65 resultados para fluid flow


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A three-dimensional finite volume, unstructured mesh (FV-UM) method for dynamic fluid–structure interaction (DFSI) is described. Fluid structure interaction, as applied to flexible structures, has wide application in diverse areas such as flutter in aircraft, wind response of buildings, flows in elastic pipes and blood vessels. It involves the coupling of fluid flow and structural mechanics, two fields that are conventionally modelled using two dissimilar methods, thus a single comprehensive computational model of both phenomena is a considerable challenge. Until recently work in this area focused on one phenomenon and represented the behaviour of the other more simply. More recently, strategies for solving the full coupling between the fluid and solid mechanics behaviour have been developed. A key contribution has been made by Farhat et al. [Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids 21 (1995) 807] employing FV-UM methods for solving the Euler flow equations and a conventional finite element method for the elastic solid mechanics and the spring based mesh procedure of Batina [AIAA paper 0115, 1989] for mesh movement. In this paper, we describe an approach which broadly exploits the three field strategy described by Farhat for fluid flow, structural dynamics and mesh movement but, in the context of DFSI, contains a number of novel features: • a single mesh covering the entire domain, • a Navier–Stokes flow, • a single FV-UM discretisation approach for both the flow and solid mechanics procedures, • an implicit predictor–corrector version of the Newmark algorithm, • a single code embedding the whole strategy.


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Magnetic fields are used in a number of processes related to the extraction of metals, production of alloys and the shaping of metal components. Computational techniques have an increasingly important role to play in the simulation of such processes, since it is often difficult or very costly to conduct experiments in the high temperature conditions encountered and the complex interaction of fluid flow, heat transfer and magnetic fields means simple analytic models are often far removed from reality. In this paper an overview of the computational activity at the University of Greenwich is given in this area, covering the past ten years. The overview is given from the point of view of the modeller and within the space limitations imposed by the format it covers the numerical methods used, attempts at validation against experiments or analytic procedures; it highlights successes, but also some failures. A broad range of models is covered in the review (and accompanying lecture), used to simulate (a) A-C field applications: induction melting, magnetic confinement and levitation, casting and (b) D-C field applications such as: arc welding and aluminium electroloysis. Most of these processes involve phase change of the metal (melting or solidification), the presence of a dynamic free surface and turbulent flow. These issues affect accuracy and need to be address by the modeller.


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In this paper a mixed Eulerian-Lagrangian approach for the modelling metal extrusion processes is presented. The approach involves the solution of non-Newtonian fluid flow equations in an Eulerian context, using a free-surface algorithm to track the behaviour of the workpiece and its extrusion. The solid mechanics equations associated with the tools are solved in Lagangrian context. Thermal interactions between the workpiece are modelled and a fluid-structure interaction technique is employed to model the effect of the fluid traction load imposed by the workpiece on the tools. Two extrusion test cases are investigated and the results obtained show the potential of the model with regard to representing the physics of the process and the simulation time.


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Direct chill (DC) casting is a core primary process in the production of aluminum ingots. However, its operational optimization is still under investigation with regard to a number of features, one of which is the issue of curvature at the base of the ingot. Analysis of these features requires a computational model of the process that accounts for the fluid flow, heat transfer, solidification phase change, and thermomechanical analysis. This article describes an integrated approach to the modeling of all the preceding phenomena and their interactions.


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This work comprises accurate computational analysis of levitated liquid droplet oscillations in AC and DC magnetic fields. The AC magnetic field interacting with the induced electric current within the liquid metal droplet generates intense fluid flow and the coupled free surface oscillations. The pseudo-spectral technique is used to solve the turbulent fluid flow equations for the continuously dynamically transformed axisymmetric fluid volume. The volume electromagnetic force distribution is updated with the shape and position change. We start with the ideal fluid test case for undamped Rayleigh frequency oscillations in the absence of gravity, and then add the viscous and the DC magnetic field damping. The oscillation frequency spectra are further analysed for droplets levitated against gravity in AC and DC magnetic fields at various combinations. In the extreme case electrically poorly conducting, diamagnetic droplet (water) levitation dynamics are simulated. Applications are aimed at pure electromagnetic material processing techniques and the material properties measurements in uncontaminated conditions.


