21 resultados para Formulated

em Greenwich Academic Literature Archive - UK


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A computer-based numerical modelling of the adsorption process of gas phase metallic particles on the surface of a graphite substrate has been performed via the application of molecular dynamics simulation method. The simulation relates to an extensive STM-based experiment performed in this field, and reproduces part of the experimental results. Both two-body and many-body inter-atomic potentials have been employed. A Morse-type potential describing the metal-carbon interactions at the interface was specifically formulated for this modelling. Intercalation of silver in graphite has been observed as well as the correct alignments of monomers, dimers and two-dimensional islands on the surface. PACS numbers: 02.60.Cb, 07.05.Tp, 68.55.-a, 81.05.Tp


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The powerful general Pacala-Hassell host-parasitoid model for a patchy environment, which allows host density–dependent heterogeneity (HDD) to be distinguished from between-patch, host density–independent heterogeneity (HDI), is reformulated within the class of the generalized linear model (GLM) family. This improves accessibility through the provision of general software within well–known statistical systems, and allows a rich variety of models to be formulated. Covariates such as age class, host density and abiotic factors may be included easily. For the case where there is no HDI, the formulation is a simple GLM. When there is HDI in addition to HDD, the formulation is a hierarchical generalized linear model. Two forms of HDI model are considered, both with between-patch variability: one has binomial variation within patches and one has extra-binomial, overdispersed variation within patches. Examples are given demonstrating parameter estimation with standard errors, and hypothesis testing. For one example given, the extra-binomial component of the HDI heterogeneity in parasitism is itself shown to be strongly density dependent.


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This paper, a 2-D non-linear electric arc-welding problem is considered. It is assumed that the moving arc generates an unknown quantity of energy which makes the problem an inverse problem with an unknown source. Robust algorithms to solve such problems e#ciently, and in certain circumstances in real-time, are of great technological and industrial interest. There are other types of inverse problems which involve inverse determination of heat conductivity or material properties [CDJ63][TE98], inverse problems in material cutting [ILPP98], and retrieval of parameters containing discontinuities [IK90]. As in the metal cutting problem, the temperature of a very hot surface is required and it relies on the use of thermocouples. Here, the solution scheme requires temperature measurements lied in the neighbourhood of the weld line in order to retrieve the unknown heat source. The size of this neighbourhood is not considered in this paper, but rather a domain decomposition concept is presented and an examination of the accuracy of the retrieved source are presented. This paper is organised as follows. The inverse problem is formulated and a method for the source retrieval is presented in the second section. The source retrieval method is based on an extension of the 1-D source retrieval method as proposed in [ILP].


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The electronics industry is developing rapidly together with the increasingly complex problem of microelectronic equipment cooling. It has now become necessary for thermal design engineers to consider the problem of equipment cooling at some level. The use of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) for such investigations is fast becoming a powerful and almost essential tool for the design, development and optimisation of engineering applications. However turbulence models remain a key issue when tackling such flow phenomena. The reliability of CFD analysis depends heavily on the turbulence model employed together with the wall functions implemented. In order to resolve the abrupt fluctuations experienced by the turbulent energy and other parameters located at near wall regions and shear layers a particularly fine computational mesh is necessary which inevitably increases the computer storage and run-time requirements. This paper will discuss results from an investigation into the accuract of currently used turbulence models. Also a newly formulated transitional hybrid turbulence model will be introduced with comparisonsaagainst experimental data.


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The electronics industry and the problems associated with the cooling of microelectronic equipment are developing rapidly. Thermal engineers now find it necessary to consider the complex area of equipment cooling at some level. This continually growing industry also faces heightened pressure from consumers to provide electronic product miniaturization, which in itself increases the demand for accurate thermal management predictions to assure product reliability. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is considered a powerful and almost essential tool for the design, development and optimization of engineering applications. CFD is now widely used within the electronics packaging design community to thermally characterize the performance of both the electronic component and system environment. This paper discusses CFD results for a large variety of investigated turbulence models. Comparison against experimental data illustrates the predictive accuracy of currently used models and highlights the growing demand for greater mathematical modelling accuracy with regards to thermal characterization. Also a newly formulated low Reynolds number (i.e. transitional) turbulence model is proposed with emphasis on hybrid techniques.


