em Fachlicher Dokumentenserver Paedagogik/Erziehungswissenschaften


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There is evidence that students benefit from teachers’ explicit fostering of metacognitive strategy knowledge (MSK). However, there is insufficient understanding about the effect of implicit promotion of MSK in regular school instruction. This study investigates the relationship between perceived characteristics of learning environments (social climate, support, autonomy, self-reflection) and students’ MSK. A representative cohort of students (Nt1 = 1,272/Nt2 = 1,126) in Grades 10 and 11 at schools at the upper secondary education level (ISCED Level 3A) in Switzerland participated in this two-wave longitudinal study. Multilevel analysis showed effects on both the individual and the class level. Students who experienced higher social integration showed a higher extent of MSK at the beginning of the school year than students who experienced less social integration. Perceived autonomy was also positively related to students’ MSK on the individual level. In contrast, the results showed a negative relationship between perceived self-reflection and students’ MSK. On the class level, there was a negative relationship between self-reflection and students’ MSK. Teachers’ support did not correlate with students’ MSK on either the individual or the class level. Implications of these results for education and further studies are discussed. (DIPF/Orig.)


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Ziel des Bildungsberichts ist es, das Bildungsgeschehen und die Bildungswege von Kindern, Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen in der Stadt Essen anhand der ausgewählten Indikatoren abzubilden. Damit soll zunächst für Essen die Frage beantwortet werden, ob und in welchem Maß der allgemein behauptete Zusammenhang von sozialer Herkunft und Bildungserfolg besteht, um dann identifizieren zu können, wo die Stellschrauben für eine erfolgreiche Intervention sind. Der Aufbau des Bildungsberichts orientiert sich grundsätzlich an den chronologischen Stufen einer idealtypischen Bildungsbiographie und an den durchlaufenen Einrichtungen, wobei eine Einbettung in einen gesamthaften sozialen Kontext erfolgt. Hieraus begründet sich die thematische Spannbreite der zusammengestellten Informationen. Da die Lebens- und Aufwachsbedingungen im Stadtgebiet erheblich differieren, erfolgt die Berichterstattung in vielen Segmenten in kleinräumiger Betrachtungsweise. (DIPF/Orig.)


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Dieser Artikel befasst sich mit der Repräsentation Afrikas in schulischen Geschichtsbüchern. Am Beispiel von drei aktuellen Lehrwerken zeigen die Autorinnen sowohl negative Darstellungsweisen als auch positive Entwicklungen in Bezug auf den Umgang mit dem Kontinent, seiner Geschichte und Bevölkerung auf. In einem abschließenden Teil stellen sie einen Zusammenhang zwischen den Analyseergebnissen und dem Bewusstsein über bis in die heutige Zeit reproduzierte Diskurse und über Alltagsrassismen dar. (DIPF/Orig.)


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Mit diesem Bildungsbericht wird nach 2012 zum zweiten Mal eine umfassende datengestützte Bildungsberichterstattung zur Verfügung gestellt. Der Bericht liefert die Fortschreibung der Daten aus den Bereichen frühkindliche, schulische und berufliche Bildung, zeigt aber auch neue Aspekte, etwa zur Hochschulbildung oder über Befragungen zur Kooperation von Schulen und außerschulischen Partnern sowie von Absolventinnen und Absolventen der Sekundarstufe II.


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This book will concentrate on economic competence and financial literacy of young adults in the US, Europe and South America. The subjects of the research are mainly individuals who have begun an apprenticeship or university education. Economic competence and financial literacy are of special interest for this group because they are usually in the unique position of being responsible for managing their own financial affairs autonomously, often for the first time. Furthermore, economic competence is key to social participation and active citizenship. (DIPF/Orig.)


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Die Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Mathematik fand im Jahr 2015 zum dritten Mal in der Schweiz statt. [...] Mit rund 300 Vorträgen, 16 moderierten Sektionen, 15 Arbeitskreistreffen und 21 Posterpräsentationen eröffnete sich ein breites Spektrum an Themen und unterschiedlichen Zugangsweisen zur Erforschung von Fragen rund um das Lernen und Lehren von Mathematik. (DIPF/Orig.)


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Statewide exit exams are often believed to have a positive impact on school effectiveness and the alignment between instructional practice and state standards because of their mandatory nature and the stakes attached for students and teachers. They may also, however, lead to teaching to the test and to a perceived de-professionalization of the teaching role. While some studies suggest a narrowing of contents and an increase in teacher-centered instruction, little is known about how the impact on instructional practices and teacher cognitions varies between different exam systems. This study compares the strategies teachers use to prepare their students for the exams at the end of upper secondary education in Finland, Ireland, and the Netherlands using a standardized questionnaire survey with responses from 385 teachers. The goal was to develop hypotheses about the relationship between differences in the exam procedures and the stakes attached, and the differences in teacher preparation strategies. The results suggest country-specific variations regarding teacher beliefs as to how much time should be spent on exam preparation; however, there were smaller differences in the strategies applied. Regression analyses indicated that the way in which preparation intensity was associated with the stakes for students and schools, and the attitudes towards the exams themselves varied across the three countries. The different exam systems appeared to affect preparation in markedly different ways, but nevertheless led to the exercise of comparable strategies. (DIPF/Orig.)


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The article focuses on the upper secondary matriculation examination in Finland as a school leaving and university entrance examination. The presented research addresses the question of whether increased choice of the subject-specific examinations has the potential to undermine the comparability of examination results and to direct students’ choices not only in the examination but already beforehand at school. The authors refer to Finland’s tradition of more than 160 years of a national examination connecting the academic track of upper secondary schools with universities. The authors explain the Finnish system by describing the adoption of a course-based (vs. class- or year-based) curriculum for the three-year upper secondary education and the subsequent reforms in the matriculation examination. This increases students’ choices considerably with regard to the subject-specific exams included in the examination (a minimum of four). As a result, high-achieving students compete against each other in the more demanding subjects while the less able share the same normal distribution of grades in the less demanding subjects. As a consequence, students tend to strategic exam-planning, which in turn affects their study choices at school, often to the detriment of the more demanding subjects and, subsequently, of students’ career opportunities, endangering the traditional national objective of an all-round pre-academic upper secondary education. This contribution provides an overview of Finnish upper secondary education and of the matriculation examination (cf. Klein, 2013) while studying three separate but related issues by using data from several years of Finnish matriculation results: the relation of the matriculation examination and the curriculum; the problems of comparability vis-à-vis university entry due to the increased choice within the examination; the relations between students’ examination choices and their course selection and achievement during upper secondary school. (DIPF/Orig.)


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The shift from decentralized to centralized A-level examinations (Abitur) was implemented in the German school system as a measure of Educational Governance in the last decade. This reform was mainly introduced with the intention of providing higher comparability of school examinations and student achievement as well as increasing fairness in school examinations. It is not known yet if these ambitious aims and functions of the new centralized examination format have been achieved and if fairer assessment can be guaranteed in terms of providing all students with the same opportunities to pass the examinations by allocating fair tests to different student subpopulations e.g., students of different background or gender. The research presented in this article deals with these questions and focuses on gender differences. It investigates gender-specific fairness of the test items in centralized Abitur examinations as high school exit examinations in Germany. The data are drawn from Abitur examinations in English (as a foreign language). Differential item functioning (DIF) analysis reveals that at least some parts of the examinations indicate gender inequality. (DIPF/Orig.)