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This paper presents simulated computational fluid dynamics (CFD) results for comparison against experimental data. The performance of four turbulence models has been assessed for electronic application areas considering both fluid flow and heat transfer phenomenon. CFD is vast becoming a powerful and almost essential tool for design, development and optimization in engineering problems. However turbulence models remain to be the key problem issue when tackling such flow phenomena. The reliability of CFD analysis depends heavily on the performance of the turbulence model employed together with the wall functions implemented. To be able to resolve the abrupt changes in the turbulent energy and other parameters near the wall a particularly fine mesh is necessary which unfortunately increases the computer storage capacity requirements. The objective of turbulence modelling is to enhance computational procdures of sufficient acccuracy and generality for engineers to anticipate the Reynolds stresses and the scalar transport terms.


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Removing zinc by distillation can leave the lead bullion virtually free of zinc and also produces pure zinc crystals. Batch distillation is considered in a hemispherical kettle with water-cooled lid, under high vacuum (50 Pa or less). Sufficient zinc concentration at the evaporating surface is achieved by means of a mechanical stirrer. The numerical model is based on the multiphysics simulation package PHYSICA. The fluid flow module of the code is used to simulate the action of the stirring impeller and to determine the temperature and concentration fields throughout the liquid volume including the evaporating surface. The rate of zinc evaporation and condensation is then modelled using Langmuir’s equations. Diffusion of the zinc vapour through the residual air in the vacuum gap is also taken into account. Computed results show that the mixing is sufficient and the rate-limiting step of the process is the surface evaporation driven by the difference of the equilibrium vapour pressure and the actual partial pressure of zinc vapour. However, at higher zinc concentrations, the heat transfer through the growing zinc crystal crust towards the cold steel lid may become the limiting factor because the crystallization front may reach the melting point. The computational model can be very useful in optimising the process within its safe limits.


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The use of computational modelling in examining process engineering issues is very powerful. It has been used in the development of the HIsmelt process from its concept. It is desirable to further water-cool the HIsmelt vessel to reduce downtime for replacing refractory. Water-cooled elements close to a metal bath run the risk of failure. This generally occurs when a process perturbation causes the freeze and refractory layers to come away from the water-cooled element, which is then exposed to liquid metal. The element fails as they are unable to remove all the heat. Modelling of the water-cooled element involves modelling the heat transfer, fluid flow, stress and solidification for a localised section of the reaction vessel. The complex interaction between the liquid slag and the refractory applied to the outside of thewater-cooled element is also being examined to model the wear of this layer. The model is being constructed in Physica, a CFD code developed at the University of Greenwich. Modelling of this system has commenced with modelling solidification test cases. These test cases have been used to validate the CFD code’s capability to model the solidification in this system. A model to track the penetration of slag into refractory has also been developed and tested.


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This paper describes modeling technology and its use in providing data governing the assembly and subsequent reliability of electronic chip components on printed circuit boards (PCBs). Products, such as mobile phones, camcorders, intelligent displays, etc., are changing at a tremendous rate where newer technologies are being applied to satisfy the demands for smaller products with increased functionality. At ever decreasing dimensions, and increasing number of input/output connections, the design of these components, in terms of dimensions and materials used, is playing a key role in determining the reliability of the final assembly. Multiphysics modeling techniques are being adopted to predict a range of interacting physics-based phenomena associated with the manufacturing process. For example, heat transfer, solidification, marangoni fluid flow, void movement, and thermal-stress. The modeling techniques used are based on finite volume methods that are conservative and take advantage of being able to represent the physical domain using an unstructured mesh. These techniques are also used to provide data on thermal induced fatigue which is then mapped into product lifetime predictions.


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Computational results for the microwave heating of a porous material are presented in this paper. Combined finite difference time domain and finite volume methods were used to solve equations that describe the electromagnetic field and heat and mass transfer in porous media. The coupling between the two schemes is through a change in dielectric properties which were assumed to be dependent on both temperature and moisture content. The model was able to reflect the evolution of both temperature and moisture fields as well as energy penetration as the moisture in the porous medium evaporates. Moisture movement results from internal pressure gradients produced by the internal heating and phase change.


