91 resultados para MeSH


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The objective of this work is to present a new scheme for temperature-solute coupling in a solidification model, where the temperature and concentration fields simultaneously satisfy the macro-scale transport equations and, in the mushy region, meet the constraints imposed by the thermodynamics and the local scale processes. A step-by-step explanation of the macrosegregation algorithm, implemented in the finite volume unstructured mesh multi-physics modelling code PHYSICA, is initially presented and then the proposed scheme is validated against experimental results obtained by Krane for binary and a ternary alloys.


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The electronics industry is developing rapidly together with the increasingly complex problem of microelectronic equipment cooling. It has now become necessary for thermal design engineers to consider the problem of equipment cooling at some level. The use of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) for such investigations is fast becoming a powerful and almost essential tool for the design, development and optimisation of engineering applications. However turbulence models remain a key issue when tackling such flow phenomena. The reliability of CFD analysis depends heavily on the turbulence model employed together with the wall functions implemented. In order to resolve the abrupt fluctuations experienced by the turbulent energy and other parameters located at near wall regions and shear layers a particularly fine computational mesh is necessary which inevitably increases the computer storage and run-time requirements. This paper will discuss results from an investigation into the accuract of currently used turbulence models. Also a newly formulated transitional hybrid turbulence model will be introduced with comparisonsaagainst experimental data.


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This paper describes modeling technology and its use in providing data governing the assembly and subsequent reliability of electronic chip components on printed circuit boards (PCBs). Products, such as mobile phones, camcorders, intelligent displays, etc., are changing at a tremendous rate where newer technologies are being applied to satisfy the demands for smaller products with increased functionality. At ever decreasing dimensions, and increasing number of input/output connections, the design of these components, in terms of dimensions and materials used, is playing a key role in determining the reliability of the final assembly. Multiphysics modeling techniques are being adopted to predict a range of interacting physics-based phenomena associated with the manufacturing process. For example, heat transfer, solidification, marangoni fluid flow, void movement, and thermal-stress. The modeling techniques used are based on finite volume methods that are conservative and take advantage of being able to represent the physical domain using an unstructured mesh. These techniques are also used to provide data on thermal induced fatigue which is then mapped into product lifetime predictions.


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This paper will discuss Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) results from an investigation into the accuracy of several turbulence models to predict air cooling for electronic packages and systems. Also new transitional turbulence models will be proposed with emphasis on hybrid techniques that use the k-ε model at an appropriate distance away from the wall and suitable models, with wall functions, near wall regions. A major proportion of heat emitted from electronic packages can be extracted by air cooling. This flow of air throughout an electronic system and the heat extracted is highly dependent on the nature of turbulence present in the flow. The use of CFD for such investigations is fast becoming a powerful and almost essential tool for the design, development and optimization of engineering applications. However turbulence models remain a key issue when tackling such flow phenomena. The reliability of CFD analysis depends heavily on the turbulence model employed together with the wall functions implemented. In order to resolve the abrupt fluctuations experienced by the turbulent energy and other parameters located at near wall regions and shear layers a particularly fine computational mesh is necessary which inevitably increases the computer storage and run-time requirements. The PHYSICA Finite Volume code was used for this investigation. With the exception of the k-ε and k-ω models which are available as standard within PHYSICA, all other turbulence models mentioned were implemented via the source code by the authors. The LVEL, LVEL CAP, Wolfshtein, k-ε, k-ω, SST and kε/kl models are described and compared with experimental data.


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Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is gradually becoming a powerful and almost essential tool for the design, development and optimization of engineering applications. However the mathematical modelling of the erratic turbulent motion remains the key issue when tackling such flow phenomena. The reliability of CFD analysis depends heavily on the turbulence model employed together with the wall functions implemented. In order to resolve the abrupt changes in the turbulent energy and other parameters situated at near wall regions a particularly fine mesh is necessary which inevitably increases the computer storage and run-time requirements. Turbulence modelling can be considered to be one of the three key elements in CFD. Precise mathematical theories have evolved for the other two key elements, grid generation and algorithm development. The principal objective of turbulence modelling is to enhance computational procedures of efficient accuracy to reproduce the main structures of three dimensional fluid flows. The flow within an electronic system can be characterized as being in a transitional state due to the low velocities and relatively small dimensions encountered. This paper presents simulated CFD results for an investigation into the predictive capability of turbulence models when considering both fluid flow and heat transfer phenomena. Also a new two-layer hybrid kε / kl turbulence model for electronic application areas will be presented which holds the advantages of being cheap in terms of the computational mesh required and is also economical with regards to run-time.


