6 resultados para CuO nanoparticles

em Duke University


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The rapid development of nanotechnology and wider applications of engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) in the last few decades have generated concerns regarding their environmental and health risks. After release into the environment, ENMs undergo aggregation, transformation, and, for metal-based nanomaterials, dissolution processes, which together determine their fate, bioavailability and toxicity to living organisms in the ecosystems. The rates of these processes are dependent on nanomaterial characteristics as well as complex environmental factors, including natural organic matter (NOM). As a ubiquitous component of aquatic systems, NOM plays a key role in the aggregation, dissolution and transformation of metal-based nanomaterials and colloids in aquatic environments.

The goal of this dissertation work is to investigate how NOM fractions with different chemical and molecular properties affect the dissolution kinetics of metal oxide ENMs, such as zinc oxide (ZnO) and copper oxide (CuO) nanoparticles (NPs), and consequently their bioavailability to aquatic vertebrate, with Gulf killifish (Fundulus grandis) embryos as model organisms.

ZnO NPs are known to dissolve at relatively fast rates, and the rate of dissolution is influenced by water chemistry, including the presence of Zn-chelating ligands. A challenge, however, remains in quantifying the dissolution of ZnO NPs, particularly for time scales that are short enough to determine rates. This dissertation assessed the application of anodic stripping voltammetry (ASV) with a hanging mercury drop electrode to directly measure the concentration of dissolved Zn in ZnO NP suspensions, without separation of the ZnO NPs from the aqueous phase. Dissolved zinc concentration measured by ASV ([Zn]ASV) was compared with that measured by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) after ultracentrifugation ([Zn]ICP-MS), for four types of ZnO NPs with different coatings and primary particle diameters. For small ZnO NPs (4-5 nm), [Zn]ASV was 20% higher than [Zn]ICP-MS, suggesting that these small NPs contributed to the voltammetric measurement. For larger ZnO NPs (approximately 20 nm), [Zn]ASV was (79±19)% of [Zn]ICP-MS, despite the high concentrations of ZnO NPs in suspension, suggesting that ASV can be used to accurately measure the dissolution kinetics of ZnO NPs of this primary particle size.

Using the ASV technique to directly measure dissolved zinc concentration, we examined the effects of 16 different NOM isolates on the dissolution kinetics of ZnO NPs in buffered potassium chloride solution. The observed dissolution rate constants (kobs) and dissolved zinc concentrations at equilibrium increased linearly with NOM concentration (from 0 to 40 mg-C L-1) for Suwannee River humic acid (SRHA), Suwannee River fulvic acid and Pony Lake fulvic acid. When dissolution rates were compared for the 16 NOM isolates, kobs was positively correlated with certain properties of NOM, including specific ultraviolet absorbance (SUVA), aromatic and carbonyl carbon contents, and molecular weight. Dissolution rate constants were negatively correlated to hydrogen/carbon ratio and aliphatic carbon content. The observed correlations indicate that aromatic carbon content is a key factor in determining the rate of NOM-promoted dissolution of ZnO NPs. NOM isolates with higher SUVA were also more effective at enhancing the colloidal stability of the NPs; however, the NOM-promoted dissolution was likely due to enhanced interactions between surface metal ions and NOM rather than smaller aggregate size.

Based on the above results, we designed experiments to quantitatively link the dissolution kinetics and bioavailability of CuO NPs to Gulf killifish embryos under the influence of NOM. The CuO NPs dissolved to varying degrees and at different rates in diluted 5‰ artificial seawater buffered to different pH (6.3-7.5), with or without selected NOM isolates at various concentrations (0.1-10 mg-C L-1). NOM isolates with higher SUVA and aromatic carbon content (such as SRHA) were more effective at promoting the dissolution of CuO NPs, as with ZnO NPs, especially at higher NOM concentrations. On the other hand, the presence of NOM decreased the bioavailability of dissolved Cu ions, with the uptake rate constant negatively correlated to dissolved organic carbon concentration ([DOC]) multiplied by SUVA, a combined parameter indicative of aromatic carbon concentration in the media. When the embryos were exposed to CuO NP suspension, changes in their Cu content were due to the uptake of both dissolved Cu ions and nanoparticulate CuO. The uptake rate constant of nanoparticulate CuO was also negatively correlated to [DOC]×SUVA, in a fashion roughly proportional to changes in dissolved Cu uptake rate constant. Thus, the ratio of uptake rate constants from dissolved Cu and nanoparticulate CuO (ranging from 12 to 22, on average 17±4) were insensitive to NOM type or concentration. Instead, the relative contributions of these two Cu forms were largely determined by the percentage of CuO NP that was dissolved.

Overall, this dissertation elucidated the important role that dissolved NOM plays in affecting the environmental fate and bioavailability of soluble metal-based nanomaterials. This dissertation work identified aromatic carbon content and its indicator SUVA as key NOM properties that influence the dissolution, aggregation and biouptake kinetics of metal oxide NPs and highlighted dissolution rate as a useful functional assay for assessing the relative contributions of dissolved and nanoparticulate forms to metal bioavailability. Findings of this dissertation work will be helpful for predicting the environmental risks of engineered nanomaterials.


