9 resultados para Interferon-stimulated gene (ISG)

em Duke University


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There is great interindividual variability in HIV-1 viral setpoint after seroconversion, some of which is known to be due to genetic differences among infected individuals. Here, our focus is on determining, genome-wide, the contribution of variable gene expression to viral control, and to relate it to genomic DNA polymorphism. RNA was extracted from purified CD4+ T-cells from 137 HIV-1 seroconverters, 16 elite controllers, and 3 healthy blood donors. Expression levels of more than 48,000 mRNA transcripts were assessed by the Human-6 v3 Expression BeadChips (Illumina). Genome-wide SNP data was generated from genomic DNA using the HumanHap550 Genotyping BeadChip (Illumina). We observed two distinct profiles with 260 genes differentially expressed depending on HIV-1 viral load. There was significant upregulation of expression of interferon stimulated genes with increasing viral load, including genes of the intrinsic antiretroviral defense. Upon successful antiretroviral treatment, the transcriptome profile of previously viremic individuals reverted to a pattern comparable to that of elite controllers and of uninfected individuals. Genome-wide evaluation of cis-acting SNPs identified genetic variants modulating expression of 190 genes. Those were compared to the genes whose expression was found associated with viral load: expression of one interferon stimulated gene, OAS1, was found to be regulated by a SNP (rs3177979, p = 4.9E-12); however, we could not detect an independent association of the SNP with viral setpoint. Thus, this study represents an attempt to integrate genome-wide SNP signals with genome-wide expression profiles in the search for biological correlates of HIV-1 control. It underscores the paradox of the association between increasing levels of viral load and greater expression of antiviral defense pathways. It also shows that elite controllers do not have a fully distinctive mRNA expression pattern in CD4+ T cells. Overall, changes in global RNA expression reflect responses to viral replication rather than a mechanism that might explain viral control.


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BACKGROUND: The rate of emergence of human pathogens is steadily increasing; most of these novel agents originate in wildlife. Bats, remarkably, are the natural reservoirs of many of the most pathogenic viruses in humans. There are two bat genome projects currently underway, a circumstance that promises to speed the discovery host factors important in the coevolution of bats with their viruses. These genomes, however, are not yet assembled and one of them will provide only low coverage, making the inference of most genes of immunological interest error-prone. Many more wildlife genome projects are underway and intend to provide only shallow coverage. RESULTS: We have developed a statistical method for the assembly of gene families from partial genomes. The method takes full advantage of the quality scores generated by base-calling software, incorporating them into a complete probabilistic error model, to overcome the limitation inherent in the inference of gene family members from partial sequence information. We validated the method by inferring the human IFNA genes from the genome trace archives, and used it to infer 61 type-I interferon genes, and single type-II interferon genes in the bats Pteropus vampyrus and Myotis lucifugus. We confirmed our inferences by direct cloning and sequencing of IFNA, IFNB, IFND, and IFNK in P. vampyrus, and by demonstrating transcription of some of the inferred genes by known interferon-inducing stimuli. CONCLUSION: The statistical trace assembler described here provides a reliable method for extracting information from the many available and forthcoming partial or shallow genome sequencing projects, thereby facilitating the study of a wider variety of organisms with ecological and biomedical significance to humans than would otherwise be possible.


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Bacterial lipopolysaccharide (endotoxin) is a frequent contaminant of biological specimens and is also known to be a potent inducer of beta-chemokines and other soluble factors that inhibit HIV-1 infection in vitro. Though lipopolysaccharide (LPS) has been shown to stimulate the production of soluble HIV-1 inhibitors in cultures of monocyte-derived macrophages, the ability of LPS to induce similar inhibitors in other cell types is poorly characterized. Here we show that LPS exhibits potent anti-HIV activity in phytohemagglutinin-stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) but has no detectable anti-HIV-1 activity in TZM-bl cells. The anti-HIV-1 activity of LPS in PBMCs was strongly associated with the production of beta-chemokines from CD14-positive monocytes. Culture supernatants from LPS-stimulated PBMCs exhibited potent anti-HIV-1 activity when added to TZM-bl cells but, in this case, the antiviral activity appeared to be related to IFN-gamma rather than to beta-chemokines. These observations indicate that LPS stimulates PBMCs to produce a complex array of soluble HIV-1 inhibitors, including beta-chemokines and IFN-gamma, that differentially inhibit HIV-1 depending on the target cell type. The results also highlight the need to use endotoxin-free specimens to avoid artifacts when assessing HIV-1-specific neutralizing antibodies in PBMC-based assays.