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This paper discusses results from a highly interdisciplinary research project which investigated different packaging options for ultra-fine pitch, low temperature and low cost flip-chip assembly. Isotropic Conductive Adhesives (ICAs) are stencil printed to form the interconnects for the package. ICAs are utilized to ensure a low temperature assembly process of flip-chip copper column bumped packages. Results are presented on the structural integrity of novel electroformed stencils. ICA deposits at sub-100 micron pitch and the subsequent thermo-mechanical behaviour of the flip-chip ICA joints are analysed using numerical modelling techniques. Optimal design rules for enhanced performance and thermomechanical reliability of ICA assembled flip-chip packages are formulated.


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We consider a range of single machine and identical parallel machine pre-emptive scheduling models with controllable processing times. For each model we study a single criterion problem to minimize the compression cost of the processing times subject to the constraint that all due dates should be met. We demonstrate that each single criterion problem can be formulated in terms of minimizing a linear function over a polymatroid, and this justifies the greedy approach to its solution. A unified technique allows us to develop fast algorithms for solving both single criterion problems and bicriteria counterparts.


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In this paper we propose a method for interpolation over a set of retrieved cases in the adaptation phase of the case-based reasoning cycle. The method has two advantages over traditional systems: the first is that it can predict “new” instances, not yet present in the case base; the second is that it can predict solutions not present in the retrieval set. The method is a generalisation of Shepard’s Interpolation method, formulated as the minimisation of an error function defined in terms of distance metrics in the solution and problem spaces. We term the retrieval algorithm the Generalised Shepard Nearest Neighbour (GSNN) method. A novel aspect of GSNN is that it provides a general method for interpolation over nominal solution domains. The method is illustrated in the paper with reference to the Irises classification problem. It is evaluated with reference to a simulated nominal value test problem, and to a benchmark case base from the travel domain. The algorithm is shown to out-perform conventional nearest neighbour methods on these problems. Finally, GSNN is shown to improve in efficiency when used in conjunction with a diverse retrieval algorithm.


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This paper presents the assembly process using next generation electroformed stencils and Isotropic Conductive Adhesives (ICAs) as interconnection material. The utilisation of ICAs in flip-chip assembly process is investigated as an alternative to the lead and lead-free solder alloys and aims to ensure a low temperature (T < 100 °C) assembly process. The paper emphasizes and discusses in details the assembly of a flip-chip package based on copper columns bumped die and substrate with stencil printed ICA deposits at sub-100 μm pitch. A computational modelling approach is undertaken to provide comprehensive results on reliability trends of ICA joints subject to thermal cycling of the flip-chip assembly based on easy to use damage criteria and damage evaluation. Important design parameters in the package are selected and investigated using numerical modelling techniques to provide knowledge and understanding of their impact on the thermo-mechanical behaviour of the flip-chip ICA joints. Sensitivity analysis of the damage in the adhesive material is also carried out. Optimal design rules for enhanced performance and improved thermo-mechanical reliability of ICA assembled flip-chip packages are finally formulated.


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This paper describes a computational strategy for virtual design and prototyping of electronic components and assemblies. The design process is formulated as a design optimisation problem. The solution of this problem identifies not only the design which meets certain user specified requirements but also the design with the maximum possible improvement in particular aspects such as reliability, cost, etc. The modelling approach exploits numerical techniques for computational analysis (Finite Element Analysis) integrated with numerical methods for approximation, statistical analysis and optimisation. A software framework of modules that incorporates the required numerical techniques is developed and used to carry out the design optimisation modelling of fine-pitch flip-chip lead free solder interconnects.


