6 resultados para energy poverty dynamics

em Duke University


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Rolling Isolation Systems provide a simple and effective means for protecting components from horizontal floor vibrations. In these systems a platform rolls on four steel balls which, in turn, rest within shallow bowls. The trajectories of the balls is uniquely determined by the horizontal and rotational velocity components of the rolling platform, and thus provides nonholonomic constraints. In general, the bowls are not parabolic, so the potential energy function of this system is not quadratic. This thesis presents the application of Gauss's Principle of Least Constraint to the modeling of rolling isolation platforms. The equations of motion are described in terms of a redundant set of constrained coordinates. Coordinate accelerations are uniquely determined at any point in time via Gauss's Principle by solving a linearly constrained quadratic minimization. In the absence of any modeled damping, the equations of motion conserve energy. This mathematical model is then used to find the bowl profile that minimizes response acceleration subject to displacement constraint.


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This paper investigates the static and dynamic characteristics of the semi-elliptical rocking disk on which a pendulum pinned. This coupled system’s response is also analyzed analytically and numerically when a vertical harmonic excitation is applied to the bottom of the rocking disk. Lagrange’s Equation is used to derive the motion equations of the disk-pendulum coupled system. The second derivative test for the system’s potential energy shows how the location of the pendulum’s pivotal point affects the number and stability of equilibria, and the change of location presents different bifurcation diagrams for different geometries of the rocking disk. For both vertically excited and unforced cases, the coupled system shows chaos easily, but the proper chosen parameters can still help the system reach and keep the steady state. For the steady state of the vertically excited rocking disk without a pendulum, the variation of the excitation’s amplitude and frequency result in the hysteresis for the amplitude of the response. When a pendulum is pinned on the rocking disk, three major categories of steady states are presently in the numerical way.


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Intriguing lattice dynamics has been predicted for aperiodic crystals that contain incommensurate substructures. Here we report inelastic neutron scattering measurements of phonon and magnon dispersions in Sr14Cu24O41, which contains incommensurate one-dimensional (1D) chain and two-dimensional (2D) ladder substructures. Two distinct acoustic phonon-like modes, corresponding to the sliding motion of one sublattice against the other, are observed for atomic motions polarized along the incommensurate axis. In the long wavelength limit, it is found that the sliding mode shows a remarkably small energy gap of 1.7-1.9 meV, indicating very weak interactions between the two incommensurate sublattices. The measurements also reveal a gapped and steep linear magnon dispersion of the ladder sublattice. The high group velocity of this magnon branch and weak coupling with acoustic phonons can explain the large magnon thermal conductivity in Sr14Cu24O41 crystals. In addition, the magnon specific heat is determined from the measured total specific heat and phonon density of states, and exhibits a Schottky anomaly due to gapped magnon modes of the spin chains. These findings offer new insights into the phonon and magnon dynamics and thermal transport properties of incommensurate magnetic crystals that contain low-dimensional substructures.


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Multifunctional calcium/calmodulin dependent protein kinases (CaMKs) are key regulators of spine structural plasticity and long-term potentiation (LTP) in neurons. CaMKs have promiscuous and overlapping substrate recognition motifs, and are distinguished in their regulatory role based on differences in the spatiotemporal dynamics of activity. While the function and activity of CaMKII in synaptic plasticity has been extensively studied, that of CaMKI, another major class of CaMK required for LTP, still remain elusive.

Here, we develop a Förster’s Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) based sensor to measure the spatiotemporal activity dynamics of CaMK1. We monitored CaMKI activity using 2-photon fluorescence lifetime imaging, while inducing LTP in single dendritic spines of rat (Rattus Norvegicus, strain Sprague Dawley) hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons using 2-photon glutamate uncaging. Using RNA-interference and pharmacological means, we also characterize the role of CaMKI during spine structural plasticity.

We found that CaMKI was rapidly and transiently activated with a rise time of ~0.3 s and decay time of ~1 s in response to each uncaging pulse. Activity of CaMKI spread out of the spine. Phosphorylation of CaMKI by CaMKK was required for this spreading and for the initial phase of structural LTP. Combined with previous data showing that CaMKII is restricted to the stimulated spine and required for long-term maintenance of structural LTP, these results suggest that CaMK diversity allows the same incoming signal – calcium – to independently regulate distinct phases of LTP by activating different CaMKs with distinct spatiotemporal dynamics.


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While molecular and cellular processes are often modeled as stochastic processes, such as Brownian motion, chemical reaction networks and gene regulatory networks, there are few attempts to program a molecular-scale process to physically implement stochastic processes. DNA has been used as a substrate for programming molecular interactions, but its applications are restricted to deterministic functions and unfavorable properties such as slow processing, thermal annealing, aqueous solvents and difficult readout limit them to proof-of-concept purposes. To date, whether there exists a molecular process that can be programmed to implement stochastic processes for practical applications remains unknown.

