35 resultados para Heuristic


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This paper examines scheduling problems in which the setup phase of each operation needs to be attended by a single server, common for all jobs and different from the processing machines. The objective in each situation is to minimize the makespan. For the processing system consisting of two parallel dedicated machines we prove that the problem of finding an optimal schedule is NP-hard in the strong sense even if all setup times are equal or if all processing times are equal. For the case of m parallel dedicated machines, a simple greedy algorithm is shown to create a schedule with the makespan that is at most twice the optimum value. For the two machine case, an improved heuristic guarantees a tight worst-case ratio of 3/2. We also describe several polynomially solvable cases of the later problem. The two-machine flow shop and the open shop problems with a single server are also shown to be NP-hard in the strong sense. However, we reduce the two-machine flow shop no-wait problem with a single server to the Gilmore-Gomory traveling salesman problem and solve it in polynomial time. (c) 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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This paper studies the problem of scheduling jobs in a two-machine open shop to minimize the makespan. Jobs are grouped into batches and are processed without preemption. A batch setup time on each machine is required before the first job is processed, and when a machine switches from processing a job in some batch to a job of another batch. For this NP-hard problem, we propose a linear-time heuristic algorithm that creates a group technology schedule, in which no batch is split into sub-batches. We demonstrate that our heuristic is a -approximation algorithm. Moreover, we show that no group technology algorithm can guarantee a worst-case performance ratio less than 5/4.


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The paper considers a problem of scheduling n jobs in a two-machine open shop to minimise the makespan, provided that preemption is not allowed and the interstage transportation times are involved. In general, this problem is known to be NP-hard. We present a linear time algorithm that finds an optimal schedule if no transportation time exceeds the smallest of the processing times. We also describe an algorithm that creates a heuristic solution to the problem with job-independent transportation times. Our algorithm provides a worst-case performance ratio of 8/5 if the transportation time of a job depends on the assigned processing route. The ratio reduces to 3/2 if all transportation times are equal.


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Graph partitioning divides a graph into several pieces by cutting edges. Very effective heuristic partitioning algorithms have been developed which run in real-time, but it is unknown how good the partitions are since the problem is, in general, NP-complete. This paper reports an evolutionary search algorithm for finding benchmark partitions. Distinctive features are the transmission and modification of whole subdomains (the partitioned units) that act as genes, and the use of a multilevel heuristic algorithm to effect the crossover and mutations. Its effectiveness is demonstrated by improvements on previously established benchmarks.


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We describe a heuristic method for drawing graphs which uses a multilevel technique combined with a force-directed placement algorithm. The multilevel process groups vertices to form clusters, uses the clusters to define a new graph and is repeated until the graph size falls below some threshold. The coarsest graph is then given an initial layout and the layout is successively refined on all the graphs starting with the coarsest and ending with the original. In this way the multilevel algorithm both accelerates and gives a more global quality to the force- directed placement. The algorithm can compute both 2 & 3 dimensional layouts and we demonstrate it on a number of examples ranging from 500 to 225,000 vertices. It is also very fast and can compute a 2D layout of a sparse graph in around 30 seconds for a 10,000 vertex graph to around 10 minutes for the largest graph. This is an order of magnitude faster than recent implementations of force-directed placement algorithms.


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In this paper, we study a problem of scheduling and batching on two machines in a flow-shop and open-shop environment. Each machine processes operations in batches, and the processing time of a batch is the sum of the processing times of the operations in that batch. A setup time, which depends only on the machine, is required before a batch is processed on a machine, and all jobs in a batch remain at the machine until the entire batch is processed. The aim is to make batching and sequencing decisions, which specify a partition of the jobs into batches on each machine, and a processing order of the batches on each machine, respectively, so that the makespan is minimized. The flow-shop problem is shown to be strongly NP-hard. We demonstrate that there is an optimal solution with the same batches on the two machines; we refer to these as consistent batches. A heuristic is developed that selects the best schedule among several with one, two, or three consistent batches, and is shown to have a worst-case performance ratio of 4/3. For the open-shop, we show that the problem is NP-hard in the ordinary sense. By proving the existence of an optimal solution with one, two or three consistent batches, a close relationship is established with the problem of scheduling two or three identical parallel machines to minimize the makespan. This allows a pseudo-polynomial algorithm to be derived, and various heuristic methods to be suggested.


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It is known that for the open shop scheduling problem to minimize the makespan there exists no polynomial-time heuristic algorithm that guarantees a worst-case performance ratio better than 5/4, unless P6≠NP. However, this result holds only if the instance of the problem contains jobs consisting of at least three operations. This paper considers the open shop scheduling problem, provided that each job consists of at most two operations, one of which is to be processed on one of the m⩾2 machines, while the other operation must be performed on the bottleneck machine, the same for all jobs. For this NP-hard problem we present a heuristic algorithm and show that its worst-case performance ratio is 5/4.


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This paper considers the problem of sequencing n jobs in a three-machine shop with the objective of minimising the maximum completion time. The shop consists of three machines, M1,M2 and M_{3}. A job is first processed on M1 and then is assigned either the route (M2,M_{3}) or the route (M_{3},M2). Thus, for our model the processing route is given by a partial order of machines, as opposed to the linear order of machines for a job shop, or to an arbitrary sequence of machines for an open shop. The main result is on O(nlog n) time heuristic, which generates a schedule with the makespan that is at most 5/3 times the optimum value.


