3 resultados para Grade 9
em Funes: Repositorio digital de documentos en Educación Matemática - Colombia
Se desarrolla un taller básico de estadística descriptiva y de probabilidad, con la utilización de mediadores físicos y virtuales, donde se presentan los elementos conceptuales y la aplicación a diversas situaciones cotidianas con algunos comentarios didácticos para orientar el proceso y generar un diálogo acerca de la importancia de la enseñanza de la probabilidad a nivel de básica primaria y secundaria.
Ethnomathematical research, together with digital technologies (WebQuest) and Drama-in- Education (DiE) techniques, can create a fruitful learning environment in a mathematics classroom—a hybrid/third space—enabling increased student participation and higher levels of cognitive engagement. This article examines how ethnomathematical ideas processed within the experiential environment established by the Drama-in-Education techniques challenged students‘ conceptions of the nature of mathematics, the ways in which students engaged with mathematics learning using mind and body, and the ̳dialogue‘ that was developed between the Discourse situated in a particular practice and the classroom Discourse of mathematics teaching. The analysis focuses on an interdisciplinary project based on an ethnomathematical study of a designing tradition carried out by the researchers themselves, involving a search for informal mathematics and the connections with context and culture; 10th grade students in a public school in Athens were introduced to the mathematics content via an original WebQuest based on this previous ethnomathematical study; Geometry content was further introduced and mediated using the Drama-in-Education (DiE) techniques. Students contributed in an unfolding dialogue between formal and informal knowledge, renegotiating both mathematical concepts and their perception of mathematics as a discipline.
Una vez acordado el precio nos ponemos en camino. Son las ocho de la mañana y hace un día espléndido. El cielo es una sábana azul sin mácula y el verdor intenso que nos rodea justo al abandonar las bulliciosas calles de Ternate refleja la luz del astro en multitud de tonalidades deslumbrantes. La carretera serpentea arriba y abajo perfilando la costa con el mar a la derecha. Después de pasar por diversos pueblos y atravesar un bosque espeso la vegetación desaparece de repente al llegar a Batu Angus (roca abrasada), una cicatriz colosal e imborrable, un río pétreo vestigio de la erupción del Gamalama en el siglo XVIII.