81 resultados para computational fluid dynamics (CFD)


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In this paper we present some work concerned with the development and testing of a simple solid fuel combustion model incorporated within a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) framework. The model is intended for use in engineering applications of fire field modeling and represents an extension of this technique to situations involving the combustion of solid fuels. The CFD model is coupled with a simple thermal pyrolysis model for combustible solid noncharring fuels, a six-flux radiation model and an eddy-dissipation model for gaseous combustion. The model is then used to simulate a series of small-scale room fire experiments in which the target solid fuel is polymethylmethacrylate. The numerical predictions produced by this coupled model are found to be in very good agreement with experimental data. Furthermore, numerical predictions of the relationship between the air entrained into the fire compartment and the ventilation factor produce a characteristic linear correlation with constant of proportionality 0.38 kg/sm5/12. The simulation results also suggest that the model is capable of predicting the onset of "flashover" type behavior within the fire compartment.


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Over recent years there has been an increase in the use of generic Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software packages spread across various application fields. This has created the need for the integration of expertise into CFD software. Expertise can be integrated into CFD software in the form of an Intelligent Knowledge-Based System (IKBS). The advantages of integrating intelligence into generic engineering software are discussed with a special view to software engineering considerations. The software modelling cycle of a typical engineering problem is identified and the respective expertise and user control needed for each modelling phase is shown. The requirements of an IKBS for CFD software are discussed and compared to current practice. The blackboard software architecture is presented. This is shown to be appropriate for the integration of an IKBS into an engineering software package. This is demonstrated through the presentation of the prototype CFD software package FLOWES.


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The PHYSICA software was developed to enable multiphysics modelling allowing for interaction between Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Computational Solid Mechanics (CSM) and Computational Aeroacoustics (CAA). PHYSICA uses the finite volume method with 3-D unstructured meshes to enable the modelling of complex geometries. Many engineering applications involve significant computational time which needs to be reduced by means of a faster solution method or parallel and high performance algorithms. It is well known that multigrid methods serve as a fast iterative scheme for linear and nonlinear diffusion problems. This papers attempts to address two major issues of this iterative solver, including parallelisation of multigrid methods and their applications to time dependent multiscale problems.


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A new approach to the prediction of bend lifetime in pneumatic conveyors, subject to erosive wear is described. Mathematical modelling is exploited. Commercial Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software is used for the prediction of air flow and particle tracks, and custom code for the modelling of bend erosion and lifetime prediction. The custom code uses a toroidal geometry, and employs a range of empirical data rather than trying to fit classical erosion models to a particular circumstance. The data used was obtained relatively quickly and easily from a gas-blast erosion tester. A full-scale pneumatic conveying rig was used to validate a sample of the bend lifetime predictions, and the results suggest accuracy of within ±65%, using calibration methods. Finally, the work is distilled into user-friendly interactive software that will make erosion lifetime predictions for a wide range of bends under varying conveying conditions. This could be a valuable tool for the pneumatic conveyor design or maintenance engineer.


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This paper presents simulated computational fluid dynamics (CFD) results for comparison against experimental data. The performance of four turbulence models has been assessed for electronic application areas considering both fluid flow and heat transfer phenomenon. CFD is vast becoming a powerful and almost essential tool for design, development and optimization in engineering problems. However turbulence models remain to be the key problem issue when tackling such flow phenomena. The reliability of CFD analysis depends heavily on the performance of the turbulence model employed together with the wall functions implemented. To be able to resolve the abrupt changes in the turbulent energy and other parameters near the wall a particularly fine mesh is necessary which unfortunately increases the computer storage capacity requirements. The objective of turbulence modelling is to enhance computational procdures of sufficient acccuracy and generality for engineers to anticipate the Reynolds stresses and the scalar transport terms.


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The electronics industry is developing rapidly together with the increasingly complex problem of microelectronic equipment cooling. It has now become necessary for thermal design engineers to consider the problem of equipment cooling at some level. The use of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) for such investigations is fast becoming a powerful and almost essential tool for the design, development and optimisation of engineering applications. However turbulence models remain a key issue when tackling such flow phenomena. The reliability of CFD analysis depends heavily on the turbulence model employed together with the wall functions implemented. In order to resolve the abrupt fluctuations experienced by the turbulent energy and other parameters located at near wall regions and shear layers a particularly fine computational mesh is necessary which inevitably increases the computer storage and run-time requirements. This paper will discuss results from an investigation into the accuract of currently used turbulence models. Also a newly formulated transitional hybrid turbulence model will be introduced with comparisonsaagainst experimental data.


