22 resultados para DC magnetic field

em Greenwich Academic Literature Archive - UK


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Electromagnetic levitation of liquid metal droplets can be used to measure the properties of highly reactive liquid materials. Two independent numerical models, the commercial COMSOL and the spectral-collocation based free surface code SPHINX, have been applied to solve the transient electromagnetic, fluid flow and thermodynamic equations, which describe the levitated liquid motion and heating processes. The SPHINX model incorporates free surface deformation to accurately model the oscillations that result from the interaction between the electromagnetic and gravity forces, temperature dependent surface tension, magnetically controlled turbulent momentum transport. The models are adapted to incorporate periodic laser heating at the top of the droplet, which is used to measure the thermal conductivity of the material. Novel effects in the levitated droplet of magnetically damped turbulence and nonlinear growth of velocities in high DC magnetic field are analysed.


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The values of material physical properties are vital for the successful use of numerical simulations for electromagnetic processing of materials. The surface tension of materials can be determined from the experimental measurement of the surface oscillation frequency of liquid droplets. In order for this technique to be used, a positioning field is required that results in a modification to the oscillation frequency. A number of previous analytical models have been developed that mainly focus on electrically conducting droplets positioned using an A.C. electromagnetic field, but due to the turbulent flow resulting from the high electromagnetic fields required to balance gravity, reliable measurements have largely been limited to microgravity. In this work axisymmetric analytical and numerical models are developed, which allow the surface tension of a diamagnetic droplet positioned in a high DC magnetic field to be determined from the surface oscillations. In the case of D.C. levitation there is no internal electric currents with resulting Joule heating, Marangoni flow and other effects that introduce additional physics that complicates the measurement process. The analytical solution uses the linearised Navier-Stokes equations in the inviscid case. The body force from a DC field is potential, in contrast to the AC case, and it can be derived from Maxwell equations giving a solution for the magnetic field in the form of a series expansion of Legendre polynomials. The first few terms in this expansion represent a constant and gradient magnetic field valid close to the origin, which can be used to position the droplet. Initially the mathematical model is verified in microgravity conditions using a numerical model developed to solve the transient electromagnetics, fluid flow and thermodynamic equations. In the numerical model (as in experiment) the magnetic field is obtained using electrical current carrying coils, which provides the confinement force for a liquid droplet. The model incorporates free surface deformation to accurately model the oscillations that result from the interaction between the droplet and the non-uniform external magnetic field. A comparison is made between the analytical perturbation theory and the numerical pseudo spectral approximation solutions for small amplitude oscillations.


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The intense AC magnetic field required to produce levitation in terrestrial conditions, along with the buoyancy and thermo-capillary forces, results in turbulent convective flow within the droplet. The use of a homogenous DC magnetic field allows the convective flow to be damped. However the turbulence properties are affected at the same time, leading to a possibility that the effective turbulent damping is considerably reduced. The MHD modified K-Omega turbulence model allows the investigation of the effect of magnetic field on the turbulence. The model incorporates free surface deformation, the temperature dependent surface tension, turbulent momentum transport, electromagnetic and gravity forces. The model is adapted to incorporate a periodic laser heating at the top of the droplet, which have been used to measure the thermal conductivity of the material by calculating the phase lag between the frequency of the laser heating and the temperature response at the bottom. The numerical simulations show that with the gradual increase of the DC field the fluid flow within the droplet is initially increasing in intensity. Only after a certain threshold magnitude of the field the flow intensity starts to decrease. In order to achieve the flow conditions close to the ‘laminar’ a D.C. magnetic field >4 Tesla is required to measure the thermal conductivity accurately. The reduction in the AC field driven flow in the main body of the drop leads to a noticeable thermo-capillary convection at the edge of the droplet. The uniform vertical DC magnetic field does not stop a translational oscillation of the droplet along the field, which is caused by the variation in total levitation force due to the time-dependent surface deformation.


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The presented numerical modelling for the magnetic levitation involves coupling of the electromagnetic field, liquid shape change, fluid velocities and the temperature field at every time step during the simulation in time evolution. Combination of the AC and DC magnetic fields can be used to achieve high temperature, stable levitation conditions. The oscillation frequency spectra are analysed for droplets levitated in AC and DC magnetic fields at various combinations. An electrically poorly conducting, diamagnetic droplet (e.g. water) can be stably levitated using the dia- and para-magnetic properties of the sample material in a high intensity, gradient DC field.


