5 resultados para Anticancer

em Duke University


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Therapeutic anticancer vaccines are designed to boost patients' immune responses to tumors. One approach is to use a viral vector to deliver antigen to in situ DCs, which then activate tumor-specific T cell and antibody responses. However, vector-specific neutralizing antibodies and suppressive cell populations such as Tregs remain great challenges to the efficacy of this approach. We report here that an alphavirus vector, packaged in virus-like replicon particles (VRP) and capable of efficiently infecting DCs, could be repeatedly administered to patients with metastatic cancer expressing the tumor antigen carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) and that it overcame high titers of neutralizing antibodies and elevated Treg levels to induce clinically relevant CEA-specific T cell and antibody responses. The CEA-specific antibodies mediated antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity against tumor cells from human colorectal cancer metastases. In addition, patients with CEA-specific T cell responses exhibited longer overall survival. These data suggest that VRP-based vectors can overcome the presence of neutralizing antibodies to break tolerance to self antigen and may be clinically useful for immunotherapy in the setting of tumor-induced immunosuppression.


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Glioblastomas are deadly cancers that display a functional cellular hierarchy maintained by self-renewing glioblastoma stem cells (GSCs). GSCs are regulated by molecular pathways distinct from the bulk tumor that may be useful therapeutic targets. We determined that A20 (TNFAIP3), a regulator of cell survival and the NF-kappaB pathway, is overexpressed in GSCs relative to non-stem glioblastoma cells at both the mRNA and protein levels. To determine the functional significance of A20 in GSCs, we targeted A20 expression with lentiviral-mediated delivery of short hairpin RNA (shRNA). Inhibiting A20 expression decreased GSC growth and survival through mechanisms associated with decreased cell-cycle progression and decreased phosphorylation of p65/RelA. Elevated levels of A20 in GSCs contributed to apoptotic resistance: GSCs were less susceptible to TNFalpha-induced cell death than matched non-stem glioma cells, but A20 knockdown sensitized GSCs to TNFalpha-mediated apoptosis. The decreased survival of GSCs upon A20 knockdown contributed to the reduced ability of these cells to self-renew in primary and secondary neurosphere formation assays. The tumorigenic potential of GSCs was decreased with A20 targeting, resulting in increased survival of mice bearing human glioma xenografts. In silico analysis of a glioma patient genomic database indicates that A20 overexpression and amplification is inversely correlated with survival. Together these data indicate that A20 contributes to glioma maintenance through effects on the glioma stem cell subpopulation. Although inactivating mutations in A20 in lymphoma suggest A20 can act as a tumor suppressor, similar point mutations have not been identified through glioma genomic sequencing: in fact, our data suggest A20 may function as a tumor enhancer in glioma through promotion of GSC survival. A20 anticancer therapies should therefore be viewed with caution as effects will likely differ depending on the tumor type.


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BACKGROUND: Small molecule inhibitors of histone deacetylases (HDACi) hold promise as anticancer agents for particular malignancies. However, clinical use is often confounded by toxicity, perhaps due to indiscriminate hyperacetylation of cellular proteins. Therefore, elucidating the mechanisms by which HDACi trigger differentiation, cell cycle arrest, or apoptosis of cancer cells could inform development of more targeted therapies. We used the myelogenous leukemia line K562 as a model of HDACi-induced differentiation to investigate chromatin accessibility (DNase-seq) and expression (RNA-seq) changes associated with this process. RESULTS: We identified several thousand specific regulatory elements [~10 % of total DNase I-hypersensitive (DHS) sites] that become significantly more or less accessible with sodium butyrate or suberanilohydroxamic acid treatment. Most of the differential DHS sites display hallmarks of enhancers, including being enriched for non-promoter regions, associating with nearby gene expression changes, and increasing luciferase reporter expression in K562 cells. Differential DHS sites were enriched for key hematopoietic lineage transcription factor motifs, including SPI1 (PU.1), a known pioneer factor. We found PU.1 increases binding at opened DHS sites with HDACi treatment by ChIP-seq, but PU.1 knockdown by shRNA fails to block the chromatin accessibility and expression changes. A machine-learning approach indicates H3K27me3 initially marks PU.1-bound sites that open with HDACi treatment, suggesting these sites are epigenetically poised. CONCLUSIONS: We find HDACi treatment of K562 cells results in site-specific chromatin remodeling at epigenetically poised regulatory elements. PU.1 shows evidence of a pioneer role in this process by marking poised enhancers but is not required for transcriptional activation.


