8 resultados para RAFT biomedicale polimeri micelle FRET DLS

em Duke University


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Multivalency is the increase in avidity resulting from the simultaneous interaction of multiple ligands with multiple receptors. This phenomenon, seen in antibody-antigen and virus-cell membrane interactions, is useful in designing bioinspired materials for targeted delivery of drugs or imaging agents. While increased avidity offered by multivalent targeting is attractive, it can also promote nonspecific receptor interaction in nontarget tissues, reducing the effectiveness of multivalent targeting. Here, we present a thermal targeting strategy--dynamic affinity modulation (DAM)--using elastin-like polypeptide diblock copolymers (ELP(BC)s) that self-assemble from a low-affinity to high-avidity state by a tunable thermal "switch", thereby restricting activity to the desired site of action. We used an in vitro cell binding assay to investigate the effect of the thermally triggered self-assembly of these ELP(BC)s on their receptor-mediated binding and cellular uptake. The data presented herein show that (1) ligand presentation does not disrupt ELP(BC) self-assembly; (2) both multivalent ligand presentation and upregulated receptor expression are needed for receptor-mediated interaction; (3) increased size of the hydrophobic segment of the block copolymer promotes multivalent interaction with membrane receptors, potentially due to changes in the nanoscale architecture of the micelle; and (4) nanoscale presentation of the ligand is important, as presentation of the ligand by micrometer-sized aggregates of an ELP showed a low level of binding/uptake by receptor-positive cells compared to its presentation on the corona of a micelle. These data validate the concept of thermally triggered DAM and provide rational design parameters for future applications of this technology for targeted drug delivery.


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From tendencies to reduce the Underground Railroad to the imperative "follow the north star" to the iconic images of Ruby Bridges' 1960 "step forward" on the stairs of William Frantz Elementary School, America prefers to picture freedom as an upwardly mobile development. This preoccupation with the subtractive and linear force of development makes it hard to hear the palpable steps of so many truant children marching in the Movement and renders illegible the nonlinear movements of minors in the Underground. Yet a black fugitive hugging a tree, a white boy walking alone in a field, or even pieces of a discarded raft floating downstream like remnants of child's play are constitutive gestures of the Underground's networks of care and escape. Responding to 19th-century Americanists and cultural studies scholars' important illumination of the child as central to national narratives of development and freedom, "Minor Moves" reads major literary narratives not for the child and development but for the fugitive trace of minor and growth.

In four chapters, I trace the physical gestures of Nathaniel Hawthorne's Pearl, Harriet Beecher Stowe's Topsy, Harriet Wilson's Frado, and Mark Twain's Huck against the historical backdrop of the Fugitive Slave Act and the passing of the first compulsory education bills that made truancy illegal. I ask how, within a discourse of independence that fails to imagine any serious movements in the minor, we might understand the depictions of moving children as interrupting a U.S. preoccupation with normative development and recognize in them the emergence of an alternative imaginary. To attend to the movement of the minor is to attend to what the discursive order of a development-centered imaginary deems inconsequential and what its grammar can render only as mistakes. Engaging the insights of performance studies, I regard what these narratives depict as childish missteps (Topsy's spins, Frado's climbing the roof) as dances that trouble the narrative's discursive order. At the same time, drawing upon the observations of black studies and literary theory, I take note of the pressure these "minor moves" put on the literal grammar of the text (Stowe's run-on sentences and Hawthorne's shaky subject-verb agreements). I regard these ungrammatical moves as poetic ruptures from which emerges an alternative and prior force of the imaginary at work in these narratives--a force I call "growth."

Reading these "minor moves" holds open the possibility of thinking about a generative association between blackness and childishness, one that neither supports racist ideas of biological inferiority nor mandates in the name of political uplift the subsequent repudiation of childishness. I argue that recognizing the fugitive force of growth indicated in the interplay between the conceptual and grammatical disjunctures of these minor moves opens a deeper understanding of agency and dependency that exceeds notions of arrested development and social death. For once we interrupt the desire to picture development (which is to say the desire to picture), dependency is no longer a state (of social death or arrested development) of what does not belong, but rather it is what Édouard Glissant might have called a "departure" (from "be[ing] a single being"). Topsy's hard-to-see pick-pocketing and Pearl's running amok with brown men in the market are not moves out of dependency but indeed social turns (a dance) by way of dependency. Dependent, moving and ungrammatical, the growth evidenced in these childish ruptures enables different stories about slavery, freedom, and childishness--ones that do not necessitate a repudiation of childishness in the name of freedom, but recognize in such minor moves a fugitive way out.


