4 resultados para Emergence Time Period
em Duke University
Though significant progress has been made through control efforts in recent years, malaria remains a leading cause of morbidity and mortality throughout the world, with 3.2 billion people at risk of developing the disease. Zanzibar is currently pursuing malaria elimination through the Zanzibar Malaria Elimination Program (ZAMEP), and is working toward a goal of no locally acquired malaria cases by 2018. A comprehensive and well functioning malaria surveillance program is central to achieving this goal. Under ZAMEP’s current surveillance strategy, District Malaria Surveillance Officers (DMSOs) respond to malaria case notifications through the reactive case detection (RACD) system. Three malaria screening and treatment strategies are undertaken in response to this system, including household-level (HSaT), focal-level (FSaT), and mass-level (MSaT). Each strategy is triggered by a different case threshold and tests different-sized populations. The aims of this study were to (1) assess the cost effectiveness of three malaria screening and treatment strategies; (2) assess the timeliness and completeness of ZAMEP’s RACD system; (3) and qualitatively explore the roles of DMSOs.
Screening disposition and budget information for 2014 screening and treatment strategies was analyzed to determine prevalence rates in screened populations and the cost effectiveness of each strategy. Prevalence rates within the screened population varied by strategy: 6.1 percent in HSaT, 1.2 percent in FSaT, and 0.9 percent in MSaT. Of the various costing scenarios considering cost per person screened, MSaT was the most cost-effective, with costs ranging from $9.57 to $12.57 per person screened. Of the various costing scenarios considering cost per case detected, HSaT was the most cost-effective, at $385.51 per case detected.
Case data from 2013 through mid-2015 was used to assess the timeliness and completeness of the RACD system. The average number of RACD activities occurring within 48 hours of notification improved slightly between 2013 and the first half of 2015, from 90.7 percent to 93.1 percent. The average percentage of household members screened during RACD also increased over the same time period, from 84 percent in 2013 to 89.9 percent in the first half of 2015.
Interviews with twenty DMSOs were conducted to gain insights into the challenges to malaria elimination both from the health system and the community perspectives. Major themes discussed in the interviews include the need for additional training, inadequate information capture at health facility, resistance to household testing, transportation difficulties, inadequate personnel during the high transmission season, and community misinformation.
Zanzibar is now considered a low transmission setting, making elimination feasible, but also posing new challenges to achieving this goal. The findings of this study provide insight into how surveillance activities can be improved to support the goal of malaria elimination in Zanzibar. Key changes include reevaluating the use of MSaT activities, improving information capture at health facilities, hiring additional DMSOs during the high transmission season, and improving community communication.
Marine mammals exploit the efficiency of sound propagation in the marine environment for essential activities like communication and navigation. For this reason, passive acoustics has particularly high potential for marine mammal studies, especially those aimed at population management and conservation. Despite the rapid realization of this potential through a growing number of studies, much crucial information remains unknown or poorly understood. This research attempts to address two key knowledge gaps, using the well-studied bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) as a model species, and underwater acoustic recordings collected on four fixed autonomous sensors deployed at multiple locations in Sarasota Bay, Florida, between September 2012 and August 2013. Underwater noise can hinder dolphin communication. The ability of these animals to overcome this obstacle was examined using recorded noise and dolphin whistles. I found that bottlenose dolphins are able to compensate for increased noise in their environment using a wide range of strategies employed in a singular fashion or in various combinations, depending on the frequency content of the noise, noise source, and time of day. These strategies include modifying whistle frequency characteristics, increasing whistle duration, and increasing whistle redundancy. Recordings were also used to evaluate the performance of six recently developed passive acoustic abundance estimation methods, by comparing their results to the true abundance of animals, obtained via a census conducted within the same area and time period. The methods employed were broadly divided into two categories – those involving direct counts of animals, and those involving counts of cues (signature whistles). The animal-based methods were traditional capture-recapture, spatially explicit capture-recapture (SECR), and an approach that blends the “snapshot” method and mark-recapture distance sampling, referred to here as (SMRDS). The cue-based methods were conventional distance sampling (CDS), an acoustic modeling approach involving the use of the passive sonar equation, and SECR. In the latter approach, detection probability was modelled as a function of sound transmission loss, rather than the Euclidean distance typically used. Of these methods, while SMRDS produced the most accurate estimate, SECR demonstrated the greatest potential for broad applicability to other species and locations, with minimal to no auxiliary data, such as distance from sound source to detector(s), which is often difficult to obtain. This was especially true when this method was compared to traditional capture-recapture results, which greatly underestimated abundance, despite attempts to account for major unmodelled heterogeneity. Furthermore, the incorporation of non-Euclidean distance significantly improved model accuracy. The acoustic modelling approach performed similarly to CDS, but both methods also strongly underestimated abundance. In particular, CDS proved to be inefficient. This approach requires at least 3 sensors for localization at a single point. It was also difficult to obtain accurate distances, and the sample size was greatly reduced by the failure to detect some whistles on all three recorders. As a result, this approach is not recommended for marine mammal abundance estimation when few recorders are available, or in high sound attenuation environments with relatively low sample sizes. It is hoped that these results lead to more informed management decisions, and therefore, more effective species conservation.
Background: Online communities may be an effective, convenient, and relatively inexpensive intervention platform for individuals seeking assistance with weight management. Recent research suggests that these communities may be as effective as in-person treatments for weight management; however, very little is known about the characteristics that predict weight loss amongst those using an online community. Methods: Within a social-cognitive framework, we sought to identify the psychosocial characteristics that are associated with successful weight management for users of MyFitnessPal, a popular online community for weight management. We recruited participants who were new to the online community and asked them to complete 2 surveys (one at baseline and one 3 months later) that assessed various psychosocial constructs as well as self-reported height and weight. Results: Participants in our sample reported losing, on average, 4.55 kg during the 3-month time period. We found that engaging in weight control behaviors (e.g., monitoring food intake, weighing oneself, etc.) fully mediated the relationship between several of our variables of interest (i.e., baseline self-efficacy and perceived social support within the community) and weight loss. We also found that participants who expected to lose more weight at baseline were significantly more likely to have lost more weight at follow-up. Conclusions: On average, participants in our study lost a clinically meaningful amount of weight. Predictors of weight loss within this community included perceived support within the community (mediated by weight control behaviors), baseline self-efficacy (mediated by weight control behaviors), and baseline outcome expectations. Results of this study can ultimately serve to inform the design of future eHealth interventions for weight management.
Large urban jails have become a collection point for many persons with severe mental illness. Connections between jail and community mental health services are needed to assure in-jail care and to promote successful community living following release. This paper addresses this issue for 2855 individuals with severe mental illness who received community mental health services prior to jail detention in King County (Seattle), Washington over a 5-year time period using a unique linked administrative data source. Logistic regression was used to determine the probability that a detainee with severe mental illness received mental health services while in jail as a function of demographic and clinical characteristics. Overall, 70 % of persons with severe mental illness did receive in-jail mental health treatment. Small, but statistically significant sex and race differences were observed in who received treatment in the jail psychiatric unit or from the jail infirmary. Findings confirm the jail's central role in mental health treatment and emphasize the need for greater information sharing and collaboration with community mental health agencies to minimize jail use and to facilitate successful community reentry for detainees with severe mental illness.