30 resultados para chromatin immunoprecipitation

em Duke University


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Despite an emerging understanding of the genetic alterations giving rise to various tumors, the mechanisms whereby most oncogenes are overexpressed remain unclear. Here we have utilized an integrated approach of genomewide regulatory element mapping via DNase-seq followed by conventional reporter assays and transcription factor binding site discovery to characterize the transcriptional regulation of the medulloblastoma oncogene Orthodenticle Homeobox 2 (OTX2). Through these studies we have revealed that OTX2 is differentially regulated in medulloblastoma at the level of chromatin accessibility, which is in part mediated by DNA methylation. In cell lines exhibiting chromatin accessibility of OTX2 regulatory regions, we found that autoregulation maintains OTX2 expression. Comparison of medulloblastoma regulatory elements with those of the developing brain reveals that these tumors engage a developmental regulatory program to drive OTX2 transcription. Finally, we have identified a transcriptional regulatory element mediating retinoid-induced OTX2 repression in these tumors. This work characterizes for the first time the mechanisms of OTX2 overexpression in medulloblastoma. Furthermore, this study establishes proof of principle for applying ENCODE datasets towards the characterization of upstream trans-acting factors mediating expression of individual genes.


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The nuclear respiratory factor-1 (NRF1) gene is activated by lipopolysaccharide (LPS), which might reflect TLR4-mediated mitigation of cellular inflammatory damage via initiation of mitochondrial biogenesis. To test this hypothesis, we examined NRF1 promoter regulation by NFκB, and identified interspecies-conserved κB-responsive promoter and intronic elements in the NRF1 locus. In mice, activation of Nrf1 and its downstream target, Tfam, by Escherichia coli was contingent on NFκB, and in LPS-treated hepatocytes, NFκB served as an NRF1 enhancer element in conjunction with NFκB promoter binding. Unexpectedly, optimal NRF1 promoter activity after LPS also required binding by the energy-state-dependent transcription factor CREB. EMSA and ChIP assays confirmed p65 and CREB binding to the NRF1 promoter and p65 binding to intron 1. Functionality for both transcription factors was validated by gene-knockdown studies. LPS regulation of NRF1 led to mtDNA-encoded gene expression and expansion of mtDNA copy number. In cells expressing plasmid constructs containing the NRF-1 promoter and GFP, LPS-dependent reporter activity was abolished by cis-acting κB-element mutations, and nuclear accumulation of NFκB and CREB demonstrated dependence on mitochondrial H(2)O(2). These findings indicate that TLR4-dependent NFκB and CREB activation co-regulate the NRF1 promoter with NFκB intronic enhancement and redox-regulated nuclear translocation, leading to downstream target-gene expression, and identify NRF-1 as an early-phase component of the host antibacterial defenses.


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Extensive departures from balanced gene dose in aneuploids are highly deleterious. However, we know very little about the relationship between gene copy number and expression in aneuploid cells. We determined copy number and transcript abundance (expression) genome-wide in Drosophila S2 cells by DNA-Seq and RNA-Seq. We found that S2 cells are aneuploid for >43 Mb of the genome, primarily in the range of one to five copies, and show a male genotype ( approximately two X chromosomes and four sets of autosomes, or 2X;4A). Both X chromosomes and autosomes showed expression dosage compensation. X chromosome expression was elevated in a fixed-fold manner regardless of actual gene dose. In engineering terms, the system "anticipates" the perturbation caused by X dose, rather than responding to an error caused by the perturbation. This feed-forward regulation resulted in precise dosage compensation only when X dose was half of the autosome dose. Insufficient compensation occurred at lower X chromosome dose and excessive expression occurred at higher doses. RNAi knockdown of the Male Specific Lethal complex abolished feed-forward regulation. Both autosome and X chromosome genes show Male Specific Lethal-independent compensation that fits a first order dose-response curve. Our data indicate that expression dosage compensation dampens the effect of altered DNA copy number genome-wide. For the X chromosome, compensation includes fixed and dose-dependent components.


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Fluctuations in nutrient availability profoundly impact gene expression. Previous work revealed postrecruitment regulation of RNA polymerase II (Pol II) during starvation and recovery in Caenorhabditis elegans, suggesting that promoter-proximal pausing promotes rapid response to feeding. To test this hypothesis, we measured Pol II elongation genome wide by two complementary approaches and analyzed elongation in conjunction with Pol II binding and expression. We confirmed bona fide pausing during starvation and also discovered Pol II docking. Pausing occurs at active stress-response genes that become downregulated in response to feeding. In contrast, "docked" Pol II accumulates without initiating upstream of inactive growth genes that become rapidly upregulated upon feeding. Beyond differences in function and expression, these two sets of genes have different core promoter motifs, suggesting alternative transcriptional machinery. Our work suggests that growth and stress genes are both regulated postrecruitment during starvation but at initiation and elongation, respectively, coordinating gene expression with nutrient availability.


