4 resultados para Molecular biology|Genetics|Cellular biology
em Duke University
Maintenance of vascular homeostasis is an active process that is dependent on continuous signaling by the quiescent endothelial cells (ECs) that line mature vessels. Defects in vascular homeostasis contribute to numerous disorders of significant clinical impact including hypertension and atherosclerosis. The signaling pathways that are active in quiescent ECs are distinct from those that regulate angiogenesis but are comparatively poorly understood. Here we demonstrate that the previously uncharacterized scaffolding protein Caskin2 is a novel regulator of EC quiescence and that loss of Caskin2 in mice results in elevated blood pressure at baseline. Caskin2 is highly expressed in ECs from various vascular beds both in vitro and in vivo. When adenovirally expressed in vitro, Caskin2 inhibits EC proliferation and migration but promotes survival during hypoxia and nutrient deprivation. Likewise, loss of Caskin2 in vivo promotes increased vascular branching and permeability in mouse and zebrafish models. Caskin2 knockout mice are born in normal Mendelian ratios and appear grossly normal during early adulthood. However, they have consistently elevated systolic and diastolic blood pressure at baseline and significant context-dependent abnormalities in systemic metabolism (e.g., body weight, fat deposition, and glucose homeostasis). Although the precise molecular mechanisms of these effects remain unclear, we have shown that Caskin2 interacts with several proteins known to have important roles in endothelial biology and cardiovascular disease including the serine/threonine phosphatase PP1, the endothelial receptor Tie1, and eNOS, which is a critical regulator of vascular homeostasis. Ongoing work seeks to further characterize the functions of Caskin2 and its mechanisms of action with a focus on how Caskin2-mediated regulation of endothelial phenotype relates to its systemic effects on cardiovascular and metabolic function.
Polarization is important for the function and morphology of many different cell types. The keys regulators of polarity in eukaryotes are the Rho-family GTPases. In the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which must polarize in order to bud and to mate, the master regulator is the highly conserved Rho GTPase, Cdc42. During polarity establishment, active Cdc42 accumulates at a site on the plasma membrane characterizing the “front” of the cell where the bud will emerge. The orientation of polarization is guided by upstream cues that dictate the site of Cdc42 clustering. However, in the absence of upstream cues, yeast can still polarize in a random direction during symmetry breaking. Symmetry breaking suggests cells possess an autocatalytic polarization mechanism that can amplify stochastic fluctuations of polarity proteins through a positive feedback mechanism.
Two different positive feedback mechanisms have been proposed to polarize Cdc42 in budding yeast. One model posits that Cdc42 activation must be localized to a site at the plasma membrane. Another model posits that Cdc42 delivery must be localized to a particular site at the plasma membrane. Although both mechanisms could work in parallel to polarize Cdc42, it is unclear which mechanism is critical to polarity establishment. We directly tested the predictions of the two positive feedback models using genetics and live microscopy. We found that localized Cdc42 activation is necessary for polarity establishment.
While this explains how active Cdc42 localizes to a particular site at the plasma membrane, it does not address how Cdc42 concentrates at that site. Several different mechanisms have been proposed to concentrate Cdc42. The GDI can extract Cdc42 from membranes and selective mobilize GDP-Cdc42 in the cytoplasm. It was proposed that selectively mobilizing GDP-Cdc42 in combination with local activation could locally concentrate total Cdc42 at the polarity site. Although the GDI is important for rapid Cdc42 accumulation at the polarity site, it is not essential to Cdc42 concentration. It was proposed that delivery of Cdc42 by actin-mediated vesicle can act as a backup pathway to concentrate Cdc42. However, we found no evidence for an actin-dependent concentrating pathway. Live microscopy experiments reveal that prenylated proteins are not restricted to membranes, and can enter the cytoplasm. We found that the GDI-independent concentrating pathway still requires Cdc42 to exchange between the plasma membrane and the cytoplasm, which is supported by computational modeling. In the absence of the GDI, we found that Cdc42 GAP became essential for polarization. We propose that the GAP limits GTP-Cdc42 leak into the cytoplasm, which would be prohibitive to Cdc42 polarization.
