15 resultados para INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY

em Greenwich Academic Literature Archive - UK


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Annular, ring or torsional shear testers are commonly used in bulk solids handling research for the purpose of powder characterisation or equipment design. This paper reports from a DEFRA sponsored project which aims to develop an industrial powder flow-ability tester, (based on the annular shear tester) that is economic to buy and quick and easy to use in trained but unskilled hands. This paper compares the wall failure loci measured with an annular shear cell with measurements obtained using the accepted standard wall friction tester, the Jenike shear cell. These wall failure loci have been measured for several bulk solids which range from fine cohesive powders to free-flowing granular materials, on a stainless steel 304 2B wall surface.


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In the analysis of industrial processes, there is an increasing emphasis on systems governed by interacting continuum phenomena. Mathematical models of such multi-physics processes can only be achieved for practical simulations through computational solution procedures—computational mechanics. Examples of such multi-physics systems in the context of metals processing are used to explore some of the key issues. Finite-volume methods on unstructured meshes are proposed as a means to achieve efficient rapid solutions to such systems. Issues associated with the software design, the exploitation of high performance computers, and the concept of the virtual computational-mechanics modelling laboratory are also addressed in this context.


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The parallelization of existing/industrial electromagnetic software using the bulk synchronous parallel (BSP) computation model is presented. The software employs the finite element method with a preconditioned conjugate gradient-type solution for the resulting linear systems of equations. A geometric mesh-partitioning approach is applied within the BSP framework for the assembly and solution phases of the finite element computation. This is combined with a nongeometric, data-driven parallel quadrature procedure for the evaluation of right-hand-side terms in applications involving coil fields. A similar parallel decomposition is applied to the parallel calculation of electron beam trajectories required for the design of tube devices. The BSP parallelization approach adopted is fully portable, conceptually simple, and cost-effective, and it can be applied to a wide range of finite element applications not necessarily related to electromagnetics.


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This paper presents an Eulerian-based numerical model of particle degradation in dilute-phase pneumatic conveying systems including bends of different angles. The model shows reasonable agreement with detailed measurements from a pilot-sized pneumatic conveying system and a much larger scale pneumatic conveyor. The potential of the model to predict degradation in a large-scale conveying system from an industrial plant is demonstrated. The importance of the effect of the bend angle on the damage imparted to the particles is discussed.


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The present work uses the discrete element method (DEM) to describe assemblies of particulate bulk materials. Working numerical descriptions of entire processes using this scheme are infeasible because of the very large number of elements (1012 or more in a moderately sized industrial silo). However it is possible to capture much of the essential bulk mechanics through selective DEM on important regions of an assembly, thereafter using the information in continuum numerical descriptions of particulate processes. The continuum numerical model uses population balances of the various components in bulk solid mixtures. It depends on constitutive relationships for the internal transfer, creation and/or destruction of components within the mixture. In this paper we show the means of generating such relationships for two important flow phenomena – segregation whereby particles differing in some important property (often size) separate into discrete phases, and degradation, whereby particles break into sub-elements, through impact on each other or shearing. We perform DEM simulations under a range of representative conditions, extracting the important parameters for the relevant transfer, creation and/or destruction of particles in certain classes within the assembly over time. Continuum predictions of segregation and degradation using this scheme are currently being successfully validated against bulk experimental data and are beginning to be used in schemes to improve the design and operation of bulk solids process plant.


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An intriguing question, which until recently had not been directly explored by the courts, is the extent to which English law recognises body parts and products of the human body as property capable of ownership. Although the common law currently recognises no general property in a dead body (and only limited possessory rights in respect of it), this apparent “no-property rule” provides no justification, it is submitted, for denying proprietary status to parts or products of a living human body. The recent decision of the Court of Appeal in Yearworth v. North Bristol NHS Trust ([2009] EWCA Civ 37) lends strong support to the view that genetic material (as the product of a living human body) is capable of ownership, at least in the context of a claim in the tort of negligence and bailment. This article examines the various issues by reference to both English and Commonwealth authority.


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Comments on the Chancery Division decision in Jackson v JH Watson Property Investment Ltd on whether a landlord was liable in nuisance to a long leaseholder in respect of damage caused to the demised property by a building defect which pre-dated the grant of the lease or whether the principle of caveat lessee applied. Considers whether the defect amounted to "disrepair" within the meaning of the landlord's repairing covenant.