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A comprehensive solution of solidification/melting processes requires the simultaneous representation of free surface fluid flow, heat transfer, phase change, nonlinear solid mechanics and, possibly, electromagnetics together with their interactions, in what is now known as multiphysics simulation. Such simulations are computationally intensive and the implementation of solution strategies for multiphysics calculations must embed their effective parallelization. For some years, together with our collaborators, we have been involved in the development of numerical software tools for multiphysics modeling on parallel cluster systems. This research has involved a combination of algorithmic procedures, parallel strategies and tools, plus the design of a computational modeling software environment and its deployment in a range of real world applications. One output from this research is the three-dimensional parallel multiphysics code, PHYSICA. In this paper we report on an assessment of its parallel scalability on a range of increasingly complex models drawn from actual industrial problems, on three contemporary parallel cluster systems.


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Induction heating is an efficient method used to melt electrically conductive materials, particularly if melting takes place in a ceramic crucible. This form of melting is particularly good for alloys, as electromagnetic forces set up by the induction coil lead to vigorous stirring of the melt ensuring homogeneity and uniformity in temperature. However, for certain reactive alloys, or where high purity is required, ceramic crucibles cannot be used, but a water-cooled segmented copper crucible is employed instead. Water cooling prevents meltdown or distortion of the metal wall, but much of the energy goes into the coolant. To reduce this loss, the electromagnetic force generated by the coil is used to push the melt away from the walls and so minimise contact with water-cooled surfaces. Even then, heat is lost through the crucible base where contact is inevitable. In a collaborative programme between Greenwich and Birmingham Universities, computer modelling has been used in conjunction with experiments to improve the superheat attainable in the melt for a,number of alloys, especially for y-TiAl intermetallics to cast aeroengine turbine blades. The model solves the discretised form of the turbulent Navier-Stokes, thermal energy conservation and Maxwell equations using a Spectral Collocation technique. The time-varying melt envelope is followed explicitly during the computation using an adaptive mesh. This paper briefly describes the mathematical model used to represent the interaction between the magnetic field, fluid flow, heat transfer and change of phase in the crucible and identifies the proportions of energy used in the melt, lost in the crucible base and in the crucible walls. The role of turbulence is highlighted as important in controlling heat losses and turbulence damping is introduced as a means of improving superheat. Model validation is against experimental results and shows good agreement with measured temperatures and energy losses in the cooling fluid throughout the melting cycle.


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The fabrication, assembly and testing of electronic packaging can involve complex interactions between physical phenomena such as temperature, fluid flow, electromagnetics, and stress. Numerical modelling and optimisation tools are key computer-aided-engineering technologies that aid design engineers. This paper discusses these technologies and there future developments.


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A two dimensional staggered unstructured discretisation scheme for the solution of fluid flow problems has been developed. This scheme stores and solves the velocity vector resolutes normal and parallel to each cell face and other scalar variables (pressure, temperature) are stored at cell centres. The coupled momentum; continuity and energy equations are solved, using the well known pressure correction algorithm SIMPLE. The method is tested for accuracy and convergence behaviour against standard cell-centre solutions in a number of benchmark problems: The Lid-Driven Cavity, Natural Convection in a Cavity and the Melting of Gallium in a rectangular domain.


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Electromagnetic levitation of electrically conductive droplets by alternating magnetic fields is a technique used to measure the physical properties of liquid metallic alloys such as surface tension or viscosity. Experiments can be conducted under terrestrial conditions or in microgravity, to reduce electromagnetic stirring and shaping of the droplet. Under such conditions, the time-dependent behaviour of a point of the free surface is recorded. Then the signal is analysed considering the droplet as a harmonic damped oscillator. We use a spectral code, for fluid flow and free surface descriptions, to check the validity of this assumption for two cases. First when the motion inside the droplet is generated by its initial distortion only and second, when the droplet is located in a uniform magnetic field originating far from the droplet. It is found that some deviations exist which can lead to an overestimate of the value of viscosity.