9 resultados para macromolecules

em Duke University


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Osmotic stress is a potent regulator of the normal function of cells that are exposed to osmotically active environments under physiologic or pathologic conditions. The ability of cells to alter gene expression and metabolic activity in response to changes in the osmotic environment provides an additional regulatory mechanism for a diverse array of tissues and organs in the human body. In addition to the activation of various osmotically- or volume-activated ion channels, osmotic stress may also act on the genome via a direct biophysical pathway. Changes in extracellular osmolality alter cell volume, and therefore, the concentration of intracellular macromolecules. In turn, intracellular macromolecule concentration is a key physical parameter affecting the spatial organization and pressurization of the nucleus. Hyper-osmotic stress shrinks the nucleus and causes it to assume a convoluted shape, whereas hypo-osmotic stress swells the nucleus to a size that is limited by stretch of the nuclear lamina and induces a smooth, round shape of the nucleus. These behaviors are consistent with a model of the nucleus as a charged core/shell structure pressurized by uneven partition of macromolecules between the nucleoplasm and the cytoplasm. These osmotically-induced alterations in the internal structure and arrangement of chromatin, as well as potential changes in the nuclear membrane and pores are hypothesized to influence gene transcription and/or nucleocytoplasmic transport. A further understanding of the biophysical and biochemical mechanisms involved in these processes would have important ramifications for a range of fields including differentiation, migration, mechanotransduction, DNA repair, and tumorigenesis.


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Autophagy has been predominantly studied as a nonselective self-digestion process that recycles macromolecules and produces energy in response to starvation. However, autophagy independent of nutrient status has long been known to exist. Recent evidence suggests that this form of autophagy enforces intracellular quality control by selectively disposing of aberrant protein aggregates and damaged organelles--common denominators in various forms of neurodegenerative diseases. By definition, this form of autophagy, termed quality-control (QC) autophagy, must be different from nutrient-regulated autophagy in substrate selectivity, regulation and function. We have recently identified the ubiquitin-binding deacetylase, HDAC6, as a key component that establishes QC. HDAC6 is not required for autophagy activation per se; rather, it is recruited to ubiquitinated autophagic substrates where it stimulates autophagosome-lysosome fusion by promoting F-actin remodeling in a cortactin-dependent manner. Remarkably, HDAC6 and cortactin are dispensable for starvation-induced autophagy. These findings reveal that autophagosomes associated with QC are molecularly and biochemically distinct from those associated with starvation autophagy, thereby providing a new molecular framework to understand the emerging complexity of autophagy and therapeutic potential of this unique machinery.


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We report here the nonlinear rheological properties of metallo-supramolecular networks formed by the reversible cross-linking of semi-dilute unentangled solutions of poly(4-vinylpyridine) (PVP) in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). The reversible cross-linkers are bis-Pd(II) or bis-Pt(II) complexes that coordinate to the pyridine functional groups on the PVP. Under steady shear, shear thickening is observed above a critical shear rate, and that critical shear rate is experimentally correlated with the lifetime of the metal-ligand bond. The onset and magnitude of the shear thickening depend on the amount of cross-linkers added. In contrast to the behavior observed in most transient networks, the time scale of network relaxation is found to increase during shear thickening. The primary mechanism of shear thickening is ascribed to the shear-induced transformation of intrachain cross-linking to interchain cross-linking, rather than nonlinear high tension along polymer chains that are stretched beyond the Gaussian range.


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Adrenergic receptors are prototypic models for the study of the relations between structure and function of G protein-coupled receptors. Each receptor is encoded by a distinct gene. These receptors are integral membrane proteins with several striking structural features. They consist of a single subunit containing seven stretches of 20-28 hydrophobic amino acids that represent potential membrane-spanning alpha-helixes. Many of these receptors share considerable amino acid sequence homology, particularly in the transmembrane domains. All of these macromolecules share other similarities that include one or more potential sites of extracellular N-linked glycosylation near the amino terminus and several potential sites of regulatory phosphorylation that are located intracellularly. By using a variety of techniques, it has been demonstrated that various regions of the receptor molecules are critical for different receptor functions. The seven transmembrane regions of the receptors appear to form a ligand-binding pocket. Cysteine residues in the extracellular domains may stabilize the ligand-binding pocket by participating in disulfide bonds. The cytoplasmic domains contain regions capable of interacting with G proteins and various kinases and are therefore important in such processes as signal transduction, receptor-G protein coupling, receptor sequestration, and down-regulation. Finally, regions of these macromolecules may undergo posttranslational modifications important in the regulation of receptor function. Our understanding of these complex relations is constantly evolving and much work remains to be done. Greater understanding of the basic mechanisms involved in G protein-coupled, receptor-mediated signal transduction may provide leads into the nature of certain pathophysiological states.


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Diarthrodial joints are well suited to intra-articular injection, and the local delivery of therapeutics in this fashion brings several potential advantages to the treatment of a wide range of arthropathies. Possible benefits over systemic delivery include increased bioavailability, reduced systemic exposure, fewer adverse events, and lower total drug costs. Nevertheless, intra-articular therapy is challenging because of the rapid egress of injected materials from the joint space; this elimination is true of both small molecules, which exit via synovial capillaries, and of macromolecules, which are cleared by the lymphatic system. In general, soluble materials have an intra-articular dwell time measured only in hours. Corticosteroids and hyaluronate preparations constitute the mainstay of FDA-approved intra-articular therapeutics. Recombinant proteins, autologous blood products and analgesics have also found clinical use via intra-articular delivery. Several alternative approaches, such as local delivery of cell and gene therapy, as well as the use of microparticles, liposomes, and modified drugs, are in various stages of preclinical development.


