4 resultados para E58 - Central Banks and Their Policies

em Duke University


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There is a national debate on how universities should respond to sexual assault, specifically the advantages and shortcomings of the campus adjudication Process. One major critique of university adjudication is that it does not provide the necessary due process rights to the accused and is therefore not fundamentally fair. This study seeks to assess this validity of this critique by seeing if sexual misconduct policies lack due process and if so, to what extent. This investigation is a comparative case study of 14 private higher education institutions, belonging to the Ivy Plus Society, analyzing their policy and procedure documents for indicators of due process. Findings show that schools are complying between 45% and 85% of due process indicators with an average of 65%. Colleges do lack due process rights and need to revise their policies and procedures to clearly present these rights. Key recommendations include guaranteeing a hearing procedure with impartial decision-makers and the opportunity to submit evidence and witnesses.


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Chemoprevention agents are an emerging new scientific area that holds out the promise of delaying or avoiding a number of common cancers. These new agents face significant scientific, regulatory, and economic barriers, however, which have limited investment in their research and development (R&D). These barriers include above-average clinical trial scales, lengthy time frames between discovery and Food and Drug Administration approval, liability risks (because they are given to healthy individuals), and a growing funding gap for early-stage candidates. The longer time frames and risks associated with chemoprevention also cause exclusivity time on core patents to be limited or subject to significant uncertainties. We conclude that chemoprevention uniquely challenges the structure of incentives embodied in the economic, regulatory, and patent policies for the biopharmaceutical industry. Many of these policy issues are illustrated by the recently Food and Drug Administration-approved preventive agents Gardasil and raloxifene. Our recommendations to increase R&D investment in chemoprevention agents include (a) increased data exclusivity times on new biological and chemical drugs to compensate for longer gestation periods and increasing R&D costs; chemoprevention is at the far end of the distribution in this regard; (b) policies such as early-stage research grants and clinical development tax credits targeted specifically to chemoprevention agents (these are policies that have been very successful in increasing R&D investment for orphan drugs); and (c) a no-fault liability insurance program like that currently in place for children's vaccines.


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Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis is characterized by invasion of lymphocytes and macrophages into the central nervous system resulting in inflammation, edema, and demyelination. Sera from Lewis rats from 7-95 days after immunization with purified guinea pig CNS myelin were examined with respect to their ability to opsonize myelin. This was correlated with the appearance of antibody components and the relative amounts of antibody to myelin basic protein (MBP) and proteolipid protein (PLP). Sera from rats 10-95 days after immunization preincubated with purified myelin induced phagocytosis of myelin by cultured macrophages with the resulting production of cholesterol ester. This opsonization activity as measured by the percentage of cholesterol esterified reached a peak at 26-27 days after immunization but remained significantly elevated up to 95 days post-immunization compared to the activity of serum from the Freund's adjuvant-injected controls. Immunoblots of the sera revealed a gradual increase in antibody activity against myelin components. ELISA assays for MBP and PLP antibody showed a similar pattern. Antibody to galactocerebroside (GC) was not detected by immunostains nor by the ELISA assay. Areas of demyelination were observed histologically by luxol-fast blue stained spinal cords up to 60 days post-immunization. These results indicate that antibodies to myelin protein when given access to myelin through or within the blood brain barrier could initiate or enhance the phagocytic response by peripheral or resident macrophages.


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This article examines the structure and health implications of two industries, chicken and tomatoes, that play prominent roles in US food and agricultural competitiveness. Both industries have become more concentrated over time, with powerful "lead firms" driving geographical, technological, and marketing changes. Overall, a processed food revolution has taken place in agricultural products that transforms the types of food and dietary options available to consumers. The nature of contemporary food and agricultural value chains affects the strategies and policies that can be effectively employed to address major health goals such as improved nutrition, food safety, and food security.