10 resultados para Non-coding RNA
em Duke University
The roles of long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) in regulating cancer and stem cells are being increasingly appreciated. Its diverse mechanisms provide the regulatory network with a bigger repertoire to increase complexity. Here we report a novel LncRNA, Lnc34a, that is enriched in colon cancer stem cells (CCSCs) and initiates asymmetric division by directly targeting the microRNA miR-34a to cause its spatial imbalance. Lnc34a recruits Dnmt3a via PHB2 and HDAC1 to methylate and deacetylate the miR-34a promoter simultaneously, hence epigenetically silencing miR-34a expression independent of its upstream regulator, p53. Lnc34a levels affect CCSC self-renewal and colorectal cancer (CRC) growth in xenograft models. Lnc34a is upregulated in late-stage CRCs, contributing to epigenetic miR-34a silencing and CRC proliferation. The fact that lncRNA targets microRNA highlights the regulatory complexity of non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs), which occupy the bulk of the genome.
A large proportion of the variation in traits between individuals can be attributed to variation in the nucleotide sequence of the genome. The most commonly studied traits in human genetics are related to disease and disease susceptibility. Although scientists have identified genetic causes for over 4,000 monogenic diseases, the underlying mechanisms of many highly prevalent multifactorial inheritance disorders such as diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular disease remain largely unknown. Identifying genetic mechanisms for complex traits has been challenging because most of the variants are located outside of protein-coding regions, and determining the effects of such non-coding variants remains difficult. In this dissertation, I evaluate the hypothesis that such non-coding variants contribute to human traits and diseases by altering the regulation of genes rather than the sequence of those genes. I will specifically focus on studies to determine the functional impacts of genetic variation associated with two related complex traits: gestational hyperglycemia and fetal adiposity. At the genomic locus associated with maternal hyperglycemia, we found that genetic variation in regulatory elements altered the expression of the HKDC1 gene. Furthermore, we demonstrated that HKDC1 phosphorylates glucose in vitro and in vivo, thus demonstrating that HKDC1 is a fifth human hexokinase gene. At the fetal-adiposity associated locus, we identified variants that likely alter VEPH1 expression in preadipocytes during differentiation. To make such studies of regulatory variation high-throughput and routine, we developed POP-STARR, a novel high throughput reporter assay that can empirically measure the effects of regulatory variants directly from patient DNA. By combining targeted genome capture technologies with STARR-seq, we assayed thousands of haplotypes from 760 individuals in a single experiment. We subsequently used POP-STARR to identify three key features of regulatory variants: that regulatory variants typically have weak effects on gene expression; that the effects of regulatory variants are often coordinated with respect to disease-risk, suggesting a general mechanism by which the weak effects can together have phenotypic impact; and that nucleotide transversions have larger impacts on enhancer activity than transitions. Together, the findings presented here demonstrate successful strategies for determining the regulatory mechanisms underlying genetic associations with human traits and diseases, and value of doing so for driving novel biological discovery.
The central dogma of molecular biology relies on the correct Watson-Crick (WC) geometry of canonical deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) dG•dC and dA•dT base pairs to replicate and transcribe genetic information with speed and an astonishing level of fidelity. In addition, the Watson-Crick geometry of canonical ribonucleic acid (RNA) rG•rC and rA•rU base pairs is highly conserved to ensure that proteins are translated with high fidelity. However, numerous other potential nucleobase tautomeric and ionic configurations are possible that can give rise to entirely new pairing modes between the nucleotide bases. Very early on, James Watson and Francis Crick recognized their importance and in 1953 postulated that if bases adopted one of their less energetically disfavored tautomeric forms (and later ionic forms) during replication it could lead to the formation of a mismatch with a Watson-Crick-like geometry and could give rise to “natural mutations.”