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X-ray crystallography is the predominant method for obtaining atomic-scale information about biological macromolecules. Despite the success of the technique, obtaining well diffracting crystals still critically limits going from protein to structure. In practice, the crystallization process proceeds through knowledge-informed empiricism. Better physico-chemical understanding remains elusive because of the large number of variables involved, hence little guidance is available to systematically identify solution conditions that promote crystallization. To help determine relationships between macromolecular properties and their crystallization propensity, we have trained statistical models on samples for 182 proteins supplied by the Northeast Structural Genomics consortium. Gaussian processes, which capture trends beyond the reach of linear statistical models, distinguish between two main physico-chemical mechanisms driving crystallization. One is characterized by low levels of side chain entropy and has been extensively reported in the literature. The other identifies specific electrostatic interactions not previously described in the crystallization context. Because evidence for two distinct mechanisms can be gleaned both from crystal contacts and from solution conditions leading to successful crystallization, the model offers future avenues for optimizing crystallization screens based on partial structural information. The availability of crystallization data coupled with structural outcomes analyzed through state-of-the-art statistical models may thus guide macromolecular crystallization toward a more rational basis.


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© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015.Prognostic biomarkers may indicate the likelihood of disease development and speed of progression or may serve as predictive indicators of responsiveness to treatment. Joint injuries, particularly severe injuries, may result in post-traumatic osteoarthritis (PTOA), and pre- and post-injury prognostic biomarkers are needed to enhance primary and secondary prevention approaches for PTOA. Several macromolecules from joint structures found in serum, urine, and synovial fluid are promising biochemical markers for monitoring joint metabolism and health before and after joint injury. The use of metabolic profiling (analysis of small molecules) as a predictive tool for osteoarthritis (OA) has increased in the past decade. Although there is some question as to whether PTOA and idiopathic OA are comparable conditions, there is some evidence to suggest that components of their pathogenesis are similar. Potentially, biomarkers important to the high-risk PTOA profile translate to idiopathic OA. Further work is needed to confirm the utility of macromolecules and metabolites as biomarkers for PTOA, particularly focusing on those strongly correlated to clinical efficacy measures important to the patient (e.g., symptoms, physical function, and quality of life) and the causal pathway of PTOA.


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Biological macromolecules can rearrange interdomain orientations when binding to various partners. Interdomain dynamics serve as a molecular mechanism to guide the transitions between orientations. However, our understanding of interdomain dynamics is limited because a useful description of interdomain motions requires an estimate of the probabilities of interdomain conformations, increasing complexity of the problem.

Staphylococcal protein A (SpA) has five tandem protein-binding domains and four interdomain linkers. The domains enable Staphylococcus aureus to evade the host immune system by binding to multiple host proteins including antibodies. Here, I present a study of the interdomain motions of two adjacent domains in SpA. NMR spin relaxation experiments identified a 6-residue flexible interdomain linker and interdomain motions. To quantify the anisotropy of the distribution of interdomain orientations, we measured residual dipolar couplings (RDCs) from the two domains with multiple alignments. The N-terminal domain was directly aligned by a lanthanide ion and not influenced by interdomain motions, so it acted as a reference frame to achieve motional decoupling. We also applied {\it de novo} methods to extract spatial dynamic information from RDCs and represent interdomain motions as a continuous distribution on the 3D rotational space. Significant anisotropy was observed in the distribution, indicating the motion populates some interdomain orientations more than others. Statistical thermodynamic analysis of the observed orientational distribution suggests that it is among the energetically most favorable orientational distributions for binding to antibodies. Thus, the affinity is enhanced by a pre-posed distribution of interdomain orientations while maintaining the flexibility required for function.

The protocol described above can be applied to other biological systems in general. Protein molecule calmodulin and RNA molecule trans-activation response element (TAR) also have intensive interdomain motions with relative small intradomain dynamics. Their interdomain motions were studied using our method based on published RDC data. Our results were consistent with literature results in general. The differences could be due to previous studies' use of physical models, which contain assumptions about potential energy and thus introduced non-experimental information into the interpretations.


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Electrostatic interactions are of fundamental importance in determining the structure and stability of macromolecules. For example, charge-charge interactions modulate the folding and binding of proteins and influence protein solubility. Electrostatic interactions are highly variable and can be both favorable and unfavorable. The ability to quantify these interactions is challenging but vital to understanding the detailed balance and major roles that they have in different proteins and biological processes. Measuring pKa values of ionizable groups provides a sensitive method for experimentally probing the electrostatic properties of a protein.

pKa values report the free energy of site-specific proton binding and provide a direct means of studying protein folding and pH-dependent stability. Using a combination of NMR, circular dichroism, and fluorescence spectroscopy along with singular value decomposition, we investigated the contributions of electrostatic interactions to the thermodynamic stability and folding of the protein subunit of Bacillus subtilis ribonuclease P, P protein. Taken together, the results suggest that unfavorable electrostatics alone do not account for the fact that P protein is intrinsically unfolded in the absence of ligand because the pKa differences observed between the folded and unfolded state are small. Presumably, multiple factors encoded in the P protein sequence account for its IUP property, which may play an important role in its function.