13 resultados para Model compliant mechanisms
em Duke University
Magnetic resonance imaging is a research and clinical tool that has been applied in a wide variety of sciences. One area of magnetic resonance imaging that has exhibited terrific promise and growth in the past decade is magnetic susceptibility imaging. Imaging tissue susceptibility provides insight into the microstructural organization and chemical properties of biological tissues, but this image contrast is not well understood. The purpose of this work is to develop effective approaches to image, assess, and model the mechanisms that generate both isotropic and anisotropic magnetic susceptibility contrast in biological tissues, including myocardium and central nervous system white matter.
This document contains the first report of MRI-measured susceptibility anisotropy in myocardium. Intact mouse heart specimens were scanned using MRI at 9.4 T to ascertain both the magnetic susceptibility and myofiber orientation of the tissue. The susceptibility anisotropy of myocardium was observed and measured by relating the apparent tissue susceptibility as a function of the myofiber angle with respect to the applied magnetic field. A multi-filament model of myocardial tissue revealed that the diamagnetically anisotropy α-helix peptide bonds in myofilament proteins are capable of producing bulk susceptibility anisotropy on a scale measurable by MRI, and are potentially the chief sources of the experimentally observed anisotropy.
The growing use of paramagnetic contrast agents in magnetic susceptibility imaging motivated a series of investigations regarding the effect of these exogenous agents on susceptibility imaging in the brain, heart, and kidney. In each of these organs, gadolinium increases susceptibility contrast and anisotropy, though the enhancements depend on the tissue type, compartmentalization of contrast agent, and complex multi-pool relaxation. In the brain, the introduction of paramagnetic contrast agents actually makes white matter tissue regions appear more diamagnetic relative to the reference susceptibility. Gadolinium-enhanced MRI yields tensor-valued susceptibility images with eigenvectors that more accurately reflect the underlying tissue orientation.
Despite the boost gadolinium provides, tensor-valued susceptibility image reconstruction is prone to image artifacts. A novel algorithm was developed to mitigate these artifacts by incorporating orientation-dependent tissue relaxation information into susceptibility tensor estimation. The technique was verified using a numerical phantom simulation, and improves susceptibility-based tractography in the brain, kidney, and heart. This work represents the first successful application of susceptibility-based tractography to a whole, intact heart.
The knowledge and tools developed throughout the course of this research were then applied to studying mouse models of Alzheimer’s disease in vivo, and studying hypertrophic human myocardium specimens ex vivo. Though a preliminary study using contrast-enhanced quantitative susceptibility mapping has revealed diamagnetic amyloid plaques associated with Alzheimer’s disease in the mouse brain ex vivo, non-contrast susceptibility imaging was unable to precisely identify these plaques in vivo. Susceptibility tensor imaging of human myocardium specimens at 9.4 T shows that susceptibility anisotropy is larger and mean susceptibility is more diamagnetic in hypertrophic tissue than in normal tissue. These findings support the hypothesis that myofilament proteins are a source of susceptibility contrast and anisotropy in myocardium. This collection of preclinical studies provides new tools and context for analyzing tissue structure, chemistry, and health in a variety of organs throughout the body.
A significant challenge in environmental toxicology is that many genetic and genomic tools available in laboratory models are not developed for commonly used environmental models. The Atlantic killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus) is one of the most studied teleost environmental models, yet few genetic or genomic tools have been developed for use in this species. The advancement of genetic and evolutionary toxicology will require that many of the tools developed in laboratory models be transferred into species more applicable to environmental toxicology. Antisense morpholino oligonucleotide (MO) gene knockdown technology has been widely utilized to study development in zebrafish and has been proven to be a powerful tool in toxicological investigations through direct manipulation of molecular pathways. To expand the utility of killifish as an environmental model, MO gene knockdown technology was adapted for use in Fundulus. Morpholino microinjection methods were altered to overcome the significant differences between these two species. Morpholino efficacy and functional duration were evaluated with molecular and phenotypic methods. A cytochrome P450-1A (CYP1A) MO was used to confirm effectiveness of the methodology. For CYP1A MO-injected embryos, a 70% reduction in CYP1A activity, a 86% reduction in total CYP1A protein, a significant increase in beta-naphthoflavone-induced teratogenicity, and estimates of functional duration (50% reduction in activity 10 dpf, and 86% reduction in total protein 12 dpf) conclusively demonstrated that MO technologies can be used effectively in killifish and will likely be just as informative as they have been in zebrafish.
