6 resultados para Field evidence

em Duke University


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The globalization contributes to rapid economic developments and great changes of lifestyle in Madre de Dios of Peru, both of which have influenced the health status of local people in direct and indirect ways. The high overweight and obesity rate has become one of the biggest health challenges in this region. This study quantitatively analyzed the impact of household economic status and food consumption patterns on overweight and obesity, and tried to establish their relationship with local economic activities. People living in mining communities are more likely to be overweight or obese. Increased family incomes and lacks of health knowledge are two important reasons. The large consumption of soda and alcohol are positively associated with overweight and obesity. In addition, lack of physical activities is also one of the risk factors of overweight and obesity.


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© Institute of Mathematical Statistics, 2014.Motivated by recent findings in the field of consumer science, this paper evaluates the causal effect of debit cards on household consumption using population-based data from the Italy Survey on Household Income and Wealth (SHIW). Within the Rubin Causal Model, we focus on the estimand of population average treatment effect for the treated (PATT). We consider three existing estimators, based on regression, mixed matching and regression, propensity score weighting, and propose a new doubly-robust estimator. Semiparametric specification based on power series for the potential outcomes and the propensity score is adopted. Cross-validation is used to select the order of the power series. We conduct a simulation study to compare the performance of the estimators. The key assumptions, overlap and unconfoundedness, are systematically assessed and validated in the application. Our empirical results suggest statistically significant positive effects of debit cards on the monthly household spending in Italy.


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We perceive a stable visual world even though saccades often move our retinas. One way the brain may achieve a stable visual percept is through predictive remapping of visual receptive fields: just before a saccade, the receptive field of many neurons moves from its current location ("current receptive field") to the location it is expected to occupy after the saccade ("future receptive field"). Goldberg and colleagues found such remapping in cortical areas, e.g. in the frontal eye field (FEF), as well as in the intermediate layers of the superior colliculus (SC). In the present study we investigated the source of the SC's remapped visual signals. Do some of them come from the FEF? We identified FEF neurons that project to the SC using antidromic stimulation. For neurons with a visual response, we tested whether the receptive field shifted just prior to making a saccade. Saccadic amplitudes were chosen to be as small as possible while clearly separating the current and future receptive fields; they ranged from 5-30 deg. in amplitude and were directed contraversively. The saccadic target was a small red spot. We probed visual responsiveness at the current and future receptive field locations using a white spot flashed at various times before or after the saccade. Predictive remapping was indicated by a visual response to a probe flashed in the future receptive field just before the saccade began. We found that many FEF neurons projecting to the SC exhibited predictive remapping. Moreover, the remapping was as fast and strong as any previously reported for FEF or SC. It is clear, therefore, that remapped visual signals are sent from FEF to SC, providing direct evidence that the FEF is one source of the SC's remapped visual signals. Because remapping requires information about an imminent saccade, we hypothesize that remapping in FEF depends on corollary discharge signals such as those ascending from the SC through MD thalamus (Sommer and Wurtz 2002).


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As we look around a scene, we perceive it as continuous and stable even though each saccadic eye movement changes the visual input to the retinas. How the brain achieves this perceptual stabilization is unknown, but a major hypothesis is that it relies on presaccadic remapping, a process in which neurons shift their visual sensitivity to a new location in the scene just before each saccade. This hypothesis is difficult to test in vivo because complete, selective inactivation of remapping is currently intractable. We tested it in silico with a hierarchical, sheet-based neural network model of the visual and oculomotor system. The model generated saccadic commands to move a video camera abruptly. Visual input from the camera and internal copies of the saccadic movement commands, or corollary discharge, converged at a map-level simulation of the frontal eye field (FEF), a primate brain area known to receive such inputs. FEF output was combined with eye position signals to yield a suitable coordinate frame for guiding arm movements of a robot. Our operational definition of perceptual stability was "useful stability,” quantified as continuously accurate pointing to a visual object despite camera saccades. During training, the emergence of useful stability was correlated tightly with the emergence of presaccadic remapping in the FEF. Remapping depended on corollary discharge but its timing was synchronized to the updating of eye position. When coupled to predictive eye position signals, remapping served to stabilize the target representation for continuously accurate pointing. Graded inactivations of pathways in the model replicated, and helped to interpret, previous in vivo experiments. The results support the hypothesis that visual stability requires presaccadic remapping, provide explanations for the function and timing of remapping, and offer testable hypotheses for in vivo studies. We conclude that remapping allows for seamless coordinate frame transformations and quick actions despite visual afferent lags. With visual remapping in place for behavior, it may be exploited for perceptual continuity.


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As we look around a scene, we perceive it as continuous and stable even though each saccadic eye movement changes the visual input to the retinas. How the brain achieves this perceptual stabilization is unknown, but a major hypothesis is that it relies on presaccadic remapping, a process in which neurons shift their visual sensitivity to a new location in the scene just before each saccade. This hypothesis is difficult to test in vivo because complete, selective inactivation of remapping is currently intractable. We tested it in silico with a hierarchical, sheet-based neural network model of the visual and oculomotor system. The model generated saccadic commands to move a video camera abruptly. Visual input from the camera and internal copies of the saccadic movement commands, or corollary discharge, converged at a map-level simulation of the frontal eye field (FEF), a primate brain area known to receive such inputs. FEF output was combined with eye position signals to yield a suitable coordinate frame for guiding arm movements of a robot. Our operational definition of perceptual stability was "useful stability," quantified as continuously accurate pointing to a visual object despite camera saccades. During training, the emergence of useful stability was correlated tightly with the emergence of presaccadic remapping in the FEF. Remapping depended on corollary discharge but its timing was synchronized to the updating of eye position. When coupled to predictive eye position signals, remapping served to stabilize the target representation for continuously accurate pointing. Graded inactivations of pathways in the model replicated, and helped to interpret, previous in vivo experiments. The results support the hypothesis that visual stability requires presaccadic remapping, provide explanations for the function and timing of remapping, and offer testable hypotheses for in vivo studies. We conclude that remapping allows for seamless coordinate frame transformations and quick actions despite visual afferent lags. With visual remapping in place for behavior, it may be exploited for perceptual continuity.


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As the population of urban poor living in slums increases, governments are trying to relocate people into government-provided free housing. Slum redevelopment affects every part of a household’s livelihood, but most importantly the health and wellbeing of younger generations. This paper investigates the effect of slum redevelopment schemes on child stunting levels. Data was collected in forty-one buildings under the slum-redevelopment program in Mumbai. The study demonstrates through a fixed effect regression analysis that an additional year of living in the building is associated with an increase in the height-for-age Z-score by 0.124 standard deviations. Possible explanations include an improvement in the overall hygienic environment, sanitation conditions, indoor air pollution, and access to health and water facilities. However, anecdotal evidence suggests that water contamination, loss of livelihood and increased expenses could worsen health outcomes for residents. This study prompts more research on the health effects of slum redevelopment projects, which are becoming increasingly common in the rapidly urbanizing developing world.