In this dissertation, a fully specified Resonance Energy Transfer (RET) network between chromophores is accurately fabricated via DNA self-assembly, and the exciton dynamics in the RET network physically implement a stochastic process, specifically a continuous-time Markov chain (CTMC), which has a direct mapping to the physical geometry of the chromophore network. Excited by a light source, a RET network generates random samples in the temporal domain in the form of fluorescence photons which can be detected by a photon detector. The intrinsic sampling distribution of a RET network is derived as a phase-type distribution configured by its CTMC model. The conclusion is that the exciton dynamics in a RET network implement a general and important class of stochastic processes that can be directly and accurately programmed and used for practical applications of photonics and optoelectronics. Different approaches to using RET networks exist with vast potential applications. As an entropy source that can directly generate samples from virtually arbitrary distributions, RET networks can benefit applications that rely on generating random samples such as 1) fluorescent taggants and 2) stochastic computing.

By using RET networks between chromophores to implement fluorescent taggants with temporally coded signatures, the taggant design is not constrained by resolvable dyes and has a significantly larger coding capacity than spectrally or lifetime coded fluorescent taggants. Meanwhile, the taggant detection process becomes highly efficient, and the Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) based taggant identification guarantees high accuracy even with only a few hundred detected photons.

Meanwhile, RET-based sampling units (RSU) can be constructed to accelerate probabilistic algorithms for wide applications in machine learning and data analytics. Because probabilistic algorithms often rely on iteratively sampling from parameterized distributions, they can be inefficient in practice on the deterministic hardware traditional computers use, especially for high-dimensional and complex problems. As an efficient universal sampling unit, the proposed RSU can be integrated into a processor / GPU as specialized functional units or organized as a discrete accelerator to bring substantial speedups and power savings.


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Dynamic processes such as morphogenesis and tissue patterning require the precise control of many cellular processes, especially cell migration. Historically, these processes are thought to be mediated by genetic and biochemical signaling pathways. However, recent advances have unraveled a previously unappreciated role of mechanical forces in regulating these homeostatic processes in of multicellular systems. In multicellular systems cells adhere to both deformable extracellular matrix (ECM) and other cells, which are sources of applied forces and means of mechanical support. Cells detect and respond to these mechanical signals through a poorly understood process called mechanotransduction, which can have profound effects on processes such as cell migration. These effects are largely mediated by the sub cellular structures that link cells to the ECM, called focal adhesions (FAs), or cells to other cells, termed adherens junctions (AJs).

Overall this thesis is comprised of my work on identifying a novel force dependent function of vinculin, a protein which resides in both FAs and AJs - in dynamic process of collective migration. Using a collective migration assay as a model for collective cell behavior and a fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) based molecular tension sensor for vinculin I demonstrated a spatial gradient of tension across vinculin in the direction of migration. To define this novel force-dependent role of vinculin in collective migration I took advantage of previously established shRNA based vinculin knock down Marin-Darby Canine Kidney (MDCK) epithelial cells.

The first part of my thesis comprises of my work demonstrating the mechanosensitive role of vinculin at AJ’s in collectively migrating cells. Using vinculin knockdown cells and vinculin mutants, which specifically disrupt vinculin’s ability to bind actin (VinI997A) or disrupt its ability to localize to AJs without affecting its localization at FAs (VinY822F), I establish a role of force across vinculin in E-cadherin internalization and clipping. Furthermore by measuring E-cadherin dynamics using fluorescence recovery after bleaching (FRAP) analysis I show that vinculin inhibition affects the turnover of E-cadherin at AJs. Together these data reveal a novel mechanosensitive role of vinculin in E-cadherin internalization and turnover in a migrating cell layer, which is contrary to the previously identified role of vinculin in potentiating E-cadherin junctions in a static monolayer.

For the last part of my thesis I designed a novel tension sensor to probe tension across N-cadherin (NTS). N-cadherin plays a critical role in cardiomyocytes, vascular smooth muscle cells, neurons and neural crest cells. Similar to E-cadherin, N-cadherin is also believed to bear tension and play a role in mechanotransduction pathways. To identify the role of tension across N-cadherin I designed a novel FRET-based molecular tension sensor for N-cadherin. I tested the ability of NTS to sense molecular tension in vascular smooth muscle cells, cardiomyocytes and cancer cells. Finally in collaboration with the Horwitz lab we have been able to show a role of tension across N-cadherin in synaptogenesis of neurons.