3 resultados para Cell block

em Duke University


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The enteroendocrine cell is the cornerstone of gastrointestinal chemosensation. In the intestine and colon, this cell is stimulated by nutrients, tastants that elicit the perception of flavor, and bacterial by-products; and in response, the cell secretes hormones like cholecystokinin and peptide YY--both potent regulators of appetite. The development of transgenic mice with enteroendocrine cells expressing green fluorescent protein has allowed for the elucidation of the apical nutrient sensing mechanisms of the cell. However, the basal secretory aspects of the enteroendocrine cell remain largely unexplored, particularly because a complete account of the enteroendocrine cell ultrastructure does not exist. Today, the fine ultrastructure of a specific cell can be revealed in the third dimension thanks to the invention of serial block face scanning electron microscopy (SBEM). Here, we bridged confocal microscopy with SBEM to identify the enteroendocrine cell of the mouse and study its ultrastructure in the third dimension. The results demonstrated that 73.5% of the peptide-secreting vesicles in the enteroendocrine cell are contained within an axon-like basal process. We called this process a neuropod. This neuropod contains neurofilaments, which are typical structural proteins of axons. Surprisingly, the SBEM data also demonstrated that the enteroendocrine cell neuropod is escorted by enteric glia--the cells that nurture enteric neurons. We extended these structural findings into an in vitro intestinal organoid system, in which the addition of glial derived neurotrophic factors enhanced the development of neuropods in enteroendocrine cells. These findings open a new avenue of exploration in gastrointestinal chemosensation by unveiling an unforeseen physical relationship between enteric glia and enteroendocrine cells.


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Voltage-dependent membrane currents were studied in dissociated hepatocytes from chick, using the patch-clamp technique. All cells had voltage-dependent outward K+ currents; in 10% of the cells, a fast, transient, tetrodotoxin-sensitive Na+ current was identified. None of the cells had voltage-dependent inward Ca2+ currents. The K+ current activated at a membrane potential of about -10 mV, had a sigmoidal time course, and did not inactivate in 500 ms. The maximum outward conductance was 6.6 +/- 2.4 nS in 18 cells. The reversal potential, estimated from tail current measurements, shifted by 50 mV per 10-fold increase in the external K+ concentration. The current traces were fitted by n2 kinetics with voltage-dependent time constants. Omitting Ca2+ from the external bath or buffering the internal Ca2+ with EGTA did not alter the outward current, which shows that Ca2+-activated K+ currents were not present. 1-5 mM 4-aminopyridine, 0.5-2 mM BaCl2, and 0.1-1 mM CdCl2 reversibly inhibited the current. The block caused by Ba was voltage dependent. Single-channel currents were recorded in cell-attached and outside-out patches. The mean unitary conductance was 7 pS, and the channels displayed bursting kinetics. Thus, avian hepatocytes have a single type of K+ channel belonging to the delayed rectifier class of K+ channels.


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Given the emerging epidemic of renal disease in HIV+ patients and the fact that HIV DNA and RNA persist in the kidneys of HIV+ patients despite therapy, it is necessary to understand the role of direct HIV-1 infection of the kidney. HIV-associated kidney disease pathogenesis is attributed in large part to viral proteins. Expression of Vpr in renal tubule epithelial cells (RTECs) induces G2 arrest, apoptosis and polyploidy. The ability of a subset of cells to overcome the G2/M block and progress to polyploidy is not well understood. Polyploidy frequently associates with a bypass of cell death and disease pathogenesis. Given the ability of the kidney to serve as a unique compartment for HIV-1 infection, and the observed occurrence of polyploid cells in HIV+ renal cells, it is critical to understand the mechanisms and consequences of Vpr-induced polyploidy.

Here I determined effects of HIV-1 Vpr expression in renal cells using highly efficient transduction with VSV.G pseudotyped lentiviral vectors expressing Vpr in the HK2 human tubule epithelial cell line. Using FACS, fluorescence microscopy, and live cell imaging I show that G2 escape immediately precedes a critical junction between two distinct outcomes in Vpr+ RTECs: mitotic cell death and polyploidy. Vpr+ cells that evade aberrant mitosis and become polyploid have a substantially higher survival rate than those that undergo complete mitosis, and this survival correlates with enrichment for polyploidy in cell culture over time. Further, I identify a novel role for ATM kinase in promoting G2 arrest escape and polyploidy in this context. In summary, my work identifies ATM-dependent override of Vpr-mediated G2/M arrest as a critical determinant of cell fate Vpr+ RTECs. Further, our work highlights how a poorly understood HIV mechanism, ploidy increase, may offer insight into key processes of reservoir establishment and disease pathogenesis in HIV+ kidneys.