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DNaseI footprinting is an established assay for identifying transcription factor (TF)-DNA interactions with single base pair resolution. High-throughput DNase-seq assays have recently been used to detect in vivo DNase footprints across the genome. Multiple computational approaches have been developed to identify DNase-seq footprints as predictors of TF binding. However, recent studies have pointed to a substantial cleavage bias of DNase and its negative impact on predictive performance of footprinting. To assess the potential for using DNase-seq to identify individual binding sites, we performed DNase-seq on deproteinized genomic DNA and determined sequence cleavage bias. This allowed us to build bias corrected and TF-specific footprint models. The predictive performance of these models demonstrated that predicted footprints corresponded to high-confidence TF-DNA interactions. DNase-seq footprints were absent under a fraction of ChIP-seq peaks, which we show to be indicative of weaker binding, indirect TF-DNA interactions or possible ChIP artifacts. The modeling approach was also able to detect variation in the consensus motifs that TFs bind to. Finally, cell type specific footprints were detected within DNase hypersensitive sites that are present in multiple cell types, further supporting that footprints can identify changes in TF binding that are not detectable using other strategies.


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Genes can maintain spatiotemporal expression patterns by long-range interactions between cis-acting elements. The cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator gene (CFTR) is expressed primarily in epithelial cells. An element located within a DNase I-hypersensitive site (DHS) 10 kb into the first intron was previously shown to augment CFTR promoter activity in a tissue-specific manner. Here, we reveal the mechanism by which this element influences CFTR transcription. We employed a high-resolution method of mapping DHS using tiled microarrays to accurately locate the intron 1 DHS. Transfection of promoter-reporter constructs demonstrated that the element displays classical tissue-specific enhancer properties and can independently recruit factors necessary for transcription initiation. In vitro DNase I footprinting analysis identified a protected region that corresponds to a conserved, predicted binding site for hepatocyte nuclear factor 1 (HNF1). We demonstrate by electromobility shift assays (EMSA) and chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) that HNF1 binds to this element both in vitro and in vivo. Moreover, using chromosome conformation capture (3C) analysis, we show that this element interacts with the CFTR promoter in CFTR-expressing cells. These data provide the first insight into the three- dimensional (3D) structure of the CFTR locus and confirm the contribution of intronic cis-acting elements to the regulation of CFTR gene expression.


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A human endogenous retrovirus type E (HERV-E) was recently found to be selectively expressed in most renal cell carcinomas (RCCs). Importantly, antigens derived from this provirus are immunogenic, stimulating cytotoxic T cells that kill RCC cells in vitro and in vivo. Here, we show HERV-E expression is restricted to the clear cell subtype of RCC (ccRCC) characterized by an inactivation of the von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) tumor-suppressor gene with subsequent stabilization of hypoxia-inducible transcription factors (HIFs)-1α and -2α. HERV-E expression in ccRCC linearly correlated with HIF-2α levels and could be silenced in tumor cells by either transfection of normal VHL or small interfering RNA inhibition of HIF-2α. Using chromatin immunoprecipitation, we demonstrated that HIF-2α can serve as transcriptional factor for HERV-E by binding with HIF response element (HRE) localized in the proviral 5' long terminal repeat (LTR). Remarkably, the LTR was found to be hypomethylated only in HERV-E-expressing ccRCC while other tumors and normal tissues possessed a hypermethylated LTR preventing proviral expression. Taken altogether, these findings provide the first evidence that inactivation of a tumor suppressor gene can result in aberrant proviral expression in a human tumor and give insights needed for translational research aimed at boosting human immunity against antigenic components of this HERV-E.