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The electronics industry and the problems associated with the cooling of microelectronic equipment are developing rapidly. Thermal engineers now find it necessary to consider the complex area of equipment cooling at some level. This continually growing industry also faces heightened pressure from consumers to provide electronic product miniaturization, which in itself increases the demand for accurate thermal management predictions to assure product reliability. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is considered a powerful and almost essential tool for the design, development and optimization of engineering applications. CFD is now widely used within the electronics packaging design community to thermally characterize the performance of both the electronic component and system environment. This paper discusses CFD results for a large variety of investigated turbulence models. Comparison against experimental data illustrates the predictive accuracy of currently used models and highlights the growing demand for greater mathematical modelling accuracy with regards to thermal characterization. Also a newly formulated low Reynolds number (i.e. transitional) turbulence model is proposed with emphasis on hybrid techniques.


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The SMARTFIRE Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) fire field model has successfully reproduced the observed characteristics including measured temperatures, species concentrations and time to flashover for a post-crash fire experiment conducted by the FAA within their C-133 cabin test facility. In this test only one exit was open in order to provide ventilation for the developing cabin fire. In real post-crash fires, many exits are likely to be open as passangers attempt to evacuate. In this paper, the likely impacts on evacuation of a post-crash fire in which various exiting combinations are available are investigated. The fire scenario, investigated using the SMARTFIRE software, is based on the C-133 experiment but with a fully furnished cabin and with four different exit availability options. The fire data is imported into the airEXODUS evacuation simulation software and the resulting evacuations examined. The combined fire and evacuation analysis reveals that even though the aircraft configuration is predicted to comfortably satisfy the evacuation certification requirement, when fire is included, a number of casualties result, even from the certification compliant exit configuration.


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This paper presents the challenges encountered in modelling biofluids in microchannels. In particular blood separation implemented in a T-microchannel device is analysed. Microfluids behave different from the counterparts in the microscale and a different approach has been adopted here to model them, which emphasize the roles of viscous forces, high shear rate performance and particle interaction in microscope. A T-microchannel design is numerically analysed by means of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to investigate the effectiveness of blood separation based on the bifurcation law and other bio-physical effects. The simulation shows that the device can separate blood cells from plasma.


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An aerodynamic sound source extraction from a general flow field is applied to a number of model problems and to a problem of engineering interest. The extraction technique is based on a variable decomposition, which results to an acoustic correction method, of each of the flow variables into a dominant flow component and a perturbation component. The dominant flow component is obtained with a general-purpose Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) code which uses a cell-centred finite volume method to solve the Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes equations. The perturbations are calculated from a set of acoustic perturbation equations with source terms extracted from unsteady CFD solutions at each time step via the use of a staggered dispersion-relation-preserving (DRP) finite-difference scheme. Numerical experiments include (1) propagation of a 1-D acoustic pulse without mean flow, (2) propagation of a 2-D acoustic pulse with/without mean flow, (3) reflection of an acoustic pulse from a flat plate with mean flow, and (4) flow-induced noise generated by the an unsteady laminar flow past a 2-D cavity. The computational results demonstrate the accuracy for model problems and illustrate the feasibility for more complex aeroacoustic problems of the source extraction technique.


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This paper presents modelling and design optimization of a microfeeder which, as part of a microassembly system, is used for contactless object delivery. The microfeeder consists of an array of microactuators which are controlled by electrostatic actuation and used for maneuvering outcoming air jet for object hovering and delibery. The airflow behaviour in the microactuator is analysed by means of fluid mechanics and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation from three aspects, theoretical analysis, initial design assessment, and design modifications. The focus is put on the basic types of the microfeeder structure and the effects of structural details to the systematic performance. The structural pattern of the microactuator for forming airflow nozzle is identified and two design plans are proposed as basic structure patterns of pneumatic microactuators. The optimized design numerically shows the ability of delivering objects. This paper analyses the flow distribution pattern in microactuators and points out a way for effective design of pneumatic microfeeder systems. The optimization strategy provided by the present paper has close relevance to the design and manufacture of pneumatic microfeeder systems.