Enzymes and biochemical mechanisms essential to survival are under extreme selective pressure and are highly conserved through evolutionary time. We applied this evolutionary concept to barnacle cement polymerization, a process critical to barnacle fitness that involves aggregation and cross-linking of proteins. The biochemical mechanisms of cement polymerization remain largely unknown. We hypothesized that this process is biochemically similar to blood clotting, a critical physiological response that is also based on aggregation and cross-linking of proteins. Like key elements of vertebrate and invertebrate blood clotting, barnacle cement polymerization was shown to involve proteolytic activation of enzymes and structural precursors, transglutaminase cross-linking and assembly of fibrous proteins. Proteolytic activation of structural proteins maximizes the potential for bonding interactions with other proteins and with the surface. Transglutaminase cross-linking reinforces cement integrity. Remarkably, epitopes and sequences homologous to bovine trypsin and human transglutaminase were identified in barnacle cement with tandem mass spectrometry and/or western blotting. Akin to blood clotting, the peptides generated during proteolytic activation functioned as signal molecules, linking a molecular level event (protein aggregation) to a behavioral response (barnacle larval settlement). Our results draw attention to a highly conserved protein polymerization mechanism and shed light on a long-standing biochemical puzzle. We suggest that barnacle cement polymerization is a specialized form of wound healing. The polymerization mechanism common between barnacle cement and blood may be a theme for many marine animal glues.
BACKGROUND: Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that has been linked to a wide variety of behaviors including feeding and body-weight regulation, social hierarchies, aggression and suicidality, obsessive compulsive disorder, alcoholism, anxiety, and affective disorders. Full understanding of serotonergic systems in the central nervous system involves genomics, neurochemistry, electrophysiology, and behavior. Though associations have been found between functions at these different levels, in most cases the causal mechanisms are unknown. The scientific issues are daunting but important for human health because of the use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and other pharmacological agents to treat disorders in the serotonergic signaling system. METHODS: We construct a mathematical model of serotonin synthesis, release, and reuptake in a single serotonergic neuron terminal. The model includes the effects of autoreceptors, the transport of tryptophan into the terminal, and the metabolism of serotonin, as well as the dependence of release on the firing rate. The model is based on real physiology determined experimentally and is compared to experimental data. RESULTS: We compare the variations in serotonin and dopamine synthesis due to meals and find that dopamine synthesis is insensitive to the availability of tyrosine but serotonin synthesis is sensitive to the availability of tryptophan. We conduct in silico experiments on the clearance of extracellular serotonin, normally and in the presence of fluoxetine, and compare to experimental data. We study the effects of various polymorphisms in the genes for the serotonin transporter and for tryptophan hydroxylase on synthesis, release, and reuptake. We find that, because of the homeostatic feedback mechanisms of the autoreceptors, the polymorphisms have smaller effects than one expects. We compute the expected steady concentrations of serotonin transporter knockout mice and compare to experimental data. Finally, we study how the properties of the the serotonin transporter and the autoreceptors give rise to the time courses of extracellular serotonin in various projection regions after a dose of fluoxetine. CONCLUSIONS: Serotonergic systems must respond robustly to important biological signals, while at the same time maintaining homeostasis in the face of normal biological fluctuations in inputs, expression levels, and firing rates. This is accomplished through the cooperative effect of many different homeostatic mechanisms including special properties of the serotonin transporters and the serotonin autoreceptors. Many difficult questions remain in order to fully understand how serotonin biochemistry affects serotonin electrophysiology and vice versa, and how both are changed in the presence of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Mathematical models are useful tools for investigating some of these questions.