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The zinc-finger protein Rotund (Rn) plays a critical role in controlling the development of the fly olfactory system. However, little is known about its molecular function in vivo. Here, we added protein tags to the rn locus using CRISPR-Cas9 technology in Drosophila to investigate its subcellular localization and the genes that it regulates . We previously used a reporter construct to show that rn is expressed in a subset of olfactory receptor neuron (ORN) precursors and it is required for the diversification of ORN fates. Here, we show that tagged endogenous Rn protein is functional based on the analysis of ORN phenotypes. Using this method, we also mapped the expression pattern of the endogenous isoform-specific tags in vivo with increased precision. Comparison of the Rn expression pattern from this study with previously published results using GAL4 reporters showed that Rn is mainly present in early steps in antennal disc patterning, but not in pupal stages when ORNs are born. Finally, using chromatin immunoprecipitation, we showed a direct binding of Rotund to a previously identified regulatory element upstream of the bric-a-brac gene locus in the developing antennal disc.


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The advent of next-generation sequencing, now nearing a decade in age, has enabled, among other capabilities, measurement of genome-wide sequence features at unprecedented scale and resolution.

In this dissertation, I describe work to understand the genetic underpinnings of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma through exploration of the epigenetics of its cell of origin, initial characterization and interpretation of driver mutations, and finally, a larger-scale, population-level study that incorporates mutation interpretation with clinical outcome.

In the first research chapter, I describe genomic characteristics of lymphomas through the lens of their cells of origin. Just as many other cancers, such as breast cancer or lung cancer, are categorized based on their cell of origin, lymphoma subtypes can be examined through the context of their normal B Cells of origin, Naïve, Germinal Center, and post-Germinal Center. By applying integrative analysis of the epigenetics of normal B Cells of origin through chromatin-immunoprecipitation sequencing, we find that differences in normal B Cell subtypes are reflected in the mutational landscapes of the cancers that arise from them, namely Mantle Cell, Burkitt, and Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma.

In the next research chapter, I describe our first endeavor into understanding the genetic heterogeneity of Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma, the most common form of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, which affects 100,000 patients in the world. Through whole-genome sequencing of 1 case as well as whole-exome sequencing of 94 cases, we characterize the most recurrent genetic features of DLBCL and lay the groundwork for a larger study.

In the last research chapter, I describe work to characterize and interpret the whole exomes of 1001 cases of DLBCL in the largest single-cancer study to date. This highly-powered study enabled sub-gene, gene-level, and gene-network level understanding of driver mutations within DLBCL. Moreover, matched genomic and clinical data enabled the connection of these driver mutations to clinical features such as treatment response or overall survival. As sequencing costs continue to drop, whole-exome sequencing will become a routine clinical assay, and another diagnostic dimension in addition to existing methods such as histology. However, to unlock the full utility of sequencing data, we must be able to interpret it. This study undertakes a first step in developing the understanding necessary to uncover the genomic signals of DLBCL hidden within its exomes. However, beyond the scope of this one disease, the experimental and analytical methods can be readily applied to other cancer sequencing studies.

Thus, this dissertation leverages next-generation sequencing analysis to understand the genetic underpinnings of lymphoma, both by examining its normal cells of origin as well as through a large-scale study to sensitively identify recurrently mutated genes and their relationship to clinical outcome.


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Recent work has identified a novel RSC-nucleosome complex that both strongly phases flanking nucleosomes and presents regulatory sites for ready access. These results challenge several widely held views.


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Cellular stresses activate the tumor suppressor p53 protein leading to selective binding to DNA response elements (REs) and gene transactivation from a large pool of potential p53 REs (p53REs). To elucidate how p53RE sequences and local chromatin context interact to affect p53 binding and gene transactivation, we mapped genome-wide binding localizations of p53 and H3K4me3 in untreated and doxorubicin (DXR)-treated human lymphoblastoid cells. We examined the relationships among p53 occupancy, gene expression, H3K4me3, chromatin accessibility (DNase 1 hypersensitivity, DHS), ENCODE chromatin states, p53RE sequence, and evolutionary conservation. We observed that the inducible expression of p53-regulated genes was associated with the steady-state chromatin status of the cell. Most highly inducible p53-regulated genes were suppressed at baseline and marked by repressive histone modifications or displayed CTCF binding. Comparison of p53RE sequences residing in different chromatin contexts demonstrated that weaker p53REs resided in open promoters, while stronger p53REs were located within enhancers and repressed chromatin. p53 occupancy was strongly correlated with similarity of the target DNA sequences to the p53RE consensus, but surprisingly, inversely correlated with pre-existing nucleosome accessibility (DHS) and evolutionary conservation at the p53RE. Occupancy by p53 of REs that overlapped transposable element (TE) repeats was significantly higher (p<10-7) and correlated with stronger p53RE sequences (p<10-110) relative to nonTE-associated p53REs, particularly for MLT1H, LTR10B, and Mer61 TEs. However, binding at these elements was generally not associated with transactivation of adjacent genes. Occupied p53REs located in L2-like TEs were unique in displaying highly negative PhyloP scores (predicted fast-evolving) and being associated with altered H3K4me3 and DHS levels. These results underscore the systematic interaction between chromatin status and p53RE context in the induced transactivation response. This p53 regulated response appears to have been tuned via evolutionary processes that may have led to repression and/or utilization of p53REs originating from primate-specific transposon elements.