Since this time numerous studies have provided evidence in support of this hypothesis and have expanded upon it; computational studies have addressed the energetic feasibilities of different nucleobases’ tautomeric and ionic forms in siico; crystallographic studies have trapped different mismatches with WC-like geometries in polymerase or ribosome active sites. However, no direct evidence has been given for (i) the direct existence of these WC-like mismatches in canonical DNA duplex, RNA duplexes, or non-coding RNAs; (ii) which, if any, tautomeric or ionic form stabilizes the WC-like geometry. This thesis utilizes nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and rotating frame relaxation dispersion (R1ρ RD) in combination with density functional theory (DFT), biochemical assays, and targeted chemical perturbations to show that (i) dG•dT mismatches in DNA duplexes, as well as rG•rU mismatches RNA duplexes and non-coding RNAs, transiently adopt a WC-like geometry that is stabilized by (ii) an interconnected network of rapidly interconverting rare tautomers and anionic bases. These results support Watson and Crick’s tautomer hypothesis, but additionally support subsequent hypotheses invoking anionic mismatches and ultimately tie them together. This dissertation shows that a common mismatch can adopt a Watson-Crick-like geometry globally, in both DNA and RNA, and whose geometry is stabilized by a kinetically linked network of rare tautomeric and anionic bases. The studies herein also provide compelling evidence for their involvement in spontaneous replication and translation errors.
Human genetics has been experiencing a wave of genetic discoveries thanks to the development of several technologies, such as genome-wide association studies (GWAS), whole-exome sequencing, and whole genome sequencing. Despite the massive genetic discoveries of new variants associated with human diseases, several key challenges emerge following the genetic discovery. GWAS is known to be good at identifying the locus associated with the patient phenotype. However, the actually causal variants responsible for the phenotype are often elusive. Another challenge in human genetics is that even the causal mutations are already known, the underlying biological effect might remain largely ambiguous. Functional evaluation plays a key role to solve these key challenges in human genetics both to identify causal variants responsible for the phenotype, and to further develop the biological insights from the disease-causing mutations.
We adopted various methods to characterize the effects of variants identified in human genetic studies, including patient genetic and phenotypic data, RNA chemistry, molecular biology, virology, and multi-electrode array and primary neuronal culture systems. Chapter 1 is a broader introduction for the motivation and challenges for functional evaluation in human genetic studies, and the background of several genetics discoveries, such as hepatitis C treatment response, in which we performed functional characterization.
Chapter 2 focuses on the characterization of causal variants following the GWAS study for hepatitis C treatment response. We characterized a non-coding SNP (rs4803217) of IL28B (IFNL3) in high linkage disequilibrium (LD) with the discovery SNP identified in the GWAS. In this chapter, we used inter-disciplinary approaches to characterize rs4803217 on RNA structure, disease association, and protein translation.
Chapter 3 describes another avenue of functional characterization following GWAS focusing on the novel transcripts and proteins identified near the IL28B (IFNL3) locus. It has been recently speculated that this novel protein, which was named IFNL4, may affect the HCV treatment response and clearance. In this chapter, we used molecular biology, virology, and patient genetic and phenotypic data to further characterize and understand the biology of IFNL4. The efforts in chapter 2 and 3 provided new insights to the candidate causal variant(s) responsible for the GWAS for HCV treatment response, however, more evidence is still required to make claims for the exact causal roles of these variants for the GWAS association.
Chapter 4 aims to characterize a mutation already known to cause a disease (seizure) in a mouse model. We demonstrate the potential use of multi-electrode array (MEA) system for the functional characterization and drug testing on mutations found in neurological diseases, such as seizure. Functional characterization in neurological diseases is relatively challenging and available systematic tools are relatively limited. This chapter shows an exploratory research and example to establish a system for the broader use for functional characterization and translational opportunities for mutations found in neurological diseases.
Overall, this dissertation spans a range of challenges of functional evaluations in human genetics. It is expected that the functional characterization to understand human mutations will become more central in human genetics, because there are still many biological questions remaining to be answered after the explosion of human genetic discoveries. The recent advance in several technologies, including genome editing and pluripotent stem cells, is also expected to make new tools available for functional studies in human diseases.
