74 resultados para Computational Fluid Mechanics


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At 8.18pm on 2 September 1998, Swissair Flight 111 (SR 111), took off from New York’s JFK airport bound for Geneva, Switzerland. Tragically, the MD-11 aircraft never arrived. According to the crash investigation report, published on 27 March 2003, electrical arcing in the ceiling void cabling was the most likely cause of the fire that brought down the aircraft. No one on board was aware of the disaster unfolding in the ceiling of the aircraft and, when a strange odour entered the cockpit, the pilots thought it was a problem with the air-conditioning system. Twenty minutes later, Swissair Flight 111 plunged into the Atlantic Ocean five nautical miles southwest of Peggy’s Cove, Nova Scotia, with the loss of all 229 lives on board. In this paper, the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis of the in-flight fire that brought down SR 111 is described. Reconstruction of the wreckage disclosed that the fire pattern was extensive and complex in nature. The fire damage created significant challenges to identify the origin of the fire and to appropriately explain the heat damage observed. The SMARTFIRE CFD software was used to predict the “possible” behaviour of airflow as well as the spread of fire and smoke within SR 111. The main aims of the CFD analysis were to develop a better understanding of the possible effects, or lack thereof, of numerous variables relating to the in-flight fire. Possible fire and smoke spread scenarios were studied to see what the associated outcomes would be. This assisted investigators at Transportation Safety Board (TSB) of Canada, Fire & Explosion Group in assessing fire dynamics for cause and origin determination.


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Nitrogen is now used in wave soldering machines to help lower the amount of dross that can be formed on the solder bath surface. The paper provides details on the use of computational fluid dynamics in helping understand the flow profiles of nitrogen in a wave soldering machine and to predict the concentration of nitrogen and oxygen around the solder bath.


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In 1998, Swissair Flight I I I (SR111) developed an in-flight fire shortly after take-off which resulted in the loss of the aircraft, a McDonnell Douglas MD-I 1, and all passengers and crew. The Transportation Safety Board (TSB) of Canada, Fire and Explosion Group launched a four year investigation into the incident in an attempt to understand the cause and subsequent mechanisms which lead to the rapid spread of the in-flight fire. As part of this investigation, the SMARTFIRE Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software was used to predict the 'possible' development of the fire and associated smoke movement. In this paper the CFD fire simulations are presented and model predictions compared with key findings from the investigation. The model predictions are shown to be consistent with a number of the investigation findings associated with the early stages of the fire development. The analysis makes use of simulated pre-fire airflow conditions within the MD-11 cockpit and above ceiling region presented in an earlier publication (Part 1) which was published in The Aeronautical Journal in January 2006(4).


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A two dimensional staggered unstructured discretisation scheme for the solution of fluid flow problems has been developed. This scheme stores and solves the velocity vector resolutes normal and parallel to each cell face and other scalar variables (pressure, temperature) are stored at cell centres. The coupled momentum; continuity and energy equations are solved, using the well known pressure correction algorithm SIMPLE. The method is tested for accuracy and convergence behaviour against standard cell-centre solutions in a number of benchmark problems: The Lid-Driven Cavity, Natural Convection in a Cavity and the Melting of Gallium in a rectangular domain.


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Electromagnetic processing of materials (EPM) is one of the most widely practiced and fast growing applications of magnetic and electric forces to fluid flow. EPM is encountered in both industrial processes and laboratory investigations. Applications range in scale from nano-particle manipulation to tonnes of liquid metal treated in the presence of various configurations of magnetic fields. Some of these processes are specifically designed and made possible by the use of the electromagnetic force, like the magnetic levitation of liquid droplets, whilst others involve electric currents essential for electrothermal or electrochemical reasons, for instance, in electrolytic metal production and in induction melting. An insight for the range of established and novel EPM applications can be found in the review presented by Asai [1] in the EPM-2003 conference proceedings.


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In this paper, the application of a continuum model is presented, which deals with the discharge of multi-component granular mixtures in core flow mode. The full model description is given (including the constitutive models for the segregation mechanism) and the interactions between particles at the microscopic level are parametrised in order to predict the development of stagnant zone boundaries during core flow discharges. Finally, the model is applied to a real industrial problem and predictions are made for the segregation patterns developed during mixture discharge in core flow mode.


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This paper presents the results of a packaging process based on the stencil printing of isotropic conductive adhesives (ICAs) that form the interconnections of flip-chip bonded electronic packages. Ultra-fine pitch (sub-100-mum), low temperature (100degC), and low cost flip-chip assembly is demonstrated. The article details recent advances in electroformed stencil manufacturing that use microengineering techniques to enable stencil fabrication at apertures sizes down to 20mum and pitches as small as 30mum. The current state of the art for stencil printing of ICAs and solder paste is limited between 150-mum and 200-mum pitch. The ICAs-based interconnects considered in this article have been stencil printed successfully down to 50-mum pitch with consistent printing demonstrated at 90-mum pitch size. The structural integrity or the stencil after framing and printing is also investigated through experimentation and computational modeling. The assembly of a flip-chip package based on copper column bumped die and ICA deposits stencil printed at sub-100-mum pitch is described. Computational fluid dynamics modeling of the print performance provides an indicator on the optimum print parameters. Finally, an organic light emitting diode display chip is packaged using this assembly process