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Induction heating is an efficient method used to melt electrically conductive materials, particularly if melting takes place in a ceramic crucible. This form of melting is particularly good for alloys, as electromagnetic forces set up by the induction coil lead to vigorous stirring of the melt ensuring homogeneity and uniformity in temperature. However, for certain reactive alloys, or where high purity is required, ceramic crucibles cannot be used, but a water-cooled segmented copper crucible is employed instead. Water cooling prevents meltdown or distortion of the metal wall, but much of the energy goes into the coolant. To reduce this loss, the electromagnetic force generated by the coil is used to push the melt away from the walls and so minimise contact with water-cooled surfaces. Even then, heat is lost through the crucible base where contact is inevitable. In a collaborative programme between Greenwich and Birmingham Universities, computer modelling has been used in conjunction with experiments to improve the superheat attainable in the melt for a,number of alloys, especially for y-TiAl intermetallics to cast aeroengine turbine blades. The model solves the discretised form of the turbulent Navier-Stokes, thermal energy conservation and Maxwell equations using a Spectral Collocation technique. The time-varying melt envelope is followed explicitly during the computation using an adaptive mesh. This paper briefly describes the mathematical model used to represent the interaction between the magnetic field, fluid flow, heat transfer and change of phase in the crucible and identifies the proportions of energy used in the melt, lost in the crucible base and in the crucible walls. The role of turbulence is highlighted as important in controlling heat losses and turbulence damping is introduced as a means of improving superheat. Model validation is against experimental results and shows good agreement with measured temperatures and energy losses in the cooling fluid throughout the melting cycle.


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Heat is extracted away from an electronic package by convection, conduction, and/or radiation. The amount of heat extracted by forced convection using air is highly dependent on the characteristics of the airflow around the package which includes its velocity and direction. Turbulence in the air is also important and is required to be modeled accurately in thermal design codes that use computational fluid dynamics (CFD). During air cooling the flow can be classified as laminar, transitional, or turbulent. In electronics systems, the flow around the packages is usually in the transition region, which lies between laminar and turbulent flow. This requires a low-Reynolds number numerical model to fully capture the impact of turbulence on the fluid flow calculations. This paper provides comparisons between a number of turbulence models with experimental data. These models included the distance from the nearest wall and the local velocity (LVEL), Wolfshtein, Norris and Reynolds, k-ε, k-ω, shear-stress transport (SST), and kε/kl models. Results show that in terms of the fluid flow calculations most of the models capture the difficult wake recirculation region behind the package reasonably well, although for packages whose heights cause a high degree of recirculation behind the package the SST model appears to struggle. The paper also demonstrates the sensitivity of the models to changes in the mesh density; this study is aimed specifically at thermal design engineers as mesh independent simulations are rarely conducted in an industrial environment.