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BACKGROUND: To our knowledge, the antiviral activity of pegylated interferon alfa-2a has not been studied in participants with untreated human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection but without chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. METHODS: Untreated HIV-1-infected volunteers without HCV infection received 180 microg of pegylated interferon alfa-2a weekly for 12 weeks. Changes in plasma HIV-1 RNA load, CD4(+) T cell counts, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamic measurements of 2',5'-oligoadenylate synthetase (OAS) activity, and induction levels of interferon-inducible genes (IFIGs) were measured. Nonparametric statistical analysis was performed. RESULTS: Eleven participants completed 12 weeks of therapy. The median plasma viral load decrease and change in CD4(+) T cell counts at week 12 were 0.61 log(10) copies/mL (90% confidence interval [CI], 0.20-1.18 log(10) copies/mL) and -44 cells/microL (90% CI, -95 to 85 cells/microL), respectively. There was no correlation between plasma viral load decreases and concurrent pegylated interferon plasma concentrations. However, participants with larger increases in OAS level exhibited greater decreases in plasma viral load at weeks 1 and 2 (r = -0.75 [90% CI, -0.93 to -0.28] and r = -0.61 [90% CI, -0.87 to -0.09], respectively; estimated Spearman rank correlation). Participants with higher baseline IFIG levels had smaller week 12 decreases in plasma viral load (0.66 log(10) copies/mL [90% CI, 0.06-0.91 log(10) copies/mL]), whereas those with larger IFIG induction levels exhibited larger decreases in plasma viral load (-0.74 log(10) copies/mL [90% CI, -0.93 to -0.21 log(10) copies/mL]). CONCLUSION: Pegylated interferon alfa-2a was well tolerated and exhibited statistically significant anti-HIV-1 activity in HIV-1-monoinfected patients. The anti-HIV-1 effect correlated with OAS protein levels (weeks 1 and 2) and IFIG induction levels (week 12) but not with pegylated interferon concentrations.


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BACKGROUND: Genetic manipulation to reverse molecular abnormalities associated with dysfunctional myocardium may provide novel treatment. This study aimed to determine the feasibility and functional consequences of in vivo beta-adrenergic receptor kinase (betaARK1) inhibition in a model of chronic left ventricular (LV) dysfunction after myocardial infarction (MI). METHODS AND RESULTS: Rabbits underwent ligation of the left circumflex (LCx) marginal artery and implantation of sonomicrometric crystals. Baseline cardiac physiology was studied 3 weeks after MI; 5x10(11) viral particles of adenovirus was percutaneously delivered through the LCx. Animals received transgenes encoding a peptide inhibitor of betaARK1 (Adeno-betaARKct) or an empty virus (EV) as control. One week after gene delivery, global LV and regional systolic function were measured again to assess gene treatment. Adeno-betaARKct delivery to the failing heart through the LCx resulted in chamber-specific expression of the betaARKct. Baseline in vivo LV systolic performance was improved in Adeno-betaARKct-treated animals compared with their individual pre-gene delivery values and compared with EV-treated rabbits. Total beta-AR density and betaARK1 levels were unchanged between treatment groups; however, beta-AR-stimulated adenylyl cyclase activity in the LV was significantly higher in Adeno-betaARKct-treated rabbits compared with EV-treated animals. CONCLUSIONS: In vivo delivery of Adeno-betaARKct is feasible in the infarcted/failing heart by coronary catheterization; expression of betaARKct results in marked reversal of ventricular dysfunction. Thus, inhibition of betaARK1 provides a novel treatment strategy for improving the cardiac performance of the post-MI heart.


