33 resultados para C65 - Miscellaneous Mathematical Tools

em Greenwich Academic Literature Archive - UK


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Computer based mathematical models describing aircraft fire have a role to play in the design and development of safer aircraft, in the implementation of safer and more rigorous certification criteria and in post mortuum accident investigation. As the cost involved in performing large-scale fire experiments for the next generation 'Ultra High Capacity Aircraft' (UHCA) are expected to be prohibitively high, the development and use of these modelling tools may become essential if these aircraft are to prove a safe and viable reality. By describing the present capabilities and limitations of aircraft fire models, this paper will examine the future development of these models in the areas of large scale applications through parallel computing, combustion modelling and extinguishment modelling.


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Fire is a form of uncontrolled combustion which generates heat, smoke, toxic and irritant gases. All of these products are harmful to man and account for the heavy annual cost of 800 lives and £1,000,000,000 worth of property damage in Britain alone. The new discipline of Fire Safety Engineering has developed as a means of reducing these unacceptable losses. One of the main tools of Fire Safety Engineering is the mathematical model and over the past 15 years a number of mathematical models have emerged to cater for the needs of this discipline. Part of the difficulty faced by the Fire Safety Engineer is the selection of the most appropriate modelling tool to use for the job. To make an informed choice it is essential to have a good understanding of the various modelling approaches, their capabilities and limitations. In this paper some of the fundamental modelling tools used to predict fire and evacuation are investigated as are the issues associated with their use and recent developments in modelling technology.


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Computer Aided Parallelisation Tools (CAPTools) is a toolkit designed to automate as much as possible of the process of parallelising scalar FORTRAN 77 codes. The toolkit combines a very powerful dependence analysis together with user supplied knowledge to build an extremely comprehensive and accurate dependence graph. The initial version has been targeted at structured mesh computational mechanics codes (eg. heat transfer, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)) and the associated simple mesh decomposition paradigm is utilised in the automatic code partition, execution control mask generation and communication call insertion. In this, the first of a series of papers [1–3] the authors discuss the parallelisations of a number of case study codes showing how the various component tools may be used to develop a highly efficient parallel implementation in a few hours or days. The details of the parallelisation of the TEAMKE1 CFD code are described together with the results of three other numerical codes. The resulting parallel implementations are then tested on workstation clusters using PVM and an i860-based parallel system showing efficiencies well over 80%.


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User supplied knowledge and interaction is a vital component of a toolkit for producing high quality parallel implementations of scalar FORTRAN numerical code. In this paper we consider the necessary components that such a parallelisation toolkit should possess to provide an effective environment to identify, extract and embed user relevant user knowledge. We also examine to what extent these facilities are available in leading parallelisation tools; in particular we discuss how these issues have been addressed in the development of the user interface of the Computer Aided Parallelisation Tools (CAPTools). The CAPTools environment has been designed to enable user exploration, interaction and insertion of user knowledge to facilitate the automatic generation of very efficient parallel code. A key issue in the user's interaction is control of the volume of information so that the user is focused on only that which is needed. User control over the level and extent of information revealed at any phase is supplied using a wide variety of filters. Another issue is the way in which information is communicated. Dependence analysis and its resulting graphs involve a lot of sophisticated rather abstract concepts unlikely to be familiar to most users of parallelising tools. As such, considerable effort has been made to communicate with the user in terms that they will understand. These features, amongst others, and their use in the parallelisation process are described and their effectiveness discussed.


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Computer based mathematical models describing the aircraft evacuation process and aircraft fire have a role to play in the design and development of safer aircraft, in the implementaion of safer and more rigorous certification criteria and in post mortuum accident investigation. As the cost and risk involved in performing large-scale fire/evacuation experiments for the next generation 'Very Large Aircraft' (VLA) are expected to be high, the development and use of these modelling tools may become essential if these aircraft are to prove a viable reality. By describing the present capabililties and limitations of the EXODUS evacuation model and associated fire models, this paper will examine the future development and data requirements of these models.


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The phrase “not much mathematics required” can imply a variety of skill levels. When this phrase is applied to computer scientists, software engineers, and clients in the area of formal specification, the word “much” can be widely misinterpreted with disastrous consequences. A small experiment in reading specifications revealed that students already trained in discrete mathematics and the specification notation performed very poorly; much worse than could reasonably be expected if formal methods proponents are to be believed.


