83 resultados para Fire Safety engineering, FSE, ingegneria antincendio, prevenzione incnedi, evacuazione.
Parallel processing techniques have been used in the past to provide high performance computing resources for activities such as Computational Fluid Dynamics. This is normally achieved using specialized hardware and software, the expense of which would be difficult to justify for many fire engineering practices. In this paper, we demonstrate how typical office-based PCs attached to a local area network have the potential to offer the benefits of parallel processing with minimal costs associated with the purchase of additional hardware or software. A dynamic load balancing scheme was devised to allow the effective use of the software on heterogeneous PC networks. This scheme ensured that the impact between the parallel processing task and other computer users on the network was minimized thus allowing practical parallel processing within a conventional office environment. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This study investigates the use of computer modelled versus directly experimentally determined fire hazard data for assessing survivability within buildings using evacuation models incorporating Fractionally Effective Dose (FED) models. The objective is to establish a link between effluent toxicity, measured using a variety of small and large scale tests, and building evacuation. For the scenarios under consideration, fire simulation is typically used to determine the time non-survivable conditions develop within the enclosure, for example, when smoke or toxic effluent falls below a critical height which is deemed detrimental to evacuation or when the radiative fluxes reach a critical value leading to the onset of flashover. The evacuation calculation would the be used to determine whether people within the structure could evacuate before these critical conditions develop.
A toxicity model on dividing the computational domain into two parts, a control region (CR) and a transport region (TR), for species calculation was recently developed. The model can be incorporated with either the heat source approach or the eddy dissipation model (EDM). The work described in this paper is a further application of the toxicity model with modifications of the EDM for vitiated fires. In the modified EDM, chemical reaction only occurs within the CR. This is consistent with the approach used in the species concentration calculations within the toxicity model in which yields of combustion products only change within the CR. A vitiated large room-corridor fire, in which the carbon monoxide (CM) concentrations are very high and the temperatures are relatively low at locations distant from the original fire source, is simulated using the modified EDM coupled with the toxicity model. Compared with the EDM, the modified EDM provide significant improvements in the predictions of temperatures at remote locations. Predictions of species concentrations at various locations follow the measured trends. Good agreements between the measured and predicted species concentrations are obtained at the vitiated fire stage.
The SMARTFIRE Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) fire field model has successfully reproduced the observed characteristics including measured temperatures, species concentrations and time to flashover for a post-crash fire experiment conducted by the FAA within their C-133 cabin test facility. In this test only one exit was open in order to provide ventilation for the developing cabin fire. In real post-crash fires, many exits are likely to be open as passangers attempt to evacuate. In this paper, the likely impacts on evacuation of a post-crash fire in which various exiting combinations are available are investigated. The fire scenario, investigated using the SMARTFIRE software, is based on the C-133 experiment but with a fully furnished cabin and with four different exit availability options. The fire data is imported into the airEXODUS evacuation simulation software and the resulting evacuations examined. The combined fire and evacuation analysis reveals that even though the aircraft configuration is predicted to comfortably satisfy the evacuation certification requirement, when fire is included, a number of casualties result, even from the certification compliant exit configuration.
This is a briefing report on when the safety issues identified in a July 2008 report by Jülich should have become apparent In July 2008, the German Jülich nuclear research centre published a report entitled ‘A safety re-evaluation of the AVR pebble bed reactor operation and its consequences for future HTR concepts.’ It concluded: ‘pebble bed HTRs require additional safety related R&D effort and updating of safety analyses before construction.’