12 resultados para Ameloblastoma. Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor. Bone morphogenetic proteins. Immunohistochemistry

em Duke University


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The stratification and differentiation of the epidermis are known to involve the precise control of multiple signaling pathways. By contrast, little is known about the development of the mouse esophagus and forestomach, which are composed of a stratified squamous epithelium. Based on prior work in the skin, we hypothesized that bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling is a central player. To test this hypothesis, we first used a BMP reporter mouse line harboring a BRE-lacZ allele, along with in situ hybridization to localize transcripts for BMP signaling components, including various antagonists. We then exploited a Shh-Cre allele that drives recombination in the embryonic foregut epithelium to generate gain- or loss-of-function models for the Bmpr1a (Alk3) receptor. In gain-of-function (Shh-Cre;Rosa26(CAG-loxpstoploxp-caBmprIa)) embryos, high levels of ectopic BMP signaling stall the transition from simple columnar to multilayered undifferentiated epithelium in the esophagus and forestomach. In loss-of-function experiments, conditional deletion of the BMP receptor in Shh-Cre;Bmpr1a(flox/flox) embryos allows the formation of a multilayered squamous epithelium but this fails to differentiate, as shown by the absence of expression of the suprabasal markers loricrin and involucrin. Together, these findings suggest multiple roles for BMP signaling in the developing esophagus and forestomach.


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OBJECTIVES: Adipose-derived stem cells (ASCs) and bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are multipotent adult stem cells with potential for use in cartilage tissue engineering. We hypothesized that these cells show distinct responses to different chondrogenic culture conditions and extracellular matrices, illustrating important differences between cell types. METHODS: Human ASCs and MSCs were chondrogenically differentiated in alginate beads or a novel scaffold of reconstituted native cartilage-derived matrix with a range of growth factors, including dexamethasone, transforming growth factor beta3, and bone morphogenetic protein 6. Constructs were analyzed for gene expression and matrix synthesis. RESULTS: Chondrogenic growth factors induced a chondrocytic phenotype in both ASCs and MSCs in alginate beads or cartilage-derived matrix. MSCs demonstrated enhanced type II collagen gene expression and matrix synthesis as well as a greater propensity for the hypertrophic chondrocyte phenotype. ASCs had higher upregulation of aggrecan gene expression in response to bone morphogenetic protein 6 (857-fold), while MSCs responded more favorably to transforming growth factor beta3 (573-fold increase). CONCLUSIONS: ASCs and MSCs are distinct cell types as illustrated by their unique responses to growth factor-based chondrogenic induction. This chondrogenic induction is affected by the composition of the scaffold and the presence of serum.


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The pathogenesis of osteoarthritis is mediated in part by inflammatory cytokines including interleukin-1 (IL-1), which promote degradation of articular cartilage and prevent human mesenchymal stem cell (hMSC) chondrogenesis. We combined gene therapy and functional tissue engineering to develop engineered cartilage with immunomodulatory properties that allow chondrogenesis in the presence of pathologic levels of IL-1 by inducing overexpression of IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra) in hMSCs via scaffold-mediated lentiviral gene delivery. A doxycycline-inducible vector was used to transduce hMSCs in monolayer or within 3D woven PCL scaffolds to enable tunable IL-1Ra production. In the presence of IL-1, IL-1Ra-expressing engineered cartilage produced cartilage-specific extracellular matrix, while resisting IL-1-induced upregulation of matrix metalloproteinases and maintaining mechanical properties similar to native articular cartilage. The ability of functional engineered cartilage to deliver tunable anti-inflammatory cytokines to the joint may enhance the long-term success of therapies for cartilage injuries or osteoarthritis.

Following this, we modified this anti-inflammatory engineered cartilage to incorporate rabbit MSCs and evaluated this therapeutic strategy in a pilot study in vivo in rabbit osteochondral defects. Rabbits were fed a custom doxycycline diet to induce gene expression in engineered cartilage implanted in the joint. Serum and synovial fluid were collected and the levels of doxycycline and inflammatory mediators were measured. Rabbits were euthanized 3 weeks following surgery and tissues were harvested for analysis. We found that doxycycline levels in serum and synovial fluid were too low to induce strong overexpression of hIL-1Ra in the joint and hIL-1Ra was undetectable in synovial fluid via ELISA. Although hIL-1Ra expression in the first few days local to the site of injury may have had a beneficial effect, overall a higher doxycycline dose and more readily transduced cell population would improve application of this therapy.

