3 resultados para Nature inspired algorithms

em Duke University


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Proteins are essential components of cells and are crucial for catalyzing reactions, signaling, recognition, motility, recycling, and structural stability. This diversity of function suggests that nature is only scratching the surface of protein functional space. Protein function is determined by structure, which in turn is determined predominantly by amino acid sequence. Protein design aims to explore protein sequence and conformational space to design novel proteins with new or improved function. The vast number of possible protein sequences makes exploring the space a challenging problem.

Computational structure-based protein design (CSPD) allows for the rational design of proteins. Because of the large search space, CSPD methods must balance search accuracy and modeling simplifications. We have developed algorithms that allow for the accurate and efficient search of protein conformational space. Specifically, we focus on algorithms that maintain provability, account for protein flexibility, and use ensemble-based rankings. We present several novel algorithms for incorporating improved flexibility into CSPD with continuous rotamers. We applied these algorithms to two biomedically important design problems. We designed peptide inhibitors of the cystic fibrosis agonist CAL that were able to restore function of the vital cystic fibrosis protein CFTR. We also designed improved HIV antibodies and nanobodies to combat HIV infections.


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Scheduling a set of jobs over a collection of machines to optimize a certain quality-of-service measure is one of the most important research topics in both computer science theory and practice. In this thesis, we design algorithms that optimize {\em flow-time} (or delay) of jobs for scheduling problems that arise in a wide range of applications. We consider the classical model of unrelated machine scheduling and resolve several long standing open problems; we introduce new models that capture the novel algorithmic challenges in scheduling jobs in data centers or large clusters; we study the effect of selfish behavior in distributed and decentralized environments; we design algorithms that strive to balance the energy consumption and performance.

The technically interesting aspect of our work is the surprising connections we establish between approximation and online algorithms, economics, game theory, and queuing theory. It is the interplay of ideas from these different areas that lies at the heart of most of the algorithms presented in this thesis.

The main contributions of the thesis can be placed in one of the following categories.

1. Classical Unrelated Machine Scheduling: We give the first polygorithmic approximation algorithms for minimizing the average flow-time and minimizing the maximum flow-time in the offline setting. In the online and non-clairvoyant setting, we design the first non-clairvoyant algorithm for minimizing the weighted flow-time in the resource augmentation model. Our work introduces iterated rounding technique for the offline flow-time optimization, and gives the first framework to analyze non-clairvoyant algorithms for unrelated machines.

2. Polytope Scheduling Problem: To capture the multidimensional nature of the scheduling problems that arise in practice, we introduce Polytope Scheduling Problem (\psp). The \psp problem generalizes almost all classical scheduling models, and also captures hitherto unstudied scheduling problems such as routing multi-commodity flows, routing multicast (video-on-demand) trees, and multi-dimensional resource allocation. We design several competitive algorithms for the \psp problem and its variants for the objectives of minimizing the flow-time and completion time. Our work establishes many interesting connections between scheduling and market equilibrium concepts, fairness and non-clairvoyant scheduling, and queuing theoretic notion of stability and resource augmentation analysis.

3. Energy Efficient Scheduling: We give the first non-clairvoyant algorithm for minimizing the total flow-time + energy in the online and resource augmentation model for the most general setting of unrelated machines.

4. Selfish Scheduling: We study the effect of selfish behavior in scheduling and routing problems. We define a fairness index for scheduling policies called {\em bounded stretch}, and show that for the objective of minimizing the average (weighted) completion time, policies with small stretch lead to equilibrium outcomes with small price of anarchy. Our work gives the first linear/ convex programming duality based framework to bound the price of anarchy for general equilibrium concepts such as coarse correlated equilibrium.


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Dynamics of biomolecules over various spatial and time scales are essential for biological functions such as molecular recognition, catalysis and signaling. However, reconstruction of biomolecular dynamics from experimental observables requires the determination of a conformational probability distribution. Unfortunately, these distributions cannot be fully constrained by the limited information from experiments, making the problem an ill-posed one in the terminology of Hadamard. The ill-posed nature of the problem comes from the fact that it has no unique solution. Multiple or even an infinite number of solutions may exist. To avoid the ill-posed nature, the problem needs to be regularized by making assumptions, which inevitably introduce biases into the result.

Here, I present two continuous probability density function approaches to solve an important inverse problem called the RDC trigonometric moment problem. By focusing on interdomain orientations we reduced the problem to determination of a distribution on the 3D rotational space from residual dipolar couplings (RDCs). We derived an analytical equation that relates alignment tensors of adjacent domains, which serves as the foundation of the two methods. In the first approach, the ill-posed nature of the problem was avoided by introducing a continuous distribution model, which enjoys a smoothness assumption. To find the optimal solution for the distribution, we also designed an efficient branch-and-bound algorithm that exploits the mathematical structure of the analytical solutions. The algorithm is guaranteed to find the distribution that best satisfies the analytical relationship. We observed good performance of the method when tested under various levels of experimental noise and when applied to two protein systems. The second approach avoids the use of any model by employing maximum entropy principles. This 'model-free' approach delivers the least biased result which presents our state of knowledge. In this approach, the solution is an exponential function of Lagrange multipliers. To determine the multipliers, a convex objective function is constructed. Consequently, the maximum entropy solution can be found easily by gradient descent methods. Both algorithms can be applied to biomolecular RDC data in general, including data from RNA and DNA molecules.