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This paper investigates the use of the acoustic emission (AE) monitoring technique for use in identifying the damage mechanisms present in paper associated with its production process. The microscopic structure of paper consists of a random mesh of paper fibres connected by hydrogen bonds. This implies the existence of two damage mechanisms, the failure of a fibre-fibre bond and the failure of a fibre. This paper describes a hybrid mathematical model which couples the mechanics of the mass-spring model to the acoustic wave propagation model for use in generating the acoustic signal emitted by complex structures of paper fibres under strain. The derivation of the mass-spring model can be found in [1,2], with details of the acoustic wave equation found in [3,4]. The numerical implementation of the vibro-acoustic model is discussed in detail with particular emphasis on the damping present in the numerical model. The hybrid model uses an implicit solver which intrinsically introduces artificial damping to the solution. The artificial damping is shown to affect the frequency response of the mass-spring model, therefore certain restrictions on the simulation time step must be enforced so that the model produces physically accurate results. The hybrid mathematical model is used to simulate small fibre networks to provide information on the acoustic response of each damage mechanism. The simulated AEs are then analysed using a continuous wavelet transform (CWT), described in [5], which provides a two dimensional time-frequency representation of the signal. The AEs from the two damage mechanisms show different characteristics in the CWT so that it is possible to define a fibre-fibre bond failure by the criteria listed below. The dominant frequency components of the AE must be at approximately 250 kHz or 750 kHz. The strongest frequency component may be at either approximately 250 kHz or 750 kHz. The duration of the frequency component at approximately 250 kHz is longer than that of the frequency component at approximately 750 kHz. Similarly, the criteria for identifying a fibre failure are given below. The dominant frequency component of the AE must be greater than 800 kHz. The duration of the dominant frequency component must be less than 5.00E-06 seconds. The dominant frequency component must be present at the front of the AE. Essentially, the failure of a fibre-fibre bond produces a low frequency wave and the failure of a fibre produces a high frequency pulse. Using this theoretical criteria, it is now possible to train an intelligent classifier such as the Self-Organising Map (SOM) [6] using the experimental data. First certain features must be extracted from the CWTs of the AEs for use in training the SOM. For this work, each CWT is divided into 200 windows of 5E-06s in duration covering a 100 kHz frequency range. The power ratio for each windows is then calculated and used as a feature. Having extracted the features from the AEs, the SOM can now be trained, but care is required so that the both damage mechanisms are adequately represented in the training set. This is an issue with paper as the failure of the fibre-fibre bonds is the prevalent damage mechanism. Once a suitable training set is found, the SOM can be trained and its performance analysed. For the SOM described in this work, there is a good chance that it will correctly classify the experimental AEs.


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Solder constitutive models are important as they are widely used in FEA simulations to predict the lifetime of soldered assemblies. This paper briefly reviews some common constitutive laws to capture creep in solder and presents work on laws capturing both kinematic hardening and damage. Inverse analysis is used to determine constants for the kinematic hardening law which match experimental creep curves. The mesh dependence of the damage law is overcome by using volume averaging and is applied to predict the crack path in a thermal cycled resistor component


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Light has the greatest information carrying potential of all the perceivable interconnect mediums; consequently, optical fiber interconnects rapidly replaced copper in telecommunications networks, providing bandwidth capacity far in excess of its predecessors. As a result the modern telecommunications infrastructure has evolved into a global mesh of optical networks with VCSEL’s (Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers) dominating the short-link markets, predominately due to their low-cost. This cost benefit of VCSELs has allowed optical interconnects to again replace bandwidth limited copper as bottlenecks appear on VSR (Very Short Reach) interconnects between co-located equipment inside the CO (Central-Office). Spurred by the successful deployment in the VSR domain and in response to both intra-board backplane applications and inter-board requirements to extend the bandwidth between IC’s (Integrated Circuits), current research is migrating optical links toward board level USR (Ultra Short Reach) interconnects. Whilst reconfigurable Free Space Optical Interconnect (FSOI) are an option, they are complicated by precise line-of-sight alignment conditions hence benefits exist in developing guided wave technologies, which have been classified into three generations. First and second generation technologies are based upon optical fibers and are both capable of providing a suitable platform for intra-board applications. However, to allow component assembly, an integral requirement for inter-board applications, 3rd generation Opto-Electrical Circuit Boards (OECB’s) containing embedded waveguides are desirable. Currently, the greatest challenge preventing the deployment of OECB’s is achieving the out-of-plane coupling to SMT devices. With the most suitable low-cost platform being to integrate the optics into the OECB manufacturing process, several research avenues are being explored although none to date have demonstrated sufficient coupling performance. Once in place, the OECB assemblies will generate new reliability issues such as assembly configurations, manufacturing tolerances, and hermetic requirements that will also require development before total off-chip photonic interconnection can truly be achieved