In addition to the 3D woven PCL scaffold, cartilage-derived matrix scaffolds have recently emerged as a promising option for cartilage tissue engineering. Spatially-defined, biomaterial-mediated lentiviral gene delivery of tunable and inducible morphogenetic transgenes may enable guided differentiation of hMSCs into both cartilage and bone within CDM scaffolds, enhancing the ability of the CDM scaffold to provide chondrogenic cues to hMSCs. In addition to controlled production of anti-inflammatory proteins within the joint, in situ production of chondro- and osteo-inductive factors within tissue-engineered cartilage, bone, or osteochondral tissue may be highly advantageous as it could eliminate the need for extensive in vitro differentiation involving supplementation of culture media with exogenous growth factors. To this end, we have utilized controlled overexpression of transforming growth factor-beta 3 (TGF-β3), bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2) or a combination of both factors, to induce chondrogenesis, osteogenesis, or both, within CDM hemispheres. We found that TGF-β3 overexpression led to robust chondrogenesis in vitro and BMP-2 overexpression led to mineralization but not accumulation of type I collagen. We also showed the development of a single osteochondral construct by combining tissues overexpressing BMP-2 (hemisphere insert) and TGF-β3 (hollow hemisphere shell) and culturing them together in the same media. Chondrogenic ECM was localized in the TGF-β3-expressing portion and osteogenic ECM was localized in the BMP-2-expressing region. Tissue also formed in the interface between the two pieces, integrating them into a single construct.

Since CDM scaffolds can be enzymatically degraded just like native cartilage, we hypothesized that IL-1 may have an even larger influence on CDM than PCL tissue-engineered constructs. Additionally, anti-inflammatory engineered cartilage implanted in vivo will likely affect cartilage and the underlying bone. There is some evidence that osteogenesis may be enhanced by IL-1 treatment rather than inhibited. To investigate the effects of an inflammatory environment on osteogenesis and chondrogenesis within CDM hemispheres, we evaluated the ability of IL-1Ra-expressing or control constructs to undergo chondrogenesis and osteogenesis in the prescence of IL-1. We found that IL-1 prevented chondrogenesis in CDM hemispheres but did not did not produce discernable effects on osteogenesis in CDM hemispheres. IL-1Ra-expressing CDM hemispheres produced robust cartilage-like ECM and did not upregulate inflammatory mediators during chondrogenic culture in the presence of IL-1.


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Human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) and three-dimensional (3D) woven poly(ɛ-caprolactone) (PCL) scaffolds are promising tools for skeletal tissue engineering. We hypothesized that in vitro culture duration and medium additives can individually and interactively influence the structure, composition, mechanical, and molecular properties of engineered tissues based on hMSCs and 3D poly(ɛ-caprolactone). Bone marrow hMSCs were suspended in collagen gel, seeded on scaffolds, and cultured for 1, 21, or 45 days under chondrogenic and/or osteogenic conditions. Structure, composition, biomechanics, and gene expression were analyzed. In chondrogenic medium, cartilaginous tissue formed by day 21, and hypertrophic mineralization was observed in the newly formed extracellular matrix at the interface with underlying scaffold by day 45. Glycosaminoglycan, hydroxyproline, and calcium contents, and alkaline phosphatase activity depended on culture duration and medium additives, with significant interactive effects (all p < 0.0001). The 45-day constructs exhibited mechanical properties on the order of magnitude of native articular cartilage (aggregate, Young's, and shear moduli of 0.15, 0.12, and 0.033 MPa, respectively). Gene expression was characteristic of chondrogenesis and endochondral bone formation, with sequential regulation of Sox-9, collagen type II, aggrecan, core binding factor alpha 1 (Cbfα1)/Runx2, bone sialoprotein, bone morphogenetic protein-2, and osteocalcin. In contrast, osteogenic medium produced limited osteogenesis. Long-term culture of hMSC on 3D scaffolds resulted in chondrogenesis and regional mineralization at the interface between soft, newly formed engineered cartilage, and stiffer underlying scaffold. These findings merit consideration when developing grafts for osteochondral defect repair.


