9 resultados para perturbation

em Duke University


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© 2015 IOP Publishing Ltd and Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft.A key component in calculations of exchange and correlation energies is the Coulomb operator, which requires the evaluation of two-electron integrals. For localized basis sets, these four-center integrals are most efficiently evaluated with the resolution of identity (RI) technique, which expands basis-function products in an auxiliary basis. In this work we show the practical applicability of a localized RI-variant ('RI-LVL'), which expands products of basis functions only in the subset of those auxiliary basis functions which are located at the same atoms as the basis functions. We demonstrate the accuracy of RI-LVL for Hartree-Fock calculations, for the PBE0 hybrid density functional, as well as for RPA and MP2 perturbation theory. Molecular test sets used include the S22 set of weakly interacting molecules, the G3 test set, as well as the G2-1 and BH76 test sets, and heavy elements including titanium dioxide, copper and gold clusters. Our RI-LVL implementation paves the way for linear-scaling RI-based hybrid functional calculations for large systems and for all-electron many-body perturbation theory with significantly reduced computational and memory cost.


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Microorganisms mediate many biogeochemical processes critical to the functioning of ecosystems, which places them as an intermediate between environmental change and the resulting ecosystem response. Yet, we have an incomplete understanding of these relationships, how to predict them, and when they are influential. Understanding these dynamics will inform ecological principles developed for macroorganisms and aid expectations for microbial responses to new gradients. To address this research goal, I used two studies of environmental gradients and a literature synthesis.

With the gradient studies, I assessed microbial community composition in stream biofilms across a gradient of alkaline mine drainage. I used multivariate approaches to examine changes in the non-eukaryote microbial community composition of taxa (chapter 2) and functional genes (chapter 3). I found that stream biofilms at sites receiving alkaline mine drainage had distinct community composition and also differed in the composition of functional gene groups compared with unmined reference sites. Compositional shifts were not dominated by groups that could benefit from mining associated increases of terminal electron acceptors; two-thirds of responsive taxa and functional gene groups were negatively associated with mining. The majority of subsidies and stressors (nitrate, sulfate, conductivity) had no consistent relationships with taxa or gene abundances. However, methane metabolism genes were less abundant at mined sites and there was a strong, positive correlation between selenate reductase gene abundance and mining-associated selenium. These results highlighted the potential for indirect factors to also play an important role in explaining compositional shifts.

In the fourth chapter, I synthesized studies that use environmental perturbations to explore microbial community structure and microbial process connections. I examined nine journals (2009–13) and found that many qualifying papers (112 of 148) documented structure and process responses, but few (38 of 112 papers) reported statistically testing for a link. Of these tested links, 75% were significant. No particular approach for characterizing structure or processes was more likely to produce significant links. Process responses were detected earlier on average than responses in structure. Together, the findings suggested that few publications report statistically testing structure-process links; but when tested, links often occurred yet shared few commonalities in linked processes or structures and the techniques used for measuring them.

Although the research community has made progress, much work remains to ensure that the vast and growing wealth of microbial informatics data is translated into useful ecological information. In part, this challenge can be approached through using hypotheses to guide analyses, but also by being open to opportunities for hypothesis generation. The results from my dissertation work advise that it is important to carefully interpret shifts in community composition in relation to abiotic characteristics and recommend considering ecological, thermodynamic, and kinetic principles to understand the properties governing community responses to environmental perturbation.


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Extensive departures from balanced gene dose in aneuploids are highly deleterious. However, we know very little about the relationship between gene copy number and expression in aneuploid cells. We determined copy number and transcript abundance (expression) genome-wide in Drosophila S2 cells by DNA-Seq and RNA-Seq. We found that S2 cells are aneuploid for >43 Mb of the genome, primarily in the range of one to five copies, and show a male genotype ( approximately two X chromosomes and four sets of autosomes, or 2X;4A). Both X chromosomes and autosomes showed expression dosage compensation. X chromosome expression was elevated in a fixed-fold manner regardless of actual gene dose. In engineering terms, the system "anticipates" the perturbation caused by X dose, rather than responding to an error caused by the perturbation. This feed-forward regulation resulted in precise dosage compensation only when X dose was half of the autosome dose. Insufficient compensation occurred at lower X chromosome dose and excessive expression occurred at higher doses. RNAi knockdown of the Male Specific Lethal complex abolished feed-forward regulation. Both autosome and X chromosome genes show Male Specific Lethal-independent compensation that fits a first order dose-response curve. Our data indicate that expression dosage compensation dampens the effect of altered DNA copy number genome-wide. For the X chromosome, compensation includes fixed and dose-dependent components.