The MazEF toxin-antitoxin (TA) system consists of the antitoxin MazE and the toxin MazF. MazF is a sequence-specific endoribonuclease that upon activation causes cellular growth arrest and increass the level of persisters. Moreover, MazF-induced cells are in a quasi-dormant state that cells remain metabolically active while stop dividing. The quasi-dormancy is similar to the nonreplicating state of M. tuberculosis during latent tuberculosis, thus suggesting the role of mazEF in M. tuberculosis dormancy and persistence. M. tuberculosis has nine mazEF TA modules, each with different RNA cleavage specificities and implicated in selective gene expression during stress conditions. To date only the Bacillus subtilis MazF-RNA complex structure has been determined. As M. tuberculosis MazF homologues recognize distinct RNA sequences, their molecular mechanisms of substrate specificity remain unclear. By taking advantage of X-ray crystallography, we have determined structures of two M. tuberculosis MazF-RNA complexes, MazF-mt1 (Rv2801c) and MazF-mt3 (Rv1991c) in complex with an uncleavable RNA substrate. These structures have provided the molecular basis of sequence-specific RNA recognition and cleavage by MazF toxins.
Both MazF-mt1-RNA and MazF-mt3-RNA complexes showed similar structural organization with one molecule of RNA bound to a MazF-mt1 or MazF-mt3 dimer and occupying the same pocket within the MazF dimer interface. Similar to B. subtilis MazF-RNA complex, MazF-mt1 and MazF-mt3 displayed a conserved active site architecture, where two highly conserved residues, Arg and Thr, form hydrogen bonds with the scissile phosphate group in the cleavage site of the bound RNA. The MazF-mt1-RNA complex also showed specific interactions with its three-base RNA recognition element. Compared with the B. subtilis MazF-RNA complex, our structures showed that residues involved in sequence-specific recognition of target RNA vary between the MazF homologues, therefore explaining the molecular basis for their different RNA recognition sequences. In addition, local conformational changes of the loops in the RNA binding site of MazF-mt1 appear to play a role in MazF targeting different RNA lengths and sequences. In contrast, the MazF-mt3-RNA complex is in a non-optimal RNA binding state with a symmetry-related MazF-mt3 molecule found to make interactions with the bound RNA in the crystal. The crystal-packing interactions were further examined by isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) studies on selected MazF-mt3 mutants. Our attempts to utilize a MazF-mt3 mutant bearing mutations involved in crystal contacts all crystallized with few nucleotides, which are still found to interact with a symmetry mate. However, these different crystal forms revealed the conformational flexibility of loops in the RNA binding interface of MazF-mt3, suggesting their role in RNA binding and recognition, which will require further studies on additional MazF-mt3-RNA complex interactions.
In conclusion, the structures of the MazF-mt1-RNA and MazF-mt3-RNA complexes provide the first structural information on any M. tuberculosis MazF homologues. Supplemented with structure-guided mutational studies on MazF toxicity in vivo, this study has addressed the structural basis of different RNA cleavage specificities among MazF homologues. Our work will guide future studies on the function of other M. tuberculosis MazF and MazE-MazF homologues, and will help delineate their physiological roles in M. tuberculosis stress responses and pathogenesis.
Immunity is broadly defined as a mechanism of protection against non-self entities, a process which must be sufficiently robust to both eliminate the initial foreign body and then be maintained over the life of the host. Life-long immunity is impossible without the development of immunological memory, of which a central component is the cellular immune system, or T cells. Cellular immunity hinges upon a naïve T cell pool of sufficient size and breadth to enable Darwinian selection of clones responsive to foreign antigens during an initial encounter. Further, the generation and maintenance of memory T cells is required for rapid clearance responses against repeated insult, and so this small memory pool must be actively maintained by pro-survival cytokine signals over the life of the host.
T cell development, function, and maintenance are regulated on a number of molecular levels through complex regulatory networks. Recently, small non-coding RNAs, miRNAs, have been observed to have profound impacts on diverse aspects of T cell biology by impeding the translation of RNA transcripts to protein. While many miRNAs have been described that alter T cell development or functional differentiation, little is known regarding the role that miRNAs have in T cell maintenance in the periphery at homeostasis.
In Chapter 3 of this dissertation, tools to study miRNA biology and function were developed. First, to understand the effect that miRNA overexpression had on T cell responses, a novel overexpression system was developed to enhance the processing efficiency and ultimate expression of a given miRNA by placing it within an alternative miRNA backbone. Next, a conditional knockout mouse system was devised to specifically delete miR-191 in a cell population expressing recombinase. This strategy was expanded to permit the selective deletion of single miRNAs from within a cluster to discern the effects of specific miRNAs that were previously inaccessible in isolation. Last, to enable the identification of potentially therapeutically viable miRNA function and/or expression modulators, a high-throughput flow cytometry-based screening system utilizing miRNA activity reporters was tested and validated. Thus, several novel and useful tools were developed to assist in the studies described in Chapter 4 and in future miRNA studies.