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In high intensity and high gradient magnetic fields the volumetric force on diamagnetic material, such as water, leads to conditions very similar to microgravity in a terrestrial laboratory. In principle, this opens the possibility to determine material properties of liquid samples without wall contact, even for electrically non-conducting materials. In contrast, AC field levitation is used for conductors, but then terrestrial conditions lead to turbulent flow driven by Lorentz forces. DC field damping of the flow is feasible and indeed practiced to allow property measurements. However, the AC/DC field combination acts preferentially on certain oscillation modes and leads to a shift in the droplet oscillation spectrum.What is the cause? A nonlinear spectral numerical model is presented, to address these problems


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In high intensity and high gradient magnetic fields the volumetric force on diamagnetic material, such as water, leads to conditions very similar to microgravity in a terrestrial laboratory. In principle, this opens the possibility to determine material properties of liquid samples without wall contact, even for electrically non-conducting materials. In contrast, AC field levitation is used for conductors, but then terrestrial conditions lead to turbulent flow driven by Lorentz forces. DC field damping of the flow is feasible and indeed practiced to allow property measurements. However, the AC/DC field combination acts preferentially on certain oscillation modes and leads to a shift in the droplet oscillation spectrum.What is the cause? A nonlinear spectral numerical model is presented, to address these problems.


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An MHD flow is considered which is relevant to horizontal Bridgman technique for crystal growth from a melt. In the unidirectional parallel flow approximation an analytical solution is found accounting for the finite rectangular cross section of the channel in the case of a vertical magnetic field. Numerical pseudo-spectral solutions are used in the cases of arbitrary magnetic field and gravity vector orientations. The vertical magnetic field (parallel to the gravity) is found to be he most effective to damp the flow, however, complicated flow profiles with "overvelocities" in the comers are typical in the case of a finite cross-section channel. The temperature distribution is shown to be dependent on the flow profile. The linear stability of the flow is investigated by use of the Chebyshev pseudospectral method. For the case of an infinite width channel the transversal rolls instability is investigated, and for the finite cross-section channel the longitudinal rolls instability is considered. The critical Gr number values are computed in the dependence of the Ha number and the wave number or the aspect ratio in the case of finite section.


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This work presents computation analysis of levitated liquid thermal and flow fields with free surface oscillations in AC and DC magnetic fields. The volume electromagnetic force distribution is continuously updated with the shape and position change. The oscillation frequency spectra are analysed for droplets levitation against gravity in AC and DC magnetic fields at various combinations. For larger volume liquid metal confinement and melting the semi-levitation induction skull melting process is simulated with the same numerical model. Applications are aimed at pure electromagnetic material processing techniques and the material properties measurements in uncontaminated conditions.


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Abstract not available


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This work comprises accurate computational analysis of levitated liquid droplet oscillations in AC and DC magnetic fields. The AC magnetic field interacting with the induced electric current within the liquid metal droplet generates intense fluid flow and the coupled free surface oscillations. The pseudo-spectral technique is used to solve the turbulent fluid flow equations for the continuously dynamically transformed axisymmetric fluid volume. The volume electromagnetic force distribution is updated with the shape and position change. We start with the ideal fluid test case for undamped Rayleigh frequency oscillations in the absence of gravity, and then add the viscous and the DC magnetic field damping. The oscillation frequency spectra are further analysed for droplets levitated against gravity in AC and DC magnetic fields at various combinations. In the extreme case electrically poorly conducting, diamagnetic droplet (water) levitation dynamics are simulated. Applications are aimed at pure electromagnetic material processing techniques and the material properties measurements in uncontaminated conditions.


