39 resultados para Machine-shop practice.


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This paper studies the problem of scheduling jobs in a two-machine open shop to minimize the makespan. Jobs are grouped into batches and are processed without preemption. A batch setup time on each machine is required before the first job is processed, and when a machine switches from processing a job in some batch to a job of another batch. For this NP-hard problem, we propose a linear-time heuristic algorithm that creates a group technology schedule, in which no batch is split into sub-batches. We demonstrate that our heuristic is a -approximation algorithm. Moreover, we show that no group technology algorithm can guarantee a worst-case performance ratio less than 5/4.


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We study the special case of the m machine flow shop problem in which the processing time of each operation of job j is equal to pj; this variant of the flow shop problem is known as the proportionate flow shop problem. We show that for any number of machines and for any regular performance criterion we can restrict our search for an optimal schedule to permutation schedules. Moreover, we show that the problem of minimizing total weighted completion time is solvable in O(n2) time. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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We survey recent results on the computational complexity of mixed shop scheduling problems. In a mixed shop, some jobs have fixed machine orders (as in the job shop), while the operations of the other jobs may be processed in arbitrary order (as in the open shop). The main attention is devoted to establishing the boundary between polynomially solvable and NP-hard problems. When the number of operations per job is unlimited, we focus on problems with a fixed number of jobs.


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In this paper, we study a problem of scheduling and batching on two machines in a flow-shop and open-shop environment. Each machine processes operations in batches, and the processing time of a batch is the sum of the processing times of the operations in that batch. A setup time, which depends only on the machine, is required before a batch is processed on a machine, and all jobs in a batch remain at the machine until the entire batch is processed. The aim is to make batching and sequencing decisions, which specify a partition of the jobs into batches on each machine, and a processing order of the batches on each machine, respectively, so that the makespan is minimized. The flow-shop problem is shown to be strongly NP-hard. We demonstrate that there is an optimal solution with the same batches on the two machines; we refer to these as consistent batches. A heuristic is developed that selects the best schedule among several with one, two, or three consistent batches, and is shown to have a worst-case performance ratio of 4/3. For the open-shop, we show that the problem is NP-hard in the ordinary sense. By proving the existence of an optimal solution with one, two or three consistent batches, a close relationship is established with the problem of scheduling two or three identical parallel machines to minimize the makespan. This allows a pseudo-polynomial algorithm to be derived, and various heuristic methods to be suggested.


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We study a two-machine flow shop scheduling problem with no-wait in process, in which one of the machines is not available during a specified time interval. We consider three scenarios of handing the operation affected by the nonavailability interval. Its processing may (i) start from scratch after the interval, or (ii) be resumed from the point of interruption, or (iii) be partially restarted after the interval. The objective is to minimize the makespan. We present an approximation algorithm that for all these scenarios delivers a worst-case ratio of 3/2. For the second scenario, we offer a 4/3-approximation algorithm.


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The paper considers the flow shop scheduling problems to minimize the makespan, provided that an individual precedence relation is specified on each machine. A fairly complete complexity classification of problems with two and three machines is obtained.