3 resultados para design systems
em Duke University
The goal of my Ph.D. thesis is to enhance the visualization of the peripheral retina using wide-field optical coherence tomography (OCT) in a clinical setting.
OCT has gain widespread adoption in clinical ophthalmology due to its ability to visualize the diseases of the macula and central retina in three-dimensions, however, clinical OCT has a limited field-of-view of 300. There has been increasing interest to obtain high-resolution images outside of this narrow field-of-view, because three-dimensional imaging of the peripheral retina may prove to be important in the early detection of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's and dementia, and the monitoring of known ocular diseases, such as diabetic retinopathy, retinal vein occlusions, and choroid masses.
Before attempting to build a wide-field OCT system, we need to better understand the peripheral optics of the human eye. Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensors are commonly used tools for measuring the optical imperfections of the eye, but their acquisition speed is limited by their underlying camera hardware. The first aim of my thesis research is to create a fast method of ocular wavefront sensing such that we can measure the wavefront aberrations at numerous points across a wide visual field. In order to address aim one, we will develop a sparse Zernike reconstruction technique (SPARZER) that will enable Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensors to use as little as 1/10th of the data that would normally be required for an accurate wavefront reading. If less data needs to be acquired, then we can increase the speed at which wavefronts can be recorded.
For my second aim, we will create a sophisticated optical model that reproduces the measured aberrations of the human eye. If we know how the average eye's optics distort light, then we can engineer ophthalmic imaging systems that preemptively cancel inherent ocular aberrations. This invention will help the retinal imaging community to design systems that are capable of acquiring high resolution images across a wide visual field. The proposed model eye is also of interest to the field of vision science as it aids in the study of how anatomy affects visual performance in the peripheral retina.
Using the optical model from aim two, we will design and reduce to practice a clinical OCT system that is capable of imaging a large (800) field-of-view with enhanced visualization of the peripheral retina. A key aspect of this third and final aim is to make the imaging system compatible with standard clinical practices. To this end, we will incorporate sensorless adaptive optics in order to correct the inter- and intra- patient variability in ophthalmic aberrations. Sensorless adaptive optics will improve both the brightness (signal) and clarity (resolution) of features in the peripheral retina without affecting the size of the imaging system.
The proposed work should not only be a noteworthy contribution to the ophthalmic and engineering communities, but it should strengthen our existing collaborations with the Duke Eye Center by advancing their capability to diagnose pathologies of the peripheral retinal.
This dissertation shows the use of Constructal law to find the relation between the morphing of the system configuration and the improvements in the global performance of the complex flow system. It shows that the better features of both flow and heat transfer architecture can be found and predicted by using the constructal law in energy systems. Chapter 2 shows the effect of flow configuration on the heat transfer performance of a spiral shaped pipe embedded in a cylindrical conducting volume. Several configurations were considered. The optimal spacings between the spiral turns and spire planes exist, such that the volumetric heat transfer rate is maximal. The optimized features of the heat transfer architecture are robust. Chapter 3 shows the heat transfer performance of a helically shaped pipe embedded in a cylindrical conducting volume. It shows that the optimized features of the heat transfer architecture are robust with respect to changes in several physical parameters. Chapter 4 reports analytically the formulas for effective permeability in several configurations of fissured systems, using the closed-form description of tree networks designed to provide flow access. The permeability formulas do not vary much from one tree design to the next, suggesting that similar formulas may apply to naturally fissured porous media with unknown precise details, which occur in natural reservoirs. Chapter 5 illustrates a counterflow heat exchanger consists of two plenums with a core. The results show that the overall flow and thermal resistance are lowest when the core is absent. Overall, the constructal design governs the evolution of flow configuration in nature and energy systems.
This dissertation documents the results of a theoretical and numerical study of time dependent storage of energy by melting a phase change material. The heating is provided along invading lines, which change from single-line invasion to tree-shaped invasion. Chapter 2 identifies the special design feature of distributing energy storage in time-dependent fashion on a territory, when the energy flows by fluid flow from a concentrated source to points (users) distributed equidistantly on the area. The challenge in this chapter is to determine the architecture of distributed energy storage. The chief conclusion is that the finite amount of storage material should be distributed proportionally with the distribution of the flow rate of heating agent arriving on the area. The total time needed by the source stream to ‘invade’ the area is cumulative (the sum of the storage times required at each storage site), and depends on the energy distribution paths and the sequence in which the users are served by the source stream. Chapter 3 shows theoretically that the melting process consists of two phases: “invasion” thermal diffusion along the invading line, which is followed by “consolidation” as heat diffuses perpendicularly to the invading line. This chapter also reports the duration of both phases and the evolution of the melt layer around the invading line during the two-dimensional and three-dimensional invasion. It also shows that the amount of melted material increases in time according to a curve shaped as an S. These theoretical predictions are validated by means of numerical simulations in chapter 4. This chapter also shows that the heat transfer rate density increases (i.e., the S curve becomes steeper) as the complexity and number of degrees of freedom of the structure are increased, in accord with the constructal law. The optimal geometric features of the tree structure are detailed in this chapter. Chapter 5 documents a numerical study of time-dependent melting where the heat transfer is convection dominated, unlike in chapter 3 and 4 where the melting is ruled by pure conduction. In accord with constructal design, the search is for effective heat-flow architectures. The volume-constrained improvement of the designs for heat flow begins with assuming the simplest structure, where a single line serves as heat source. Next, the heat source is endowed with freedom to change its shape as it grows. The objective of the numerical simulations is to discover the geometric features that lead to the fastest melting process. The results show that the heat transfer rate density increases as the complexity and number of degrees of freedom of the structure are increased. Furthermore, the angles between heat invasion lines have a minor effect on the global performance compared to other degrees of freedom: number of branching levels, stem length, and branch lengths. The effect of natural convection in the melt zone is documented.