3 resultados para Monitoring vibration systems
em Duke University
Human motion monitoring is an important function in numerous applications. In this dissertation, two systems for monitoring motions of multiple human targets in wide-area indoor environments are discussed, both of which use radio frequency (RF) signals to detect, localize, and classify different types of human motion. In the first system, a coherent monostatic multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) array is used, and a joint spatial-temporal adaptive processing method is developed to resolve micro-Doppler signatures at each location in a wide-area for motion mapping. The downranges are obtained by estimating time-delays from the targets, and the crossranges are obtained by coherently filtering array spatial signals. Motion classification is then applied to each target based on micro-Doppler analysis. In the second system, multiple noncoherent multistatic transmitters (Tx's) and receivers (Rx's) are distributed in a wide-area, and motion mapping is achieved by noncoherently combining bistatic range profiles from multiple Tx-Rx pairs. Also, motion classification is applied to each target by noncoherently combining bistatic micro-Doppler signatures from multiple Tx-Rx pairs. For both systems, simulation and real data results are shown to demonstrate the ability of the proposed methods for monitoring patient repositioning activities for pressure ulcer prevention.
Rolling Isolation Systems provide a simple and effective means for protecting components from horizontal floor vibrations. In these systems a platform rolls on four steel balls which, in turn, rest within shallow bowls. The trajectories of the balls is uniquely determined by the horizontal and rotational velocity components of the rolling platform, and thus provides nonholonomic constraints. In general, the bowls are not parabolic, so the potential energy function of this system is not quadratic. This thesis presents the application of Gauss's Principle of Least Constraint to the modeling of rolling isolation platforms. The equations of motion are described in terms of a redundant set of constrained coordinates. Coordinate accelerations are uniquely determined at any point in time via Gauss's Principle by solving a linearly constrained quadratic minimization. In the absence of any modeled damping, the equations of motion conserve energy. This mathematical model is then used to find the bowl profile that minimizes response acceleration subject to displacement constraint.
Distributed Computing frameworks belong to a class of programming models that allow developers to
launch workloads on large clusters of machines. Due to the dramatic increase in the volume of
data gathered by ubiquitous computing devices, data analytic workloads have become a common
case among distributed computing applications, making Data Science an entire field of
Computer Science. We argue that Data Scientist's concern lays in three main components: a dataset,
a sequence of operations they wish to apply on this dataset, and some constraint they may have
related to their work (performances, QoS, budget, etc). However, it is actually extremely
difficult, without domain expertise, to perform data science. One need to select the right amount
and type of resources, pick up a framework, and configure it. Also, users are often running their
application in shared environments, ruled by schedulers expecting them to specify precisely their resource
needs. Inherent to the distributed and concurrent nature of the cited frameworks, monitoring and
profiling are hard, high dimensional problems that block users from making the right
configuration choices and determining the right amount of resources they need. Paradoxically, the
system is gathering a large amount of monitoring data at runtime, which remains unused.
In the ideal abstraction we envision for data scientists, the system is adaptive, able to exploit
monitoring data to learn about workloads, and process user requests into a tailored execution
context. In this work, we study different techniques that have been used to make steps toward
such system awareness, and explore a new way to do so by implementing machine learning
techniques to recommend a specific subset of system configurations for Apache Spark applications.
Furthermore, we present an in depth study of Apache Spark executors configuration, which highlight
the complexity in choosing the best one for a given workload.