16 resultados para Computer-aided instruction

em Greenwich Academic Literature Archive - UK


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Computer Aided Parallelisation Tools (CAPTools) is a toolkit designed to automate as much as possible of the process of parallelising scalar FORTRAN 77 codes. The toolkit combines a very powerful dependence analysis together with user supplied knowledge to build an extremely comprehensive and accurate dependence graph. The initial version has been targeted at structured mesh computational mechanics codes (eg. heat transfer, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)) and the associated simple mesh decomposition paradigm is utilised in the automatic code partition, execution control mask generation and communication call insertion. In this, the first of a series of papers [1–3] the authors discuss the parallelisations of a number of case study codes showing how the various component tools may be used to develop a highly efficient parallel implementation in a few hours or days. The details of the parallelisation of the TEAMKE1 CFD code are described together with the results of three other numerical codes. The resulting parallel implementations are then tested on workstation clusters using PVM and an i860-based parallel system showing efficiencies well over 80%.


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The shared-memory programming model can be an effective way to achieve parallelism on shared memory parallel computers. Historically however, the lack of a programming standard using directives and the limited scalability have affected its take-up. Recent advances in hardware and software technologies have resulted in improvements to both the performance of parallel programs with compiler directives and the issue of portability with the introduction of OpenMP. In this study, the Computer Aided Parallelisation Toolkit has been extended to automatically generate OpenMP-based parallel programs with nominal user assistance. We categorize the different loop types and show how efficient directives can be placed using the toolkit's in-depth interprocedural analysis. Examples are taken from the NAS parallel benchmarks and a number of real-world application codes. This demonstrates the great potential of using the toolkit to quickly parallelise serial programs as well as the good performance achievable on up to 300 processors for hybrid message passing-directive parallelisations.


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Abstract not available


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Abstract not available


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This paper presents the results of a research project aimed at evaluating (HAL) as a mode of course delivery. More specifically the paper will deal with: • Developing a hypermedia courseware for students studying research methods; and • Evaluating hypermedia courseware as a method of delivery against traditional methods. This paper concentrates on pedagogical issues regarding computer aided learning and reports that this research gives tentative indications that hypermedia based learning (either through CD-ROM or the, as means of course delivery could be as effective as traditional modes of course delivery.


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The availability of a very accurate dependence graph for a scalar code is the basis for the automatic generation of an efficient parallel implementation. The strategy for this task which is encapsulated in a comprehensive data partitioning code generation algorithm is described. This algorithm involves the data partition, calculation of assignment ranges for partitioned arrays, addition of a comprehensive set of execution control masks, altering loop limits, addition and optimisation of communications for all data. In this context, the development and implementation of strategies to merge communications wherever possible has proved an important feature in producing efficient parallel implementations for numerical mesh based codes. The code generation strategies described here are embedded within the Computer Aided Parallelisation tools (CAPTools) software as a key part of a toolkit for automating as much as possible of the parallelisation process for mesh based numerical codes. The algorithms used enables parallelisation of real computational mechanics codes with only minor user interaction and without any prior manual customisation of the serial code to suit the parallelisation tool.


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User supplied knowledge and interaction is a vital component of a toolkit for producing high quality parallel implementations of scalar FORTRAN numerical code. In this paper we consider the necessary components that such a parallelisation toolkit should possess to provide an effective environment to identify, extract and embed user relevant user knowledge. We also examine to what extent these facilities are available in leading parallelisation tools; in particular we discuss how these issues have been addressed in the development of the user interface of the Computer Aided Parallelisation Tools (CAPTools). The CAPTools environment has been designed to enable user exploration, interaction and insertion of user knowledge to facilitate the automatic generation of very efficient parallel code. A key issue in the user's interaction is control of the volume of information so that the user is focused on only that which is needed. User control over the level and extent of information revealed at any phase is supplied using a wide variety of filters. Another issue is the way in which information is communicated. Dependence analysis and its resulting graphs involve a lot of sophisticated rather abstract concepts unlikely to be familiar to most users of parallelising tools. As such, considerable effort has been made to communicate with the user in terms that they will understand. These features, amongst others, and their use in the parallelisation process are described and their effectiveness discussed.


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The manual effort required to convert sequential computational mechanics programs into a useful, scalable parallel form is considerable. Tools that can assist in the conversion process are clearly required. Computer aided parallelisation tools (CAPTools) have been developed to generate efficient parallel code for real world structured grid application codes such as Computational Fluid Dynamics. Automatable single-program multi-data (SPMD) overlapping domain decomposition (DD) techniques established for structured grid codes have been adapted by the authors to manually parallelise unstructured mesh applications. Inspector loops have been used to provide generic techniques for the run-time support necessary to extend the capabilities of CAPTools to automatic implementation of SPMD DD techniques in the parallelisation of unstructured mesh codes. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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A new multi-scale model of brittle fracture growth in an Ag plate with macroscopic dimensions is proposed in which the crack propagation is identified with the stochastic drift-diffusion motion of the crack-tip atom through the material. The model couples molecular dynamics simulations, based on many-body interatomic potentials, with the continuum-based theories of fracture mechanics. The Ito stochastic differential equation is used to advance the tip position on a macroscopic scale before each nano-scale simulation is performed. Well-known crack characteristics, such as the roughening transitions of the crack surfaces, as well as the macroscopic crack trajectories are obtained.


