seconds. The dominant frequency component must be present at the front of the AE. Essentially, the failure of a fibre-fibre bond produces a low frequency wave and the failure of a fibre produces a high frequency pulse. Using this theoretical criteria, it is now possible to train an intelligent classifier such as the Self-Organising Map (SOM) [6] using the experimental data. First certain features must be extracted from the CWTs of the AEs for use in training the SOM. For this work, each CWT is divided into 200 windows of 5E-06s in duration covering a 100 kHz frequency range. The power ratio for each windows is then calculated and used as a feature. Having extracted the features from the AEs, the SOM can now be trained, but care is required so that the both damage mechanisms are adequately represented in the training set. This is an issue with paper as the failure of the fibre-fibre bonds is the prevalent damage mechanism. Once a suitable training set is found, the SOM can be trained and its performance analysed. For the SOM described in this work, there is a good chance that it will correctly classify the experimental AEs.


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A design methodology based on numerical modelling, integrated with optimisation techniques and statistical methods, to aid the process control of micro and nano-electronics based manufacturing processes is presented in this paper. The design methodology is demonstrated for a micro-machining process called Focused Ion Beam (FIB). This process has been modelled to help understand how a pre-defined geometry of micro- and nano- structures can be achieved using this technology. The process performance is characterised on the basis of developed Reduced Order Models (ROM) and are generated using results from a mathematical model of the Focused Ion Beam and Design of Experiment (DoE) methods. Two ion beam sources, Argon and Gallium ions, have been used to compare and quantify the process variable uncertainties that can be observed during the milling process. The evaluations of the process performance takes into account the uncertainties and variations of the process variables and are used to identify their impact on the reliability and quality of the fabricated structure. An optimisation based design task is to identify the optimal process conditions, by varying the process variables, so that certain quality objectives and requirements are achieved and imposed constraints are satisfied. The software tools used and developed to demonstrate the design methodology are also presented.


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This paper presents a design methodology based on numerical modelling, integrated with optimisation techniques and statistical methods, to aid the development of new advanced technologies in the area of micro and nano systems. The design methodology is demonstrated for a micro-machining process called Focused Ion Beam (FIB). This process has been modelled to provide knowledge of how a pre-defined geometry can be achieved through this direct milling. The geometry characterisation is obtained using a Reduced Order Models (ROM), generated from the results of a mathematical model of the Focused Ion Beam, and Design of Experiment (DoE) methods. In this work, the focus is on the design flow methodology which includes an approach on how to include process parameter uncertainties into the process optimisation modelling framework. A discussion on the impact of the process parameters, and their variations, on the quality and performance of the fabricated structure is also presented. The design task is to identify the optimal process conditions, by altering the process parameters, so that certain reliability and confidence of the application is achieved and the imposed constraints are satisfied. The software tools used and developed to demonstrate the design methodology are also presented.


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The values of material physical properties are vital for the successful use of numerical simulations for electromagnetic processing of materials. The surface tension of materials can be determined from the experimental measurement of the surface oscillation frequency of liquid droplets. In order for this technique to be used, a positioning field is required that results in a modification to the oscillation frequency. A number of previous analytical models have been developed that mainly focus on electrically conducting droplets positioned using an A.C. electromagnetic field, but due to the turbulent flow resulting from the high electromagnetic fields required to balance gravity, reliable measurements have largely been limited to microgravity. In this work axisymmetric analytical and numerical models are developed, which allow the surface tension of a diamagnetic droplet positioned in a high DC magnetic field to be determined from the surface oscillations. In the case of D.C. levitation there is no internal electric currents with resulting Joule heating, Marangoni flow and other effects that introduce additional physics that complicates the measurement process. The analytical solution uses the linearised Navier-Stokes equations in the inviscid case. The body force from a DC field is potential, in contrast to the AC case, and it can be derived from Maxwell equations giving a solution for the magnetic field in the form of a series expansion of Legendre polynomials. The first few terms in this expansion represent a constant and gradient magnetic field valid close to the origin, which can be used to position the droplet. Initially the mathematical model is verified in microgravity conditions using a numerical model developed to solve the transient electromagnetics, fluid flow and thermodynamic equations. In the numerical model (as in experiment) the magnetic field is obtained using electrical current carrying coils, which provides the confinement force for a liquid droplet. The model incorporates free surface deformation to accurately model the oscillations that result from the interaction between the droplet and the non-uniform external magnetic field. A comparison is made between the analytical perturbation theory and the numerical pseudo spectral approximation solutions for small amplitude oscillations.