Primates must navigate complex social landscapes in their daily lives: gathering information from and about others, competing with others for food and mates, and cooperating to obtain rewards as well. Gaze-following often provides important clues as to what others see, know, or will do; using information about social attention is thus crucial for primates to be competent social actors. However, the cognitive bases of the gaze-following behaviors that primates exhibit appear to vary widely across species. The ultimate challenge of such analyses will therefore be to understand why such different cognitive mechanisms have evolved across species.
© 2014, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.This study assesses the skill of advanced regional climate models (RCMs) in simulating southeastern United States (SE US) summer precipitation and explores the physical mechanisms responsible for the simulation skill at a process level. Analysis of the RCM output for the North American Regional Climate Change Assessment Program indicates that the RCM simulations of summer precipitation show the largest biases and a remarkable spread over the SE US compared to other regions in the contiguous US. The causes of such a spread are investigated by performing simulations using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model, a next-generation RCM developed by the US National Center for Atmospheric Research. The results show that the simulated biases in SE US summer precipitation are due mainly to the misrepresentation of the modeled North Atlantic subtropical high (NASH) western ridge. In the WRF simulations, the NASH western ridge shifts 7° northwestward when compared to that in the reanalysis ensemble, leading to a dry bias in the simulated summer precipitation according to the relationship between the NASH western ridge and summer precipitation over the southeast. Experiments utilizing the four dimensional data assimilation technique further suggest that the improved representation of the circulation patterns (i.e., wind fields) associated with the NASH western ridge substantially reduces the bias in the simulated SE US summer precipitation. Our analysis of circulation dynamics indicates that the NASH western ridge in the WRF simulations is significantly influenced by the simulated planetary boundary layer (PBL) processes over the Gulf of Mexico. Specifically, a decrease (increase) in the simulated PBL height tends to stabilize (destabilize) the lower troposphere over the Gulf of Mexico, and thus inhibits (favors) the onset and/or development of convection. Such changes in tropical convection induce a tropical–extratropical teleconnection pattern, which modulates the circulation along the NASH western ridge in the WRF simulations and contributes to the modeled precipitation biases over the SE US. In conclusion, our study demonstrates that the NASH western ridge is an important factor responsible for the RCM skill in simulating SE US summer precipitation. Furthermore, the improvements in the PBL parameterizations for the Gulf of Mexico might help advance RCM skill in representing the NASH western ridge circulation and summer precipitation over the SE US.
In the mnemonic model of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), the current memory of a negative event, not the event itself, determines symptoms. The model is an alternative to the current event-based etiology of PTSD represented in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed., text rev.; American Psychiatric Association, 2000). The model accounts for important and reliable findings that are often inconsistent with the current diagnostic view and that have been neglected by theoretical accounts of the disorder, including the following observations. The diagnosis needs objective information about the trauma and peritraumatic emotions but uses retrospective memory reports that can have substantial biases. Negative events and emotions that do not satisfy the current diagnostic criteria for a trauma can be followed by symptoms that would otherwise qualify for PTSD. Predisposing factors that affect the current memory have large effects on symptoms. The inability-to-recall-an-important-aspect-of-the-trauma symptom does not correlate with other symptoms. Loss or enhancement of the trauma memory affects PTSD symptoms in predictable ways. Special mechanisms that apply only to traumatic memories are not needed, increasing parsimony and the knowledge that can be applied to understanding PTSD.
X-ray crystallography is the predominant method for obtaining atomic-scale information about biological macromolecules. Despite the success of the technique, obtaining well diffracting crystals still critically limits going from protein to structure. In practice, the crystallization process proceeds through knowledge-informed empiricism. Better physico-chemical understanding remains elusive because of the large number of variables involved, hence little guidance is available to systematically identify solution conditions that promote crystallization. To help determine relationships between macromolecular properties and their crystallization propensity, we have trained statistical models on samples for 182 proteins supplied by the Northeast Structural Genomics consortium. Gaussian processes, which capture trends beyond the reach of linear statistical models, distinguish between two main physico-chemical mechanisms driving crystallization. One is characterized by low levels of side chain entropy and has been extensively reported in the literature. The other identifies specific electrostatic interactions not previously described in the crystallization context. Because evidence for two distinct mechanisms can be gleaned both from crystal contacts and from solution conditions leading to successful crystallization, the model offers future avenues for optimizing crystallization screens based on partial structural information. The availability of crystallization data coupled with structural outcomes analyzed through state-of-the-art statistical models may thus guide macromolecular crystallization toward a more rational basis.
