2 resultados para compartmentalization
em Duke University
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are typically caused by bacteria that colonize different regions of the urinary tract, mainly the bladder and the kidney. Approximately 25% of women that suffer from UTIs experience a recurrent infection within 6 months of the initial bout, making UTIs a serious economic burden resulting in more than 10 million hospital visits and $3.5 billion in healthcare costs in the United States alone. Type-1 fimbriated Uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC) is the major causative agent of UTIs, accounting for almost 90 % of bacterial UTIs. The unique ability of UPEC to bind and invade the superficial bladder epithelium allows the bacteria to persist inside epithelial niches and survive antibiotic treatment. Persistent, intracellular UPEC are retained in the bladder epithelium for long periods, making them a source of recurrent UTIs. Hence, the ability of UPEC to persist in the bladder is a matter of major health and economic concern, making studies exploring the underlying mechanism of UPEC persistence highly relevant.
In my thesis, I will describe how intracellular Uropathogenic E.coli (UPEC) evade host defense mechanisms in the superficial bladder epithelium. I will also describe some of the unique traits of persistent UPEC and explore strategies to induce their clearance from the bladder. I have discovered that the UPEC virulence factor Alpha-hemolysin (HlyA) plays a key role in the survival and persistence of UPEC in the superficial bladder epithelium. In-vitro and in-vivo studies comparing intracellular survival of wild type (WT) and hemolysin deficient UPEC suggested that HlyA is vital for UPEC persistence in the superficial bladder epithelium. Further in-vitro studies revealed that hemolysin helped UPEC persist intracellularly by evading the bacterial expulsion actions of the bladder cells and remarkably, this virulence factor also helped bacteria avoid t degradation in lysosomes.
To elucidate the mechanistic basis for how hemolysin promotes UPEC persistence in the urothelium, we initially focused on how hemolysin facilitates the evasion of UPEC expulsion from bladder cells. We found that upon entry, UPEC were encased in “exocytic vesicles” but as a result of HlyA expression these bacteria escaped these vesicles and entered the cytosol. Consequently, these bacteria were able to avoid expulsion by the cellular export machinery.
Since bacteria found in the cytosol of host cells are typically recognized by the cellular autophagy pathway and transported to the lysosomes where they are degraded, we explored why this was not the case here. We observed that although cytosolic HlyA expressing UPEC were recognized and encased by the autophagy system and transported to lysosomes, the bacteria appeared to avoid degradation in these normally degradative compartments. A closer examination of the bacteria containing lysosomes revealed that they lacked V-ATPase. V-ATPase is a well-known proton pump essential for the acidification of mammalian intracellular degradative compartments, allowing for the proper functioning of degradative proteases. The absence of V-ATPase appeared to be due to hemolysin mediated alteration of the bladder cell F-actin network. From these studies, it is clear that UPEC hemolysin facilitates UPEC persistence in the superficial bladder epithelium by helping bacteria avoid expulsion by the exocytic machinery of the cell and at the same time enabling the bacteria avoid degradation when the bacteria are shuttled into the lysosomes.
Interestingly even though UPEC appear to avoid elimination from the bladder cell their ability to multiple in bladder cells seem limited.. Indeed, our in-vitro and in-vivo experiments reveal that UPEC survive in superficial bladder epithelium for extended periods of time without a significantly change in CFU numbers. Indeed, we observed these bacteria appeared quiescent in nature. This observation was supported by the observation that UPEC genetically unable to enter a quiescence phase exhibited limited ability to persist in bladder cells in vitro and in vivo, in the mouse bladder.
The studies elucidated in this thesis reveal how UPEC toxin, Alpha-hemolysin plays a significant role in promoting UPEC persistence via the modulation of the vesicular compartmentalization of UPEC at two different stages of the infection in the superficial bladder epithelium. These results highlight the importance of UPEC Alpha-hemolysin as an essential determinant of UPEC persistence in the urinary bladder.
Magnetic resonance imaging is a research and clinical tool that has been applied in a wide variety of sciences. One area of magnetic resonance imaging that has exhibited terrific promise and growth in the past decade is magnetic susceptibility imaging. Imaging tissue susceptibility provides insight into the microstructural organization and chemical properties of biological tissues, but this image contrast is not well understood. The purpose of this work is to develop effective approaches to image, assess, and model the mechanisms that generate both isotropic and anisotropic magnetic susceptibility contrast in biological tissues, including myocardium and central nervous system white matter.
This document contains the first report of MRI-measured susceptibility anisotropy in myocardium. Intact mouse heart specimens were scanned using MRI at 9.4 T to ascertain both the magnetic susceptibility and myofiber orientation of the tissue. The susceptibility anisotropy of myocardium was observed and measured by relating the apparent tissue susceptibility as a function of the myofiber angle with respect to the applied magnetic field. A multi-filament model of myocardial tissue revealed that the diamagnetically anisotropy α-helix peptide bonds in myofilament proteins are capable of producing bulk susceptibility anisotropy on a scale measurable by MRI, and are potentially the chief sources of the experimentally observed anisotropy.
The growing use of paramagnetic contrast agents in magnetic susceptibility imaging motivated a series of investigations regarding the effect of these exogenous agents on susceptibility imaging in the brain, heart, and kidney. In each of these organs, gadolinium increases susceptibility contrast and anisotropy, though the enhancements depend on the tissue type, compartmentalization of contrast agent, and complex multi-pool relaxation. In the brain, the introduction of paramagnetic contrast agents actually makes white matter tissue regions appear more diamagnetic relative to the reference susceptibility. Gadolinium-enhanced MRI yields tensor-valued susceptibility images with eigenvectors that more accurately reflect the underlying tissue orientation.
Despite the boost gadolinium provides, tensor-valued susceptibility image reconstruction is prone to image artifacts. A novel algorithm was developed to mitigate these artifacts by incorporating orientation-dependent tissue relaxation information into susceptibility tensor estimation. The technique was verified using a numerical phantom simulation, and improves susceptibility-based tractography in the brain, kidney, and heart. This work represents the first successful application of susceptibility-based tractography to a whole, intact heart.
The knowledge and tools developed throughout the course of this research were then applied to studying mouse models of Alzheimer’s disease in vivo, and studying hypertrophic human myocardium specimens ex vivo. Though a preliminary study using contrast-enhanced quantitative susceptibility mapping has revealed diamagnetic amyloid plaques associated with Alzheimer’s disease in the mouse brain ex vivo, non-contrast susceptibility imaging was unable to precisely identify these plaques in vivo. Susceptibility tensor imaging of human myocardium specimens at 9.4 T shows that susceptibility anisotropy is larger and mean susceptibility is more diamagnetic in hypertrophic tissue than in normal tissue. These findings support the hypothesis that myofilament proteins are a source of susceptibility contrast and anisotropy in myocardium. This collection of preclinical studies provides new tools and context for analyzing tissue structure, chemistry, and health in a variety of organs throughout the body.