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The transport of uncoated silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) in a porous medium composed of silica glass beads modified with a partial coverage of iron oxide (hematite) was studied and compared to that in a porous medium composed of unmodified glass beads (GB). At a pH lower than the point of zero charge (PZC) of hematite, the affinity of AgNPs for a hematite-coated glass bead (FeO-GB) surface was significantly higher than that for an uncoated surface. There was a linear correlation between the average nanoparticle affinity for media composed of mixtures of FeO-GB and GB collectors and the relative composition of those media as quantified by the attachment efficiency over a range of mixing mass ratios of the two types of collectors, so that the average AgNPs affinity for these media is readily predicted from the mass (or surface) weighted average of affinities for each of the surface types. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) was used to quantify the composition of the collector surface as a basis for predicting the affinity between the nanoparticles for a heterogeneous collector surface. A correlation was also observed between the local abundances of AgNPs and FeO on the collector surface.


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This study involves two aspects of our investigations of plasmonics-active systems: (i) theoretical and simulation studies and (ii) experimental fabrication of plasmonics-active nanostructures. Two types of nanostructures are selected as the model systems for their unique plasmonics properties: (1) nanoparticles and (2) nanowires on substrate. Special focus is devoted to regions where the electromagnetic field is strongly concentrated by the metallic nanostructures or between nanostructures. The theoretical investigations deal with dimers of nanoparticles and nanoshells using a semi-analytical method based on a multipole expansion (ME) and the finite-element method (FEM) in order to determine the electromagnetic enhancement, especially at the interface areas of two adjacent nanoparticles. The experimental study involves the design of plasmonics-active nanowire arrays on substrates that can provide efficient electromagnetic enhancement in regions around and between the nanostructures. Fabrication of these nanowire structures over large chip-scale areas (from a few millimeters to a few centimeters) as well as FDTD simulations to estimate the EM fields between the nanowires are described. The application of these nanowire chips using surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) for detection of chemicals and labeled DNA molecules is described to illustrate the potential of the plasmonics chips for sensing.


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Surface plasmons supported by metal nanoparticles are perturbed by coupling to a surface that is polarizable. Coupling results in enhancement of near fields and may increase the scattering efficiency of radiative modes. In this study, we investigate the Rayleigh and Raman scattering properties of gold nanoparticles functionalized with cyanine deposited on silicon and quartz wafers and on gold thin films. Dark-field scattering images display red shifting of the gold nanoparticle plasmon resonance and doughnut-shaped scattering patterns when particles are deposited on silicon or on a gold film. The imaged radiation patterns and individual particle spectra reveal that the polarizable substrates control both the orientation and brightness of the radiative modes. Comparison with simulation indicates that, in a particle-surface system with a fixed junction width, plasmon band shifts are controlled quantitatively by the permittivity of the wafer or the film. Surface-enhanced resonance Raman scattering (SERRS) spectra and images are collected from cyanine on particles on gold films. SERRS images of the particles on gold films are doughnut-shaped as are their Rayleigh images, indicating that the SERRS is controlled by the polarization of plasmons in the antenna nanostructures. Near-field enhancement and radiative efficiency of the antenna are sufficient to enable Raman scattering cyanines to function as gap field probes. Through collective interpretation of individual particle Rayleigh spectra and spectral simulations, the geometric basis for small observed variations in the wavelength and intensity of plasmon resonant scattering from individual antenna on the three surfaces is explained.


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Multivalency is the increase in avidity resulting from the simultaneous interaction of multiple ligands with multiple receptors. This phenomenon, seen in antibody-antigen and virus-cell membrane interactions, is useful in designing bioinspired materials for targeted delivery of drugs or imaging agents. While increased avidity offered by multivalent targeting is attractive, it can also promote nonspecific receptor interaction in nontarget tissues, reducing the effectiveness of multivalent targeting. Here, we present a thermal targeting strategy--dynamic affinity modulation (DAM)--using elastin-like polypeptide diblock copolymers (ELP(BC)s) that self-assemble from a low-affinity to high-avidity state by a tunable thermal "switch", thereby restricting activity to the desired site of action. We used an in vitro cell binding assay to investigate the effect of the thermally triggered self-assembly of these ELP(BC)s on their receptor-mediated binding and cellular uptake. The data presented herein show that (1) ligand presentation does not disrupt ELP(BC) self-assembly; (2) both multivalent ligand presentation and upregulated receptor expression are needed for receptor-mediated interaction; (3) increased size of the hydrophobic segment of the block copolymer promotes multivalent interaction with membrane receptors, potentially due to changes in the nanoscale architecture of the micelle; and (4) nanoscale presentation of the ligand is important, as presentation of the ligand by micrometer-sized aggregates of an ELP showed a low level of binding/uptake by receptor-positive cells compared to its presentation on the corona of a micelle. These data validate the concept of thermally triggered DAM and provide rational design parameters for future applications of this technology for targeted drug delivery.


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Responsive biomaterials play important roles in imaging, diagnostics, and therapeutics. Polymeric nanoparticles (NPs) containing hydrophobic and hydrophilic segments are one class of biomaterial utilized for these purposes. The incorporation of luminescent molecules into NPs adds optical imaging and sensing capability to these vectors. Here we report on the synthesis of dual-emissive, pegylated NPs with "stealth"-like properties, delivered intravenously (IV), for the study of tumor accumulation. The NPs were created by means of stereocomplexation using a methoxy-terminated polyethylene glycol and poly(D-lactide) (mPEG-PDLA) block copolymer combined with iodide-substituted difluoroboron dibenzoylmethane-poly(L-lactide) (BF2dbm(I)PLLA). Boron nanoparticles (BNPs) were fabricated in two different solvent compositions to study the effects on BNP size distribution. The physical and photoluminescent properties of the BNPs were studied in vitro over time to determine stability. Finally, preliminary in vivo results show that stereocomplexed BNPs injected IV are taken up by tumors, an important prerequisite to their use as hypoxia imaging agents in preclinical studies.