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Multiple lines of evidence reveal that activation of the tropomyosin related kinase B (TrkB) receptor is a critical molecular mechanism underlying status epilepticus (SE) induced epilepsy development. However, the cellular consequences of such signaling remain unknown. To this point, localization of SE-induced TrkB activation to CA1 apical dendritic spines provides an anatomic clue pointing to Schaffer collateral-CA1 synaptic plasticity as one potential cellular consequence of TrkB activation. Here, we combine two-photon glutamate uncaging with two photon fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (2pFLIM) of fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET)-based sensors to specifically investigate the roles of TrkB and its canonical ligand brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in dendritic spine structural plasticity (sLTP) of CA1 pyramidal neurons in cultured hippocampal slices of rodents. To begin, we demonstrate a critical role for post-synaptic TrkB and post-synaptic BDNF in sLTP. Building on these findings, we develop a novel FRET-based sensor for TrkB activation that can report both BDNF and non-BDNF activation in a specific and reversible manner. Using this sensor, we monitor the spatiotemporal dynamics of TrkB activity during single-spine sLTP. In response to glutamate uncaging, we report a rapid (onset less than 1 minute) and sustained (lasting at least 20 minutes) activation of TrkB in the stimulated spine that depends on N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR)-Ca2+/Calmodulin dependent kinase II (CaMKII) signaling as well as post-synaptically synthesized BDNF. Consistent with these findings, we also demonstrate rapid, glutamate uncaging-evoked, time-locked release of BDNF from single dendritic spines using BDNF fused to superecliptic pHluorin (SEP). Finally, to elucidate the molecular mechanisms by which TrkB activation leads to sLTP, we examined the dependence of Rho GTPase activity - known mediators of sLTP - on BDNF-TrkB signaling. Through the use of previously described FRET-based sensors, we find that the activities of ras-related C3 botulinum toxin substrate 1 (Rac1) and cell division control protein 42 (Cdc42) require BDNF-TrkB signaling. Taken together, these findings reveal a spine-autonomous, autocrine signaling mechanism involving NMDAR-CaMKII dependent BDNF release from stimulated dendritic spines leading to TrkB activation and subsequent activation of the downstream molecules Rac1 and Cdc42 in these same spines that proves critical for sLTP. In conclusion, these results highlight structural plasticity as one cellular consequence of CA1 dendritic spine TrkB activation that may potentially contribute to larger, circuit-level changes underlying SE-induced epilepsy.


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The full-scale base-isolated structure studied in this dissertation is the only base-isolated building in South Island of New Zealand. It sustained hundreds of earthquake ground motions from September 2010 and well into 2012. Several large earthquake responses were recorded in December 2011 by NEES@UCLA and by GeoNet recording station nearby Christchurch Women's Hospital. The primary focus of this dissertation is to advance the state-of-the art of the methods to evaluate performance of seismic-isolated structures and the effects of soil-structure interaction by developing new data processing methodologies to overcome current limitations and by implementing advanced numerical modeling in OpenSees for direct analysis of soil-structure interaction.

This dissertation presents a novel method for recovering force-displacement relations within the isolators of building structures with unknown nonlinearities from sparse seismic-response measurements of floor accelerations. The method requires only direct matrix calculations (factorizations and multiplications); no iterative trial-and-error methods are required. The method requires a mass matrix, or at least an estimate of the floor masses. A stiffness matrix may be used, but is not necessary. Essentially, the method operates on a matrix of incomplete measurements of floor accelerations. In the special case of complete floor measurements of systems with linear dynamics, real modes, and equal floor masses, the principal components of this matrix are the modal responses. In the more general case of partial measurements and nonlinear dynamics, the method extracts a number of linearly-dependent components from Hankel matrices of measured horizontal response accelerations, assembles these components row-wise and extracts principal components from the singular value decomposition of this large matrix of linearly-dependent components. These principal components are then interpolated between floors in a way that minimizes the curvature energy of the interpolation. This interpolation step can make use of a reduced-order stiffness matrix, a backward difference matrix or a central difference matrix. The measured and interpolated floor acceleration components at all floors are then assembled and multiplied by a mass matrix. The recovered in-service force-displacement relations are then incorporated into the OpenSees soil structure interaction model.

Numerical simulations of soil-structure interaction involving non-uniform soil behavior are conducted following the development of the complete soil-structure interaction model of Christchurch Women's Hospital in OpenSees. In these 2D OpenSees models, the superstructure is modeled as two-dimensional frames in short span and long span respectively. The lead rubber bearings are modeled as elastomeric bearing (Bouc Wen) elements. The soil underlying the concrete raft foundation is modeled with linear elastic plane strain quadrilateral element. The non-uniformity of the soil profile is incorporated by extraction and interpolation of shear wave velocity profile from the Canterbury Geotechnical Database. The validity of the complete two-dimensional soil-structure interaction OpenSees model for the hospital is checked by comparing the results of peak floor responses and force-displacement relations within the isolation system achieved from OpenSees simulations to the recorded measurements. General explanations and implications, supported by displacement drifts, floor acceleration and displacement responses, force-displacement relations are described to address the effects of soil-structure interaction.