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During oncogenesis, cancer cells go through metabolic reprogramming to maintain their high growth rates and adapt to changes in the microenvironment and the lack of essential nutrients. Several types of cancer are dependent on de novo fatty acid synthesis to sustain their growth rates by providing precursors to construct membranes and produce vital signaling lipids. Fatty acid synthase (FASN) catalyze the terminal step of de novo fatty acid synthesis and it is highly expressed in many types of cancers where it’s up-regulation is correlated with cancer aggressiveness and low therapeutic outcome. Many FASN inhibitors were developed and showed potent anticancer activity however, only one inhibitor advanced to early stage clinical trials with some dose limiting toxicities. Using a modified fluorescence-linked enzyme chemoproteomic strategy (FLECS) screen, we identified HS-106, a thiophenopyrimiden FASN inhibitor that has anti-neoplastic activity against breast cancer in vitro and in vivo. HS-106 was able to inhibit both; purified human FASN activity and cellular fatty acid synthesis activity as evaluated by radioactive tracers incorporation into lipids experiments. In proliferation and apoptosis assays, HS-106 was able to block proliferation and induce apoptosis in several breast cancer cell lines. Several rescue experiment and global lipidome analysis were performed to probe the mechanism by which HS-106 induces apoptosis. HS-106 was found to induce several changes in lipids metabolism: (i) inhibit fatty acids synthesis. (ii) Inhibit fatty acids oxidation as indicated by the ability of inhibiting Malonyl CoA accumulation to block HS-106 induced apoptosis and the increase in the abundance of ceramides. (iii) Increase fatty acids uptake and neutral lipids formation as confirmed 14C Palmitate uptake assay and neutral lipids staining. (iv)Inhibit the formation of phospholipids by inhibiting de novo fatty acid synthesis and diverting exogenous fatty acids to neutral lipids. All of these events would lead to disruption in membranes structure and function. HS-106 was also tested in Lapatinib resistant cell lines and it was able to induce apoptosis and synergizes Lapatinib activity in these cell lines. This may be due the disruption of lipid rafts based on the observation that HS-106 reduces the expression of both HER2 and HER3. HS-106 was found to be well tolerated and bioavailable in mice with high elimination rate. HS-106 efficacy was tested in MMTV neu mouse model. Although did not significantly reduced tumor size (alone), HS-106 was able to double the median survival of the mice and showed potent antitumor activity when combined with Carboplatin. Similar results were obtained when same combinations and dosing schedule was used in C3Tag mouse model except for the inability of HS-106 affect mice survival.

From the above, HS-106 represent a novel FASN inhibitor that has anticancer activity both in vivo and in vitro. Being a chemically tractable molecule, the synthetic route to HS-106 is readily adaptable for the preparation of analogs that are similar in structure, suggesting that, the pharmacological properties of HS-106 can be improved.


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Topoisomerase 1 (Top1), a Type IB topoisomerase, functions to relieve transcription- and replication-associated torsional stress in DNA. Top1 cleaves one strand of DNA, covalently associates with the 3’ end of the nick to form a Top1-cleavage complex (Top1cc), passes the intact strand through the nick and finally re-ligates the broken strand. The chemotherapeutic drug, Camptothecin, intercalates at a Top1cc and prevents the crucial re-ligation reaction that is mediated by Top1, resulting in the conversion of a nick to a toxic double-strand break during DNA replication or the accumulation of Top1cc. This mechanism of action preferentially targets rapidly dividing tumor cells, but can also affect non-tumor cells when patients undergo treatment. Additionally, Top1 is found to be elevated in numerous tumor tissues making it an attractive target for anticancer therapies. We investigated the effects of Top1 on genome stability, effects of persistent Top1-cleavage complexes and elevated Top1 levels, in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We found that increased levels of the Top1cc resulted in a five- to ten-fold increase in reciprocal crossovers, three- to fifteen fold increase in mutagenesis and greatly increased instability within the rDNA and CUP1 tandem arrays. Increased Top1 levels resulted in a fifteen- to twenty-two fold increase in mutagenesis and increased instability in rDNA locus. These results have important implications for understanding the effects of CPT and elevated Top1 levels as a chemotherapeutic agent.