Philosophers and legal scholars have long theorized about how intentionality serves as a critical input for morality and culpability, but the emerging field of experimental philosophy has revealed a puzzling asymmetry. People judge actions leading to negative consequences as being more intentional than those leading to positive ones. The implications of this asymmetry remain unclear because there is no consensus regarding the underlying mechanism. Based on converging behavioral and neural evidence, we demonstrate that there is no single underlying mechanism. Instead, two distinct mechanisms together generate the asymmetry. Emotion drives ascriptions of intentionality for negative consequences, while the consideration of statistical norms leads to the denial of intentionality for positive consequences. We employ this novel two-mechanism model to illustrate that morality can paradoxically shape judgments of intentionality. This is consequential for mens rea in legal practice and arguments in moral philosophy pertaining to terror bombing, abortion, and euthanasia among others.
Polarization is important for the function and morphology of many different cell types. The keys regulators of polarity in eukaryotes are the Rho-family GTPases. In the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which must polarize in order to bud and to mate, the master regulator is the highly conserved Rho GTPase, Cdc42. During polarity establishment, active Cdc42 accumulates at a site on the plasma membrane characterizing the “front” of the cell where the bud will emerge. The orientation of polarization is guided by upstream cues that dictate the site of Cdc42 clustering. However, in the absence of upstream cues, yeast can still polarize in a random direction during symmetry breaking. Symmetry breaking suggests cells possess an autocatalytic polarization mechanism that can amplify stochastic fluctuations of polarity proteins through a positive feedback mechanism.
Two different positive feedback mechanisms have been proposed to polarize Cdc42 in budding yeast. One model posits that Cdc42 activation must be localized to a site at the plasma membrane. Another model posits that Cdc42 delivery must be localized to a particular site at the plasma membrane. Although both mechanisms could work in parallel to polarize Cdc42, it is unclear which mechanism is critical to polarity establishment. We directly tested the predictions of the two positive feedback models using genetics and live microscopy. We found that localized Cdc42 activation is necessary for polarity establishment.
While this explains how active Cdc42 localizes to a particular site at the plasma membrane, it does not address how Cdc42 concentrates at that site. Several different mechanisms have been proposed to concentrate Cdc42. The GDI can extract Cdc42 from membranes and selective mobilize GDP-Cdc42 in the cytoplasm. It was proposed that selectively mobilizing GDP-Cdc42 in combination with local activation could locally concentrate total Cdc42 at the polarity site. Although the GDI is important for rapid Cdc42 accumulation at the polarity site, it is not essential to Cdc42 concentration. It was proposed that delivery of Cdc42 by actin-mediated vesicle can act as a backup pathway to concentrate Cdc42. However, we found no evidence for an actin-dependent concentrating pathway. Live microscopy experiments reveal that prenylated proteins are not restricted to membranes, and can enter the cytoplasm. We found that the GDI-independent concentrating pathway still requires Cdc42 to exchange between the plasma membrane and the cytoplasm, which is supported by computational modeling. In the absence of the GDI, we found that Cdc42 GAP became essential for polarization. We propose that the GAP limits GTP-Cdc42 leak into the cytoplasm, which would be prohibitive to Cdc42 polarization.