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Parallel processing techniques have been used in the past to provide high performance computing resources for activities such as Computational Fluid Dynamics. This is normally achieved using specialized hardware and software, the expense of which would be difficult to justify for many fire engineering practices. In this paper, we demonstrate how typical office-based PCs attached to a local area network have the potential to offer the benefits of parallel processing with minimal costs associated with the purchase of additional hardware or software. A dynamic load balancing scheme was devised to allow the effective use of the software on heterogeneous PC networks. This scheme ensured that the impact between the parallel processing task and other computer users on the network was minimized thus allowing practical parallel processing within a conventional office environment. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The amount of atmospheric hydrogen chloride (HCl) within fire enclosures produced from the combustion of chloride-based materials tends to decay as the fire effluent is transported through the enclosure due to mixing with fresh air and absorption by solids. This paper describes an HCl decay model, typically used in zone models, which has been modified and applied to a computational fluid dynamics (CFD)-based fire field model. While the modified model still makes use of some empirical formulations to represent the deposition mechanisms, these have been reduced from the original three to two through the use of the CFD framework. Furthermore, the effect of HCl flow to the wall surfaces on the time to reach equilibrium between HCl in the boundary layer and on wall surfaces is addressed by the modified model. Simulation results using the modified HCl decay model are compared with data from three experiments. The model is found to be able to reproduce the experimental trends and the predicted HCl levels are in good agreement with measured values


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With the growth in computing power, and advances in numerical methods for the solution of partial differential equations, modeling technologies based around computational fluid dynamics, finite element analysis and optimisation are now being widely used by researchers and industry. Polymer and adhesive materials are now being widely used in electronic and photonic devices. This paper will illustrate the use of modeling tools to predict the behaviour of these materials from product assembly to its performance and reliability.


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This study presents a CFD analysis constructed around PHYSICA, an open framework for multi-physics computational continuum mechanics modelling, to investigate the water movement in unsaturated porous media. The modelling environment is based on a cell-centred finite-volume discretisation technique. A number of test cases are performed in order to validate the correct implementation of Richard's equation for compressible and incompressible fluids. The pressure head form of the equation is used together with the constitutive relationships between pressure, volumetric water content and hydraulic conductivity described by Haverkamp and Van Genuchten models. The flow problems presented are associated with infiltration into initially dry soils with homogeneous or layered geologic settings. Comparison of results with the problems selected from literature shows a good agreement and validates the approach and the implementation.


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The SMARTFIRE Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) fire field model has successfully reproduced the observed characteristics including measured temperatures, species concentrations and time to flashover for a post-crash fire experiment conducted by the FAA within their C-133 cabin test facility. In this test only one exit was open in order to provide ventilation for the developing cabin fire. In real post-crash fires, many exits are likely to be open as passangers attempt to evacuate. In this paper, the likely impacts on evacuation of a post-crash fire in which various exiting combinations are available are investigated. The fire scenario, investigated using the SMARTFIRE software, is based on the C-133 experiment but with a fully furnished cabin and with four different exit availability options. The fire data is imported into the airEXODUS evacuation simulation software and the resulting evacuations examined. The combined fire and evacuation analysis reveals that even though the aircraft configuration is predicted to comfortably satisfy the evacuation certification requirement, when fire is included, a number of casualties result, even from the certification compliant exit configuration.


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This paper presents the challenges encountered in modelling biofluids in microchannels. In particular blood separation implemented in a T-microchannel device is analysed. Microfluids behave different from the counterparts in the microscale and a different approach has been adopted here to model them, which emphasize the roles of viscous forces, high shear rate performance and particle interaction in microscope. A T-microchannel design is numerically analysed by means of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to investigate the effectiveness of blood separation based on the bifurcation law and other bio-physical effects. The simulation shows that the device can separate blood cells from plasma.


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An aerodynamic sound source extraction from a general flow field is applied to a number of model problems and to a problem of engineering interest. The extraction technique is based on a variable decomposition, which results to an acoustic correction method, of each of the flow variables into a dominant flow component and a perturbation component. The dominant flow component is obtained with a general-purpose Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) code which uses a cell-centred finite volume method to solve the Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes equations. The perturbations are calculated from a set of acoustic perturbation equations with source terms extracted from unsteady CFD solutions at each time step via the use of a staggered dispersion-relation-preserving (DRP) finite-difference scheme. Numerical experiments include (1) propagation of a 1-D acoustic pulse without mean flow, (2) propagation of a 2-D acoustic pulse with/without mean flow, (3) reflection of an acoustic pulse from a flat plate with mean flow, and (4) flow-induced noise generated by the an unsteady laminar flow past a 2-D cavity. The computational results demonstrate the accuracy for model problems and illustrate the feasibility for more complex aeroacoustic problems of the source extraction technique.