14 resultados para Computer storage devices

em Greenwich Academic Literature Archive - UK


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This paper presents simulated computational fluid dynamics (CFD) results for comparison against experimental data. The performance of four turbulence models has been assessed for electronic application areas considering both fluid flow and heat transfer phenomenon. CFD is vast becoming a powerful and almost essential tool for design, development and optimization in engineering problems. However turbulence models remain to be the key problem issue when tackling such flow phenomena. The reliability of CFD analysis depends heavily on the performance of the turbulence model employed together with the wall functions implemented. To be able to resolve the abrupt changes in the turbulent energy and other parameters near the wall a particularly fine mesh is necessary which unfortunately increases the computer storage capacity requirements. The objective of turbulence modelling is to enhance computational procdures of sufficient acccuracy and generality for engineers to anticipate the Reynolds stresses and the scalar transport terms.


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The electronics industry is developing rapidly together with the increasingly complex problem of microelectronic equipment cooling. It has now become necessary for thermal design engineers to consider the problem of equipment cooling at some level. The use of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) for such investigations is fast becoming a powerful and almost essential tool for the design, development and optimisation of engineering applications. However turbulence models remain a key issue when tackling such flow phenomena. The reliability of CFD analysis depends heavily on the turbulence model employed together with the wall functions implemented. In order to resolve the abrupt fluctuations experienced by the turbulent energy and other parameters located at near wall regions and shear layers a particularly fine computational mesh is necessary which inevitably increases the computer storage and run-time requirements. This paper will discuss results from an investigation into the accuract of currently used turbulence models. Also a newly formulated transitional hybrid turbulence model will be introduced with comparisonsaagainst experimental data.


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This paper will discuss Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) results from an investigation into the accuracy of several turbulence models to predict air cooling for electronic packages and systems. Also new transitional turbulence models will be proposed with emphasis on hybrid techniques that use the k-ε model at an appropriate distance away from the wall and suitable models, with wall functions, near wall regions. A major proportion of heat emitted from electronic packages can be extracted by air cooling. This flow of air throughout an electronic system and the heat extracted is highly dependent on the nature of turbulence present in the flow. The use of CFD for such investigations is fast becoming a powerful and almost essential tool for the design, development and optimization of engineering applications. However turbulence models remain a key issue when tackling such flow phenomena. The reliability of CFD analysis depends heavily on the turbulence model employed together with the wall functions implemented. In order to resolve the abrupt fluctuations experienced by the turbulent energy and other parameters located at near wall regions and shear layers a particularly fine computational mesh is necessary which inevitably increases the computer storage and run-time requirements. The PHYSICA Finite Volume code was used for this investigation. With the exception of the k-ε and k-ω models which are available as standard within PHYSICA, all other turbulence models mentioned were implemented via the source code by the authors. The LVEL, LVEL CAP, Wolfshtein, k-ε, k-ω, SST and kε/kl models are described and compared with experimental data.


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Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is gradually becoming a powerful and almost essential tool for the design, development and optimization of engineering applications. However the mathematical modelling of the erratic turbulent motion remains the key issue when tackling such flow phenomena. The reliability of CFD analysis depends heavily on the turbulence model employed together with the wall functions implemented. In order to resolve the abrupt changes in the turbulent energy and other parameters situated at near wall regions a particularly fine mesh is necessary which inevitably increases the computer storage and run-time requirements. Turbulence modelling can be considered to be one of the three key elements in CFD. Precise mathematical theories have evolved for the other two key elements, grid generation and algorithm development. The principal objective of turbulence modelling is to enhance computational procedures of efficient accuracy to reproduce the main structures of three dimensional fluid flows. The flow within an electronic system can be characterized as being in a transitional state due to the low velocities and relatively small dimensions encountered. This paper presents simulated CFD results for an investigation into the predictive capability of turbulence models when considering both fluid flow and heat transfer phenomena. Also a new two-layer hybrid kε / kl turbulence model for electronic application areas will be presented which holds the advantages of being cheap in terms of the computational mesh required and is also economical with regards to run-time.


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Traditionally, before flip chips can be assembled the dies have to be attached with solder bumps. This process involves the deposition of metal layers on the Al pads on the dies and this is called the under bump metallurgy (UBM). In an alternative process, however, Copper (Cu) columns can be used to replace solder bumps and the UBM process may be omitted altogether. After the bumping process, the bumped dies can be assembled on to the printed circuit board (PCB) by using either solder or conductive adhesives. In this work, the reliability issues of flip chips with Cu column bumped dies have been studied. The flip chip lifetime associated with the solder fatigue failure has been modeled for a range of geometric parameters. The relative importance of these parameters is given and solder volume has been identified as the most important design parameter for long-term reliability. Another important problem that has been studied in this work is the dissolution of protection metals on the pad and Cu column in the reflow process. For small solder joints the amount of Cu which dissolves into the molten solder after the protection layers have worn out may significantly affect solder joint properties.


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The future success of many electronics companies will depend to a large extent on their ability to initiate techniques that bring schedules, performance, tests, support, production, life-cycle-costs, reliability prediction and quality control into the earliest stages of the product creation process. Earlier papers have discussed the benefits of an integrated analysis environment for system-level thermal, stress and EMC prediction. This paper focuses on developments made to the stress analysis module and presents results obtained for an SMT resistor. Lifetime predictions are made using the Coffin-Manson equation. Comparison with the creep strain energy based models of Darveaux (1997) shows the shear strain based method to underestimate the solder joint life. Conclusions are also made about the capabilities of both approaches to predict the qualitative and quantitative impact of design changes.