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The time dependent numerical model of cold crucible melting is based on the coupled electromagnetic, temperature and turbulent velocity field calculation accounting for the magnetically confined liquid metal shape continuous change. The model is applied to investigate the process energy efficiency dependence on the critical choice of AC power supply frequency and an optional addition of a DC magnetic field. Test cases of the metal load up to 50 kg are considered. The behaviour of the numerical model at high AC frequencies is instructively validated by the use of the electromagnetic analytical solution for a sphere and temperature measurements in a commercial size cold crucible furnace


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Electromagnetic Levitation (EML) is a valuable method for measuring the thermo-physical properties of metals - surface tensions, viscosity, thermal/electrical conductivity, specific heat, hemispherical emissivity, etc. – beyond their melting temperature. In EML, a small amount of the test specimen is melted by Joule heating in a suspended AC coil. Once in liquid state, a small perturbation causes the liquid envelope to oscillate and the frequency of oscillation is then used to compute its surface tension by the well know Rayleigh formula. Similarly, the rate at which the oscillation is dampened relates to the viscosity. To measure thermal conductivity, a sinusoidally varying laser source may be used to heat the polar axis of the droplet and the temperature response measured at the polar opposite – the resulting phase shift yields thermal conductivity. All these theoretical methods assume that convective effects due to flow within the droplet are negligible compared to conduction, and similarly that the flow conditions are laminar; a situation that can only be realised under microgravity conditions. Hence the EML experiment is the method favoured for Spacelab experiments (viz. TEMPUS). Under terrestrial conditions, the full gravity force has to be countered by a much larger induced magnetic field. The magnetic field generates strong flow within the droplet, which for droplets of practical size becomes irrotational and turbulent. At the same time the droplet oscillation envelope is no longer ellipsoidal. Both these conditions invalidate simple theoretical models and prevent widespread EML use in terrestrial laboratories. The authors have shown in earlier publications that it is possible to suppress most of the turbulent convection generated in the droplet skin layer, through use of a static magnetic field. Using a pseudo-spectral discretisation method it is possible compute very accurately the dynamic variation in the suspended fluid envelope and simultaneously compute the time-varying electromagnetic, flow and thermal fields. The use of a DC field as a dampening agent was also demonstrated in cold crucible melting, where suppression of turbulence was achieved in a much larger liquid metal volume and led to increased superheat in the melt and reduction of heat losses to the water-cooled walls. In this paper, the authors describe the pseudo-spectral technique as applied to EML to compute the combined effects of AC and DC fields, accounting for all the flow-induced forces acting on the liquid volume (Lorentz, Maragoni, surface tension, gravity) and show example simulations.


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The rotating-frame nuclear magnetic relaxation rate of spins diffusing on a disordered lattice has been calculated by Monte Carlo methods. The disorder includes not only variation in the distances between neighbouring spin sites but also variation in the hopping rate associated with each site. The presence of the disorder, particularly the hopping rate disorder, causes changes in the time-dependent spin correlation functions which translate into asymmetry in the characteristic peak in the temperature dependence of the dipolar relaxation rate. The results may be used to deduce the average hopping rate from the relaxation but the effect is not sufficiently marked to enable the distribution of the hopping rates to be evaluated. The distribution, which is a measure of the degree of disorder, is the more interesting feature and it has been possible to show from the calculation that measurements of the relaxation rate as a function of the strength of the radiofrequency spin-locking magnetic field can lead to an evaluation of its width. Some experimental data on an amorphous metal - hydrogen alloy are reported which demonstrate the feasibility of this novel approach to rotating-frame relaxation in disordered materials.


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A simulation of the motion of molten aluminium inside an electrolytic cell is presented. Since the driving term of the aluminium motion is the Lorentz (j × B) body force acting within the fluid,this problem involves the solution of the magneto-hydro-dynamic equations. Different solver modules for the magnetic field computation and for the fluid motion simulation are coupled together. The interactions of all these are presented and discussed.


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This work is concerned with the accurate computation of flow in a rapidly deforming liquid metal droplet, suspended in an AC magnetic field. Intense flow motion due to the induced electromagnetic force distorts dynamically the droplet envelope, which is initially spherical. The relative positional change between the liquid metal surface and the surrounding coil means that fluid flow and magnetic field computations need to be closely coupled. A spectral technique is used to solve this problem, which is assumed axisymmetric. The computed results are compared against a physical experiment and "ideal sphere" analytic solutions. A comparison between the "magnetic pressure" approximation and the full electromagnetic force solutions, shows fundamental differences; the full electromagnetic force solution is necessary for accurate results in most practical applications of this technique. The physical reason for the fundamental discrepancy is the difference in the electromagnetic force representation: only the gradient part of the full force is accounted for in the "magnetic pressure" approximation. Figs 9, Refs 13.