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Heart failure is accompanied by severely impaired beta-adrenergic receptor (betaAR) function, which includes loss of betaAR density and functional uncoupling of remaining receptors. An important mechanism for the rapid desensitization of betaAR function is agonist-stimulated receptor phosphorylation by the betaAR kinase (betaARK1), an enzyme known to be elevated in failing human heart tissue. To investigate whether alterations in betaAR function contribute to the development of myocardial failure, transgenic mice with cardiac-restricted overexpression of either a peptide inhibitor of betaARK1 or the beta2AR were mated into a genetic model of murine heart failure (MLP-/-). In vivo cardiac function was assessed by echocardiography and cardiac catheterization. Both MLP-/- and MLP-/-/beta2AR mice had enlarged left ventricular (LV) chambers with significantly reduced fractional shortening and mean velocity of circumferential fiber shortening. In contrast, MLP-/-/betaARKct mice had normal LV chamber size and function. Basal LV contractility in the MLP-/-/betaARKct mice, as measured by LV dP/dtmax, was increased significantly compared with the MLP-/- mice but less than controls. Importantly, heightened betaAR desensitization in the MLP-/- mice, measured in vivo (responsiveness to isoproterenol) and in vitro (isoproterenol-stimulated membrane adenylyl cyclase activity), was completely reversed with overexpression of the betaARK1 inhibitor. We report here the striking finding that overexpression of this inhibitor prevents the development of cardiomyopathy in this murine model of heart failure. These findings implicate abnormal betaAR-G protein coupling in the pathogenesis of the failing heart and point the way toward development of agents to inhibit betaARK1 as a novel mode of therapy.


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Our laboratory has been testing the hypothesis that genetic modulation of the beta-adrenergic signaling cascade can enhance cardiac function. We have previously shown that transgenic mice with cardiac overexpression of either the human beta2-adrenergic receptor (beta2AR) or an inhibitor of the beta-adrenergic receptor kinase (betaARK), an enzyme that phosphorylates and uncouples agonist-bound receptors, have increased myocardial inotropy. We now have created recombinant adenoviruses encoding either the beta2AR (Adeno-beta2AR) or a peptide betaARK inhibitor (consisting of the carboxyl terminus of betaARK1, Adeno-betaARKct) and tested their ability to potentiate beta-adrenergic signaling in cultured adult rabbit ventricular myocytes. As assessed by radioligand binding, Adeno-beta2AR infection led to approximately 20-fold overexpression of beta-adrenergic receptors. Protein immunoblots demonstrated the presence of the Adeno-betaARKct transgene. Both transgenes significantly increased isoproterenol-stimulated cAMP as compared to myocytes infected with an adenovirus encoding beta-galactosidase (Adeno-betaGal) but did not affect the sarcolemmal adenylyl cyclase response to Forskolin or NaF. beta-Adrenergic agonist-induced desensitization was significantly inhibited in Adeno-betaARKct-infected myocytes (16+/-2%) as compared to Adeno-betaGal-infected myocytes (37+/-1%, P < 0.001). We conclude that recombinant adenoviral gene transfer of the beta2AR or an inhibitor of betaARK-mediated desensitization can potentiate beta-adrenergic signaling.


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In addition to conveying cellular responses to an effector molecule, receptors are often themselves regulated by their effectors. We have demonstrated that epinephrine modulates both the rate of transcription of the beta 2-adrenergic receptor (beta 2AR) gene and the steady-state level of beta 2AR mRNA in DDT1MF-2 cells. Short-term (30 min) exposure to epinephrine (100 nM) stimulates the rate of beta 2AR gene transcription, resulting in a 3- to 4-fold increase in steady-state beta 2AR mRNA levels. These effects are mimicked by 1 mM N6,O2'-dibutyryladenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (Bt2cAMP) or foskolin but not by phorbol esters. The half-life of the beta 2AR mRNA after addition of actinomycin D (46.7 +/- 10.2 min; mean +/- SEM; n = 5) remained unchanged after 30 min of epinephrine treatment (46.8 +/- 10.6 min; mean +/- SEM; n = 4), indicating that a change in transcription rate is the predominant factor responsible for the increase of beta 2AR mRNA. Whereas brief exposure to epinephrine or Bt2cAMP does not significantly affect the total number of cellular beta 2ARs (assessed by ligand binding), continued exposure results in a gradual decline in beta 2AR number to approximately 20% (epinephrine) or approximately 45% (Bt2cAMP) of the levels in control cells by 24 hr. Similar decreases in agonist-stimulated adenylyl cyclase activity are observed. This loss of receptors with prolonged agonist exposure is accompanied by a 50% reduction in beta 2AR mRNA. Transfection of the beta 2AR promoter region cloned onto a reporter gene (bacterial chloramphenicol acetyltransferase) allowed demonstration of a 2- to 4-fold induction of transcription by agents that elevate cAMP levels, such as forskolin or phosphodiesterase inhibitors. These results establish the presence of elements within the proximal promoter region of the beta 2AR gene responsible for the transcriptional enhancing activity of cAMP and demonstrate that beta 2AR gene expression is regulated by a type of feedback mechanism involving the second messenger cAMP.