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Developing temperature fields in frozen cheese sauce undergoing microwave heating were simulated and measured. Two scenarios were investigated: a centric and offset placement on the rotating turntable. Numerical modeling was performed using a dedicated electromagnetic Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) module that was two-way coupled to the PHYSICA multiphysics package. Two meshes were used: the food material and container were meshed for the heat transfer and the microwave oven cavity and waveguide were meshed for the microwave field. Power densities obtained on the structured FDTD mesh were mapped onto the unstructured finite volume method mesh for each time-step/turntable position. On heating for each specified time-step the temperature field was mapped back onto the FDTD mesh and the electromagnetic properties were updated accordingly. Changes in thermal/electric properties associated with the phase transition were fully accounted for as well as heat losses from product to cavity. Detailed comparisons were carried out for the centric and offset placements, comparing experimental temperature profiles during microwave thawing with those obtained by numerical simulation.


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In this chapter we look at JOSTLE, the multilevel graph-partitioning software package, and highlight some of the key research issues that it addresses. We first outline the core algorithms and place it in the context of the multilevel refinement paradigm. We then look at issues relating to its use as a tool for parallel processing and, in particular, partitioning in parallel. Since its first release in 1995, JOSTLE has been used for many mesh-based parallel scientific computing applications and so we also outline some enhancements such as multiphase mesh-partitioning, heterogeneous mapping and partitioning to optimise subdomain shape


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At present the vast majority of Computer-Aided- Engineering (CAE) analysis calculations for microelectronic and microsystems technologies are undertaken using software tools that focus on single aspects of the physics taking place. For example, the design engineer may use one code to predict the airflow and thermal behavior of an electronic package, then another code to predict the stress in solder joints, and then yet another code to predict electromagnetic radiation throughout the system. The reason for this focus of mesh-based codes on separate parts of the governing physics is essentially due to the numerical technologies used to solve the partial differential equations, combined with the subsequent heritage structure in the software codes. Using different software tools, that each requires model build and meshing, leads to a large investment in time, and hence cost, to undertake each of the simulations. During the last ten years there has been significant developments in the modelling community around multi- physics analysis. These developments are being followed by many of the code vendors who are now providing multi-physics capabilities in their software tools. This paper illustrates current capabilities of multi-physics technology and highlights some of the future challenges


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Thawing of a frozen food product in a domestic microwave oven is numerically simulated using a coupled solver approach. The approach consists of a dedicated electromagnetic FDTD solver and a closely coupled UFVM multi-physics package. Two overlapping numerical meshes are defined; the food material and container were meshed for heat transfer and phase change solution, whilst the microwave oven cavity and waveguide were meshed for the microwave irradiation. The two solution domains were linked using a cross-mapping routine. This approach allowed the rotation of the food load to be captured. Power densities obtained on the structured FDTD mesh were interpolated onto the UFVM mesh for each timestep/turntable position. The UFVM solver utilised the power density data to advance the temperature and phase distribution solution. The temperature-dependant dielectric and thermo-physical properties of the food load were updated prior to revising the electromagnetic solution. Changes in thermal/electric properties associated with the phase transition were fully accounted for as well as heat losses from product to cavity. Two scenarios were investigated: a centric and eccentric placement on the turntable. Developing temperature fields predicted by the numerical solution are validated against experimentally obtained data. Presented results indicate the feasibility of fully coupled simulations of the microwave heating of a frozen product. (© 2008 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)


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A numerical modelling method for the analysis of solder joint damage and crack propagation has been described in this paper. The method is based on the disturbed state concept. Under cyclic thermal-mechanical loading conditions, the level of damage that occurs in solder joints is assumed to be a simple monotonic scalar function of the accumulated equivalent plastic strain. The increase of damage leads to crack initiation and propagation. By tracking the evolution of the damage level in solder joints, crack propagation path and rate can be simulated using Finite Element Analysis method. The discussions are focused on issues in the implementation of the method. The technique of speeding up the simulation and the mesh dependency issues are analysed. As an example of the application of this method, crack propagation in solder joints of power electronics modules under cyclic thermal-mechanical loading conditions has been analyzed and the predicted cracked area size after 3000 loading cycles is consistent with experimental results.