13 resultados para Humphry, Ozias, 1743-1810.

em Greenwich Academic Literature Archive - UK


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A novel multiscale model of brittle crack propagation in an Ag plate with macroscopic dimensions has been developed. The model represents crack propagation as stochastic drift-diffusion motion of the crack tip atom through the material, and couples the dynamics across three different length scales. It integrates the nanomechanics of bond rupture at the crack tip with the displacement and stress field equations of continuum based fracture theories. The finite element method is employed to obtain the continuum based displacement and stress fields over the macroscopic plate, and these are then used to drive the crack tip forward at the atomic level using the molecular dynamics simulation method based on many-body interatomic potentials. The linkage from the nanoscopic scale back to the macroscopic scale is established via the Ito stochastic calculus, the stochastic differential equation of which advances the tip to a new position on the macroscopic scale using the crack velocity and diffusion constant obtained on the nanoscale. Well known crack characteristics, such as the roughening transitions of the crack surfaces, crack velocity oscillations, as well as the macroscopic crack trajectories, are obtained.


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A commercial pyrometallurgical process for the extraction of platinum-group metals (PGM) from a feedstock slag was analysed with the use of a model based on computational fluid dynamics. The results of the modelling indicate that recovery depends on the behaviour of the collector phase. A possible method is proposed for estimation of the rate at which PGM particles in slag are absorbed into an iron collector droplet that falls through it. Nanoscale modelling techniques (for particle migration or capture) are combined with a diffusion-controlled mass-transfer model to determine the iron collector droplet size needed for >95% PGM recovery in a typical process bath (70 mm deep) in a realistic time-scale (<1 h). The results show that an iron droplet having a diameter in the range 0.1–0.3 mm gives good recovery (>90%) within a reasonable time. This finding is compatible with published experimental data. Pyrometallurgical processes similar to that investigated should be applicable to other types of waste that contain low levels of potentially valuable metals.


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In recognition of the differences of scale between the welding pool and the heat affected zone along the welding line on one hand, and the overall size of the components being welded on the other, a local-global finite element approach was developed for the evaluation of distortions in laser welded shipbuilding parts. The approach involves the tandem use of a 'local' and a 'global' step. The local step involves a three-dimensional finite element model for the simulation of the laser welding process using the Sysweld finite element code, which takes into account thermal, metallurgical, and mechanical aspects. The simulation of the laser welding process was performed using a non-linear heat transfer analysis, based on a keyhole formation model, and a coupled transient thermomechanical analysis, which takes into account metallurgical transformations using the temperature dependent material properties and the continuous cooling transformation diagram. The size and shape of the keyhole used in the local finite element analysis was evaluated using a keyhole formation model and the Physica finite volume code. The global step involves the transfer of residual plastic strains and the stiffness of the weld obtained from the local model to the global analysis, which then provides the predicted distortions for the whole part. This newly developed methodology was applied to the evaluation of global distortions due to laser welding of stiffeners on a shipbuilding part. The approach has been proved reliable in comparison with experiments and of practical industrial use in terms of computing time and storage.


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Computational analysis software is now widely accepted as a key industrial tool for plant design and process analysis. This is due in part to increased accuracy in the models, larger and faster computer systems and better graphical interfaces that allow easy use of the technology by engineers. The use of computational modelling to test new ideas and analyse current processes helps to take the guesswork out of industrial process design and offers attractive cost savings. An overview of computer-based modelling techniques as applied to the materials processing industry is presented and examples of their application are provided in the contexts of the mixing and refining of lead bullion and the manufacture of lead ingots.


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Discusses the Chancery Division judgment in Thorner v Curtis on a claim by an unpaid farm worker, who was led to expect that he would inherit the farm. Examines whether proprietary estoppel could be proved even if the deceased landowner made no express promise. Reviews case law on proprietary estoppel.


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Considers the discretion of the trustees to disclose the settlor's wishes to the beneficiaries of a family discretionary trust. Discusses the confidentiality principle relating to family discretionary trusts and whether a settlor's wish letter falls within the scope of that principle. Sets out the guidance of the court in Breakspear v Ackland for trustees faced with a request for disclosure from a beneficiary.


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Comments on the Chancery Division judgment in Jones v Kernott on the beneficial interests of former cohabiting partners in their family home. Considers whether the partners must have intended to vary their shares when the man stopped paying the mortgage, bought a house in his own name and went to live there. Discusses whether the court could take into account what was considered fair between the partners based on the whole course of dealing, including non-payment of maintenance for children.


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Comments on the Court of Appeal judgment in Abou-Rahmah v Abacha on liability for dishonest assistance to a breach of trust. Discusses whether an objective standard should apply to determine whether the accessory acted dishonestly. Reviews case law, examining whether the combined test proposed in the House of Lords judgment in Twinsectra Ltd v Yardley is still good law.


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The effects of a constant uniform magnetic field on thermoelectric currents during dendritic solidification were investigated using a two-dimensional enthalpy based numerical model. Using an approximation for three-dimensional unconstricted growth, the resulting Lorentz forces generate a circulating flow influencing the solidification pattern. Under the presence of a strong magnetic field secondary growth on the clockwise side of the primary arm of the dendrite was encouraged, whereas the anticlockwise side is suppressed due to a reduction in local free energy. The preferred direction of growth rotated in the clockwise sense under an anticlockwise flow. The tip velocity is significantly increased compared with growth in stagnant flow. This is due to a small recirculation at the tip of the dendrite; bringing in colder liquid and lowering the concentration of solute.


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Addressing the collection, representation and exhibition of architecture and the built environment, this book explores current practices, historical precedents, theoretical issues and future possibilities arising from the meeting of a curatorial ‘subject’ and an architectural ‘object’. Striking a balance between theoretical investigations and case studies, the chapters cover a broad methodological as well as thematic range. Examining the influential role of architectural exhibitions, the contributors also look at curatorship as an emerging attitude towards the investigation and interpretation of the city. International in scope, this collection investigates curation, architecture and the city across the world, opening up new possibilities for exploring the urban fabric.


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Book review of 'Turkey and the European Union: Prospects for a Difficult Encounter', edited by Esra Lagro and Knud Erik Jorgensen, Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007 Pp. xii þ 240; 1 table; 1 figure; index; ISBN 9780230019553; £47.00 (hb).