In Chapter 4 of this dissertation, the role of miR-191 in T cell biology was evaluated. Using tools developed in Chapter 3, miR-191 was observed to be critical for T cell survival following activation-induced cell death, while proliferation was unaffected by alterations in miR-191 expression. Loss of miR-191 led to significant decreases in the numbers of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in the periphery lymph nodes, but this loss had no impact on the homeostatic activation of either CD4+ or CD8+ cells. These peripheral changes were not caused by gross defects in thymic development, but rather impaired STAT5 phosphorylation downstream of pro-survival cytokine signals. miR-191 does not specifically inhibit STAT5, but rather directly targets the scaffolding protein, IRS1, which in turn alters cytokine-dependent signaling. The defect in peripheral T cell maintenance was exacerbated by the presence of a Bcl-2YFP transgene, which led to even greater peripheral T cell losses in addition to developmental defects. These studies collectively demonstrate that miR-191 controls peripheral T cell maintenance by modulating homeostatic cytokine signaling through the regulation of IRS1 expression and downstream STAT5 phosphorylation.
The studies described in this dissertation collectively demonstrate that miR-191 has a profound role in the maintenance of T cells at homeostasis in the periphery. Importantly, the manipulation of miR-191 altered immune homeostasis without leading to severe immunodeficiency or autoimmunity. As much data exists on the causative agents disrupting active immune responses and the formation of immunological memory, the basic processes underlying the continued maintenance of a functioning immune system must be fully characterized to facilitate the development of methods for promoting healthy immune function throughout the life of the individual. These findings also have powerful implications for the ability of patients with modest perturbations in T cell homeostasis to effectively fight disease and respond to vaccination and may provide valuable targets for therapeutic intervention.
Quantifying the function of mammalian enhancers at the genome or population scale has been longstanding challenge in the field of gene regulation. Studies of individual enhancers have provided anecdotal evidence on which many foundational assumptions in the field are based. Genome-scale studies have revealed that the number of sites bound by a given transcription factor far outnumber the genes that the factor regulates. In this dissertation we describe a new method, chromatin immune-enriched reporter assays (ChIP-reporters), and use that approach to comprehensively test the enhancer activity of genomic loci bound by the glucocorticoid receptor (GR). Integrative genomics analyses of our ChIP-reporter data revealed an unexpected mechanism of glucocorticoid (GC)-induced gene regulation. In that mechanism, only the minority of GR bound sites acts as GC-inducible enhancers. Many non-GC-inducible GR binding sites interact with GC-induced sites via chromatin looping. These interactions can increase the activity of GC-induced enhancers. Finally, we describe a method that enables the detection and characterization of the functional effects of non-coding genetic variation on enhancer activity at the population scale. Taken together, these studies yield both mechanistic and genetic evidence that provides context that informs the understanding of the effects of multiple enhancer variants on gene expression.
The Arabidopsis root apical meristem (RAM) is a complex tissue capable of generating all the cell types that ultimately make up the root. The work presented in this thesis takes advantage of the versatility of high-throughput sequencing to address two independent questions about the root meristem. Although a lot of information is known regarding the cell fate decisions that occur at the RAM, cortex specification and differentiation remain poorly understood. In the first part of this thesis, I used an ethylmethanesulfonate (EMS) mutagenized marker line to perform a forward genetics screen. The goal of this screen was to identify novel genes involved in the specification and differentiation of the cortex tissue. Mapping analysis from the results obtained in this screen revealed a new allele of BRASSINOSTEROID4 with abnormal marker expression in the cortex tissue. Although this allele proved to be non-cortex specific, this project highlights new technology that allows mapping of EMS-generated mutations without the need to map-cross or back-cross. In the second part of this thesis, using fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS) coupled with high throughput sequencing, my collaborators and I generated single-base resolution whole genome DNA methylomes, mRNA transcriptomes, and smallRNA transcriptomes for six different populations of cell types in the Arabidopsis root meristem. We were able to discover that the columella is hypermethylated in the CHH context within transposable elements. This hypermethylation is accompanied by upregulation of the RNA-dependent DNA methylation pathway (RdDM), including higher levels of 24-nt silencing RNAs (siRNAs). In summary, our studies demonstrate the versatility of high-throughput sequencing as a method for identifying single mutations or to perform complex comparative genomic analyses.
