9 resultados para DNA MISMATCH REPAIR

em Duke University


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Human Exonuclease 1 (Exo1) plays important roles in numerous DNA metabolic/repair pathways including DNA mismatch repair, DNA double strand break repair, Okazaki fragment maturation etc. The nuclease activity of Exo1 is tightly regulated in vivo. The regulation of Exo1 in different pathways is achieved by interactions with different protein partners. The focus of this dissertation will be on characterization of Exo1 interactions with traditional protein partners and providing experimental evidences for new Exo1 interactions.

Molecular cloning, biochemical assays, collaborative nuclear magnetic resonance and X-ray crystallography have been employed to study Exo1 interactions with protein partners. This work contains: (i) the experimental evidence for new Exo1 interactions, and (ii) the detailed characterization of Exo1 interactions with PCNA, MLH1 and MutSα/β.

Taken together, the research progress presented in this dissertation further advances our understanding of traditional Exo1 interaction network and probably provides new insights to new functions and new regulations of Exo1.


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BACKGROUND: We analyzed the association between 53 genes related to DNA repair and p53-mediated damage response and serous ovarian cancer risk using case-control data from the North Carolina Ovarian Cancer Study (NCOCS), a population-based, case-control study. METHODS/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The analysis was restricted to 364 invasive serous ovarian cancer cases and 761 controls of white, non-Hispanic race. Statistical analysis was two staged: a screen using marginal Bayes factors (BFs) for 484 SNPs and a modeling stage in which we calculated multivariate adjusted posterior probabilities of association for 77 SNPs that passed the screen. These probabilities were conditional on subject age at diagnosis/interview, batch, a DNA quality metric and genotypes of other SNPs and allowed for uncertainty in the genetic parameterizations of the SNPs and number of associated SNPs. Six SNPs had Bayes factors greater than 10 in favor of an association with invasive serous ovarian cancer. These included rs5762746 (median OR(odds ratio)(per allele) = 0.66; 95% credible interval (CI) = 0.44-1.00) and rs6005835 (median OR(per allele) = 0.69; 95% CI = 0.53-0.91) in CHEK2, rs2078486 (median OR(per allele) = 1.65; 95% CI = 1.21-2.25) and rs12951053 (median OR(per allele) = 1.65; 95% CI = 1.20-2.26) in TP53, rs411697 (median OR (rare homozygote) = 0.53; 95% CI = 0.35 - 0.79) in BACH1 and rs10131 (median OR( rare homozygote) = not estimable) in LIG4. The six most highly associated SNPs are either predicted to be functionally significant or are in LD with such a variant. The variants in TP53 were confirmed to be associated in a large follow-up study. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Based on our findings, further follow-up of the DNA repair and response pathways in a larger dataset is warranted to confirm these results.


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The folate pathway plays a crucial role in the regeneration and repair of the adult CNS after injury. Here, we have shown in rodents that such repair occurs at least in part through DNA methylation. In animals with combined spinal cord and sciatic nerve injury, folate-mediated CNS axon regeneration was found to depend on injury-related induction of the high-affinity folate receptor 1 (Folr1). The activity of folate was dependent on its activation by the enzyme dihydrofolate reductase (Dhfr) and a functional methylation cycle. The effect of folate on the regeneration of afferent spinal neurons was biphasic and dose dependent and correlated closely over its dose range with global and gene-specific DNA methylation and with expression of both the folate receptor Folr1 and the de novo DNA methyltransferases. These data implicate an epigenetic mechanism in CNS repair. Folic acid and possibly other nontoxic dietary methyl donors may therefore be useful in clinical interventions to promote brain and spinal cord healing. If indeed the benefit of folate is mediated by epigenetic mechanisms that promote endogenous axonal regeneration, this provides possible avenues for new pharmacologic approaches to treating CNS injuries.


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Ataxia telangiectasia mutant (ATM) is an S/T-Q-directed kinase that is critical for the cellular response to double-stranded breaks (DSBs) in DNA. Following DNA damage, ATM is activated and recruited by the MRN protein complex [meiotic recombination 11 (Mre11)/DNA repair protein Rad50/Nijmegen breakage syndrome 1 proteins] to sites of DNA damage where ATM phosphorylates multiple substrates to trigger cell-cycle arrest. In cancer cells, this regulation may be faulty, and cell division may proceed even in the presence of damaged DNA. We show here that the ribosomal s6 kinase (Rsk), often elevated in cancers, can suppress DSB-induced ATM activation in both Xenopus egg extracts and human tumor cell lines. In analyzing each step in ATM activation, we have found that Rsk targets loading of MRN complex components onto DNA at DSB sites. Rsk can phosphorylate the Mre11 protein directly at S676 both in vitro and in intact cells and thereby can inhibit the binding of Mre11 to DNA with DSBs. Accordingly, mutation of S676 to Ala can reverse inhibition of the response to DSBs by Rsk. Collectively, these data point to Mre11 as an important locus of Rsk-mediated checkpoint inhibition acting upstream of ATM activation.


