em Greenwich Academic Literature Archive - UK


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The zwitterionic forms of the two simplest alpha-amino acids, glycine and l-alanine, in aqueous solution and the solid state have been modeled by DFT calculations. Calculations of the structures in the solid state, using PW91 or PBE functionals, are in good agreement with the reported crystal structures, and the vibrational spectra computed at the optimized geometries provide a good fit to the observed IR and Raman spectra in the solid state. DFT calculations of the structures and vibrational spectra of the zwitterions in aqueous solution at the B3-LYP/cc-pVDZ level were found to require both explicit and implicit solvation models. Explicit solvation was modeled by inclusion of five hydrogen-bonded water molecules attached to each of the five possible hydrogen-bonding sites in the zwitterion and the integration equation formalism polarizable continuum model (IEF-PCM) was employed, providing a satisfactory fit to observed IR and Raman spectra. Band assignments are reported in terms of potential-energy distributions, which differ in some respects to those previously reported for glycine and l-alanine.


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The surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) spectra of rhodanine adsorbed on silver nanoparticles have been examined using 514.5 and 632.8 nm excitation. There is evidence that, under the experimental conditions used, rhodanine undergoes a nanoparticle surface-induced reaction resulting in the formation of a dimeric species via the active methylene group in a process which is analogous to the Knoevenagel reaction. The experimental observations are supported by DFT calculations at the B3-LYP/cc-pVDZ level. Calculated energies for the interaction of the E and Z isomers of the dimers of rhodanine with silver nanoparticles support a model in which the (intra-molecular hydrogen bonded) E isomer dimer is of lower energy than the Z isomer. A strong band, at 1566 cm(-1), in the SERS spectrum of rhodanine is assigned to the nu(C=C) mode of the dimer species.


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Solid state IR and Raman as well as aqueous solution state Raman spectra are reported for the linear di-amino acid peptide L-aspartyl-L-glutamic acid (L-Asp-L-Glu); the solution state Raman spectrum has also been obtained for the N,O-deuterated derivative. SCF-DFT calculations at the B3-LYP/cc-pVDZ level established that the structure and vibrational spectra of L-Asp-L-Glu can be interpreted using a model of the peptide with ten hydrogen-bonded water molecules, in conjunction with the conductor-like polarizable continuum solvation method. The DFT calculations resulted in the computation of a stable zwitterionic structure, which displays trans-amide conformation. The vibrational spectra were computed at the optimised molecular geometry, enabling normal coordinate analysis, which yielded satisfactory agreement with the experimental IR and Raman data. Computed potential energy distributions of the normal modes provided detailed vibrational assignments.


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Attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy has been used to simultaneously follow the diffusion of model drugs and solvent across polydimethylsiloxane (silicone) membrane. Three model drugs, cyanophenol (CNP), methyl nicotinate (MN) and butyl paraben (BP) were selected to cover a range of lipophilicities. Isostearyl isostearate (ISIS) was chosen as the solvent because its large molecular weight should facilitate observation of whether the drug molecules are able to diffuse through the membrane independently of the solvent. The diffusion of the three drugs and the solvent was successfully described by a Fickian model. The effects of parameters such as the absorption wavelength used to follow diffusion on the calculated diffusion coefficient were investigated. Absorption wavelength which affects the depth of penetration of the infrared radiation into the membrane did not significantly affect the calculated diffusion coefficient over the wavelength range tested. Each of the model drugs was observed to diffuse independently of the solvent across the membrane. The diffusion of a CNP-ISIS hydrogen bonded complex across the membrane was also monitored. The relative diffusion rates of the solute and solvent across the membrane can largely be accounted for by the molecular size of the permeant.