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BACKGROUND: Small molecule inhibitors of histone deacetylases (HDACi) hold promise as anticancer agents for particular malignancies. However, clinical use is often confounded by toxicity, perhaps due to indiscriminate hyperacetylation of cellular proteins. Therefore, elucidating the mechanisms by which HDACi trigger differentiation, cell cycle arrest, or apoptosis of cancer cells could inform development of more targeted therapies. We used the myelogenous leukemia line K562 as a model of HDACi-induced differentiation to investigate chromatin accessibility (DNase-seq) and expression (RNA-seq) changes associated with this process. RESULTS: We identified several thousand specific regulatory elements [~10 % of total DNase I-hypersensitive (DHS) sites] that become significantly more or less accessible with sodium butyrate or suberanilohydroxamic acid treatment. Most of the differential DHS sites display hallmarks of enhancers, including being enriched for non-promoter regions, associating with nearby gene expression changes, and increasing luciferase reporter expression in K562 cells. Differential DHS sites were enriched for key hematopoietic lineage transcription factor motifs, including SPI1 (PU.1), a known pioneer factor. We found PU.1 increases binding at opened DHS sites with HDACi treatment by ChIP-seq, but PU.1 knockdown by shRNA fails to block the chromatin accessibility and expression changes. A machine-learning approach indicates H3K27me3 initially marks PU.1-bound sites that open with HDACi treatment, suggesting these sites are epigenetically poised. CONCLUSIONS: We find HDACi treatment of K562 cells results in site-specific chromatin remodeling at epigenetically poised regulatory elements. PU.1 shows evidence of a pioneer role in this process by marking poised enhancers but is not required for transcriptional activation.


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Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) is the most common bacterial agent of sexually transmitted infection and can cause damaging inflammation of the female reproductive tract. As an obligate intracellular pathogen, CT must exit exhausted host cells in a manner that favors successful dissemination. Epithelial cells infected with CT expel decondensed nuclear chromatin at the conclusion of an infectious cycle, and these ensnare CT particles. Whether these chromatin traps benefit the host or the pathogen is not obvious. The overall goal of this work is to begin discerning between these possibilities by determining how chromatin traps impact CT survival following exit and how traps contribute to CT-induced inflammatory processes.


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BACKGROUND: Chromatin containing the histone variant CENP-A (CEN chromatin) exists as an essential domain at every centromere and heritably marks the location of kinetochore assembly. The size of the CEN chromatin domain on alpha satellite DNA in humans has been shown to vary according to underlying array size. However, the average amount of CENP-A reported at human centromeres is largely consistent, implying the genomic extent of CENP-A chromatin domains more likely reflects variations in the number of CENP-A subdomains and/or the density of CENP-A nucleosomes within individual subdomains. Defining the organizational and spatial properties of CEN chromatin would provide insight into centromere inheritance via CENP-A loading in G1 and the dynamics of its distribution between mother and daughter strands during replication. RESULTS: Using a multi-color protein strategy to detect distinct pools of CENP-A over several cell cycles, we show that nascent CENP-A is equally distributed to sister centromeres. CENP-A distribution is independent of previous or subsequent cell cycles in that centromeres showing disproportionately distributed CENP-A in one cycle can equally divide CENP-A nucleosomes in the next cycle. Furthermore, we show using extended chromatin fibers that maintenance of the CENP-A chromatin domain is achieved by a cycle-specific oscillating pattern of new CENP-A nucleosomes next to existing CENP-A nucleosomes over multiple cell cycles. Finally, we demonstrate that the size of the CENP-A domain does not change throughout the cell cycle and is spatially fixed to a similar location within a given alpha satellite DNA array. CONCLUSIONS: We demonstrate that most human chromosomes share similar patterns of CENP-A loading and distribution and that centromere inheritance is achieved through specific placement of new CENP-A near existing CENP-A as assembly occurs each cell cycle. The loading pattern fixes the location and size of the CENP-A domain on individual chromosomes. These results suggest that spatial and temporal dynamics of CENP-A are important for maintaining centromere identity and genome stability.