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During heart development, a subpopulation of cells in the heart field maintains cardiac potential over several days of development and forms the myocardium and smooth muscle of the arterial pole. Using clonal and explant culture experiments, we show that these cells are a stem cell population that can differentiate into myocardium, smooth muscle and endothelial cells. The multipotent stem cells proliferate or differentiate into different cardiovascular cell fates through activation or inhibition of FGF and BMP signaling pathways. BMP promoted myocardial differentiation but not proliferation. FGF signaling promoted proliferation and induced smooth muscle differentiation, but inhibited myocardial differentiation. Blocking the Ras/Erk intracellular pathway promoted myocardial differentiation, while the PLCgamma and PI3K pathways regulated proliferation. In vivo, inhibition of both pathways resulted in predictable arterial pole defects. These studies suggest that myocardial differentiation of arterial pole progenitors requires BMP signaling combined with downregulation of the FGF/Ras/Erk pathway. The FGF pathway maintains the pool of proliferating stem cells and later promotes smooth muscle differentiation.


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Cognitive impairment is common following traumatic brain injury (TBI), and neuroinflammatory mechanisms may predispose to the development of neurodegenerative disease. Apolipoprotein E (apoE) polymorphisms modify neuroinflammatory responses, and influence both outcome from acute brain injury and the risk of developing neurodegenerative disease. We demonstrate that TBI accelerates neurodegenerative pathology in double-transgenic animals expressing the common human apoE alleles and mutated amyloid precursor protein, and that pathology is exacerbated in the presence of the apoE4 allele. The administration of an apoE-mimetic peptide markedly reduced the development of neurodegenerative pathology in mice homozygous for apoE3 as well as apoE3/E4 heterozygotes. These results demonstrate that TBI accelerates the cardinal neuropathological features of neurodegenerative disease, and establishes the potential for apoE mimetic therapies in reducing pathology associated with neurodegeneration.


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BACKGROUND: The conventional treatment protocol in high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) therapy utilizes a dense-scan strategy to produce closely packed thermal lesions aiming at eradicating as much tumor mass as possible. However, this strategy is not most effective in terms of inducing a systemic anti-tumor immunity so that it cannot provide efficient micro-metastatic control and long-term tumor resistance. We have previously provided evidence that HIFU may enhance systemic anti-tumor immunity by in situ activation of dendritic cells (DCs) inside HIFU-treated tumor tissue. The present study was conducted to test the feasibility of a sparse-scan strategy to boost HIFU-induced anti-tumor immune response by more effectively promoting DC maturation. METHODS: An experimental HIFU system was set up to perform tumor ablation experiments in subcutaneous implanted MC-38 and B16 tumor with dense- or sparse-scan strategy to produce closely-packed or separated thermal lesions. DCs infiltration into HIFU-treated tumor tissues was detected by immunohistochemistry and flow cytometry. DCs maturation was evaluated by IL-12/IL-10 production and CD80/CD86 expression after co-culture with tumor cells treated with different HIFU. HIFU-induced anti-tumor immune response was evaluated by detecting growth-retarding effects on distant re-challenged tumor and tumor-specific IFN-gamma-secreting cells in HIFU-treated mice. RESULTS: HIFU exposure raised temperature up to 80 degrees centigrade at beam focus within 4 s in experimental tumors and led to formation of a well-defined thermal lesion. The infiltrated DCs were recruited to the periphery of lesion, where the peak temperature was only 55 degrees centigrade during HIFU exposure. Tumor cells heated to 55 degrees centigrade in 4-s HIFU exposure were more effective to stimulate co-cultured DCs to mature. Sparse-scan HIFU, which can reserve 55 degrees-heated tumor cells surrounding the separated lesions, elicited an enhanced anti-tumor immune response than dense-scan HIFU, while their suppressive effects on the treated primary tumor were maintained at the same level. Flow cytometry analysis showed that sparse-scan HIFU was more effective than dense-scan HIFU in enhancing DC infiltration into tumor tissues and promoting their maturation in situ. CONCLUSION: Optimizing scan strategy is a feasible way to boost HIFU-induced anti-tumor immunity by more effectively promoting DC maturation.