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The scalability of a computer system is its response to growth. It is also depended on its hardware, its operating system and the applications it is running. Most distributed systems technology today still depends on bus-based shared memory which do not scale well, and systems based on the grid or hypercube scheme requires significantly less connections than a full inter-connection that would exhibit a quadratic growth rate. The rapid convergence of mobile communication, digital broadcasting and network infrastructures calls for rich multimedia content that is adaptive and responsive to the needs of individuals, businesses and the public organisations. This paper will discuss the emergence of mobile Multimedia systems and provides an overview of the issues regarding design and delivery of multimedia content to mobile devices.


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The results of a finite element computer modelling analysis of a micro-manufactured one-turn magnetic inductor using the software package ANSYS 10.0 are presented. The inductor is designed for a DC-DC converter used in microelectronic devices. It consists of a copper conductor with a rectangular cross-section plated with an insulation layer and a layer of magnetic core. The analysis has focused on the effects of the frequency and the air gaps on the on the inductance values and the Joule losses in the core and conductor. It has been found that an inductor with small multiple air gaps has lower losses than an inductor with a single larger gap


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This paper describes the methodologies employed in the collection and storage of first-hand accounts of evacuation experiences derived from face-to-face interviews with evacuees from the World Trade Center (WTC) Twin Towers complex on 11 September 2001. In particular the paper describes the development of the High-rise Evacuation Evaluation Database (HEED). This is a flexible qualitative research tool which contains the full transcribed interview accounts and coded evacuee experiences extracted from those transcripts. The data and information captured and stored in the HEED database is not only unique, but it provides a means to address current and emerging issues relating to human factors associated with the evacuation of high-rise buildings.


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With the growth in computing power, and advances in numerical methods for the solution of partial differential equations, modeling technologies based around computational fluid dynamics, finite element analysis and optimisation are now being widely used by researchers and industry. Polymer and adhesive materials are now being widely used in electronic and photonic devices. This paper will illustrate the use of modeling tools to predict the behaviour of these materials from product assembly to its performance and reliability.


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In power electronics modules, heavy aluminium wires, i.e. wire diameters greater than 100 microns, are bonded to the active semiconductor devices and conductor metallization to form electric circuits of the power electronic module. Due to the high currents that may flow through these wires, a single connection usually contains several wires and thus, a large number of wires are used in a power electronics module. Under normal operation or test condition, a significant amount of stresses and strains induced in the wire and bonding interfaces, resulting in failure over time. In this paper, computer modelling techniques are used to analyse the effect of globtop design on the reliability of aluminium wirebonds under cyclic thermal-mechanical loading conditions. The results will show the sensitivity of the reliability of the wirebonds to the changes in the geometry and the material properties of the wirebond globtop.


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This article provides a broad overview of project HEED (High-rise Evacuation Evaluation Database) and the methodologies employed in the collection and storage of first-hand accounts of evacuation experiences derived from face-to-face interviews of evacuees from the World Trade Center (WTC) Twin Towers complex on September 11, 2001. In particular, the article describes the development of the HEED database. This is a flexible research tool which contains qualitative type data in the form of coded evacuee experiences along with the full interview transcripts. The data and information captured and stored in the HEED database is not only unique, but provides a means to address current and emerging issues relating to human factors associated with the evacuation of high-rise buildings


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This paper proposes a vehicular control system architecture that supports self-configuration. The architecture is based on dynamic mapping of processes and services to resources to meet the challenges of future demanding use-scenarios in which systems must be flexible to exhibit context-aware behaviour and to permit customization. The architecture comprises a number of low-level services that provide the required system functionalities, which include automatic discovery and incorporation of new devices, self-optimisation to best-use the processing, storage and communication resources available, and self-diagnostics. The benefits and challenges of dynamic configuration and the automatic inclusion of users' Consumer Electronic (CE) devices are briefly discussed. The dynamic configuration and control-theoretic technologies used are described in outline and the way in which the demands of highly flexible dynamic configuration and highly robust operation are simultaneously met without compromise, is explained. A number of generic use-cases have been identified, each with several specific use-case scenarios. One generic use-case is described to provide an insight into the extent of the flexible reconfiguration facilitated by the architecture.


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Embedded software systems in vehicles are of rapidly increasing commercial importance for the automotive industry. Current systems employ a static run-time environment; due to the difficulty and cost involved in the development of dynamic systems in a high-integrity embedded control context. A dynamic system, referring to the system configuration, would greatly increase the flexibility of the offered functionality and enable customised software configuration for individual vehicles, adding customer value through plug-and-play capability, and increased quality due to its inherent ability to adjust to changes in hardware and software. We envisage an automotive system containing a variety of components, from a multitude of organizations, not necessarily known at development time. The system dynamically adapts its configuration to suit the run-time system constraints. This paper presents our vision for future automotive control systems that will be regarded in an EU research project, referred to as DySCAS (Dynamically Self-Configuring Automotive Systems). We propose a self-configuring vehicular control system architecture, with capabilities that include automatic discovery and inclusion of new devices, self-optimisation to best-use the processing, storage and communication resources available, self-diagnostics and ultimately self-healing. Such an architecture has benefits extending to reduced development and maintenance costs, improved passenger safety and comfort, and flexible owner customisation. Specifically, this paper addresses the following issues: The state of the art of embedded software systems in vehicles, emphasising the current limitations arising from fixed run-time configurations; and the benefits and challenges of dynamic configuration, giving rise to opportunities for self-healing, self-optimisation, and the automatic inclusion of users’ Consumer Electronic (CE) devices. Our proposal for a dynamically reconfigurable automotive software system platform is outlined and a typical use-case is presented as an example to exemplify the benefits of the envisioned dynamic capabilities.