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To ensure genomic integrity, dividing cells implement multiple checkpoint pathways during the course of the cell cycle. In response to DNA damage, cells may either halt the progression of the cycle (cell cycle arrest) or undergo apoptosis. This choice depends on the extent of damage and the cell's capacity for DNA repair. Cell cycle arrest induced by double-stranded DNA breaks relies on the activation of the ataxia-telangiectasia (ATM) protein kinase, which phosphorylates cell cycle effectors (e.g., Chk2 and p53) to inhibit cell cycle progression. ATM is an S/T-Q directed kinase that is critical for the cellular response to double-stranded DNA breaks. Following DNA damage, ATM is activated and recruited to sites of DNA damage by the MRN protein complex (Mre11-Rad50-Nbs1 proteins) where ATM phosphorylates multiple substrates to trigger a cell cycle arrest. In cancer cells, this regulation may be faulty and cell division may proceed even in the presence of damaged DNA. We show here that the RSK kinase, often elevated in cancers, can suppress DSB-induced ATM activation in both Xenopus egg extracts and human tumor cell lines. In analyzing each step in ATM activation, we have found that RSK disrupts the binding of the MRN complex to DSB DNA. RSK can directly phosphorylate the Mre11 protein at Ser 676 both in vitro and in intact cells and can thereby inhibit loading of Mre11 onto DSB DNA. Accordingly, mutation of Ser 676 to Ala can reverse inhibition of the DSB response by RSK. Collectively, these data point to Mre11 as an important locus of RSK-mediated checkpoint inhibition acting upstream of ATM activation.

The phosphorylation of Mre11 on Ser 676 is antagonized by phosphatases. Here, we screened for phosphatases that target this site and identified PP5 as a candidate. This finding is consistent with the fact that PP5 is required for the ATM-mediated DNA damage response, indicating that PP5 may promote DSB-induced, ATM-dependent DNA damage response by targeting Mre11 upstream of ATM.


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The short arms of the ten acrocentric human chromosomes share several repetitive DNAs, including ribosomal RNA genes (rDNA). The rDNA arrays correspond to nucleolar organizing regions that coalesce each cell cycle to form the nucleolus. Telomere disruption by expressing a mutant version of telomere binding protein TRF2 (dnTRF2) causes non-random acrocentric fusions, as well as large-scale nucleolar defects. The mechanisms responsible for acrocentric chromosome sensitivity to dysfunctional telomeres are unclear. In this study, we show that TRF2 normally associates with the nucleolus and rDNA. However, when telomeres are crippled by dnTRF2 or RNAi knockdown of TRF2, gross nucleolar and chromosomal changes occur. We used the controllable dnTRF2 system to precisely dissect the timing and progression of nucleolar and chromosomal instability induced by telomere dysfunction, demonstrating that nucleolar changes precede the DNA damage and morphological changes that occur at acrocentric short arms. The rDNA repeat arrays on the short arms decondense, and are coated by RNA polymerase I transcription binding factor UBF, physically linking acrocentrics to one another as they become fusogenic. These results highlight the importance of telomere function in nucleolar stability and structural integrity of acrocentric chromosomes, particularly the rDNA arrays. Telomeric stress is widely accepted to cause DNA damage at chromosome ends, but our findings suggest that it also disrupts chromosome structure beyond the telomere region, specifically within the rDNA arrays located on acrocentric chromosomes. These results have relevance for Robertsonian translocation formation in humans and mechanisms by which acrocentric-acrocentric fusions are promoted by DNA damage and repair.


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Mitochondria are responsible for producing the vast majority of cellular ATP, and are therefore critical to organismal health [1]. They contain thir own genomes (mtDNA) which encode 13 proteins that are all subunits of the mitochondrial respiratory chain (MRC) and are essential for oxidative phosphorylation [2]. mtDNA is present in multiple copies per cell, usually between 103 and 104 , though this number is reduced during certain developmental stages [3, 4]. The health of the mitochondrial genome is also important to the health of the organism, as mutations in mtDNA lead to human diseases that collectively affect approximately 1 in 4000 people [5, 6]. mtDNA is more susceptible than nuclear DNA (nucDNA) to damage by many environmental pollutants, for reasons including the absence of Nucleotide Excision Repair (NER) in the mitochondria [7]. NER is a highly functionally conserved DNA repair pathway that removes bulky, helix distorting lesions such as those caused by ultraviolet C (UVC) radiation and also many environmental toxicants, including benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) [8]. While these lesions cannot be repaired, they are slowly removed through a process that involves mitochondrial dynamics and autophagy [9, 10]. However, when present during development in C. elegans, this damage reduces mtDNA copy number and ATP levels [11]. We hypothesize that this damage, when present during development, will result in mitochondrial dysfunction and increase the potential for adverse outcomes later in life.