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Glioblastomas are deadly cancers that display a functional cellular hierarchy maintained by self-renewing glioblastoma stem cells (GSCs). GSCs are regulated by molecular pathways distinct from the bulk tumor that may be useful therapeutic targets. We determined that A20 (TNFAIP3), a regulator of cell survival and the NF-kappaB pathway, is overexpressed in GSCs relative to non-stem glioblastoma cells at both the mRNA and protein levels. To determine the functional significance of A20 in GSCs, we targeted A20 expression with lentiviral-mediated delivery of short hairpin RNA (shRNA). Inhibiting A20 expression decreased GSC growth and survival through mechanisms associated with decreased cell-cycle progression and decreased phosphorylation of p65/RelA. Elevated levels of A20 in GSCs contributed to apoptotic resistance: GSCs were less susceptible to TNFalpha-induced cell death than matched non-stem glioma cells, but A20 knockdown sensitized GSCs to TNFalpha-mediated apoptosis. The decreased survival of GSCs upon A20 knockdown contributed to the reduced ability of these cells to self-renew in primary and secondary neurosphere formation assays. The tumorigenic potential of GSCs was decreased with A20 targeting, resulting in increased survival of mice bearing human glioma xenografts. In silico analysis of a glioma patient genomic database indicates that A20 overexpression and amplification is inversely correlated with survival. Together these data indicate that A20 contributes to glioma maintenance through effects on the glioma stem cell subpopulation. Although inactivating mutations in A20 in lymphoma suggest A20 can act as a tumor suppressor, similar point mutations have not been identified through glioma genomic sequencing: in fact, our data suggest A20 may function as a tumor enhancer in glioma through promotion of GSC survival. A20 anticancer therapies should therefore be viewed with caution as effects will likely differ depending on the tumor type.


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Infiltration of myeloid cells in the tumor microenvironment is often associated with enhanced angiogenesis and tumor progression, resulting in poor prognosis in many types of cancer. The polypeptide chemokine PK2 (Bv8, PROK2) has been shown to regulate myeloid cell mobilization from the bone marrow, leading to activation of the angiogenic process, as well as accumulation of macrophages and neutrophils in the tumor site. Neutralizing antibodies against PK2 were shown to display potent anti-tumor efficacy, illustrating the potential of PK2-antagonists as therapeutic agents for the treatment of cancer. In this study we demonstrate the anti-tumor activity of a small molecule PK2 antagonist, PKRA7, in the context of glioblastoma and pancreatic cancer xenograft tumor models. For the highly vascularized glioblastoma, PKRA7 was associated with decreased blood vessel density and increased necrotic areas in the tumor mass. Consistent with the anti-angiogenic activity of PKRA7 in vivo, this compound effectively reduced PK2-induced microvascular endothelial cell branching in vitro. For the poorly vascularized pancreatic cancer, the primary anti-tumor effect of PKRA7 appears to be mediated by the blockage of myeloid cell migration/infiltration. At the molecular level, PKRA7 inhibits PK2-induced expression of certain pro-migratory chemokines and chemokine receptors in macrophages. Combining PKRA7 treatment with standard chemotherapeutic agents resulted in enhanced effects in xenograft models for both types of tumor. Taken together, our results indicate that the anti-tumor activity of PKRA7 can be mediated by two distinct mechanisms that are relevant to the pathological features of the specific type of cancer. This small molecule PK2 antagonist holds the promise to be further developed as an effective agent for combinational cancer therapy.


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Understanding immune tolerance mechanisms is a major goal of immunology research, but mechanistic studies have generally required the use of mouse models carrying untargeted or targeted antigen receptor transgenes, which distort lymphocyte development and therefore preclude analysis of a truly normal immune system. Here we demonstrate an advance in in vivo analysis of immune tolerance that overcomes these shortcomings. We show that custom superantigens generated by single chain antibody technology permit the study of tolerance in a normal, polyclonal immune system. In the present study we generated a membrane-tethered anti-Igkappa-reactive single chain antibody chimeric gene and expressed it as a transgene in mice. B cell tolerance was directly characterized in the transgenic mice and in radiation bone marrow chimeras in which ligand-bearing mice served as recipients of nontransgenic cells. We find that the ubiquitously expressed, Igkappa-reactive ligand induces efficient B cell tolerance primarily or exclusively by receptor editing. We also demonstrate the unique advantages of our model in the genetic and cellular analysis of immune tolerance.