Mitotic genome instability can occur during the repair of double-strand breaks (DSBs) in DNA, which arise from endogenous and exogenous sources. Studying the mechanisms of DNA repair in the budding yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae has shown that Homologous Recombination (HR) is a vital repair mechanism for DSBs. HR can result in a crossover event, in which the broken molecule reciprocally exchanges information with a homologous repair template. The current model of double-strand break repair (DSBR) also allows for a tract of information to non-reciprocally transfer from the template molecule to the broken molecule. These “gene conversion” events can vary in size and can occur in conjunction with a crossover event or in isolation. The frequency and size of gene conversions in isolation and gene conversions associated with crossing over has been a source of debate due to the variation in systems used to detect gene conversions and the context in which the gene conversions are measured.
In Chapter 2, I use an unbiased system that measures the frequency and size of gene conversion events, as well as the association of gene conversion events with crossing over between homologs in diploid yeast. We show mitotic gene conversions occur at a rate of 1.3x10-6 per cell division, are either large (median 54.0kb) or small (median 6.4kb), and are associated with crossing over 43% of the time.
DSBs can arise from endogenous cellular processes such as replication and transcription. Two important RNA/DNA hybrids are involved in replication and transcription: R-loops, which form when an RNA transcript base pairs with the DNA template and displaces the non-template DNA strand, and ribonucleotides embedded into DNA (rNMPs), which arise when replicative polymerase errors insert ribonucleotide instead of deoxyribonucleotide triphosphates. RNaseH1 (encoded by RNH1) and RNaseH2 (whose catalytic subunit is encoded by RNH201) both recognize and degrade the RNA in within R-loops while RNaseH2 alone recognizes, nicks, and initiates removal of rNMPs embedded into DNA. Due to their redundant abilities to act on RNA:DNA hybrids, aberrant removal of rNMPs from DNA has been thought to lead to genome instability in an rnh201Δ background.
In Chapter 3, I characterize (1) non-selective genome-wide homologous recombination events and (2) crossing over on chromosome IV in mutants defective in RNaseH1, RNaseH2, or RNaseH1 and RNaseH2. Using a mutant DNA polymerase that incorporates 4-fold fewer rNMPs than wild type, I demonstrate that the primary recombinogenic lesion in the RNaseH2-defective genome is not rNMPs, but rather R-loops. This work suggests different in-vivo roles for RNaseH1 and RNaseH2 in resolving R-loops in yeast and is consistent with R-loops, not rNMPs, being the the likely source of pathology in Aicardi-Goutières Syndrome patients defective in RNaseH2.
The lungs are vital organs whose airways are lined with a continuous layer of epithelial cells. Epithelial cells in the distal most part of the lung, the alveolar space, are specialized to facilitate gas exchange. Proximal to the alveoli is the airway epithelium, which provides an essential barrier and is the first line of defense against inhaled toxicants, pollutants, and pathogens. Although the postnatal lung is a quiescent organ, it has an inherent ability to regenerate in response to injury. Proper balance between maintaining quiescence and undergoing repair is crucial, with imbalances in these processes leading to fibrosis or tumor development. Stem and progenitor cells are central to maintaining balance, given that they proliferate and renew both themselves and the various differentiated cells of the lung. However, the precise mechanisms regulating quiescence and repair in the lungs are largely unknown. In this dissertation, ionizing radiation is used as a physiologically relevant injury model to better understand the repair process of the airway epithelium. We use in vitro and in vivo mouse models to study the response of a secretory progenitor, the club cell, to various doses and qualities of ionizing radiation. Exposure to radiation found in space environments and in some types of radiotherapy caused clonal expansion of club cells specifically in the most distal branches of the airway epithelium, indicating that the progenitors residing in the terminal bronchioles are radiosensitive. This clonal expansion is due to an increase in p53-dependent apoptosis, senescence, and mitotic defects. Through the course of this work, we discovered that p53 is not only involved in radiation response, but is also a novel regulator of airway epithelial homeostasis. p53 acts in a gene dose-dependent manner to regulate the composition of airway epithelium by maintaining quiescence and regulating differentiation of club progenitor cells in the steady-state lung. The work presented in this dissertation represents an advance in our understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying maintenance of airway epithelial progenitor cells as well as their repair following ionizing radiation exposure.