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This paper will analyse two of the likely damage mechanisms present in a paper fibre matrix when placed under controlled stress conditions: fibre/fibre bond failure and fibre failure. The failure process associated with each damage mechanism will be presented in detail focusing on the change in mechanical and acoustic properties of the surrounding fibre structure before and after failure. To present this complex process mathematically, geometrically simple fibre arrangements will be chosen based on certain assumptions regarding the structure and strength of paper, to model the damage mechanisms. The fibre structures are then formulated in terms of a hybrid vibro-acoustic model based on a coupled mass/spring system and the pressure wave equation. The model will be presented in detail in the paper. The simulation of the simple fibre structures serves two purposes; it highlights the physical and acoustic differences of each damage mechanism before and after failure, and also shows the differences in the two damage mechanisms when compared with one another. The results of the simulations are given in the form of pressure wave contours, time-frequency graphs and the Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT) diagrams. The analysis of the results leads to criteria by which the two damage mechanisms can be identified. Using these criteria it was possible to verify the results of the simulations against experimental acoustic data. The models developed in this study are of specific practical interest in the paper-making industry, where acoustic sensors may be used to monitor continuous paper production. The same techniques may be adopted more generally to correlate acoustic signals to damage mechanisms in other fibre-based structures.


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We consider a variety of preemptive scheduling problems with controllable processing times on a single machine and on identical/uniform parallel machines, where the objective is to minimize the total compression cost. In this paper, we propose fast divide-and-conquer algorithms for these scheduling problems. Our approach is based on the observation that each scheduling problem we discuss can be formulated as a polymatroid optimization problem. We develop a novel divide-and-conquer technique for the polymatroid optimization problem and then apply it to each scheduling problem. We show that each scheduling problem can be solved in $ \O({\rm T}_{\rm feas}(n) \times\log n)$ time by using our divide-and-conquer technique, where n is the number of jobs and Tfeas(n) denotes the time complexity of the corresponding feasible scheduling problem with n jobs. This approach yields faster algorithms for most of the scheduling problems discussed in this paper.


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The curing of a thermosetting polymer materials utilized on micro-electronics packaging applications can be performed using microwave systems. The use of microwave energy enables the cure process to be completed more rapidly than with alternative approaches due to the ability to heat volumetrically. Furthermore, advanced dual-section microwave systems enable curing of individual components on a chip-on-board assembly. The dielectric properties of thermosetting polymer materials, commonly used in microelectronics packaging applications, vary significantly with temperature and degree of cure. The heating rate within a material subjected to an electric field is primarily dependant on the dielectric loss properties of the material itself. This article examines the variation in dielectric properties of a commercially available encapsulant paste with frequency and temperature and the resulting influence on the cure process. The 'FAMOBS' dual section microwave system and its application to microelectronics manufacture are described. The measurement of the dielectric properties of 'Henkel EO1080' encapsulant paste uses a commercially available 'dielectric probe kit' and is described in this paper. The FAMOBS heating system is used to encapsulate a small op-amp chip. A numerical model formulated to assess the cure process in thermosetting polymer materials under microwave heating is outlined. Numerical results showing that the microwave processing systems is capable of rapidly and evenly curing thermosetting polymer materials are presented.


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Nano-imprint forming (NIF) is among the most attractive manufacturing technologies offering high yield and low-cost fabrication of three-dimensional fine structures and patterns with resolution of few nanometres. Optimising NIF process is critical for achieving high quality products and minimising the risk of commonly observed defects. Using finite element analysis, the effect of various process parameters is evaluated and design rules for safe and reliable NIF fabrication formulated. This work is part of a major UK Grand Challenge project - 3D-Mintegration - for design, simulation, fabrication, assembly and test of next generation 3D-miniaturised systems.


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In this paper, we provide a unified approach to solving preemptive scheduling problems with uniform parallel machines and controllable processing times. We demonstrate that a single criterion problem of minimizing total compression cost subject to the constraint that all due dates should be met can be formulated in terms of maximizing a linear function over a generalized polymatroid. This justifies applicability of the greedy approach and allows us to develop fast algorithms for solving the problem with arbitrary release and due dates as well as its special case with zero release dates and a common due date. For the bicriteria counterpart of the latter problem we develop an efficient algorithm that constructs the trade-off curve for minimizing the compression cost and the makespan.