To test this hypothesis, 1st larval stage (L1) C. elegans are exposed to 3 doses of 7.5J/m2 ultraviolet C radiation 24 hours apart, leading to the accumulation of mtDNA damage [9, 11]. After exposure, many mitochondrial endpoints are assessed at multiple time points later in life. mtDNA and nucDNA damage levels and genome copy numbers are measured via QPCR and real-time PCR , respectively, every 2 day for 10 days. Steady state ATP levels are measured via luciferase expressing reporter strains and traditional ATP extraction methods. Oxygen consumption is measured using a Seahorse XFe24 extra cellular flux analyzer. Gene expression changes are measured via real time PCR and targeted metabolomics via LC-MS are used to investigate changes in organic acid, amino acid and acyl-carnitine levels. Lastly, nematode developmental delay is assessed as growth, and measured via imaging and COPAS biosort.

I have found that despite being removed, UVC induced mtDNA damage during development leads to persistent deficits in energy production later in life. mtDNA copy number is permanently reduced, as are ATP levels, though oxygen consumption is increased, indicating inefficient or uncoupled respiration. Metabolomic data and mutant sensitivity indicate a role for NADPH and oxidative stress in these results, and exposed nematodes are more sensitive to the mitochondrial poison rotenone later in life. These results fit with the developmental origin of health and disease hypothesis, and show the potential for environmental exposures to have lasting effects on mitochondrial function.

Lastly, we are currently working to investigate the potential for irreparable mtDNA lesions to drive mutagenesis in mtDNA. Mutations in mtDNA lead to a wide range of diseases, yet we currently do not understand the environmental component of what causes them. In vitro evidence suggests that UVC induced thymine dimers can be mutagenic [12]. We are using duplex sequencing of C. elegans mtDNA to determine mutation rates in nematodes exposed to our serial UVC protocol. Furthermore, by including mutant strains deficient in mitochondrial fission and mitophagy, we hope to determine if deficiencies in these processes will further increase mtDNA mutation rates, as they are implicated in human diseases.


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Mammalian mitochondria contain multiple small genomes. While these organelles have efficient base excision removal of oxidative DNA lesions and alkylation damage, many DNA repair systems that work on nuclear DNA damage are not active in mitochondria. What is the fate of DNA damage in the mitochondria that cannot be repaired or that overwhelms the repair system? Some forms of mitochondrial DNA damage can apparently trigger mitochondrial DNA destruction, either via direct degradation or through specific forms of autophagy, such as mitophagy. However, accumulation of certain types of mitochondrial damage, in the absence of DNA ligase III (Lig3) or exonuclease G (EXOG), can directly trigger cell death. This review examines the cellular effects of persistent damage to mitochondrial genomes and discusses the very different cell fates that occur in response to different kinds of damage.


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The central dogma of molecular biology relies on the correct Watson-Crick (WC) geometry of canonical deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) dG•dC and dA•dT base pairs to replicate and transcribe genetic information with speed and an astonishing level of fidelity. In addition, the Watson-Crick geometry of canonical ribonucleic acid (RNA) rG•rC and rA•rU base pairs is highly conserved to ensure that proteins are translated with high fidelity. However, numerous other potential nucleobase tautomeric and ionic configurations are possible that can give rise to entirely new pairing modes between the nucleotide bases. Very early on, James Watson and Francis Crick recognized their importance and in 1953 postulated that if bases adopted one of their less energetically disfavored tautomeric forms (and later ionic forms) during replication it could lead to the formation of a mismatch with a Watson-Crick-like geometry and could give rise to “natural mutations.”

Since this time numerous studies have provided evidence in support of this hypothesis and have expanded upon it; computational studies have addressed the energetic feasibilities of different nucleobases’ tautomeric and ionic forms in siico; crystallographic studies have trapped different mismatches with WC-like geometries in polymerase or ribosome active sites. However, no direct evidence has been given for (i) the direct existence of these WC-like mismatches in canonical DNA duplex, RNA duplexes, or non-coding RNAs; (ii) which, if any, tautomeric or ionic form stabilizes the WC-like geometry. This thesis utilizes nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and rotating frame relaxation dispersion (R1ρ RD) in combination with density functional theory (DFT), biochemical assays, and targeted chemical perturbations to show that (i) dG•dT mismatches in DNA duplexes, as well as rG•rU mismatches RNA duplexes and non-coding RNAs, transiently adopt a WC-like geometry that is stabilized by (ii) an interconnected network of rapidly interconverting rare tautomers and anionic bases. These results support Watson and Crick’s tautomer hypothesis, but additionally support subsequent hypotheses invoking anionic mismatches and ultimately tie them together. This dissertation shows that a common mismatch can adopt a Watson-Crick-like geometry globally, in both DNA and RNA, and whose geometry is stabilized by a kinetically linked network of rare tautomeric and anionic bases. The studies herein also provide compelling evidence for their involvement in spontaneous replication and translation errors.