This research examines three potential mechanisms by which bacteria can adapt to different temperatures: changes in strain-level population structure, gene regulation and particle colonization. For the first two mechanisms, I utilize bacterial strains from the Vibrionaceae family due to their ease of culturability, ubiquity in coastal environments and status as a model system for marine bacteria. I first examine vibrio seasonal dynamics in temperate, coastal water and compare the thermal performance of strains that occupy different thermal environments. Our results suggest that there are tradeoffs in adaptation to specific temperatures and that thermal specialization can occur at a very fine phylogenetic scale. The observed thermal specialization over relatively short evolutionary time-scales indicates that few genes or cellular processes may limit expansion to a different thermal niche. I then compare the genomic and transcriptional changes associated with thermal adaptation in closely-related vibrio strains under heat and cold stress. The two vibrio strains have very similar genomes and overall exhibit similar transcriptional profiles in response to temperature stress but their temperature preferences are determined by differential transcriptional responses in shared genes as well as temperature-dependent regulation of unique genes. Finally, I investigate the temporal dynamics of particle-attached and free-living bacterial community in coastal seawater and find that microhabitats exert a stronger forcing on microbial communities than environmental variability, suggesting that particle-attachment could buffer the impacts of environmental changes and particle-associated communities likely respond to the presence of distinct eukaryotes rather than commonly-measured environmental parameters. Integrating these results will offer new perspectives on the mechanisms by which bacteria respond to seasonal temperature changes as well as potential adaptations to climate change-driven warming of the surface oceans.
Upon activation, T cells require energy for growth, proliferation, and function. Effector T (Teff) cells, such as Th1 and Th17 cells, utilize high levels of glycolytic metabolism to fuel proliferation and function. In contrast, Treg cells require oxidative metabolism to fuel suppressive function. It remains unknown how Teff/Treg-cell metabolism is altered when nutrients are limited and leptin levels are low. We therefore examined the role of malnutrition and associated hypoleptinemia on Teff versus Treg cells. We found that both malnutrition-associated hypoleptinemia and T cell-specific leptin receptor knockout suppressed Teff-cell number, function, and glucose metabolism, but did not alter Treg-cell metabolism or suppressive function. Using the autoimmune mouse model EAE, we confirmed that fasting-induced hypoleptinemia altered Teff-cell, but not Treg-cell, glucose metabolism, and function in vivo, leading to decreased disease severity. To explore potential mechanisms, we examined HIF-1α, a key regulator of Th17 differentiation and Teff-cell glucose metabolism, and found HIF-1α expression was decreased in T cell-specific leptin receptor knockout Th17 cells, and in Teff cells from fasted EAE mice, but was unchanged in Treg cells. Altogether, these data demonstrate a selective, cell-intrinsic requirement for leptin to upregulate glucose metabolism and maintain function in Teff, but not Treg cells.
The lungs are vital organs whose airways are lined with a continuous layer of epithelial cells. Epithelial cells in the distal most part of the lung, the alveolar space, are specialized to facilitate gas exchange. Proximal to the alveoli is the airway epithelium, which provides an essential barrier and is the first line of defense against inhaled toxicants, pollutants, and pathogens. Although the postnatal lung is a quiescent organ, it has an inherent ability to regenerate in response to injury. Proper balance between maintaining quiescence and undergoing repair is crucial, with imbalances in these processes leading to fibrosis or tumor development. Stem and progenitor cells are central to maintaining balance, given that they proliferate and renew both themselves and the various differentiated cells of the lung. However, the precise mechanisms regulating quiescence and repair in the lungs are largely unknown. In this dissertation, ionizing radiation is used as a physiologically relevant injury model to better understand the repair process of the airway epithelium. We use in vitro and in vivo mouse models to study the response of a secretory progenitor, the club cell, to various doses and qualities of ionizing radiation. Exposure to radiation found in space environments and in some types of radiotherapy caused clonal expansion of club cells specifically in the most distal branches of the airway epithelium, indicating that the progenitors residing in the terminal bronchioles are radiosensitive. This clonal expansion is due to an increase in p53-dependent apoptosis, senescence, and mitotic defects. Through the course of this work, we discovered that p53 is not only involved in radiation response, but is also a novel regulator of airway epithelial homeostasis. p53 acts in a gene dose-dependent manner to regulate the composition of airway epithelium by maintaining quiescence and regulating differentiation of club progenitor cells in the steady-state lung. The work presented in this dissertation represents an advance in our understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying maintenance of airway epithelial progenitor cells as well as their repair following ionizing radiation exposure.