2 resultados para energy system

em Duke University


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Exact, closed-form analytical expressions are presented for evaluating the potential energy of electrical double layer (EDL) interactions between a sphere and an infinite flat plate for three different types of interactions: constant potential, constant charge, and an intermediate case as given by the linear superposition approximation (LSA). By taking advantage of the simpler sphere-plate geometry, simplifying assumptions used in the original Derjaguin approximation (DA) for sphere-sphere interaction are avoided, yielding expressions that are more accurate and applicable over the full range of κa. These analytical expressions are significant improvements over the existing equations in the literature that are valid only for large κa because the new equations facilitate the modeling of EDL interactions between nanoscale particles and surfaces over a wide range of ionic strength.


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Sound is an important medium for communication and marine organisms have evolved to capitalize on the efficiency with which sound energy travels through water. Anthropogenic and natural sound sources contribute to ocean ambient noise, which can interfere with the use of this sensory modality by marine animals. Anthropogenic noise sources have been increasing steadily over recent decades largely due to coastal population growth, increased global transportation, and offshore industrialization. Understanding the potential impacts of anthropogenic noise requires the establishment of ambient acoustic baselines from which to measure change. Establishing baselines, especially in quiet areas still largely unaffected by anthropogenic stressors, is particularly crucial in the face of the expansion of offshore industries, increasing coastal population and growing reliance on the ocean for global transportation. Global demand for liquid natural gas (LNG), catalyzed primarily by a growing Asian market, is expected to increase significantly in the next 20 years. The geographic position of British Columbia relative to these markets, a growing supply of LNG and new technology for extraction and shipping situate British Columbia as a strong competitor in the lucrative market. The LNG industry could have many adverse impacts on these territories and ecosystems. The Kitimat Fjord System is slated for the development of these LNG export facilities increasing shipping traffic for the port and thus increasing ambient noise in the fjord system. The purpose of this study is to 1) quantify the existing sound levels in the area surrounding Gil Island and 2) identify potential source mechanisms in order to provide a baseline study of the acoustic environment in the Kitimat Fjord system prior to potential increases from LNG shipping.