Post-transcriptional regulation of cytoplasmic mRNAs is an efficient mechanism of regulating the amounts of active protein within a eukaryotic cell. RNA sequence elements located in the untranslated regions of mRNAs can influence transcript degradation or translation through associations with RNA-binding proteins. Tristetraprolin (TTP) is the best known member of a family of CCCH zinc finger proteins that targets adenosine-uridine rich element (ARE) binding sites in the 3’ untranslated regions (UTRs) of mRNAs, promoting transcript deadenylation through the recruitment of deadenylases. More specifically, TTP has been shown to bind AREs located in the 3’-UTRs of transcripts with known roles in the inflammatory response. The mRNA-binding region of the protein is the highly conserved CCCH tandem zinc finger (TZF) domain. The synthetic TTP TZF domain has been shown to bind with high affinity to the 13-mer sequence of UUUUAUUUAUUUU. However, the binding affinities of full-length TTP family members to the same sequence and its variants are unknown. Furthermore, the distance needed between two overlapping or neighboring UUAUUUAUU 9-mers for tandem binding events of a full-length TTP family member to a target transcript has not been explored. To address these questions, we recombinantly expressed and purified the full-length C. albicans TTP family member Zfs1. Using full-length Zfs1, tagged at the N-terminus with maltose binding protein (MBP), we determined the binding affinities of the protein to the optimal TTP binding sequence, UUAUUUAUU. Fluorescence anisotropy experiments determined that the binding affinities of MBP-Zfs1 to non-canonical AREs were influenced by ionic buffer strength, suggesting that transcript selectivity may be affected by intracellular conditions. Furthermore, electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSAs) revealed that separation of two core AUUUA sequences by two uridines is sufficient for tandem binding of MBP-Zfs1. Finally, we found evidence for tandem binding of MBP-Zfs1 to a 27-base RNA oligonucleotide containing only a single ARE-binding site, and showed that this was concentration and RNA length dependent; this phenomenon had not been seen previously. These data suggest that the association of the TTP TZF domain and the TZF domains of other species, to ARE-binding sites is highly conserved. Domains outside of the TZF domain may mediate transcript selectivity in changing cellular conditions, and promote protein-RNA interactions not associated with the ARE-binding TZF domain.
In summary, the evidence presented here suggests that Zfs1-mediated decay of mRNA targets may require additional interactions, in addition to ARE-TZF domain associations, to promote transcript destabilization and degradation. These studies further our understanding of post-transcriptional steps in gene regulation.
mRNA localization is emerging as a critical cellular mechanism for the spatiotemporal regulation of protein expression and serves important roles in oogenesis, embryogenesis, cell fate specification, and synapse formation. Signal sequence-encoding mRNAs are localized to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane by either of two mechanisms, a canonical mechanism of translation on ER-bound ribosomes (signal recognition particle pathway), or a poorly understood direct ER anchoring mechanism. In this study, we identify that the ER integral membrane proteins function as RNA-binding proteins and play important roles in the direct mRNA anchoring to the ER. We report that one of the ER integral membrane RNA-binding protein, AEG-1 (astrocyte elevated gene-1), functions in the direct ER anchoring and translational regulation of mRNAs encoding endomembrane transmembrane proteins. HITS-CLIP and PAR-CLIP analyses of the AEG-1 mRNA interactome of human hepatocellular carcinoma cells revealed a high enrichment for mRNAs encoding endomembrane organelle proteins, most notably encoding transmembrane proteins. AEG-1 binding sites were highly enriched in the coding sequence and displayed a signature cluster enrichment downstream of encoded transmembrane domains. In overexpression and knockdown models, AEG-1 expression markedly regulates translational efficiency and protein functions of two of its bound transcripts, MDR1 and NPC1. This study reveals a molecular mechanism for the selective localization of mRNAs to the ER and identifies a novel post-transcriptional gene regulation function for AEG-1 in membrane protein expression.