3 resultados para Apprendimento, Hebbiano, Robotica, Value, system, Distributed, adaptive, control

em Duke University


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Distributed Computing frameworks belong to a class of programming models that allow developers to

launch workloads on large clusters of machines. Due to the dramatic increase in the volume of

data gathered by ubiquitous computing devices, data analytic workloads have become a common

case among distributed computing applications, making Data Science an entire field of

Computer Science. We argue that Data Scientist's concern lays in three main components: a dataset,

a sequence of operations they wish to apply on this dataset, and some constraint they may have

related to their work (performances, QoS, budget, etc). However, it is actually extremely

difficult, without domain expertise, to perform data science. One need to select the right amount

and type of resources, pick up a framework, and configure it. Also, users are often running their

application in shared environments, ruled by schedulers expecting them to specify precisely their resource

needs. Inherent to the distributed and concurrent nature of the cited frameworks, monitoring and

profiling are hard, high dimensional problems that block users from making the right

configuration choices and determining the right amount of resources they need. Paradoxically, the

system is gathering a large amount of monitoring data at runtime, which remains unused.

In the ideal abstraction we envision for data scientists, the system is adaptive, able to exploit

monitoring data to learn about workloads, and process user requests into a tailored execution

context. In this work, we study different techniques that have been used to make steps toward

such system awareness, and explore a new way to do so by implementing machine learning

techniques to recommend a specific subset of system configurations for Apache Spark applications.

Furthermore, we present an in depth study of Apache Spark executors configuration, which highlight

the complexity in choosing the best one for a given workload.


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Vocal learning is a critical behavioral substrate for spoken human language. It is a rare trait found in three distantly related groups of birds-songbirds, hummingbirds, and parrots. These avian groups have remarkably similar systems of cerebral vocal nuclei for the control of learned vocalizations that are not found in their more closely related vocal non-learning relatives. These findings led to the hypothesis that brain pathways for vocal learning in different groups evolved independently from a common ancestor but under pre-existing constraints. Here, we suggest one constraint, a pre-existing system for movement control. Using behavioral molecular mapping, we discovered that in songbirds, parrots, and hummingbirds, all cerebral vocal learning nuclei are adjacent to discrete brain areas active during limb and body movements. Similar to the relationships between vocal nuclei activation and singing, activation in the adjacent areas correlated with the amount of movement performed and was independent of auditory and visual input. These same movement-associated brain areas were also present in female songbirds that do not learn vocalizations and have atrophied cerebral vocal nuclei, and in ring doves that are vocal non-learners and do not have cerebral vocal nuclei. A compilation of previous neural tracing experiments in songbirds suggests that the movement-associated areas are connected in a network that is in parallel with the adjacent vocal learning system. This study is the first global mapping that we are aware for movement-associated areas of the avian cerebrum and it indicates that brain systems that control vocal learning in distantly related birds are directly adjacent to brain systems involved in movement control. Based upon these findings, we propose a motor theory for the origin of vocal learning, this being that the brain areas specialized for vocal learning in vocal learners evolved as a specialization of a pre-existing motor pathway that controls movement.


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Secure Access For Everyone (SAFE), is an integrated system for managing trust

using a logic-based declarative language. Logical trust systems authorize each

request by constructing a proof from a context---a set of authenticated logic

statements representing credentials and policies issued by various principals

in a networked system. A key barrier to practical use of logical trust systems

is the problem of managing proof contexts: identifying, validating, and

assembling the credentials and policies that are relevant to each trust


SAFE addresses this challenge by (i) proposing a distributed authenticated data

repository for storing the credentials and policies; (ii) introducing a

programmable credential discovery and assembly layer that generates the

appropriate tailored context for a given request. The authenticated data

repository is built upon a scalable key-value store with its contents named by

secure identifiers and certified by the issuing principal. The SAFE language

provides scripting primitives to generate and organize logic sets representing

credentials and policies, materialize the logic sets as certificates, and link

them to reflect delegation patterns in the application. The authorizer fetches

the logic sets on demand, then validates and caches them locally for further

use. Upon each request, the authorizer constructs the tailored proof context

and provides it to the SAFE inference for certified validation.

Delegation-driven credential linking with certified data distribution provides

flexible and dynamic policy control enabling security and trust infrastructure

to be agile, while addressing the perennial problems related to today's

certificate infrastructure: automated credential discovery, scalable

revocation, and issuing credentials without relying on centralized authority.

We envision SAFE as a new foundation for building secure network systems. We

used SAFE to build secure services based on case studies drawn from practice:

(i) a secure name service resolver similar to DNS that resolves a name across

multi-domain federated systems; (ii) a secure proxy shim to delegate access

control decisions in a key-value store; (iii) an authorization module for a

networked infrastructure-as-a-service system with a federated trust structure

(NSF GENI initiative); and (iv) a secure cooperative data analytics service

that adheres to individual secrecy constraints while disclosing the data. We

present empirical evaluation based on these case studies and demonstrate that

SAFE supports a wide range of applications with low overhead.