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Fibronectin (FN) is a large extracellular matrix (ECM) protein that is made up of

type I (FNI), type II (FNII), & type III (FNIII) domains. It assembles into an insoluble

supra-­‐‑molecular structure: the fibrillar FN matrix. FN fibrillogenesis is a cell‐‑mediated process, which is initiated when FN binds to integrins on the cell surface. The FN matrix plays an important role in cell migration, proliferation, signaling & adhesion. Despite decades of research, the FN matrix is one of the least understood supra-­‐‑molecular protein assemblies. There have been several attempts to elucidate the exact mechanism of matrix assembly resulting in significant progress in the field but it is still unclear as to what are FN-­‐‑FN interactions, the nature of these interactions and the domains of FN that

are in contact with each other. FN matrix fibrils are elastic in nature. Two models have been proposed to explain the elasticity of the fibrils. The first model: the ‘domain unfolding’ model postulates that the unraveling of FNIII domains under tension explains fibril elasticity.

The second model relies on the conformational change of FN from compact to extended to explain fibril elasticity. FN contain 15 FNIII domains, each a 7-­‐‑strand beta sandwich. Earlier work from our lab used the technique of labeling a buried Cys to study the ‘domain unfolding’ model. They used mutant FNs containing a buried Cys in a single FNIII domain and found that 6 of the 15 FNIII domains label in matrix fibrils. Domain unfolding due to tension, matrix associated conformational changes or spontaneous folding and unfolding are all possible explanation for labeling of the buried Cys. The present study also uses the technique of labeling a buried Cys to address whether it is spontaneous folding and unfolding that labels FNIII domains in cell culture. We used thiol reactive DTNB to measure the kinetics of labeling of buried Cys in eleven FN III domains over a wide range of urea concentrations (0-­‐‑9M). The kinetics data were globally fit using Mathematica. The results are equivalent to those of H-­‐‑D exchange, and

provide a comprehensive analysis of stability and unfolding/folding kinetics of each

domain. For two of the six domains spontaneous folding and unfolding is possibly the reason for labeling in cell culture. For the rest of the four domains it is probably matrix associated conformational changes or tension induced unfolding.

A long-­‐‑standing debate in the protein-­‐‑folding field is whether unfolding rate

constants or folding rate constants correlate to the stability of a protein. FNIII domains all have the same ß sandwich structure but very different stabilities and amino acid sequences. Our study analyzed the kinetics of unfolding and folding and stabilities of eleven FNIII domains and our results show that folding rate constants for FNIII domains are relatively similar and the unfolding rates vary widely and correlate to stability. FN forms a fibrillar matrix and the FN-­‐‑FN interactions during matrix fibril formation are not known. FNI 1-­‐‑9 or the N-­‐‑ terminal region is indispensible for matrix formation and its major binding partner has been shown to be FNIII 2. Earlier work from our lab, using FRET analysis showed that the interaction of FNI 1-­‐‑9 with a destabilized FNIII 2 (missing the G strand, FNIII 2ΔG) reduces the FRET efficiency. This efficiency is restored in the presence of FUD (bacterial adhesion from S. pyogenes) that has been known to interact with FNI 1-­‐‑9 via a tandem ß zipper. In the present study we

use FRET analysis and a series of deletion mutants of FNIII 2ΔG to study the shortest fragment of FNIII 2ΔG that is required to bind FNI 1-­‐‑9. Our results presented here are qualitative and show that FNIII 2ΔC’EFG is the shortest fragment required to bind FNI 1-­‐‑9. Deletion of one more strand abolishes the interaction with FNI 1-­‐‑9.


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Repetitive Ca2+ transients in dendritic spines induce various forms of synaptic plasticity by transmitting information encoded in their frequency and amplitude. CaMKII plays a critical role in decoding these Ca2+ signals to initiate long-lasting synaptic plasticity. However, the properties of CaMKII that mediate Ca2+ decoding in spines remain elusive. Here, I measured CaMKII activity in spines using fast-framing two-photon fluorescence lifetime imaging. Following each repetitive Ca2+ elevations, CaMKII activity increased in a stepwise manner. This signal integration, at the time scale of seconds, critically depended on Thr286 phosphorylation. In the absence of Thr286 phosphorylation, only by increasing the frequency of repetitive Ca2+ elevations could high peak CaMKII activity or plasticity be induced. In addition, I measured the association between CaMKII and Ca2+/CaM during spine plasticity induction. Unlike CaMKII activity, association of Ca2+/CaM to CaMKII plateaued at the first Ca2+ elevation event. This result indicated that integration of Ca2+ signals was initiated by the binding of Ca2+/CaM and amplified by the subsequent increases in Thr286-phosphorylated form of CaMKII. Together, these findings demonstrate that CaMKII functions as a leaky integrator of repetitive Ca2+ signals during the induction of synaptic plasticity, and that Thr286 phosphorylation is critical for defining the frequencies of such integration.