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The FIREDASS (FIRE Detection And Suppression Simulation) project is concerned with the development of fine water mist systems as a possible replacement for the halon fire suppression system currently used in aircraft cargo holds. The project is funded by the European Commission, under the BRITE EURAM programme. The FIREDASS consortium is made up of a combination of Industrial, Academic, Research and Regulatory partners. As part of this programme of work, a computational model has been developed to help engineers optimise the design of the water mist suppression system. This computational model is based on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and is composed of the following components: fire model; mist model; two-phase radiation model; suppression model and detector/activation model. The fire model - developed by the University of Greenwich - uses prescribed release rates for heat and gaseous combustion products to represent the fire load. Typical release rates have been determined through experimentation conducted by SINTEF. The mist model - developed by the University of Greenwich - is a Lagrangian particle tracking procedure that is fully coupled to both the gas phase and the radiation field. The radiation model - developed by the National Technical University of Athens - is described using a six-flux radiation model. The suppression model - developed by SINTEF and the University of Greenwich - is based on an extinguishment crietrion that relies on oxygen concentration and temperature. The detector/ activation model - developed by Cerberus - allows the configuration of many different detector and mist configurations to be tested within the computational model. These sub-models have been integrated by the University of Greenwich into the FIREDASS software package. The model has been validated using data from the SINTEF/GEC test campaigns and it has been found that the computational model gives good agreement with these experimental results. The best agreement is obtained at the ceiling which is where the detectors and misting nozzles would be located in a real system. In this paper the model is briefly described and some results from the validation of the fire and mist model are presented.


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The erosion processes resulting from flow of fluids (gas-solid or liquid-solid) are encountered in nature and many industrial processes. The common feature of these erosion processes is the interaction of the fluid (particle) with its boundary thus resulting in the loss of material from the surface. This type of erosion in detrimental to the equipment used in pneumatic conveying systems. The puncture of pneumatic conveyor bends in industry causes several problems. Some of which are: (1) Escape of the conveyed product causing health and dust hazard; (2) Repairing and cleaning up after punctures necessitates shutting down conveyors, which will affect the operation of the plant, thus reducing profitability. The most common occurrence of process failure in pneumatic conveying systems is when pipe sections at the bends wear away and puncture. The reason for this is particles of varying speed, shape, size and material properties strike the bend wall with greater intensity than in straight sections of the pipe. Currently available models for predicting the lifetime of bends are inaccurate (over predict by 80%. The provision of an accurate predictive method would lead to improvements in the structure of the planned maintenance programmes of processes, thus reducing unplanned shutdowns and ultimately the downtime costs associated with these unplanned shutdowns. This is the main motivation behind the current research. The paper reports on two aspects of the first phases of the study-undertaken for the current project. These are (1) Development and implementation; and (2) Testing of the modelling environment. The model framework encompasses Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) related engineering tools, based on Eulerian (gas) and Lagrangian (particle) approaches to represent the two distinct conveyed phases, to predict the lifetime of conveyor bends. The method attempts to account for the effect of erosion on the pipe wall via particle impacts, taking into account the angle of attack, impact velocity, shape/size and material properties of the wall and conveyed material, within a CFD framework. Only a handful of researchers use CFD as the basis of predicting the particle motion, see for example [1-4] . It is hoped that this would lead to more realistic predictions of the wear profile. Results, for two, three-dimensional test cases using the commercially available CFD PHOENICS are presented. These are reported in relation to the impact intensity and sensitivity to the inlet particle distributions.


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Parallel computing is now widely used in numerical simulation, particularly for application codes based on finite difference and finite element methods. A popular and successful technique employed to parallelize such codes onto large distributed memory systems is to partition the mesh into sub-domains that are then allocated to processors. The code then executes in parallel, using the SPMD methodology, with message passing for inter-processor interactions. In order to improve the parallel efficiency of an imbalanced structured mesh CFD code, a new dynamic load balancing (DLB) strategy has been developed in which the processor partition range limits of just one of the partitioned dimensions uses non-coincidental limits, as opposed to coincidental limits. The ‘local’ partition limit change allows greater flexibility in obtaining a balanced load distribution, as the workload increase, or decrease, on a processor is no longer restricted by the ‘global’ (coincidental) limit change. The automatic implementation of this generic DLB strategy within an existing parallel code is presented in this chapter, along with some preliminary results.