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A formal representation is given of the situational structure, and the agents' beliefs about personal identity, in the Smemorato di Collegno amnesia case tried in 1927, in Pollenza, Italy. Another section discusses and formalizes a sample heuristic rule for conjecturing whether an individual identity other than personal, being conveyed by a toponym, was used literally or fictitiously in a given historical corpus of legal casenotes. For example, a landlocked city being named and referred to as though it was a sea port is a fairly good cue for assuming that the toponym is a disguise. Yet, the interpretation is governed by other conventions, when in a play by Shakeaspeare it is stated that a given scene is set on the sea coast of Bohemia. Further discussion of a situational casuistry for identification (especially individual and personal) along with more formal representations will appear in a companion paper "nissanidentifpirandello", also at the disciplinary meet of AI formalisms and legal applications.


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The scheduling problem of minimizing the makespan for m parallel dedicated machines under single resource constraints is considered. For different variants of the problem the complexity status is established. Heuristic algorithms employing the so-called group technology approach are presented and their worst-case behavior is examined. Finally, a polynomial time approximation scheme is presented for the problem with fixed number of machines.


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We describe a heuristic method for drawing graphs which uses a multilevel framework combined with a force-directed placement algorithm. The multilevel technique matches and coalesces pairs of adjacent vertices to define a new graph and is repeated recursively to create a hierarchy of increasingly coarse graphs, G0, G1, …, GL. The coarsest graph, GL, is then given an initial layout and the layout is refined and extended to all the graphs starting with the coarsest and ending with the original. At each successive change of level, l, the initial layout for Gl is taken from its coarser and smaller child graph, Gl+1, and refined using force-directed placement. In this way the multilevel framework both accelerates and appears to give a more global quality to the drawing. The algorithm can compute both 2 & 3 dimensional layouts and we demonstrate it on examples ranging in size from 10 to 225,000 vertices. It is also very fast and can compute a 2D layout of a sparse graph in around 12 seconds for a 10,000 vertex graph to around 5-7 minutes for the largest graphs. This is an order of magnitude faster than recent implementations of force-directed placement algorithms.


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The two-stage assembly scheduling problem is a model for production processes that involve the assembly of final or intermediate products from basic components. In our model, there are m machines at the first stage that work in parallel, and each produces a component of a job. When all components of a job are ready, an assembly machine at the second stage completes the job by assembling the components. We study problems with the objective of minimizing the makespan, under two different types of batching that occur in some manufacturing environments. For one type, the time to process a batch on a machine is equal to the maximum of the processing times of its operations. For the other type, the batch processing time is defined as the sum of the processing times of its operations, and a setup time is required on a machine before each batch. For both models, we assume a batch availability policy, i.e., the completion times of the operations in a batch are defined to be equal to the batch completion time. We provide a fairly comprehensive complexity classification of the problems under the first type of batching, and we present a heuristic and its worst-case analysis under the second type of batching.


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The graph-partitioning problem is to divide a graph into several pieces so that the number of vertices in each piece is the same within some defined tolerance and the number of cut edges is minimised. Important applications of the problem arise, for example, in parallel processing where data sets need to be distributed across the memory of a parallel machine. Very effective heuristic algorithms have been developed for this problem which run in real-time, but it is not known how good the partitions are since the problem is, in general, NP-complete. This paper reports an evolutionary search algorithm for finding benchmark partitions. A distinctive feature is the use of a multilevel heuristic algorithm to provide an effective crossover. The technique is tested on several example graphs and it is demonstrated that our method can achieve extremely high quality partitions significantly better than those found by the state-of-the-art graph-partitioning packages.


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This work proceeds from the assumption that a European environmental information and communication system (EEICS) is already established. In the context of primary users (land-use planners, conservationists, and environmental researchers) we ask what use may be made of the EEICS for building models and tools which is of use in building decision support systems for the land-use planner. The complex task facing the next generation of environmental and forest modellers is described, and a range of relevant modelling approaches are reviewed. These include visualization and GIS; statistical tabulation and database SQL, MDA and OLAP methods. The major problem of noncomparability of the definitions and measures of forest area and timber volume is introduced and the possibility of a model-based solution is considered. The possibility of using an ambitious and challenging biogeochemical modelling approach to understanding and managing European forests sustainably is discussed. It is emphasised that all modern methodological disciplines must be brought to bear, and a heuristic hybrid modelling approach should be used so as to ensure that the benefits of practical empirical modelling approaches are utilised in addition to the scientifically well-founded and holistic ecosystem and environmental modelling. The data and information system required is likely to end up as a grid-based-framework because of the heavy use of computationally intensive model-based facilities.


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In this paper, we consider the problem of providing flexibility to solutions of two-machine shop scheduling problems. We use the concept of group-scheduling to characterize a whole set of schedules so as to provide more choice to the decision-maker at any decision point. A group-schedule is a sequence of groups of permutable operations defined on each machine where each group is such that any permutation of the operations inside the group leads to a feasible schedule. Flexibility of a solution and its makespan are often conflicting, thus we search for a compromise between a low number of groups and a small value of makespan. We resolve the complexity status of the relevant problems for the two-machine flow shop, job shop and open shop. A number of approximation algorithms are developed and their worst-case performance is analyzed. For the flow shop, an effective heuristic algorithm is proposed and the results of computational experiments are reported.