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We study an optoelectronic time-delay oscillator that displays high-speed chaotic behavior with a flat, broad power spectrum. The chaotic state coexists with a linearly stable fixed point, which, when subjected to a finite-amplitude perturbation, loses stability initially via a periodic train of ultrafast pulses. We derive approximate mappings that do an excellent job of capturing the observed instability. The oscillator provides a simple device for fundamental studies of time-delay dynamical systems and can be used as a building block for ultrawide-band sensor networks.


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We present a precise theoretical explanation and prediction of certain resonant peaks and dips in the electromagnetic transmission coefficient of periodically structured slabs in the presence of nonrobust guided slab modes. We also derive the leading asymptotic behavior of the related phenomenon of resonant enhancement near the guided mode. The theory applies to structures in which losses are negligible and to very general geometries of the unit cell. It is based on boundary-integral representations of the electromagnetic fields. These depend on the frequency and on the Bloch wave vector and provide a complex-analytic connection in these parameters between generalized scattering states and guided slab modes. The perturbation of three coincident zeros-those of the dispersion relation for slab modes, the reflection constant, and the transmission constant-is central to calculating transmission anomalies both for lossless dielectric materials and for perfect metals.


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© 2015, Institute of Mathematical Statistics. All rights reserved.In order to use persistence diagrams as a true statistical tool, it would be very useful to have a good notion of mean and variance for a set of diagrams. In [23], Mileyko and his collaborators made the first study of the properties of the Fréchet mean in (Dp, Wp), the space of persistence diagrams equipped with the p-th Wasserstein metric. In particular, they showed that the Fréchet mean of a finite set of diagrams always exists, but is not necessarily unique. The means of a continuously-varying set of diagrams do not themselves (necessarily) vary continuously, which presents obvious problems when trying to extend the Fréchet mean definition to the realm of time-varying persistence diagrams, better known as vineyards. We fix this problem by altering the original definition of Fréchet mean so that it now becomes a probability measure on the set of persistence diagrams; in a nutshell, the mean of a set of diagrams will be a weighted sum of atomic measures, where each atom is itself a persistence diagram determined using a perturbation of the input diagrams. This definition gives for each N a map (Dp)N→ℙ(Dp). We show that this map is Hölder continuous on finite diagrams and thus can be used to build a useful statistic on vineyards.


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Recent studies have shown that in addition to the transcriptional circadian clock, many organisms, including Arabidopsis, have a circadian redox rhythm driven by the organism's metabolic activities. It has been hypothesized that the redox rhythm is linked to the circadian clock, but the mechanism and the biological significance of this link have only begun to be investigated. Here we report that the master immune regulator NPR1 (non-expressor of pathogenesis-related gene 1) of Arabidopsis is a sensor of the plant's redox state and regulates transcription of core circadian clock genes even in the absence of pathogen challenge. Surprisingly, acute perturbation in the redox status triggered by the immune signal salicylic acid does not compromise the circadian clock but rather leads to its reinforcement. Mathematical modelling and subsequent experiments show that NPR1 reinforces the circadian clock without changing the period by regulating both the morning and the evening clock genes. This balanced network architecture helps plants gate their immune responses towards the morning and minimize costs on growth at night. Our study demonstrates how a sensitive redox rhythm interacts with a robust circadian clock to ensure proper responsiveness to environmental stimuli without compromising fitness of the organism.


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Emerging evidence suggests that microRNAs can initiate asymmetric division, but whether microRNA and protein cell fate determinants coordinate with each other remains unclear. Here, we show that miR-34a directly suppresses Numb in early-stage colon cancer stem cells (CCSCs), forming an incoherent feedforward loop (IFFL) targeting Notch to separate stem and non-stem cell fates robustly. Perturbation of the IFFL leads to a new intermediate cell population with plastic and ambiguous identity. Lgr5+ mouse intestinal/colon stem cells (ISCs) predominantly undergo symmetric division but turn on asymmetric division to curb the number of ISCs when proinflammatory response causes excessive proliferation. Deletion of miR-34a inhibits asymmetric division and exacerbates Lgr5+ ISC proliferation under such stress. Collectively, our data indicate that microRNA and protein cell fate determinants coordinate to enhance robustness of cell fate decision, and they provide a safeguard mechanism against stem cell proliferation induced by inflammation or oncogenic mutation.


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Based on thermodynamic principles, we derive expressions quantifying the non-harmonic vibrational behavior of materials, which are rigorous yet easily evaluated from experimentally available data for the thermal expansion coefficient and the phonon density of states. These experimentally- derived quantities are valuable to benchmark first-principles theoretical predictions of harmonic and non-harmonic thermal behaviors using perturbation theory, ab initio molecular-dynamics, or Monte-Carlo simulations. We illustrate this analysis by computing the harmonic, dilational, and anharmonic contributions to the entropy, internal energy, and free energy of elemental aluminum and the ordered compound FeSi over a wide range of temperature. Results agree well with previous data in the literature and provide an efficient approach to estimate anharmonic effects in materials.