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It is well known that during alloy solidification, convection currents close to the so-lidification front have an influence on the structure of dendrites, the local solute concentration, the pattern of solid segregation, and eventually the microstructure of the casting and hence its mechanical properties. Controlled stirring of the melt in continuous casting or in ingot solidification is thought to have a beneficial effect. Free convection currents occur naturally due to temperature differences in the melt and for any given configuration, their strength is a function of the degree of superheat present. A more controlled forced convection current can be induced using electro-magnetic stirring. The authors have applied their Control-Volume based MHD method [1, 2] to the problem of tin solidification in an annular crucible with a water-cooled inner wall and a resistance heated outer one, for both free and forced convection situations and for various degrees of superheat. This problem was studied experimentally by Vives and Perry [3] who obtained temperature measurements, front positions and maps of electro-magnetic body force for a range of superheat values. The results of the mathematical model are compared critically against the experimental ones, in order to validate the model and also to demonstrate the usefulness of the coupled solution technique followed, as a predictive tool and a design aid. Figs 6, refs 19.


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The consecutive, partly overlapping emergence of expert systems and then neural computation methods among intelligent technologies, is reflected in the evolving scene of their application to nuclear engineering. This paper provides a bird's eye view of the state of the application in the domain, along with a review of a particular task, the one perhaps economically more important: refueling design in nuclear power reactors.


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Computer based mathematical models describing the aircraft evacuation process have a vital role to play in the design and development of safer aircraft, in the implementation of safer and more rigorous certification criteria, cabin crew training and in post mortuum accident investigation. As the risk of personal injury and costs involved in performing large-scale evacuation experiments for the next generation 'Ultra High Capacity Aircraft' (UHCA) are expected to be high, the development and use of these evacuation modelling tools may become essential if these aircraft are to prove a viable reality. In this paper the capabilities and limitations of the airEXODUS evacuation model are described. Its successful application to the prediction of a recent certification trial, prior to the actual trial taking place, is described. Also described is a newly defined parameter known as OPS which can be used as a measure of evacuation trial optimality. In addition, sample evacuation simulations in the presence of fire atmospheres are described. Finally, the data requiremnets of the airEXODUS evacuation model is discussed along with several projects currently underway at the the Univesity of Greenwich designed to obtain this data. Included in this discussion is a description of the AASK - Aircraft Accident Statistics and Knowledge - data base which contains detailed information from aircraft accident survivors.


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Computer based mathematical models describing the aircraft evacuation process have a vital role to play in the design and development of safer aircraft, in the implementation of safer and more rigorous certification criteria and in cabin crew training and post mortuum accident investigation. As the risk of personal injury and costs involved in performing large-scale evacuation experiments for the next generation `Ultra High Capacity Aircraft' (UHCA) are expected to be high, the development and use of these evacuation modelling tools may become essential if these aircraft are to prove a viable reality. This paper describes the capabilities and limitations of the airEXODUS evacuation model and some attempts at validation, including its successful application to the prediction of a recent certification trial, prior to the actual trial taking place, is described. Also described is a newly defined parameter known as OPS which can be used as a measure of evacuation trial optimality. In addition, sample evacuation simulations in the presence of fire atmospheres are described.


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Computer based mathematical models describing the aircraft evacuation process have a vital role to play in the design and development of safer aircraft, the implementation of safer and more rigorous certification criteria, in cabin crew training and post-mortem accident investigation. As the risk of personal injury and the costs involved in performing large-scale evacuation experiments for the next generation ultra high capacity aircraft (UHCA) are expected to be high, the development and use of these evacuation modelling tools may become essential if these aircraft are to prove a viable reality. This paper describes the capabilities and limitations of the airEXODUS evacuation model and some attempts at validation, including its successful application to the prediction of a recent certification trial, prior to the actual trial taking place. Also described is a newly defined performance parameter known as OPS that can be used as a measure of evacuation trial optimality. In addition, sample evacuation simulations in the presence of fire atmospheres are described.


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Computer based mathematical models describing the aircraft evacuation process have a vital role to play in the design and development of safer aircraft, in the implementation of safer and more rigorous certification criteria and in post mortuuum accident investigation. As the risk of personal injury and costs involved in performing large-scale evacuation experiments for the next generation 'Ultra High Capacity Aircraft' (UHCA) are expected to be high, the development and use of these evacuation modelling tools may become essential if these aircraft are to prove a viable reality. In this paper the capabilities and limitation of the air-EXODUS evacuation model are described. Its successful application to the prediction of a recent certificaiton trial, prior to the actual trial taking place, is described. Also described is a newly defined parameter known as OPS which can be used as a measure of evacuation trial optimality. Finally, the data requirements of aircraft evacuation models is discussed along with several projects currently underway at the University of Greenwich designed to obtain this data. Included in this discussion is a description of the AASK - Aircraft Accident Statistics and Knowledge - data base which contains detailed information from aircraft accident survivors.


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The Production Workstation developed at the University of Greenwich is evaluated as a tool for assisting all those concerned with production. It enables the producer, director, and cinematographer to explore the quality of the images obtainable when using a plethora of tools. Users are free to explore many possible choices, ranging from 35mm to DV, and combine them with the many image manipulation tools of the cinematographer. The validation required for the system is explicitly examined, concerning the accuracy of the resulting imagery. Copyright © 1999 by the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, Inc.