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CD8+ T cells are associated with long term control of virus replication to low or undetectable levels in a population of HIV+ therapy-naïve individuals known as virus controllers (VCs; <5000 RNA copies/ml and CD4+ lymphocyte counts >400 cells/µl). These subjects' ability to control viremia in the absence of therapy makes them the gold standard for the type of CD8+ T-cell response that should be induced with a vaccine. Studying the regulation of CD8+ T cells responses in these VCs provides the opportunity to discover mechanisms of durable control of HIV-1. Previous research has shown that the CD8+ T cell population in VCs is heterogeneous in its ability to inhibit virus replication and distinct T cells are responsible for virus inhibition. Further defining both the functional properties and regulation of the specific features of the select CD8+ T cells responsible for potent control of viremia the in VCs would enable better evaluation of T cell-directed vaccine strategies and may inform the design of new therapies.

Here we discuss the progress made in elucidating the features and regulation of CD8+ T cell response in virus controllers. We first detail the development of assays to quantify CD8+ T cells' ability to inhibit virus replication. This includes the use of a multi-clade HIV-1 panel which can subsequently be used as a tool for evaluation of T cell directed vaccines. We used these assays to evaluate the CD8+ response among cohorts of HIV-1 seronegative, HIV-1 acutely infected, and HIV-1 chronically infected (both VC and chronic viremic) patients. Contact and soluble CD8+ T cell virus inhibition assays (VIAs) are able to distinguish these patient groups based on the presence and magnitude of the responses. When employed in conjunction with peptide stimulation, the soluble assay reveals peptide stimulation induces CD8+ T cell responses with a prevalence of Gag p24 and Nef specificity among the virus controllers tested. Given this prevalence, we aimed to determine the gene expression profile of Gag p24-, Nef-, and unstimulated CD8+ T cells. RNA was isolated from CD8+ T-cells from two virus controllers with strong virus inhibition and one seronegative donor after a 5.5 hour stimulation period then analyzed using the Illumina Human BeadChip platform (Duke Center for Human Genome Variation). Analysis revealed that 565 (242 Nef and 323 Gag) genes were differentially expressed in CD8+ T-cells that were able to inhibit virus replication compared to those that could not. We compared the differentially expressed genes to published data sets from other CD8+ T-cell effector function experiments focusing our analysis on the most recurring genes with immunological, gene regulatory, apoptotic or unknown functions. The most commonly identified gene in these studies was TNFRSF9. Using PCR in a larger cohort of virus controllers we confirmed the up-regulation of TNFRSF9 in Gag p24 and Nef-specific CD8+ T cell mediated virus inhibition. We also observed increase in the mRNA encoding antiviral cytokines macrophage inflammatory proteins (MIP-1α, MIP-1αP, MIP-1β), interferon gamma (IFN-γ), granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF), and recently identified lymphotactin (XCL1).

Our previous work suggests the CD8+ T-cell response to HIV-1 can be regulated at the level of gene regulation. Because RNA abundance is modulated by transcription of new mRNAs and decay of new and existing RNA we aimed to evaluate the net rate of transcription and mRNA decay for the cytokines we identified as differentially regulated. To estimate rate of mRNA synthesis and decay, we stimulated isolated CD8+ T-cells with Gag p24 and Nef peptides adding 4-thiouridine (4SU) during the final hour of stimulation, allowing for separation of RNA made during the final hour of stimulation. Subsequent PCR of RNA isolated from these cells, allowed us to determine how much mRNA was made for our genes of interest during the final hour which we used to calculate rate of transcription. To assess if stimulation caused a change in RNA stability, we calculated the decay rates of these mRNA over time. In Gag p24 and Nef stimulated T cells , the abundance of the mRNA of many of the cytokines examined was dependent on changes in both transcription and mRNA decay with evidence for potential differences in the regulation of mRNA between Nef and Gag specific CD8+ T cells. The results were highly reproducible in that in one subject that was measured in three independent experiments the results were concordant.

This data suggests that mRNA stability, in addition to transcription, is key in regulating the direct anti-HIV-1 function of antigen-specific memory CD8+ T cells by enabling rapid recall of anti-HIV-1 effector functions, namely the production and increased stability of antiviral cytokines. We have started to uncover the mechanisms employed by CD8+ T cell subsets with antigen-specific anti-HIV-1 activity, in turn, enhancing our ability to inhibit virus replication by informing both cure strategies and HIV-1 vaccine designs that aim to reduce transmission and can aid in blocking HIV-1 acquisition.