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Multifunctional calcium/calmodulin dependent protein kinases (CaMKs) are key regulators of spine structural plasticity and long-term potentiation (LTP) in neurons. CaMKs have promiscuous and overlapping substrate recognition motifs, and are distinguished in their regulatory role based on differences in the spatiotemporal dynamics of activity. While the function and activity of CaMKII in synaptic plasticity has been extensively studied, that of CaMKI, another major class of CaMK required for LTP, still remain elusive.

Here, we develop a Förster’s Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) based sensor to measure the spatiotemporal activity dynamics of CaMK1. We monitored CaMKI activity using 2-photon fluorescence lifetime imaging, while inducing LTP in single dendritic spines of rat (Rattus Norvegicus, strain Sprague Dawley) hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons using 2-photon glutamate uncaging. Using RNA-interference and pharmacological means, we also characterize the role of CaMKI during spine structural plasticity.

We found that CaMKI was rapidly and transiently activated with a rise time of ~0.3 s and decay time of ~1 s in response to each uncaging pulse. Activity of CaMKI spread out of the spine. Phosphorylation of CaMKI by CaMKK was required for this spreading and for the initial phase of structural LTP. Combined with previous data showing that CaMKII is restricted to the stimulated spine and required for long-term maintenance of structural LTP, these results suggest that CaMK diversity allows the same incoming signal – calcium – to independently regulate distinct phases of LTP by activating different CaMKs with distinct spatiotemporal dynamics.


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Dynamic processes such as morphogenesis and tissue patterning require the precise control of many cellular processes, especially cell migration. Historically, these processes are thought to be mediated by genetic and biochemical signaling pathways. However, recent advances have unraveled a previously unappreciated role of mechanical forces in regulating these homeostatic processes in of multicellular systems. In multicellular systems cells adhere to both deformable extracellular matrix (ECM) and other cells, which are sources of applied forces and means of mechanical support. Cells detect and respond to these mechanical signals through a poorly understood process called mechanotransduction, which can have profound effects on processes such as cell migration. These effects are largely mediated by the sub cellular structures that link cells to the ECM, called focal adhesions (FAs), or cells to other cells, termed adherens junctions (AJs).

Overall this thesis is comprised of my work on identifying a novel force dependent function of vinculin, a protein which resides in both FAs and AJs - in dynamic process of collective migration. Using a collective migration assay as a model for collective cell behavior and a fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) based molecular tension sensor for vinculin I demonstrated a spatial gradient of tension across vinculin in the direction of migration. To define this novel force-dependent role of vinculin in collective migration I took advantage of previously established shRNA based vinculin knock down Marin-Darby Canine Kidney (MDCK) epithelial cells.

The first part of my thesis comprises of my work demonstrating the mechanosensitive role of vinculin at AJ’s in collectively migrating cells. Using vinculin knockdown cells and vinculin mutants, which specifically disrupt vinculin’s ability to bind actin (VinI997A) or disrupt its ability to localize to AJs without affecting its localization at FAs (VinY822F), I establish a role of force across vinculin in E-cadherin internalization and clipping. Furthermore by measuring E-cadherin dynamics using fluorescence recovery after bleaching (FRAP) analysis I show that vinculin inhibition affects the turnover of E-cadherin at AJs. Together these data reveal a novel mechanosensitive role of vinculin in E-cadherin internalization and turnover in a migrating cell layer, which is contrary to the previously identified role of vinculin in potentiating E-cadherin junctions in a static monolayer.

For the last part of my thesis I designed a novel tension sensor to probe tension across N-cadherin (NTS). N-cadherin plays a critical role in cardiomyocytes, vascular smooth muscle cells, neurons and neural crest cells. Similar to E-cadherin, N-cadherin is also believed to bear tension and play a role in mechanotransduction pathways. To identify the role of tension across N-cadherin I designed a novel FRET-based molecular tension sensor for N-cadherin. I tested the ability of NTS to sense molecular tension in vascular smooth muscle cells, cardiomyocytes and cancer cells. Finally in collaboration with the Horwitz lab we have been able to show a role of tension across N-cadherin in synaptogenesis of neurons.