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The extent and gravity of the environmental degradation of the water resources in Dhaka due to untreated industrial waste is not fully recognised in international discourse. Pollution levels affect vast numbers, but the poor and the vulnerable are the worst affected. For example, rice productivity, the mainstay of poor farmers, in the Dhaka watershed has declined by 40% over a period of ten years. The study found significant correlations between water pollution and diseases such as jaundice, diarrhoea and skin problems. It was reported that the cost of treatment of one episode of skin disease could be as high as 29% of the weekly earnings of some of the poorest households. The dominant approach to deal with pollution in the SMEs is technocratic. Given the magnitude of the problem this paper argues that to control industrial pollution by SMEs and to enhance their compliance it is necessary to move from the technocratic approach to one which can also address the wider institutional and attitudinal issues. Underlying this shift is the need to adopt the appropriate methodology. The multi-stakeholder analysis enables an understanding of the actors, their influence, their capacity to participate in, or oppose change, and the existing and embedded incentive structures which allow them to pursue interests which are generally detrimental to environmental good. This enabled core and supporting strategies to be developed around three types of actors in industrial pollution, i.e., (i) principal actors, who directly contribute to industrial pollution; (ii) stakeholders who exacerbate the situation; and (iii) potential actors in mitigation. Within a carrot-and-stick framework, the strategies aim to improve environmental governance and transparency, set up a packet to incentive for industry and increase public awareness.


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The concomitant recycling of waste and carbon dioxide emissions is the subject of developing technology designed to close the industrial process loop and facilitate the bulk-re-use of waste in, for example, construction. The present work discusses a treatment step that employs accelerated carbonation to convert gaseous carbon dioxide into solid calcium carbonate through a reaction with industrial thermal residues. Treatment by accelerated carbonation enabled a synthetic aggregate to be made from thermal residues and waste quarry fines. The aggregates produced had a bulk density below 1000 kg/m3 and a high water absorption capacity. Aggregate crushing strengths were between 30% and 90% stronger than the proprietary lightweight expanded clay aggregate available in the UK. Cast concrete blocks containing the carbonated aggregate achieve compressive strengths of 24 MPa, making them suitable for use with concrete exposed to non-aggressive service environments. The energy intensive firing and sintering processes traditionally required to produce lightweight aggregates can now be augmented by a cold-bonding, low energy method that contributes to the reduction of green house gases to the atmosphere.


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The book provides an overview to the context of property development so that academics, students and professionals can examine the stages of development in the process - from initial consideration, to site finding, general appraisal, valuation, funding, construction and marketing, with a focus on two key areas of the process: appraisal and finance. The Second Edition reflects the developing research interests of the authors by putting property development and appraisal in a wider economic environment and the appraisal process was treated in a more holistic manner. Secondly, more case studies were included and the chapters framed with clear objectives key terms and summaries. Thirdly, this edition examined in more detail the property development and appraisal process in relation to sustainability and other key issues such as climate change, the changing financial environment, planning design and global influences. Research on appraisal techniques is incorporated in chapters 3-5. Research on property finance based on the original Property Lending Surveys carried out by the author and incorporated in other texts (Property Finance, 1994, 2003) is included in chapters 6-8. Research on property companies and their capital structures in included in chapter 8. Analysis of the relationship between sustainability and design is included in chapter 9. This is a key text in the area of property development, sales of the First Edition and Second Edition have been in the thousands globally to academics, students and practitioners.


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In the seventh edition, the book has been updated and revised to reflect changes in the market, the development of appraisal methods and the subsequent changes in professional practice. The intial overview in Part I of the book, The Economic and Legal Framework, has been revisd to show the present position. Changes in appraisal techniques based on the research of the authors have been incorporated in Part II on Investment Valuation. Revisions have also been made in part II, again based on the research activities of the authors, which examines Investment Appraisal.The serves a number of purposes. First, it provides a critical examination of valuation techniques, with particular reference to the investment method of valuation. Second, it supplies practising valuers and appraisers with more effective data, information and techniques to enable them to carry out their valuations, appraisals and negotiations in an increasily competitive field. Finally, it provides assistance to students and academics in understanding the context of and a range of approaches to the valuation and appraisal of property investments. This book has been a key text in property investment appraisal for more than 30 years, it has sold many thousands of copies globally to academics, students and practitioners.


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The disposal of industrial waste presents major logistical, financial and environmental issues. Technologies that can reduce the hazardous properties of wastes are urgently required. In the present work, a number of industrial wastes arising from the cement, metallurgical, paper, waste disposal and energy industries were treated with accelerated carbonation. In this process carbonation was effected by exposing the waste to pure carbon dioxide gas. The paper and cement wastes chemically combined with up to 25% by weight of gas. The reactivity of the wastes to carbon dioxide was controlled by their constituent minerals, and not by their elemental composition, as previously postulated. Similarly, microstructural alteration upon carbonation was primarily influenced by mineralogy. Many of the thermal wastes tested were classified as hazardous, based upon regulated metal content and pH. Treatment by accelerated carbonation reduced the leaching of certain metals, aiding the disposal of many as stable non-reactive wastes. Significant volumes of carbon dioxide were sequestrated into the accelerated carbonated treated wastes.


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Today, the key to commercial success in manufacturing is the timely development of new products that are not only functionally fit for purpose but offer high performance and quality throughout their entire lifecycle. In principle, this demands the introduction of a fully developed and optimised product from the outset. To accomplish this, manufacturing companies must leverage existing knowledge in their current technical, manufacturing and service capabilities. This is especially true in the field of tolerance selection and application, the subject area of this research. Tolerance knowledge must be readily available and deployed as an integral part of the product development process. This paper describes a methodology and framework,currently under development in a UK manufacturer, to achieve this objective.