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The manufacture of materials products involves the control of a range of interacting physical phenomena. The material to be used is synthesised and then manipulated into some component form. The structure and properties of the final component are influenced by both interactions of continuum-scale phenomena and those at an atomistic-scale level. Moreover, during the processing phase there are some properties that cannot be measured (typically the liquid-solid phase change). However, it seems there is a potential to derive properties and other features from atomistic-scale simulations that are of key importance at the continuum scale. Some of the issues that need to be resolved in this context focus upon computational techniques and software tools facilitating: (i) the multiphysics modeling at continuum scale; (ii) the interaction and appropriate degrees of coupling between the atomistic through microstructure to continuum scale; and (iii) the exploitation of high-performance parallel computing power delivering simulation results in a practical time period. This paper discusses some of the attempts to address each of the above issues, particularly in the context of materials processing for manufacture.


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The Computer Aided Parallelisation Tools (CAPTools) [Ierotheou, C, Johnson SP, Cross M, Leggett PF, Computer aided parallelisation tools (CAPTools)-conceptual overview and performance on the parallelisation of structured mesh codes, Parallel Computing, 1996;22:163±195] is a set of interactive tools aimed to provide automatic parallelisation of serial FORTRAN Computational Mechanics (CM) programs. CAPTools analyses the user's serial code and then through stages of array partitioning, mask and communication calculation, generates parallel SPMD (Single Program Multiple Data) messages passing FORTRAN. The parallel code generated by CAPTools contains calls to a collection of routines that form the CAPTools communications Library (CAPLib). The library provides a portable layer and user friendly abstraction over the underlying parallel environment. CAPLib contains optimised message passing routines for data exchange between parallel processes and other utility routines for parallel execution control, initialisation and debugging. By compiling and linking with different implementations of the library, the user is able to run on many different parallel environments. Even with today's parallel systems the concept of a single version of a parallel application code is more of an aspiration than a reality. However for CM codes the data partitioning SPMD paradigm requires a relatively small set of message-passing communication calls. This set can be implemented as an intermediate `thin layer' library of message-passing calls that enables the parallel code (especially that generated automatically by a parallelisation tool such as CAPTools) to be as generic as possible. CAPLib is just such a `thin layer' message passing library that supports parallel CM codes, by mapping generic calls onto machine specific libraries (such as CRAY SHMEM) and portable general purpose libraries (such as PVM an MPI). This paper describe CAPLib together with its three perceived advantages over other routes: - as a high level abstraction, it is both easy to understand (especially when generated automatically by tools) and to implement by hand, for the CM community (who are not generally parallel computing specialists); - the one parallel version of the application code is truly generic and portable; - the parallel application can readily utilise whatever message passing libraries on a given machine yield optimum performance.


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The UK government started the UK eUniversities project in order to create a virtual campus for online education provisions, competing in a global market. The UKeU (WWW.ukeu.com) claims to "have created a new approach to e-learning" which "opens up a range of exciting opportunities for students, business and industry worldwide" to obtain both postgraduate and undergraduate qualifications. Although there has been many promises about the e-learning revolution using state-of-the-art multimedia technology, closer scrutiny of what is being delivered reveals that many of the e-learning models currently being used are little more than the old text based computer aided learning running on a global network. As part of the UKeU project a consortium of universities have been involved in developing a two year foundation degree from 2004. We look at the approach taken by the consortium in developing global e-learning provisions and the problems and the pitfalls that lay ahead.


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The fabrication, assembly and testing of electronic packaging can involve complex interactions between physical phenomena such as temperature, fluid flow, electromagnetics, and stress. Numerical modelling and optimisation tools are key computer-aided-engineering technologies that aid design engineers. This paper discusses these technologies and there future developments.


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At present the vast majority of Computer-Aided- Engineering (CAE) analysis calculations for microelectronic and microsystems technologies are undertaken using software tools that focus on single aspects of the physics taking place. For example, the design engineer may use one code to predict the airflow and thermal behavior of an electronic package, then another code to predict the stress in solder joints, and then yet another code to predict electromagnetic radiation throughout the system. The reason for this focus of mesh-based codes on separate parts of the governing physics is essentially due to the numerical technologies used to solve the partial differential equations, combined with the subsequent heritage structure in the software codes. Using different software tools, that each requires model build and meshing, leads to a large investment in time, and hence cost, to undertake each of the simulations. During the last ten years there has been significant developments in the modelling community around multi- physics analysis. These developments are being followed by many of the code vendors who are now providing multi-physics capabilities in their software tools. This paper illustrates current capabilities of multi-physics technology and highlights some of the future challenges


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The problems of collaborative engineering design and knowledge management at the conceptual stage in a network of dissimilar enterprises was investigated. This issue in engineering design is a result of the supply chain and virtual enterprise (VE) oriented industry that demands faster time to market and accurate cost/manufacturing analysis from conception. The solution consisted of a de-centralised super-peer net architecture to establish and maintain communications between enterprises in a VE. In the solution outlined below, the enterprises are able to share knowledge in a common format and nomenclature via the building-block shareable super-ontology that can be tailored on a project by project basis, whilst maintaining the common nomenclature of the ‘super-ontology’ eliminating knowledge interpretation issues. The two-tier architecture layout of the solution glues together the peer-peer and super-ontologies to form a coherent system for both internal and virtual enterprise knowledge management and product development.