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OBJECT: Chordoma cells can generate solid-like tumors in xenograft models that express some molecular characteristics of the parent tumor, including positivity for brachyury and cytokeratins. However, there is a dearth of molecular markers that relate to chordoma tumor growth, as well as the cell lines needed to advance treatment. The objective in this study was to isolate a novel primary chordoma cell source and analyze the characteristics of tumor growth in a mouse xenograft model for comparison with the established U-CH1 and U-CH2b cell lines. METHODS: Primary cells from a sacral chordoma, called "DVC-4," were cultured alongside U-CH1 and U-CH2b cells for more than 20 passages and characterized for expression of CD24 and brachyury. While brachyury is believed essential for driving tumor formation, CD24 is associated with healthy nucleus pulposus cells. Each cell type was subcutaneously implanted in NOD/SCID/IL2Rγ(null) mice. The percentage of solid tumors formed, time to maximum tumor size, and immunostaining scores for CD24 and brachyury (intensity scores of 0-3, heterogeneity scores of 0-1) were reported and evaluated to test differences across groups. RESULTS: The DVC-4 cells retained chordoma-like morphology in culture and exhibited CD24 and brachyury expression profiles in vitro that were similar to those for U-CH1 and U-CH2b. Both U-CH1 and DVC-4 cells grew tumors at rates that were faster than those for U-CH2b cells. Gross tumor developed at nearly every site (95%) injected with U-CH1 and at most sites (75%) injected with DVC-4. In contrast, U-CH2b cells produced grossly visible tumors in less than 50% of injected sites. Brachyury staining was similar among tumors derived from all 3 cell types and was intensely positive (scores of 2-3) in a majority of tissue sections. In contrast, differences in the pattern and intensity of staining for CD24 were noted among the 3 types of cell-derived tumors (p < 0.05, chi-square test), with evidence of intense and uniform staining in a majority of U-CH1 tumor sections (score of 3) and more than half of the DVC-4 tumor sections (scores of 2-3). In contrast, a majority of sections from U-CH2b cells stained modestly for CD24 (scores of 1-2) with a predominantly heterogeneous staining pattern. CONCLUSIONS: This is the first report on xenografts generated from U-CH2b cells in which a low tumorigenicity was discovered despite evidence of chordoma-like characteristics in vitro. For tumors derived from a primary chordoma cell and U-CH1 cell line, similarly intense staining for CD24 was observed, which may correspond to their similar potential to grow tumors. In contrast, U-CH2b tumors stained less intensely for CD24. These results emphasize that many markers, including CD24, may be useful in distinguishing among chordoma cell types and their tumorigenicity in vivo.


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BACKGROUND: Antibodies (Abs) to the HPV16 proteome increase risk for HPV-associated OPC (HPVOPC). The goal of this study was to investigate the association of a panel of HPV16 Abs with risk for OPC as well as the association of these Abs with tumor HPV and smoking status among patients with OPC. METHODS: IgG Abs to the HPV16 antigens E1, E2, E4, E5, E6, E7, L1, L2 were quantified using a programmable ELISA assay. Sera were obtained from 258 OPC patients at diagnosis and 250 healthy controls. HPV16 tumor status was measured by PCR for 137 cases. Multivariable logistic regression was used to calculate odds ratios for the association of HPV16 Abs with risk for OPC. RESULTS: HPV16 E1, E2, E4, E5, E6, E7 and L1-specific IgG levels were elevated in OPC patients compared to healthy controls (p<0.05). After multivariable adjustment, Ab positivity for NE2, CE2, E6, and/or E7 was associated with OPC risk (OR [95% CI], 249.1 [99.3-624.9]). Among patients with OPC, Ab positivity for these antigens was associated with tumor HPV status, especially among never or light smokers (OR [95% CI], 6.5 [2.1-20.1] and OR [95% CI], 17.5 [4.0-77.2], respectively). CONCLUSIONS: Antibodies to HPV16 proteins are associated with increased risk for HPVOPC. Among patients with OPC, HPV16 Abs are associated with tumor HPV status, in particular among HPV positive patients with no or little smoking history.